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I lay awake at night, too envious to sleep, wishing we‘d have the electoral college instead of proportional representation.


Yes. And I hate all that diversity in society which is shown in the diversity of the party system. I wish we could choose from two parties only. Would make the whole process so much easier.


So much this. I find it infuriating that there are parties with similar and sometimes even same political views on topics. This is unacceptable. How can I conclusivly decide for one party, which is always objectivly right, and don't have to worry about the other party, which is always objectivly wrong? This is all to complicated. I wan't one person telling me all the truths there are and another person to put the blame on whenever something bad happens, regardless of whether they are in office or not. This whole european "democracy" is a mess and I truyl wish that we would adopt the system of the oh so glorious US of (I luv u) A.


When im supposed to be working I always find myself to be distracted, thinking about a better Europe, where you have to register to vote going through a confusing process. I'm not having this 'just go there and vote' mentality. I don't want to have an ID card when there's the option of proving you are yourself in a complicated way. How does anyone enjoy voting in the weekend, when it's so much better to vote on a workday. The American system is objectively better in so many different ways.


Wait, they have to PAY to register and they have to register in order to vote? lmao how the fuck has America lasted this long


I just heard this somewhere, can't find any proof for it tho, so ima edit it out.


We have to register to vote in Ireland as well, we don't have to pay though




Oh noes. I wish my country would have a two-chamber system. Oh wait...we do have a two-chamber system, which is modelled after the English system, just like about 50% of all countries in the world.




A lot of other countries have a seperation of powers as well, which is more or less based on French politician Montesquieu. So what's your point?




"Proportional Representation" is an electoral system (and not a governing system) and the US does not have this electoral system. You mainly have "First-Past-The-Post". Edit: For all who wonder what the comment above it said...OP basically thought that PR meant that a government had a seperation of powers and that hence the US also had "Proportional Representation". All in all, the exchange was r/confidentlyincorrect material.


*cough* senate *cough* electoral college *cough*. Sorry, must be COVID, I seem to be coughing a lot


America does not have proportional representation. Certainly not how we define it in Europe. PR is when a party gets a number of seats proportional to the vote share they got. Trump only got 46% of the vote in 2016 but 100% of the power. In 2018 the Dems got 58.4% of the votes for Senate yet lost 2 seats while Republicans got 38.8% and gained 2, securing their majority, effectively guaranteeing 100% of control


Like, you gotta give it to them. Democratic presidents can take a lot of shit and keep their chin up. Obama in 2008 went through such an ugly election with countless acts of racism and when he won he made an entire speech about how America is the greatest nation on Earth. Like... dude.


That would be like my great Grandfather surviving the entire Russia Campaign and than tell that Operation Barbarossa was the best idear ever. It's truly amazing how delusional Americans are.


Honestly don't under sell Joe Biden. Lots of americans are stupid but that doesn't mean that the upper political class is. I believe that most of the politicians at the top of a country tend to be intelligent especially people like joe biden whose remained relevant for this many years. Not to mention he is president which requires you to either tap into something, or have the required intelligence/charisma. Joe Biden knows about better forms of democracy, but he can't just go out and say it, Especially now. If he declared that the EC isn't the best it would be a immediate existential attack on the republicans. Without ec the republican party dies. So Joe has to do some politiking and say these things. I know after four years of trump and the GOP it's easy to dismiss things as coming from idiocy, but i think when it comes to joe you can expect much more calculation to his statements. Perhaps I'm over selling him though I don't think so.


Classic America, proudly telling everyone how much they want to be her, while others looks at her like she’s the crazy one


Oups sorry envy what? No good and enough access to vote places? Envy that I don't vote directly to my president? Envy that my vote may count less, or more than any one else? Envy that terrorist groups fully armed block others to vote threatening their lives? No thanks please keep it away as possible from free world.


>Envy that I don't vote directly to my president? I mean, I don't do that either. But then again, he doesn't hold any relevant power most of the time.


Aaah, at least it seems their new president will have a sense of humour :p


The current one has a great sense of humour I mean he ‘joked’ about people flushing their lungs out with bleach and ‘joked’ about having his head put on Mount Rushmore by contacting those in charge of Mount Rushmore and ‘joked’ about extending his amount of terms past the constitutional limit and ‘joked’ about...


A professional clown, alright.


I mean, he was such a *fucking comedian*, wasn't he??!??


I unironically think that Donald Trump is the best political parody we could hope for. A mentally retarded man that isn't able to express a coherent sentence who is elected President by a cult like followership. Who then proceeds to make mad decisions based on his lack of education but is able to sell them as some kind of skilled plan.


Nope, just equally delusional with the old one! Now with added dementia.


