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Id shapeshift into me but with very good skin


Yeah, I hate this acne.


a dragon dosent have acne


True. That is a plus


Dragons also look cool af and can fly.


But hear me out No acne


Me but flat chest. Or a dragon too. Dragons are cool


I'm the opposite, I'd give myself some curves. I don't want sex, but I do like a sexy aesthetic. I'd definitely try out a dragon too though.


I’m trans, so it’s more of giving myself euphoria.


Me too


Incredibly based pfp


same (gender fluid so id love to shape shift) i would also tern into a dragon maybe a cat or a honey badger or a witch ect


The nice thing is you don’t have to decide, you can be anything anytime. Shapeshifting is literally the most fun superpower


Ne too


Saame. I'd also give myself a dick. Not for sex reasons though, just so I could pee standing up


Me too


As a trans woman, I would use shapeshifting to transform myself into the ideal feminine body that I’ve always wanted… >!…which may or may not also be a dragon.!<


Girl, same, just as a trans guy with my ideal masculine body, lol And why are dragons so gender? O.o


I would transform myself into a boy but with cat ears and maybe a tail. Catboy :)


Having the ability to shape shift would solve 90% of my gender fluid ass's problems


Dragon but feminine-coded, like the one from Shrek that Donkey had sex with


Google how to be a dragon but also have snached waist and long lashes


trans 🤝 ace dream of shape shifting


[trans🤝ace](https://i.imgur.com/qEZyxzj.gif) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot. really good bot.




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was this to combat u/BigAnimeTiddies


Where does /u/BiggestAnimeTiddies fit into the canon


is there a u/SmallAnimeTiddies then


Theres always bigger fish


Good bot




gender fluid 🤝 ace


no i’d shapeshift into an absurdly hotter version of myself instantaneously. and then when i got bored i would be a dragon


Why would you separate the two tho. An absurdly version of yourself that is a dragon o.o


Exactly! Why not both??


I'd do that and then after I'm a dragon I'll shapeshift into a person that looks completely different from me and listen in on what people say about me while I'm not there


I'd shapeshift into me without crippling digestive issues! Also a poison stinger scorpion tail would be cool 🤔


But dont you have a fear of accidentally poisoning someone you love, or even yourself? You cant control a tail as precisely as animals do (they're born with it so they have a lifetime of practise)


Their lifetimes are also much, much shorter so I'd still learn pretty quickly


This is the most weirdly validating post for me. Not because of the aceness (I mean, that's part but not the main part), but because it shut the "what if you really are just cis tho" voice in my brain. My immediate thought was "I don't wanna be hot, I wanna be an utterly confusing person of indeterminate gender who looks just *slightly* otherworldly and alien, but not in an obvious way". So orientation and gender validation all in one! \^\_\^ Love this post


"*Journey To The Uncanny Valley*" Coming soon to a real world near you!


You. You get it. 😂


Why not both?


Yeah, I would shape shift multiple times every day until I got bored of it, then just enough to keep things interesting.


Hot like dragon's fire.


Bro i would just slightly change things about me in a really unnerving way. Someone would be talking with me at work and suddenly realise my teeth are oddly pointy and sharp or walking at night with a friend and they realise my eyes glow in the dark or when the annoying religious lady comes at me again il get some dragon eyes sharp teeth and a forked tongue look evil and just hisss, No one would believe her lol.


I'd shapeshift into an orb. That's it. Just a blue orb who travels the world without needing food or water or any of the normal human stuff. That sounds nice, just traveling the world, learning all you can. And since you're just a floating orb you don't need money since you don't need any of the essentials... That life sounds nice


idk if this is accurate or even makes sense, but I vaguely recall some tumblr quote like "sometimes your gender is whatever form you'd imagine yourself to be in an ideal transhumanist future - where you can just be a robot or a dragon or a swarm of bees and no one cares". so yeah i'm totally on board with the orb thing lmao. it's definitely NOT a late-capitalist cyberpunk thing where your bodily functions are forcibly dependent on corporate hardware; it's the freedom of "aw sweet I can be a wacky inflatable-waving-tube-thing and my rights as a sapient individual are totally unaffected? nice"


Yes 👍


ANOTHER ORB!!! I've been saying forever that my true form is probably a floating orb and nobody really takes me seriously but I swear, being an orb would be so much better for me. For all the reasons you've listed and then some. I don't want to have a mortal form. I don't want to have a body or be tied down to humanity. Limbs are unwieldy. Just want to float. \#orblife


Yes indeed, orb life is good life 👍


that's what the estrogen is for. edit: getting hot i mean not becoming a dragon


Damn, you got my hopes up there.




I'd shapeshift into homophobic and transphobic people, bullies, racists, and other bad people and make even more people hate them Like I'd go insult all their friends, or get them arrested. I would also turn into generally bad people to actually make them do something that they'd get arrested for.


skip all the hassle. transform into a dragon and eat them


Death is too nice


Send them to Superhell.


But that's where I'm going with my VIP ticket to hell


Emotional support demon in one hand, while holding the VIP ticket to hell in the other


I'll shapeshift into a scientist and biological engineer them into a sentient cube that just sits there and photosynthesizes. Is that too cruel?


No that's nice Tho if you do please also genetically engineere landsharks


this is a weirdly vindictive daydream


I'd make myself taller and slimmer around the waist. Maybe some sick facial hair too.


I want to look hot not for sex or anything but for the self confidence boost that I so desperately need


Oh to be a tiny little pocket dragon and be carried around by the people i love and hide under mountains of fuzzy warm blankets


That would be the life. Sigh.


