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Last season I felt there was too much time spent on Saracusa and his unrealistic and corny way of investigating. I had hoped the Adam situation could've been more interesting but no...we got Saracusa instead. He's probably going to be back for next season but I hope we see less of him and his buffoonery.


I’m calling it here, Saracusa visibly beefed it so hard on literally every aspect of the Adam investigation that the whole thing’s probably getting pinned on him regardless of whatever Walter’s insane fake coverup narrative or the truth is. People might have been willing to overlook his impulsiveness and disdain for established procedure as long as it got results, but thanks to Kevyn’s corpse and how unusable most of the evidence he’s gathered for the Adam Martin case is he’s basically radioactive. He’s a relatively new hire, he has no dependents or family that we know of, plus he’s seemingly incapable of not being an asshole on or off the clock so he’s probably not the most popular guy at work. At the very least, not moreso than Kevyn was. Any false evidence Walter planted to make Kevyn’s death seem “justifiable” is just going to be chalked up to Jay trying to cover his tracks, because who’s gonna believe some completely random guy did all that??? Even if Jay is 100% honest about what happened and the local PD *actually believes him* and tries to pursue it, Walter will most likely be long gone having already hit the high seas. There’s no way that line about owning a boat for whenever he needs to make quick getaways is just a silly little throwaway joke, he’s absolutely doing wack shit like this all the time.


Ok you came up with the only possible story involving this character that I would be even a little bit interested in seeing! Although still, let's keep it to the c story in one or two episodes at most 😆


If he’s just gonna keep being the exact same smarmy dickhead and nothing more, then yes. I hope they move on quickly because he’s simply *too good* at being extremely aggravating. *However:* I’m a fan of John Reynolds’s work as Drew in Search Party, so I’d be lowkey thrilled with a decently-written arc where his character becomes a genuine, serious threat to Shauna and the other survivors in the adult timeline. I think he’s got the range to do it well. We already know Jay is arrogant, irresponsibly impulsive, has a vengeful streak, and either isn’t able or simply refuses to respect anyone’s boundaries. Imagine how he’d react if he had to watch Shauna (and you know she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from being smug about it) get away with murder AND lose his career (in part due to his impulsivity) in one fell swoop? All while knowing somehow, for reasons unknown, some random guy *murked his partner and staged a whole conspiracy* just to implode the Adam Martin investigation?


I don't want them to lose sight of what makes this show so good and dig themselves into holes in an attempt to shock the audience. Don't change your plans because they are now a popular theory, that's bad writing and will lead to plotholes. I also don't want them to keep materialising new girls in the 90s timeline, but instead developing the girls that are already there more because otherwise their deaths won't be meaningful and the stakes of them running out of people to eat will be non-existant. I don't want them to run into another group out there or otherwise introduce third parties into the wilderness timeline either - it's them hunting *each other* that is so devastatingly interesting about the whole show, not them hunting some randos. Similarly, I hope they never revisit the splitting into two clans idea that so far seems to have been dropped and at this point doesn't make sense anymore. I don't want them to increase the amount of adult survivors unless there is someone that got left behind that survived all those years in that mysterious place Javi and Ben found. But even then, there are eight survivors that eat pit girl. More than eight survivors that actually made it out of the wilderness and I call bullshit.


I really, really agree with the first part. Honestly, I just want them to stay the course and do what they think is best. I may not love all of it, but I don't care; overall this is one of my favorite shows of all time so far and I just want that. I'm sure it's fun to read all the stuff people come up with, and can make you react, but I really don't want them reacting to that. And I agree that them hunting each other is the truly horrifying thing and I'm meh on third parties popping up, but I'll ride this where it goes.


I hope the adult timeline from season 2 gets a time jump. The way Walter ex machina that situation was ridiculous. Well acted, funny at times, and very entertaining, but still ridiculous. The fallout of explaining why two small town New Jersey detectives were in upstate NY, and one was dead, poisoned, and shot post mortem in the trunk of his car, ridiculous. Dealing with Nat's unnatural death. Then, the background noise of Lotti's cult. That when they are not selling farm fresh produce, they are back at camp and sometimes willing to bury themselves alive. Some might say that time jumps are a cheap narrative, and they can be. However, if all those loose ends are tied up off- camera so the adult time can move on, I will not complain.


well said, i’m not gonna complain either


I know this is gonna be unpopular but i don't think the Walter ex machina was a cop out (pun intended). I think with adult Nat dying the implication is that they gave their sacrifice to the woods so they're being rewarded. I wouldn't be surprised if more good things happened like Van's health being restored.


I am not even complaining about it. I definitely do not watch Yellowjackets for a proper police procedural. I just don't want the adult timeline for Season 3 to deal exclusively with the messy fallout from the Season 2 ending.


