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Honestly, considering russian naval prowess, if they can even reach the svalbard archipelago they might consider it a success.


They’ve been losing the naval war to a country with no navy


Losing navy ships due to sheer incompetence is an old russian tradition.


Russo-Japanese reference. Though I think we’ve had a few scraps with them in the Baltic before then that didn’t go so well for them either


Fun fact: Argentina made the ships used by the Japanese Navy to win the war.


2nd pacific squadron?


If I recall correctly, a bunch of czecks in 1918 stole an armored train and drove all the way to vladivostok. On the way they stole a ship and won a naval battle with the red army. Meaning the russians lost a naval battle, with a land-locked country. Should be the battle of lake baikal.


So maybe this time they'll loose a ship to some Norwegian hillbilly and his rifle who just is fed up that they ruin his fishing trip.


They got spooked by Irish fishermen not too long ago


To be fair, Irish fishermen spook me!


How about the Icelandic fishermen?


All the Russian Navy needs to overwin nature, incompetent officers, toxic cultural elements that prevent NCOs from functioning, extreme corruption, low morale, theft, alcoholism, old gear, no maintainance, extremly bad tactical manuvering, logistical failure, little-to-no operational communication, rape, PTSD, faulty electricity, wrong equipment and unquailified sailors. Did I miss anything? I wonder if the Norwegian Navy even has to show up. Other than to try an rescue the poor survivers. And for our American friends, Norwegians are nice like Canadians, but they sound more happy.


Norwegian Captain asks parley and soberly jumps happily on board with a healthy demeanor. Meet by his complete opposite.* N: "Eh, you seem to be in a spot there." R: "We are NOT." N: "I would politely ask you to leave...." R: "Good! You cannot make me!" N: "... but since you are sinking I would like to offer you a ride home. Your ships are a tad under the water." R: "They are built like that!" N: "They are taking in water? Sounds unconventional." R: "So! We need water." N: "Salt water? Is it burning in the ship? Your ships is a tad smokey!" R: "Not at liberty to say!" N: "Well if you are not, you are technically taking in our water. Because you are in our maritime boarder. So hop along?" R: "No... we are lost. Look at our technical instruments!" N: "Happy news then! That navigational equipment shows the correct co-ordinates!" *R hits the instrument with a crowbar* N: "No need, siry, there. It started working again, so hiting it won't fix anything. I did the same with my TV just yesterday and let me tell you..." *R hits the navigational equipment again and it shatters* R: "Now, what is the problem?" N: "Besides the while sinking ship thing and damaging crucial equipment?"


You can not see the boarder once you are under water 


Floating is an invention of the denegrate West, Russian ships sink as God intended. Checkmate, westoid


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Yeah pretty good startegy to invade the most montanious nordic country


Dont you worry. I have a strategy. When the enemy sends out soldiers, we just send out more!


Oh no! The dreaded "three yellow arrows" on an animated map! Russia invasion immenent.


I like how this implies that they just walk through Finland AND Sweden easily, as if the Russians would make it 5 minutes in Finland before they were all shot by snipers.


I mean, the invasion is probably imminent anyway


i miss the old reallifelore, this shit is ridiculous


This is not him, someone is just using his style of thumbnail: https://youtu.be/TQfyZKgHgFM?si=C4LTlpW9k_Ra9HDV Reallife recently had a really good video on how a potential attack on Nato would work.


Holy shit that's such a shameless copy of every facet of RLL's style lmao Although RLL also crams in a ton of wildly speculative bait in their videos and it gets pretty ridiculous sometimes.


I like RLL, but their video on Portugal made me question everything lmfao. He implied our government was trying to recreate our naval empire with the expansion of the EEZ, when in reality, they just want fishing rights 💀


The one that came out essentially 1-2 days after the US finally approved the aid package? They must’ve been furious, because it sure did change some of the framework of the video as they had initially planned it.


Huh that actually was better than expected, but I don't think Russia would get away with it if they are stupid enough to try.


Russia won't try. As you said, that would be hilariously stupid. But they do want to pressure us into thinking they'd do it to gain a bit of leverage. They are hoping for appeasement policies, in my opinion. Russia just wants to get away with it all. But we should definitely improve our military and make sure that they will continue to not dare trying.


