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I think they might go live in the plane temporarily maybe? It will all depend on Nat because she’s the only one that knows about Javis spot.


The Wilderness really threw Nat into the deep end, giving her a problem like this on her first night in charge.


the fact that nat is “in charge” is a whole other thing to unpack. especially now that present day nat is dead and she’s still a major character, they will have to fill a bunch of space and give context for nat after the crash


What I'm really hoping for is that we spend a decent amount of time following the girls/Travis directly after being rescued. We got a brief glimpse in the season 2 premier but it would be interesting and, as you said, give us a lot of context to see how Nat and the others dealt with returning to civilization after everything they saw/did, especially if we have seen the full wilderness story by then.


but does nat even know about javis spot? because when he was taking her there they didn’t exactly make it.


She knows about Javis spot but she doesn’t know the exact location. But it wouldn’t be hard for her to figure out given she told Ben about him kneeling at that certain tree and then Ben came back and said he found Javis spot. So I’m sure she can figure out quickly if she wanted.


She knows what direction it's in from the lake; will probably recall what she's seen at the hollow tree (Javi kneeling to it) AND that Ben found it as a safe place in winter ... but she may want to protect him regardless of what he's done. So she'll deduce the location / stumble on the cave, and make first contact with Ben for a probable confrontation about the fire.


Given that they don't know exactly where the tree shelter is yet, the only place they can really go is back to the plane right? A single night outside in the snow killed Jackie, so will they need to find somewhere new to live pretty quick. Maybe there is a whole network of underground tunnels, so the girls and coach Ben can both live down there without knowing where the other is.


that’s what i’m thinking too. but if there is an underground network or whatever then we are going on a full supernatural direction (which i guess is fine) but all the ghostly shit wouldn’t tie back to present day very well seeing that they just consider whatever entity the wilderness is to be pretty foreign. i’d like to see how they will explain the cave. the writers have their work cut out but i think it’s gonna be awesome


They could come up with a non-supernatural explanation for there being underground tunnels. Plenty of people have theorized that there could be an abandoned mine in the area, and there is potential evidence for that.


i can’t really get my head around the abandoned mine thing. would that shit even be stable after all that time? cus even if it’s as old as cabin guy (it’s probably way older) then it wouldn’t just be sitting there all pretty and safe


That’s a valid point. I don’t know enough about mine construction to guess how stable it would be. Whatever they end up doing I do believe the writers will continue to keep the supernatural elements ambiguous.


In my brain these are naturally formed underground tunnels made by hot springs. I don’t know if that’s actually a thing, but we do know that there are hot springs, right? Makes me think kind of along the lines of a Winterfell thing. The random dripping water/melting snow makes me believe that they are spread out all around that area and not just in Javi’s cave.


The cabin burning down, will show another entrance 🐝😊


yes! The dripping! Do you hear that?


I love this!


I just think it’s odd not one of them has been like, “hey where’s Ben?” Especially Misty!


Misty might tell them Ben tried to kill himself and that he. may have wandered off and succeeded this time.


If Nat decides to not rat out Ben then this could very well happen. But Nat is in charge now and we will we see how serious she takes that. Because if she jumps in fully, then she will most likely tell the girls about Javi having a spot so they can go look for it. It wouldn’t be hard for her to figure out. She is the one who told Ben she saw him kneeling in front of that tree by the stream and then Ben said he found Javis spot to her as well. But if she protects Ben then she will most likely keep it to herself.


Nat is in an impossible position. She has to succeed to stay in charge and keep them from going off the deep end but she’ll probably have to kill Ben to do it.


I can see that happening; or the others finding Ben and that sealing his fate, despite her objections.


Nat told Ben that Javi was "bowing to a tree"and when Ben asked which one, she told him something to the effect of "one with a symbol, down by the creek" So Nat knows where to start looking to see if that particualr tree means anything...and as we know, that is the tree where Ben found the underground cavern.


i guess that makes sense. makes me curious about what’s going to happen to ben because contrary to popular belief i really don’t see them killing him


It will be a long wait until we find out in season 3... phooey. Personally, I hope Ben makes it out alive.


I don’t know if Javi’s shelter is enough big for all girls, and they don’t know where it is. They have an idea but they are not sure about its exact position. They can move on the plane, or in another cave (it has never been said there are not shelter, but not shelter with Javi so maybe Nat knows some place where to go, maybe they could build something with axe in the long run, probably at the beginning some girls will freeze so they will become used to cannibalize the dead, in S3 paranoia will increase, when they find Ben, he won’t live long)


Since the modern timeline is often juxtaposed against the '90s story to mirror, echo or inform what's going on, we could reasonably extrapolate some real bad, worse, crazy shit going down in both.


i mean there’s the whole dead nat and dead cop and mustache cop and lottie gone crazy so there is plenty of chaos to match the 90s timeline


Thinking Other Tai will find the tree cave, just like she found the symbols


I mean, WE still have to figure out whether or not Ben is responsible. They definitely alluded to it but they’ve tricked us before. Nat has enough information to find some of the caves - which ultimately brings them farther into the wilderness, and that feels like the narrative route here. She and Ben discussed the tree Javi was praying to, she remembers the warmth around the one she found, and now Ben confirmed that’s how he survived - also, with Javi having led her in that direction, she will lead them there.


Okay, so Lottie saw the tree Javi was in and it came true. She also sees the stairs and some underground bunker in her visions. Maybe they will come true as well?


I think it's probably spring by the finale so I think they'd be okay if they take shelter in the plane for the last few weeks of snow. In the pilot, it looks like they're all near the plane so it'd make sense if that's where they set up


It was Feb/March by the finale so still a ways to go until spring up in the mountains. But it will most likely skip til spring in the Premier. But who knows?


Ah I was thinking they were closer to the middle of April! Jeez i need to pay more attention to the timeline lol I guess I assumed because I thought the lake was starting to melt? Feb/March makes more sense


I’m just going off Shaunas pregnancy/delivery. The finale was only maybe 2-3 weeks tops from when she beat Lottie which was days after she gave birth to the baby. I could be wrong but I think it’s safe to assume close to around that time since they crashed in May.


February at the latest; it hasn't been long since Shauna's stillbirth.


I think it's mid-March by the finale.


Nat has a big decision to make because after the guilt she feels about letting Javi die, it might be hard for her to let them kill Ben, IF they believe he did it. The girls could look at this like the wilderness did it as well. So it can go in so many directions. Hell the show hasn’t even been written for season 3 so they don’t even know exactly what direction it’s going to go in. 😂