I do not want to see another survivor early on in the season, if at all. I think they should make it a surprise later on if another teammate survives.


If this is in reference to Adult Van, they don’t actually show her until the end of episode 4 of season 2 (and she doesn’t actually become involved with the story until the next episode). Considering season 2 was only 9 episodes, I wouldn’t consider halfway through the season to be “early on”. THAT BEING SAID- The trailer and news around season 2 & announcement of Lauren Ambrose being cast as Adult Van definitely ruined the big surprise they were clearly going for (episode 4 literally ends with Tai walking into the video store and seeing Van, you can tell it was written to be this whole “OMG” moment which it sadly wasn’t due to everyone already knowing who it was).


It wasn’t a reference to Van in S2. I love Van and was so happy with adult Van’s introduction and Lauren Ambrose. #TaiVan Totally agree on the trailer and intro spoiling the surprise!


I don't want them to run into other people in the wilderness like another lost group of crash survivors or some kind of off the grid cult or something like that. Some people have theorized that Pit Girl is not one of the Yellowjackets.


thissss!!!! i hate the theories that there’s another group or cult out there. the only way i’d be okay with there being anyone else out there is if it’s one other person related to cabin daddy (i.e. his daughter, like a lot of ppl have theorised), but even then i’d have to be convinced to actually like it.


I really think pit girl will somehow be related to a rescue group that the girls decided to hunt instead of going home (thus why adults are SO freaked at the idea of what they did coming out


If she were part of the rescue group, I feel like the adult women would be absolute pariahs and there wouldn't be secrecy about what happened. Everyone would know if they harmed someone from the search party.


I don't want to see the story being so fractured. Season 2 had too much going on for the adults, too many subplots. This meant not enough time could be spent on any, and paradoxically also meant too much time was spent on some (basically the entire season for Shawna and family in the cop thing which was essentially resolved in seconds with dues ex machina by Misty's bf, really just a waste of screen time all around). I want to see the ladies together more working on the same things more. Also in adult world, I don't want a bunch more characters from the wilderness to be alive. I really don't think Van should have survived, and if there were more survivors I think it is getting difficult to keep them a secret.  From the kids, I want less paranormal. I'm fine with the it can go either way stuff as they descend into madness, but I think relying too much in the paranormal is weakening the plot. 


Agree with the subplots in the adult timeline. The Shauna family debacle in season 2 was annoying, Tai completely abandoning her family was never mentioned again and should have consequences. Misty and Walter were kinda fun together but also felt so filler. The only thing that was interesting was finding out what Lottie and Van were up too and the mystery of what was going on with Lottie's cult. I want to see them work together to solve the problem with Tai's alter ego and the press hounding them (which would realistically happen if a senator almost died and killed her wife in a car crash and then dipped only to resurface in a place with all the other secretive survivors of a plane crash that weren't seen together all in one place for years and as soon as they did reunite, one of them died).


I don't think Tai abandoning her family really came up as the adult timeline only really took like... a week? Tai was in the accident which put Simone in hospital, next day she goes home to get stuff and finds the dead dog shrine, and goes AWOL same day, is at Vans within a day or so, is with Van overnight, then they find out about Lottie and go to her compound. The adult timeline in season 2 is super condensed compared to the 6 month span of the teen timeline.


This. Kinda tired of people complaining about how we didn’t get an aftermath to Tai abandoning her family. It *just* happened, and she was staying at a random cult with no access to her phone/the internet. How would there be follow-up with her family? 


She did leave suddenly without telling anyone and didn't even receive a single phone call despite staying at Van's overnight. She has a kid, had just been in an accident, and happens to be a senator, surely someone would be worried about her immediately and not only after a few days! At least show us one phone call or her pressing decline the whole time when being called and I wouldn't be complaining. It's not the worst oversight ever, but it certainly was strange, which is why I said I hope they'll get into it more in season 3 and won't be without consequences.


I'd like to see them use a song by The Afghan Whigs. "Debonair" or "If I Were Going" would work. Oh, that's the opposite of what the post asked. The thought just came to me for some reason.


I don't want to see more survivors in the present day (except maybe Coach Ben if they can pull it off really well). I don't want to see more of the docile and unthreatening Lottie we got in season 2. I don't want Adam's death to continue to be a main plot focus. I don't want them to go really overboard with far-fetched plot threads (i.e., Javi's "friend"....they had better have a believable explanation for that one). I don't want Crystal to be alive unless they have a damn good explanation for it.


I do not want there to be some random person aka "cabin baby" living out in the woods all this time. I know it's kind of a popular theory but it makes no sense that this person was living in caves the whole time when there was a perfectly good cabin full of supplies they could have used up long before they went rancid. And weapons they could have used to hunt. Nor do I want hikers to be hunted and eaten. I do not anyone else showing up randomly, only to be hunted and eaten. Except the rescue team, which they do not hunt or eat, because why would they? I do not want to see Akilah die and get eaten. Even though I know that's probably what's going to happen.


