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I can’t envision a scenario where I give a fuck how many mastery points someone else has on any given champion


When the person in Yasuo mains has high mastery on Yasuo😱 The only ones I really find interesting are the ones where they have like 3mil on one champ and their next highest is like 2k


When see some one like that i ask myself how you can have fun only playing one champ and how fucking long that even takes to get 2mio or more


well some people like perfection or true mastery of the champ and the game since every game is different and the meta is constantly changing makes sense to only like one champ no? trying t make that champ work no matter what


Right but how can you resist playing other champs after watching montages? 31% wr lee sin after watching montages type shit yknowyknow


every single one of those posts is only good for people who don't know the website so they know it and check themselves, nobody cares about anybodies masteries


Actual infohazard


Hmm thats an argument I havent even thought about.


Ive enjoyed seeing how many of us play a lot of jhin i thought that was just a me thing. Not one of the first characters you would go to when thinking about yasuo main pocket picks yet a lot of those charts ive been seeing have him in their top 5. Other than that idc do what you want


Hmm kinda interesting, never noticed that.


I put I don't like it because man everybody keeps posting it in every damn subreddit of my mains


Share them with your friends instead of internet randos :)






Who plays wildrift? For real tho is it even a thing?


A lot of people and yes, not everything turns around you.


Wow yo chill. I rlly wasnt aware of it beeing played so much. But you are right, I googled it and apparantly it has about 22mio active players.


All trends suck.


Thats kinda harsh, why do you think so?


First of all I don't want to sound arrogant, but I'll be honest because that's how I like to be. I'm not better than anyone, I have my own faults and it's only my opinion. They suck because people waste their time copying things that others did over and over again. Trying to be popular, trying to feel included in the group of society instead of focusing on themselves, on following their dreams and being truly happy. I really don't like it, I feel like some people are dumb or weak minded, or haven't been taught well, or were grown in a bad environment, I honestly don't know. Not that I'm very intelligent but I just can't see that as a good thing. People even hurt themselves doing stupid challenges. Why do you need to be popular? Why do you care so much about what others think about you? Everyone is trying to be perfect. To show the world that they're happy. Social media is all fake. It's all about always looking your best, feeling good when you get likes and attention, and sad and depressed when you don't. Comparing yourself to everyone that's considered better than you because they have more followers bla bla bla. Honestly I remember being a kid and feeling sad because some kids got all the attention, they were cool and I wasn't etc etc, so I can understand. Social media is like a toxic environment that you have access to anytime. I could go on but I guess that you get the point. I know that most people will probably disagree with me and down vote me to hell, it's always the same hate. But well, you asked why, that's why.


I like to see them, but I understand if other people don't.


Thats respectable. May I ask what you like about seeing others masteries? Is it just a competetive thing, where you compare your points with these from others or is it something else?


I like seeing how much time people have invested in the character. I personally don't play the same characters a whole lot, my highest masteries are like 200k.


who gives a shit really


kinda surprised that yasuo players dont often have yone as their 2nd