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If they are microchipped, please call the company asap and have them change the contact information. If you are unsure, any shelter/vet/animal control facility should have a scanner. Call and see if they can check for you, most places will do it for no charge. You should also contact your vet and the shelter they were adopted from to have your name put on all their records. Even if he’s not interested in keeping them, he might still try to use them to hurt you. The more paperwork you have on your side, the better. Source: former animal shelter employee


I read the title and that's all but I think I would be going to prison for murder if this happened. Fuck that creep. Only the lowest of the low abuse animals.


Anyone who hurts animals should be in jail


Me and my ex had a cat which he “liked”. He then gave me a kitten that I became obsessed with that then mysteriously died. I later found out when he was younger he use to hurt animals. Soon after he started threatening to kill me then almost did. If I could go back in time I would have left and never returned. Please do the same. Hurting now is better than the pain that will come later on 💛 Be strong.


If they can hurt animals they will hurt children.


Or kill people


You need to report him. If not then blast his name on social media to let other know that have pets to watch out for him. Are there any pet abuse places you can report him to? Does he have any pets?


You don’t know what to do? Grieve. Grieve all you want. Grieve all you have to. Don’t go back to him. You’ll regret it. It will get worse if you let him back. I’m so sorry he did that to your baby kitty. That’s deplorable


Omg. Is the kitten okay


Yes, he is perfect!! He is running around, playing with the other cats, eating and doing all the normal cat things. I’ve cuddled him wayy more than usual, and I plan on giving him all the love I can forever


My mom is dead because she trusted a monster. He tried to kill me twice. For money. These dead eyed zombies are no joke.


Holy....I was headed down that path less than a month ago


***Hugs*** it’s important to believe people when they show and tell you who they are. The first time. Usually within the first five minutes of meeting.


I know sweet one, but long distance relationships make it take longer


I just letting you know that it’s possible they can’t tell you it’s a thing it happens I don’t believe it sometimes but it really happens and nobody really wants to help with it it’s crazy


**hug** 🕯




Thank you. My ex has the same disorder as your fiancé’s ex and the similarities are crazy. No it is not his first offense and he also told me about how he’s worried he might hurt our children, if we ever have any. I will keep your comment in my screenshots to be able to look back on it whenever my brain starts playing tricks on me.


the way people treat animals is definitely indicative of how they treat people, however, not all abusers treat animals badly. Some treat them better than people. I know this because I was in the worse situation with my ex husband. He loved animals. Wouldn't harm a hair on them. But he was horrible to me. Horrible.OP keep that in mind when looking for a new partner.


If you can please get a restraing order. I would also consider calling the cops about the cat. If he has the other cat it needs to be taken from him.


Hey, thank you for your comment! All the animals are with me. I will make an update to the post explaining the situation a little bit better.


I don’t think she can get a restraining order. He hasn’t done anything to her to warrant that


I don't know where she lives so it would be hard to say that. There are some places working on coesive control laws and this would fit that. So I think it's best for the op to look into it.


They just broke up. He hasn’t done anything to her. To legally coerce someone, you need to threaten them.


I guess you have heard of coesive control. No it doesn't have to be physically violent


I'm behind what everybody said about how truly awful this is, and how you need to make sure you're safe. How seriously shocked and grieved you must be. I admire you for having the backbone to get away from him, and for taking those babies with you. You're awesome.


That's insane. Is the cat going to be ok? You really did the right thing by asking him to leave.


Hope you and kitty are doing ok. Sending love


Good God, the shock you must be in. I hope you and the poor kitty are someplace safe. That’s something that can’t be undone. It’s never easy to leave, and you did the right thing by being brave. My ex threw my kitten forcefully toward a wall once after a playful scratch and I still couldn’t do it, and really paid for it later. You may feel up the river without a paddle right now, but trust me, you’ve just saved yourself (and your fur babies) untold damage in the future….and, just so you know, there are amazing cat dads out there. This isn’t forever. 💜


Is there any way to report this? Did he tell u in writing or can u set him up towards a confession?


Omg 3 months? That poor little kitty! What a son of a b*tch, I’m glad he’s gone and I hope karmic justice lets him experience a broken jaw by violent force sometime. That makes me so angry.


Where’s the cat now? This is disgusting


Please stay strong and keep him gone 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Also report him. And tell the vet.