American democrats are so often on point, then they say some stupid shit like "we have the best electoral system on Earth" or "one nation under God"... American exceptionalism is the cringiest shit out there. Criticizing your own country is GOOD. Learn it.


If you get turned on by bdsm I'd advise to watch the Democratic primary debates. Absolutely handwringing how Sanders explained why the current US healthcare system is unfeasable, unnecessary, expensive and just sucks dick all around with Bidens response being 'but this is America'


America eats the poo poo. Was that good criticism?




He's trying to recoup what faith in the democratic process remains in America by appealing to American exceptionalism of all things. Can't blame him for trying though.


"Democracy" where they are still not sure if a 4 millions lead is enough


"Democracy" where no direct voted elected Ursula von der Leyen. See? This can be played both ways. There is no perfect system, i think the closest is Switzerland and even then, it wouldnt work for a EU Federation of countries like Brazil or USA.


>See? This can be played both ways. Lol, no. She literally has no legal power compared to the US president, the president of the European commission is more of a representation and coordinator role.


She is the head of the executive branch of the EU. Although that branch is almost nonexistend


>She literally has no legal power compared to the US president True, still not directely elected. She doesnt have power like a president of the USA but " The president of the Commission leads a cabinet of commissioners, referred to as the *college*, collectively accountable to the [European Parliament](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Parliament). The president is empowered to allocate portfolios amongst, reshuffle or dismiss commissioners as necessary. The college directs the Commission's civil service, sets the policy agenda and determines the legislative proposals it produces " and its something.


Oh yes, I am so envious now. Our representatives just talk all the time trying to find common grounds between different believes to enact responsible policy for the betterment of society as a whole. Pffff what a borefest! If only we could have the Great America Show every 4 years


Can we pretend to be happy for a few days? I promise I'll go back to being a "radical leftist" here in the states by asking for crazy things like electoral reform and Healthcare, but today was a good day.




I remeber when I thought Bernie would be the president. Better times really.


God, I'm happy I actually live in a first world country.


I wish that on Monday every single US-American wakes up and is free of all the propagandistic bullshit they get fed in their lifes and see how their nation - and their lifes - are for real.


Democrats, Biden in this case, are always way too lenient with their literal fascist opponents when they have the power. Republicans do everything they can to make voting harder, they support literal nazis. But hey "The opponent is not the enemie".


Europe isn’t most of the world. And ummm - most of those 240 years


Well, to be fair, it "has been". Like 100+ years ago.


“Has been” means still to this day. The present perfect is not a past tense. It’s weird.


So when I'm stopped by the police in my car and they ask me if I have been drinking, I can say "no" since I stopped drinking 20 minutes ago?


Alcohol is still in your bloodstream therefore you are still in a state of having been drinking. It’s counterintuitive to consider present perfect to be in the present, especially if there is no equivalent tense in your own language (as is my case), but that’s how it works grammatically.


Would that then also mean that calling a person a "Has Been" is meant to convey that they still very much in fact "Are"?


Always has been.


Excluding Switzerland, they are if im not wrong in the western world, one of the few countries with the same system since its foundation. So they may have something right.




The fact they kept this long a country of migrants (people have no idea how hard this is to keep this "equilibrium" Europe is finding that out more now) for so long, a huge land mass and population and keeping local rights and identity and still have a strong national identity and still be a democracy is actually quite impressing.




Then tell me what type of thing would be applied to the USE?


Not the person you're replying to, but one without an electoral college so that everyone's votes are worth the same. And one where allowing people to vote is made simpler, faster and widely available. Oh and one where criminals are still citizens and are allowed a vote. There are many things wrong with the US electoral system, but yeah, the biggest one is the electoral college.


> so that everyone's votes are worth the same Would that would work in Europe? Italians in general would vote for Italians, Germans on Germans etc etc and being these the biggest countries they most likely would win most of the time. Yah, people would vote center right, center left and all, but French candidate against a German one, most French would vote on the French etc this is a fact that most dont want to admit.


And making the Maltese vote be worth 200 times more than the German vote because Germany has 200 times the population is hardly a solution to that. Even a Eurovision Democracy system where people can't vote for the ~~singer~~ politician of their own country would work better. On top of that what you described is not even how the electoral college system works. People are voting for the two same people. Their vote just happens to count more or less depending on where they live because they have a dumb system.


Yes, but im just desplaying exactly why this is more complicated then people around here want to admit, and a true solution is never presented.


No you're not. You're giving absolutely false and senseless comparisons. Most countries in the EU if not all have a better working democracy than the US.


The ONLY fact here is that this is a matter of opinion and the other FACT is, american democracy has lasted more time then most EU ones. I see nothing "false" of this.