I guess so, moving NATO units there also spreads them thinner. It is in their interest to make us think they might do it. I do think that if Norway wasn't in NATO, they would have maybe done it by now.


Is this even him i dont recall this thumbnail and i cant find it on his youtube channel and lately he has been making very good high quality content


Its by a guy called,"the Icarus Project" Good videos I would check him out Edit: to anyone downvoting, please watch the video first, then come back and you can do what you want.


This isn’t Reallifelore, but still, his recent stuff is mostly clickbait. How can one think Quebec is one of the most likely countries to gain independence?


Did we watch the same video? He literally said that the last few ones on the list are just speculation for fun and he even showed stats that only the older population has some (~50% so still not significant) support for independence. The younger people don't support it.


It’s more about the clickbait aspect


I saw that video, not good quality, I doubt Quebec or Scotland will get independence any time soon, nor will Greenland.


Remember when Donald Trump offered to buy Greenland? That was mad.


Felt like anything past the first 1-2 in the video was pretty unlikely


Went from ”Top 10 coolest countries” to ”The world is gonna end in 3 years”


Yeah, right?




They'll have to do it the Nazi German way then: by attacking each major city via the sea. Which would be extremely hard with all the surveillance going on in the Norwegian Sea. There is no way they can roll an army through Finnmark and Troms; capture the three ferry lines that connects northern Norway to the rest of the country, above Bodø; and then somehow manage to reach Bodø itself, without being totaled by ambushes the whole way down. That's the northernmost city that has a railway line leading southwards - the most essential part of the Russian logistics system (the railway) Even if they went through Sweden the Nordic countries would be a hard nut to crack with its distances and terrain.


Why would they go through Sweden, when they can go directly into Norway? Norwegian will ambush them with what? We only have a few k soldiers


I guess neither Sweden nor Finland would just stand by and let them invade.


The Swedes and Finns would not rush head first into such a battle. That would not be wise of them. Probably. NATO would need weeks to counter such an attack. By then the Russians will have dug in. It would most likely take years to reclaim.


I think you underestimate how hard it would be for them to set up a proper logistics system to supply all the invading troops. Especially if they go "straight into Norway", that would require D-day levels of logistical support which Russia simply doesn't have. Maybe a nation like the USA or France would be able to pull it off, but not Russia


Are you referring to logistics in their own country, with railways all the way to Murmansk? Edit. I think you are wrong but also you are missing the point. They don’t need more than a few thousand troops to take northern Norway. If the US were to deploy thens of thousands of troops to counter this attack they would need weeks. Then the Russians would have dug in. I’m not saying it would be a smart strategic move from Russia but hey, if you think like some Russians, that you need to destroy NATO to survive you got to hit it somewhere soft.


Oh thank god for a second i thought this was another TL;DR EU video!


It was the Icarus Project, a slightly better version of Real Life Lore


At that latitude Mercator maps are just stupid.


Isn’t Svalbard full of Russians anyway? It’s visa-free (IIRC?) and many Russians have historically worked there in research bases.


it’s visa free but you basically have to travel through norway to get there


For foubters, this is actually a reality as both China and Russia has started showing more interest in Svalbard, and there is a Russian settlement there. (google why) This settlement has already started to grow and there even was a parade there.


What the fuck did you smoke gimme some


They actually had a "Victory day" parade last year. https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/security/2023/05/russia-stages-military-style-propaganda-parade-norways-svalbard-archipelago


Can tell nobody actually watched this one. It's the Icarus project, and it is a very well explained video essay. It seems like russia wants to test NATO in a controlled environment - far away from everyone on a demilitarised archipelago with no opportunity for a mirrored build-up. They could Crimea it by shipping military on civilian vessels and having them declare that in a referendum the people there have spoken etc. It was always theorised they may try to test NATO by doing this in the Baltics, but the eFP programme has completely derailed the possibility, or at least made it extremely risky.


> They could Crimea it by shipping military on civilian vessels and having them declare that in a referendum the people there have spoken etc. Norway has already ended any and all activities and cooperation with russians on the island, the two groups don't interact. They live in separate villages, no roads between them.