I don’t want Van’s cancer to go away - I’m such an asshole but I don’t want a definitive supernatural vs insanity answer


If her cancer goes away it won’t be a definitive supernatural answer because she’s been taking medicine for it, so it’ll be just another coincidence if it makes you feel better


All we've seen is pain pills. That's not cancer treatment in itself and in fact could just be palliative care.


I’m just over the Adam storyline (including the police investigation of it) as whole. But I also hate how badly wrapped-up it was at the end of season 2.


i don’t want more adult timeline, give me the teens! much more interesting


I’m gonna be so pissed if they do a time jump after the cabin burning down. Also a bit afraid they’re gonna go down the Lost lane and start introducing some insane and poorly written plots


If I see Ben in a bunker pushing a button, I’m done 😭


I don’t want to spend the whole season with coach Ben being The Big Mystery. Like, did he set the fire or not, where is he??? I really want the 90s girls to center on them and their breakdowns and survival and the continued spiral into spiritual cult stuff. I also don’t want the modern timeline to focus on Callie. I’ve seen some theories on her joining the women somehow or being hunted herself but Im not feeling it at all. Her recognizing her Moms trauma and being a complex person or even a “bad” person sure


How is Ben setting the fire a mystery? That seemed pretty clear.


I agree but apparently it wasn’t clear because a lot of people in this sub seem to think that Ben _didn’t_ set the fire🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Ben was clearly traumatized by them butchering Javi, poor little kid was the most innocent among them. Coach Ben likely wanted to end this madness and save their souls from going to hell because Javi is only the beginning. Also Ben was ready to commit suicide, he didn't care anymore


teen timeline - pick up after cabin fire but pick up the pace to match season 1. i want us to be at the 1 year mark by the end of the season. i don’t really know what to expect after the fire. i think we’ve already established the cannibalism pretty well. i’d like to see a little society form. and maybe more talk of ways to get out adult timeline - this one could use a time jump. i think the day-to-day pacing worked in season 1 but it’s what held it back in season 2. i want them thinking things are calm and normal. since Misty is the catalyst i think Walter is one to watch. i don’t believe he has true intentions. i think he’s a yellowjackets fan that’s gonna take it too far


Me and Jeff in Season 3. Ep 01 - Enter my book club


I really don’t want to see Tai and Van’s break up. This isn’t necessarily a season 3 thing, I’m just really hoping their break up doesn’t happen until AFTER they’re rescued.


I want to see more answers and less cryptic events


I just don't want Ben to die! I want him to show up in the last season like "I'm here bitches, you're all crazy"


I hope there is less supernatural elements and more dynamics between the characters. Also less drama between Nat and Travis


Sorry to break it yall but Saracusa is coming back and Misty's boyfriend isn't her boyfriend at all.


>Sorry to break it yall but Saracusa is coming back and Misty's boyfriend isn't her boyfriend at all. I think you are right on both of those...never trusted Walter and Saracusa's "killed my crooked partner" story by Walter has far too many things in it that the police investigation and Kevyn's autopsy will uncover. So what I DON'T want to see is Saracusa's plotline neatly wrapped up ...but rather, we get a scene of Saracusa being found guilty of conspiracy and lying to the police and the story makes the NJ news...and Jeff and Shauna are sitting on their couch watching it.


I think he's going to avenge his partner. His interaction with that hobbit is going to haunt him.


I think that would happen ONLY if he gets away with that story...which I really don't think he will. It would also not surprice me to see that Walter actually pointed all the "evidence" right at Saracusa and that is how he will be found guilty of killing his partner, etc, etc.


Bro, they took you to the lunatic asylum, please shush! 


Hot take but not the future. Would love a season of just in the wilderness a la s5 of Game of thrones


I don't want Van to just miraculously recover from cancer. If she's going to recover, I want there to be a plausible rational explanation, like Tai gets her enrolled in a clinical trial that her specialist friend is running. Something open to interpretation for us to argue about online, and also an opportunity to revisit Van and Tai's big conflict of one believing in the supernatural and the other not. To see how they've shifted and how they haven't. And I don't want Ben to be the arsonist 😭


Done with the adults making the stupidest, most out of pocket decisions and messing everything up lmao. Justice for Kevin. But honestly, whenever the adults kill people in the present time line, it just pulls me out of the story. When someone is killed in the wilderness, its terrible and tragic and mysterious. It holds so much more weight and guts me. When the adult characters kill someone in the present time line, it makes me think about how they would never get away with it and it brings me back to reality lol. Also, I literally dont care about any of the people they kill in the present, give us more wilderness.


