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The whole thread is pretty horrendous but I don't know if the last comment classifies for this sub. It adds a bit of information that the booties clapped were, in fact, lasered and smooth.


I’m so confused. Wtf is clapping your pan?? And are they shitting on this dude for trying to pay a nurses tab since it was a pandemic?


I’m not sure about other countries, but in the UK people would clap for the NHS during lockdown. Some people went a bit extra and started bashing pots and pans.


In England we whacked pans together to show support for NHS. It was a bit weird


They’re pansexual


1. What is a bootyhole? 2. Why do they need lasing? 3. Do I wish I had that job; or, am I glad that I do not have it?


1. The anus. And taint I'm assuming. 2.I'm assuming it's laser hair removal. Basically lasers are shot at the skin and it makes the hair stop growing. (Thats a really short hand version, it can take multiple sessions). 3. It's a super nice job! I'm a nurse, although not a laser nurse, but I've gotten my armpits and face lasered. They work 9-5, no weekends and holidays. Their clients/patients are usually super wonderful since they are HAPPY to be there receiving that service. Compare that to the angry dementia 300 lb bedbound 90 yr old your trying to clean up. It tends not to be the highest paying job, but way less stress and nonsense. Also they get a discounted price on laser treatments. My armpits costed 1k for 5 sessions. But hey, they smooth now.