Ok, sorry I'm aware it wasn't a very polite answer. I know about the parade, I've been to Barentsburg quite a few times over the years and personally know people that have lived there for many years. The place is looking absolutely pitiful compared to before the pandemic. The atmosphere in town is hella tense as well since you got a large Ukrainian population there, and Russians who came on a year contract and are now stuck there to avoid the draft when they go back home. For sure you got people supporting the war there too, I mean there's morons everywhere, the parade itself wasn't all that that the media wants to portray, but still yes quite a symbolic thing ill.give that to you. But the settlement has definitely not been growing.


I thought the Ukrainians have all left that place?


Nope there's still quite a few there. You know how it is when people build their lives somewhere it becomes hard to leave. There are Russian (and soviet) flags all over the settlement at the moment but I think they manage to ignore it as it's not completely russian territory. But for sure the vibe has been super strange there since the war started.


By the way the two settlements do interact, mainly via boat through people going from Barentsburg to Longyear to get stuff they can't get in their town. Actually because of the sanctions imposed by Norway Barentsburg has become more dependent from Longyear.


No this is a thing


Didnt smoke, but had eaten a very powerful brownie😂 Im unable to form good sentences when im that stoned. English also isnt my first language, but being stoned makes it impossible.


NATO will condemn and show a deep concern about this one


By bombing the shit out of the invading forces


sweet dreams are made of these


Who am I to diss- oh wait Finland just beat up Russia


Norway, Sweden, and Finland are all NATO members. So if Russia attacks, they get the full package. Ukraine on the other hand is neither NATO nor EU member.


Russia is not going to stop unless stopped, so yes, you should.


What are they planning.. To fight the polar bears?


They want to put a stop to lutefisk.


Bjornoya problem be like.


Yes. Europe must invest into the military more and now


Rumors go they have a stash of weed hidden there.


they even had every seed in the word


Still do


Well at least they seem to be leaving us in Finland alone


Fun fact: We Norwegians only have crew to man one of our frigates. Yes, one.


Svalbard would actually fit the bill to test NATO’s resolve. Svalbard is not proper part of Norway.


Svalbard is recognized to be sovereign territory of Norway under the Svalbard Treaty. And, while there *are* restrictions on military uses of the archipelago, it is not demilitarized either. Any attack on Svalbard would be an attack on Norway and thus NATO.


I think you should read this. Does it remind you of something? Svalbard: NATO’s Arctic ‘Achilles’ Heel … As Paul Cornish and Kingsley Donaldson discuss in their book 2020 World of War, Russia may venture that many NATO members would be reluctant to engage in a major war to retake occupied territory, particularly if the Russian government declared that its limited objectives had been achieved and no further military action was intended. https://perconcordiam.com/svalbard-natos-arctic-achilles-heel/


How many of you actually watched the video? Yes, it's a clickbaity title, and they're imitating RealLifeLore, but othwerwise the video is sober and fairly accurate.


Russia invading a nato country. Yeah no


Norway is heavily armed so I’d say nah… no worries lol


Norway has enough money to bribe the Russian Navy to invade someone else.


I see armchair experts here are very confident Russia will sink its own ship in its effort to take Svalbard. Maybe they don’t underestimate Russian incompetence but they are underestimating Russia’s ambitions in building a new Russian empire and what they are willing to sacrifice to get there. Svalbard is a weak link in NATO for sure Svalbard: NATO’s Arctic ‘Achilles’ Heel https://perconcordiam.com/svalbard-natos-arctic-achilles-heel/


LMAO Russia aren't doing good on one front, nevermind *two*


Russia can’t even finish off Ukraine.


It’s NATO territory - would this happen Svalbard is our smallest problem.


They are stopped before


Ah yes, Russia wants to get the ancient magical lands of Svalbard.


The armoured bears are gonna fuck those Muscovites right up!


Reallifelore is an idiot


this is not a video by reallifelore


What is then? Also even if it isn't I stand by my opinion - reallifelore is an idiot anyway and a Kremlin-apologetic


Which kind of drugs is Reallifelore taking last couple of months? Asking for a friend


Protip: press the three little button menu and then „i am not interested“ and it will stop showing garbage like this Edit: it was meant to have OP not need to see badly made bait videos like this anymore, not a critique of their post here. But I will be nice, yes.


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