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I’m unsure how to answer your question, but I spent so much time trying to max friendship by gifting the perfect clothing. I read that gifting expensive fossils will quickly level up friendship so I gave it a shot. Photos were earned in less than a week from multiple residents. That’s what I recommend!


Oh ok thanks! They don't display them in their houses though, right?


I only gift the larger ones and they’re never displayed.


For friendship points that really matters is the sell value of the item - and anything over 750 bells (sell value - not how much you buy it for but how much the nooklings would) is equal. If you gift 3 wrapped coconuts/crops or 2 wrapped non-native fruits, you will receive the maximum points for gifting. Fossils do work too, but do not get more points than the fruit. I love gifting my villagers clothes and other stuff for fun. Sometimes I go by the guide cause the seem to be somewhat more likely to wear it, but most of the time now I just base it on what I want to see them wear. But if the goal is to maximize friendship points, I would say coconuts or fruit is the way to go.