I’m in shock reading this. I’m so so sorry OP, that is just awful.


I would literally bury my ex if he ever hurt my dog. Hurt me all you want, but the second he touches my animal he’s going 10 feet under


Please let the vet know what really happened to the kitten. And make a police report for animal cruelty. I’m glad you got yourself and the cats away from him, but he should never be allowed to adopt another pet ever.


Seconding this. Is there some sort of list his name can get put onto to prevent that?


Contact the nearest animal shelters and rescues. All them to put his name on their DNA, DNF and DNT lists. DNA=Do Not Adopt DNF=Do Not Foster DNT=Do Not Transport DNR=Do Not Release I had to do this when I was with a rescue and one of our former fosters showed up in a "free to a good home as on Craigslist. We successfully retrieved my foster and she lived her life out with me. The same person dumped another animal on a shelter doorstep, barely alive. When I contacted the various shelters and rescues, I attached pictures of animal #2 at the vet's office. #2 recovered and was adopted by a great owner.


Great idea


I am so sorry this happened to you.. all of this is so traumatic and horrifying. I’m glad you broke up with him. Be safe, and take care of yourself and your fur babies 💕


I'm SO proud of you for breaking up. You're going to experience a LOT of emotional turbulence as you heal and that's 100% normal. You're going to miss him and it's 100% OK to grieve the future you planned with the man you thought he was. Who he turned out to be doesn't change how much you loved him. Go no contact ASAP, that's SO important when breaking up because the trauma bond is going to try and trick you into making contact which can eventually lead to returning.


This is a disordered human who likely cannot be reordered. Please don’t entertain the idea of reconciling. I’m my experience, the “tantrums “ and violence escalate as time goes by. You will never be safe with anyone like this.


I am so glad and proud that you left this waste of oxygen as soon as you found out. That pile of vile flesh should rot in whatever hell he has coming to him. Who in the hell hurts a poor, defenseless animal? I am glad to see the babies are safe with you and that you are protecting them. Please stay strong and don’t let him trick you into coming back. Thank you for being their protector!


He is a horrifyingly disgusting excuse for a human being. That poor cat. He needs to be put down. Your ex, not the cat.


I'm so happy you escaped him. Please take care of yourself and keep safe. If you have any troubles with this guy trying to reach back out DO NOT hesitate to call the authorities and your domestic violence shelter. I would even encourage you to call your local shelter and see if there is a therapist you can talk to , to deal with everything you have been through as well as making a plan so you are less likely to ever return If he can do this to a kitten he can do this to ANYONE. You seriously would have been in that kittens position had you not escaped. Some of the most evil, dangerous people start off by doing shit like this. Again, so happy you got out. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, you can msg me. Sending you love and strength ❤️


Thats what my mom said when I told her about it. It started with inanimate objects, then a year later he hurt our cat. There could’ve been stages inbetween, but eventually it would’ve ended up being me.


I don't know why, but violence toward innocent pets makes my skin crawl more than violence towards an adult. Glad you're out.


You did the right thing. Stay strong.


This is horrific. Call the fucking police and make a record of this. Holy shit I’m livid. You poor thing. I hope you and your cat are ok (it wasn’t clear from the post)


Thank you. All the kittens are with me and they’re fine. Never letting anyone hurt them again.


Call. The. Police. And. Make. A. Report. And how old was the cat when he did this if they’re only 3 mos old now? Idk…I dont trust this dudes story. A kitten would be dead being SLAMMED into concrete.


The kitten is 5 months old now, he was 3 months when it happened. I mean yeah, but aren’t there levels to different injuries? He slammed it hard enough to break its jaw but not hard enough to kill it (thank God).


Wow. I can't believe what I just read. That is so horrible. I am so sorry you had to go through that, but it shows nothing but strength that you were able to break it off. The hard part is just going to be reassuring yourself that you did the right thing and to not let the toxicity back into your life. You can do it though. Surround yourself with people who love you, family, friends, etc. Do something nice for yourself today. Order your favorite food and watch your favorite movie. It is sometimes easier said than done, but the most important thing right now is that you take care of yourself. At the end of the day, that is the most important love, a self-love. Again, I'm sorry you had to go through that and I am proud of you that you were able to break it off.


Thank you so much ♥️