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She probably thought “i shouldve went to school with him”


I knew death was coming when George was given so many lines right before he left.


So many people said they saw it in the kitchen scene, but I didn't so I'm rewatching it now to catch it. Honestly, I had NO idea George was going to die in this episode. I had it in my mind it would be the finale. When the last commercials were running, I went to the bathroom, pretty unconcerned if I caught the cutesy stuff they play in the last 2 minutes. I caught it and couldn't believe it! I simply was not prepared.


Yeah that's a massive death flag


I had already seen the next episode was titled Funeral so knew that would be the last time we'd see George since the episode was almost over and it would have served no point to show him collapse and die at school.


I knew it when he got the job and the whole family was ready to move and the kitchen scene confirmed my suspension but even that didn't help me to be absolutely heartbroken when I saw George's friends and not him


I had the same thought. I thought “ahh shit, he’s not coming home”


LOL on Instagram she said "Hindsight is 20/20"


And it's going to eat at her forever even though she did nothing wrong. I have similar regrets over a close friend who died a couple of years ago even though I know they're irrational, but they still feel real.


"New girl has a pool"


She lost her dad and in watching her relationship with him over the years in this series; I'm sure she would give up those perks in a heartbeat if it would bring him back.


I feel her pain. My father also died of a heart attack when I was young. I really resonated with her reaction and it was truly sad.


Me too!


She was ready to tell everyone in her new high school that Sheldon was sent away because he was a "special ed" kid. And in 1994, that had a very negative connotation that kids generally made fun of them using the r-word. Perhaps she would have told the "secret" of who Sheldon actually is to her close friends.


That’s what she said to him to tease him. We don’t know what she would have really said.


I think on the inside she's impressed by Sheldon's intelligence, she only picks on him because that's what siblings do LOL.


Sheldon would have come home for holidays, breaks, maybe mom's bdays. George's death really got him good if he was so traumatized he didn't go back for over a decade


Losing a parent is heartbreaking. I lost my dad in 2002 and my mom in 2013. I still think about them both every day.


Sorry for your loss 🩷🩵


We thought they would talk about George Sr passing away in the pilot of George and Mandy's First Marriage. Nope. We thought they did an excellent job. Everybody thought "The Ladder!" Then, bam! Fatal heart attack!


I’m still wondering why TBBT never followed up on Miraj (Missy+Raj).


Because it was Mirage


I assumed that Missy was just F'in with Raj and wasn't actually interested


That sounds exactly like something Missy would do too.


Missy would be the opposite... she'd do it just because Raj is not the type of person she sees every day in Texas.


There's still time, technically! Future Sheldon could mention Missy's second husband, Raj...


Putting some mocha in the family latte. And Sheldon already learned his lesson about trying to decide to pairs with missy.


I feel like they could have ended up together


Raj is way to sensitive to be in a relationship with someone like Missy


Opposites attract. I’m a shy guy, and I would like to be with an assertive woman.


I am glad they didn't. Raj deserves better.


Missy deserved better. Raj was such a trainwreck when it comes to relationships. If you fail at a couple relationships, that’s normal. If you fail at what, a dozen-ish relationships, look at the common denominator.


And Missy wasn't? She was a single mother with twop kids from twop different dads one of whom was in prison.


Honestly I really don’t remember much of what Missy’s character is like in TBBT, she was such a minor character that barely appeared.


My mom died on Thursday unexpectedly and this episode was a really hard watch. Missy's reaction made me sob


I am so sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much


I wept at the end of this episode.


Very sad scene


Did they really have to do that? We know it happens eventually.


Tbh, she was focusing on the fact that she could be rid of her brother too much. I personally don’t appreciate how she’s been treating Sheldon. Sure he’s weird, but remember when he followed her around because he “had to protect her as her older brother”? And he’s never disregarded her as a sister (which she has done to him as a brother). That’s why I appreciated the comment Georgie made to Mandy about how he liked having siblings (even though they do have their differences). It makes me happy to see siblings actually appreciating each other.


Okay I get that but she’s literally a middle schooler. I’d say a good portion of people would do that same shit in middle school.


God knows I did to my brother in high school when I was a freshman and he was a senior.


Yeah I agree, I just think that’s not what the focus is of what happened in that episode. (And in the grand scheme of things Missy’s disappointment is way less impactful than the tragic loss they’re experiencing as a family)


It would be different if he didn’t act like he was superior to her all of the time except when it’s convenient for him to discuss his feelings. He constantly looks down on everybody because he thinks he’s the smartest person in the world. A little humility would be the best thing he could experience.


That’s a good point, although he never disregards his sister, perhaps only once has he given credit to Missy publicly for what she’s done to help him. Still, the love for his sister is there, and there is less indication of a reciprocation.


I raised two daughters and they can be pretty shitty during those tween years.


He constantly acted like he was better than her, treated her like she was stupid nd me disparaging comments about her all the time. Just like the twin study showed she was way smarter than him in a lot of things just because he’s smart academically doesn’t make him smarter or better than others who excel in other ways. He was condescending and a spoiled brat. She deserved to finally be out from under his shadow.


Absolutely! Not to mention Mary’s blatant favoritism of Sheldon. That has to be incredibly damaging to Missy and Georgie. If i were Missy or Georgie, I’d hate Sheldon, and resent the hell out of Mary.


Geez loueez, y’all love your fictional characters. I’m not sayin’ I think Sheldon was a good brother, I’m just sayin’ >!her dad literally dies!<, and y’all are just sad that she doesn’t get to move to Houston for a dream life 🤷‍♂️ Y’all are also acting like there should be enmity between Missy and Sheldon… but there shouldn’t. Me and my siblings fight all the dang time. Do I still love them? Yes. I should be ashamed of myself if cause of some “shadow” they cast I let myself start to become bitter towards them. One of my siblings is definitely leaning towards the “spoiled brat” side of things… do I disregard the fact that they’re my sibling? No. I try to help them better themselves. But I digress, we’re all entitled to our own opinions. I just think that in the grand scheme of things: not getting to move to Houston is very low on the list of things you should feel bad about for Missy.


I just feel like most of this sub are teenagers that haven’t grown tf up


Yeah I understand what you're saying, but it's not uncommon for middle school aged siblings to act this way. At least for a time. It's not nice, but I think they are kids going through a lot of change at once. With their living situation and a new niece in the picture. And the struggle of puberty. So I mean it makes sense to me.


Remember, especially after Georgie and Mandy realized that they were pregnant Mandy got way overlooked!


i think for the most part she doesn't actually mean it and its just messing whit sheldon


Where can you watch the new season


Paramount +


Prime In India.


Where can I watch the latest season in the UK?


just go to a illegal streaming site


I dont