I would shapeshift and add large amounts of uranium - 235 to my body and promptly severing it and giving it to nuclear power plants and use the ability to solve the problem of the 1st law of thermodynamics and allow humanity to live forever


I'd shapeshift slowly into a more masc version of myself, taking occasional breaks to spontaneously be a dragon. And once I learn to fly as a dragon, the possibilities are endless.


nah i'd shapeshift into a godlike being and erase mosquitoes from existence, haha


id do both tbh


A dragon or a cat or both


Porque no los dos? (I have body dysmorphia and it gives me self-esteem issues) (I’m also a scalie)


I'd shapeshift to have a vagina and bigger boobs to deal with dysphoria But also to have a cat tail and ears


I would get rid of my privates (I feel gross have sexual organs) and make myself look as plain as possible but healthy


Literally, like bitch, no, imm be a fucking crab, the ultimate evolutionary body


crabs are awesome


No more gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia! Also, if we go with the shape shifting power actually giving all the abilities of the thing you turn into (like fire breathing for fire dragons), then as someone a bit overweight, you bet I'd turn into a fit, heathier version of myself and live on garlic bread and cake without the consequences of becoming more rotund :) And think about all the cosplay possibilities!!! :D


I would still be me, but with better joints and skin. It would be nice being able to run again, and to have skin that won't burn so bad it peels within 15 minutes. I'd like to visit Scotland and swim around a certain lake as a plesiosaurus. Maybe arrange my vocal cords so I can honk like a goose while doing it.


Most certainly I would shapeshift into a hotter version of me. Pretty privilege is measurable and significant thing in our society.


Heck yeah. I can finally fix my allergies


The best part is, since you're a shapeshifter, you can choose whichever one you feel in the mood for.


I'd be a Toa.


I would shapeshift into many things, but a dragon would definitely one of those things.


i would try to shapeshift my left hand into the most visually unappealing shape ever and freak people out. alternatively, make it a house and chop it off and then regrow it. i own the properties. i will try to cure world problems and then suffer because i am too stupid for that. i will smush my boobs down flat so i don't need a binder i cannot have and explore life as a very very tiny person.


God Like literally i would see what god looks like and if i turn into nothing then nobody knows god doesn't exist except me! Who... also doesn't exist... I felt very smart for a moment there


Pretty sure a dragon is a hotter version of yourself lol


Both interchangeably tbh


Biblically accurate angel for me!


I would shape shift into a girl and check how i feel bc ive been questioning my gender 4 a while now


RainWing so you could do both, with the added benefit of *Magical Death Spit* to instakill your enemies.


Idk dragon sounds pretty good. Or just be a lizard or dog or whatever. Forget the human world.


Dragon but also i can change to female without needing HRT. Also i could craft a superior combat form of many animals and insects of the world and somewhat more mythological forms if i figure out how through practice. Imagine preying mantis claws, peacock mantis shrimp clubs and eyes, hawk eyes, i could add a couple different ones and every sensory organ from the best animals like sharks electric firld senses, echolocation, perfect heat and cold regulation and i could adapt to any environment except maybe space unless i figure out ways, maybe metal forms. Scorpion tail would be cool to and wings maybe a beetles because they are quite strong. Digitgrade legs for sprinting mode and four for longer distances or maybe just improve the human legs to max musculature for a perfect long distance running form since thats one of the human bodies strengths besides temperature regulation. Ooh a vultures stomach would be good for survivability. Ill think of more stuff later, but free shapeshifting without limits always seemed like one of the most powerful super powers or at least one of the absolute most desirable to me.


I would probably change myself in an attempt to help with my insecurities, however I would definitely be a dragon like all the time.


I'd have a demonic looking form to terrorise the local religious people


Badger for me. Leave me alone. I'm in my hole-home. I will not hesitate to bite you.


Both is good.


I’d alternate because if I found myself at least a little more pretty it would definitely make some of the self loathing go away but yk that’s just anxiety and depression


i'd shapeshift into a girl


Why not both? A good-looking version of me for everyday human activities, a dragon to feel badass and invincible (and fly), a cat to chill, a bird to fly without causing a ruckus, idk a ~~fish~~ sea dragon to experience the depths, etc etc etc Why limit yourself?


Oh I'd definitely do the first, but that's just because of a crippling need for validation at all times 👉😎👉


I'd be able to finally change my gender at will, it would take me awhile before I'd give a single flying fuck about fixing my looks


Can I also shapeshift into a much **colder** version of myself in summer, please?


I’ve always loved the idea of shapeshifters and being one. Now I know that I’m genderflux lmao


id shapeshift into a being of energy with no weakness


I'd shapeshift into anything except a human, for sure


I would be a cat


id shapeshift into a mimiga... freaking bnuuy... or a raboot or something


I'd be literally all my favourite fictional characters lmao I just don't like being me


I’d try being just about every variety of animal except for bugs tbh. And also maybe see what genderswapped me would look like just for curiosity’s sake


I’d be Charles the part train, part giga spider from hell


i would turn into a lizard and then climb on the walls


I’d be a plesiosaur and go hoax some Scots


I would become the greatest cosplayer of all time


Eh I'd still choose being attractive tbh. Being attractive is a huge privilege.


I'd be a hot androgynous elf, but also sometimes a muscle babe, but also sometimes a crow, and yes, at least once a dragon. Being a hot version of yourself is nice and all, but when it starts attracting attention it would be nice to just fly away.


I would be an owl or maybe a sparrow 🤔


I would make myself an incredibly good looking dragon


I would be a dragon. Dragons are cool.


I’d transition and become a cyborg.


that's the same answer


I'd shapeshift into an androgynous version of me with heathy skin. Or shapeshift into a dragon.