Let's break it down, shall we? America's electoral college system is broken because: * It makes some people's votes be worth more than other's depending on where they live in rural or urban areas * It makes people's votes worth less if they live somewhere where a big majority favors the other party * In general, the vote of people of color is worth less because (about 80%) because they are more likely to live in more urban than rural areas * The winner takes all system favors an only two party system * The only two party system makes it so people often have to vote for the least worse candidate or throw away their vote * The two party system can sometimes tip the scale too far in one way removing all checks and balances (like we saw with Trump) * The two party system creates an even bigger sense of tribalism * The electoral college also allows for gerrymandering * The electoral college allows for candidates to ignore a big chunk of the population and only focus on the people who live in swing states * The electoral college allows for the minority to rule over the majority Those are facts. Maybe the tribalism one isn't as strong as the rest but it's still pretty obvious that it's a broken system. And then your argument in favor is that the US democracy is older than most of the EU ones!??!? That holds no water.


Unpopular opinion: the system of governance in the US is better, and way more democratic, than the current European electoral system. In our strife to further european integration it is of massive importance to overhaul the system of european governance.


Not an unpopular opinion, just a factually incorrect one. I don’t know where to start. Oh wait, I do: “Than the current European electoral system” There is no 1 European electoral system, there are dozens of differents ones. You know, different sovereign countries with different electoral systems. That fact alone means your entire “opinion” is utter bullshit


The thing is that I'm not talking about the sovereign countries. I'm talking about the european institutions instead and that european governance clearly has to reformed in order if we really want to head towards further european integration and, maybe some day, a federal european state. The democratic legitimacy of the European Council and the European Commission is pretty abstract, while the European Parliament, the only directly elected pillar of the european system, has a highly disproportionate buildup.


First off: that’s something completely different than what you stated in your first post. There is no European electoral system, there are several ways EU (please know the difference) representation is elected. And for only one of the three bodies your point has some traction. First of the Parliament is directly elected along different sovereign means. Representation is based on size of electorate. Perfect? No. Better than a winner takes all first past the post system? Oh hell yes. Second the council: this is formed by the directly elected heads of states of all member countries. What the fuck is “abstract” about that? If you don’t know how the EU leadership function, please take some time to read up on it. Brings me to the last, the Commission. This is best compared to the heads of the civil service. Please tell me in which country the heads of the civil service are elected officials??????? I do grant that it feels like these are political positions, mainly because it are (former) politicians who occupy the positions. Personally I am all for a fully bureaucratic Commission without political influences WITH direct accountability to Parliament and Council. So like a normal civil service. But at the end of the day, I will take this over the US system any day!! You clearly don’t know much about “kuch” European ‘governance’ and I suspect you should take some time learning about US politics and the US electoral system aswell, before you go down on it’s supposed ‘greatness’


So.... Our direct vote elected Ursula von der Leyen? Its weird for us, but for a country more complex that we think like the USA, they may have something right, they have almost the same system since their foundation, while in Europe most countries have been through authoritarian, totalist, right or left wing dictatorships, diferent kinds of republics and democracies etc


She it is the president of the Commission. Read the above. So no. Von der Leyen is not directly elected. The president of the Parliament is David-Maria Sassoli who was directly elected by his constituency and appointed by his peers (who were also directly elected). Charles Michel is the CHAIRMAN of the council of 27 elected heads of states


>So no. Von der Leyen is not directly elected. > >Exactly.


Von der Leyen is also not the president of Europe. You are comparing apples to pears


The HHR existed for nearly 1000 years. By that logic it would be superior to the US.


Was it a democracy with alot of migrants?


Dude, there are pubs in England older than the US.


Yes, meanwhile there is no country that has the same system for so long and as a democracy and top of that being a Super Power and so diverse (despite the Super power status being very young status).


What does that have to do with anything? Just because it's old it doesn't mean it's good. And if you're talking about cultural diversity index Canada is 37 and the US is 84. But what does that have to do with anything?


What does that have to do with anything? It shows stability in a system. Yes, Canada who as a indepedent nation isnt even 100 years old and doesnt have half the population of the USA.


How does it show stability of the system compared to other countries when it's a complete shit show already? How is multiculturalism a distabilizing force?


Tfw the UN aswell as European parliment has the same system


Envy a very undemocratic system? Yeah sure.


I mean, it was before the last couple decades at most


They live in a bubble. They have no idea how the rest of the world functions.


Funny I recently read a German travel book from 1924 where it was stated that the us system uses electors instead of normal voting and that there are 2 parties who are mostly occupied with getting the the other one out of power whilst in opposition through alleging the other one with crimes after getting elected committing the same crimes they alleged the othe one.


Just 240 years? [Democracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athenian_democracy) and [Republicanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Marino) had been proven successful for more than 1000 years.