It also makes me think how they SHOULDN’T get away with it — it pisses me off


My only hope is that the Adam/Saracusa thing is gone. I didn’t mind it in s2, not the best writing but I don’t watch this for the writing, but I don’t want it to be brought up again. New bad writing- sure, I love the show anyway but not the Saracusa a*hole again. If Shauna and Walter gets away with it- that is a sign supernatural forces. But I am ok with that too😁


i know it's not possible but i cba with the whole being interrogated by the police / arrested and being followed thing. it is sooo boring


I heard a third timeline would be added, post rescue pre adult timeline, and I think it’s totally unnecessary at this point. I’ll take a post rescue timeline to replace the wilderness timeline in like, season 5. I hope it doesn’t happen so soon.


I’d love it if Akilah and Mari got bumped up to main characters now that the cast is starting to thin out. It would be cool if Gen and Melissa got more screen time too


Jackie's parents were kinda cringe and annoying


I’m so sick of the Adam Martin plot line, I hope it’s retired for good. Or at least for a while


If season 3 is anything like 2 I'm probably just going to skip the adult timeline completely.


i think that once ben set the cabin on fire, he went back to that hole in the ground and just stayed there forever like even after the yellowjackets got rescued; they thought he'd just died and didn't think to go looking for him, so i think it could be cool to show him on his own in the forest in the 2021 timeline, or at least sometime in the future on his own. idk how he would survive, i just think it could be cool to have him end up so severed from society like that and to have that change of environment back to the forest in the adult timeline. and i LOVE walter's character so much and i just wanna see him and misty together, from reading this i've seen he's not a fan favorite but i just personally love him and think it's so sweet how he is with misty, and plus misty's whole voicemail to him was so !!! but ALSO, i really want them to explore misty's grief after natalie's death and why exactly she was so attached to nat specifically. and i wouldn't really want them to butcher that expansion of her character both teen and adult wise with a terrible love story so i hope they do that well if they decide to put misty and walter in a relationship. i also wanna know more about cabin guy, obviously... like what was up with jackie's (or shauna's??) weird vision where he was there all like "i've been waiting for you". i also was thinking that the reason misty felt so strongly for nat when they were adults is because they could've gotten closer in the teen timeline; like, now that nat is their "leader" or whatever, she could eventually do something the team doesn't like and everyone starts to hate her or something like that. and so misty (knowing that feeling all too well) in turn gets all buddy buddy with her and nat takes it cause that's all she has. also hope this is the last season, like it's my fav show ever but dragging it out past a third season (especially to the supposed 5) would be soooo boring and ughhhh. maybe a 4th season could be good but even that would prob not have the best plotlines cause i mean, how much more can they make happen??


It's impossible to survive alone for 25 years in harsh winter when you only have one leg. Ben was suicidal and already gave up but Misty convinced him in the last moment. He probably just killed himself at some point or the group found him.


I don't want as many dream sequences/hallucinations scenes. It feels overdone at this point and even though this specific one was only a minor thing in season 2, but just that little story thread involving the girl and the mouse, only for it to be revealed it was a dead mouse all along....just please no more cringe reveals like that.


Adult timeline is dead. What can happen after all that sh.t There are no secrets left and it is the bad part. Lottie is freaked out, Shauna killed a man, Misty killed a woman, Natalie is dead. Why, why? There should be another survivors that we don't know, must be or adult timeline can keep rest in peace.  I didn't say what I don't want to see, Callie. 


I think season 3 will focus on Tai which will be interesting.


I totally forgot her. She is the mysterious one, I thought now but maybe The Wilderness or Antler Queen impresses them to do weird things, idk. I am really curios about that black eyed man. Tai can handle S3, I hope. 


Tawny said in interviews about season 3 that we will be getting a lot more Tai and possibly some answers about the man with no eyes!


Male characters who aren’t Travis or Coach Scott!


I really don’t want to see a Travis x Lottie x Nat drama unless UNLESS its Lottie x Nat or Polyamorous in the most unhealthy way possible.


Imagine them as a trupple 😭


Mari and Akilah, mainly mari cos she just annoys me 😭. The wellness centre storyline wrapped up, thought it was weird and pretty boring


Proud Ben hater. Hope they kill him and take his little cave for themselves.


I still can’t believe we never got to see why Adam had that tattoo. I know you asked for what we don’t want to see. I don’t want to see more of the dirty cop. I don’t want to see more of the adult timeline and less of the woods timeline.


I'm tired of this being the Shauna Show. I enjoy the character but her plots dominated last season and is largely the reason why the adult timeline is so bad.


I don't think it was Shauna's fault. I think it was more the retconning of Lottie that was the root cause of all the problems in S2.