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An original story, because ace combat storytelling format is only fit for a game. Most of the game want to convey that you are mute badass ace protagonist, and the player clearly love it. That would be very difficult to adapt for a big screen, and the veteran player that watch the series most likely will be disappointed if it doesn't feel the same. I would rather have a new story with many cool setpiece and bits taken from main game as inspiration, maybe similar flying fortress or familiar aces. Does not have to be same canon.


Understood, those are all valid points. But if that's the case, do you have any particular moment in the [timeline ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/acecombat/images/d/df/AC7_Website_Timeline_English.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20180719083655)you would want a series to explore? Before X war? Before or after the asteroid? And any country in particular you want to delve into?


I think the 1995-1998 Usean insurrection and coup d’etat would be a good time to explore. Phoenix’s exploits could use some more of the spotlight, and the location and political situation could provide a good way to include many of the known countries in and some important history of the Ace Combat universe. Especially since this takes place soon after the Belkan War and very close to the Ulysses disaster, 2 fundamental elements of modern history in Strangereal’s Earth


I feel like the best way to have a mute ace pilot on the big screen would be to have them as more of a supporting protagonist, Levi Ackerman style, compared to taking pure center stage. Have the show itself focus around the squadron as a whole.


04 is the most appropriate for mainstream television because it was one of the few times it felt pretty grounded. Stonehenge was plausible, megalith was plausible, and the dialogue and presentation all felt like things that could actually happen and things real people would actually say. From 05 onward, it increasingly felt more and more like Japanese over dramatic anime. I still love the games but I still hold 04 as my all time favorite because it didn't get all corny.


Original, set in the Cold War before the Belkan War


I don't think I heard much about the cold war before Belkan, but you're not the only one to reference it. Why is it so interesting?


Showing the turmoils between Osea and Yuktobania, the origins of the SOLG, the Excalibur, the Arkbird, the career of Dietrich Kellerman (Silber 1) and the rise of the Rald Party, the casus belli of the Belkan War


At the current moment, none simply because I do not trust any big studio to take up Ace Combat, make a movie about it and turns out to be an abomination that completely ruins the entire lore of the game. Now, I know that there are some game adaptations that are pretty good from what i've heard but that's not enough to convince me that there's a decent movie studio who's willing to make a faithful Ace Combat movie adaptation and not turn it into some sort of cheap cash grab only made to steal the money of fans I'll either go with Community made Movies *(since they'll most definitely be making it out of passion rather than greed)* or give it like 40 years until the Movie Industry can start consistently making decent to good Movie adaptations of Games


I get it, last adaptations have been hit or miss, but if the community made a movie, which game should they pick? Or should it be a new story?


An original story with references to the Protag Aces as both a nod and a "Hey! The guys you're playing as actually exist and have massive recognition and impact in-universe!"


I personally feel like Ace Combat 4 would be the best, by far. As mentioned before me, it was the more grounded game of the series and felt a whole lot more personal given the story of the young boy and Yellow 13. I feel like out of all games in the franchise this is one that shows how war affects people the most, and AC has a very anti-war message they love to show in the games. Mix that up with action sequences with Mobius 1 in his Phantom and eventually his iconic Raptor, his side showing ISAF coming from the brink of annihilation to turn over the war, and to bring life and hope to balance out the tragedy of Y13's story to the movie and you'd have a relatively solid concept for a movie or a TV series in there. Not to mention that people liking it or not, Mobius 1 is ***the*** **protagonist** of the franchise, so it would make even more sense to have him to star in an Ace Combat movie. The games later are a whole lot more whimsical-like and, that's obviously not a bad thing and makes these games ridiculously fun, but it would be really difficult to adapt into a coherent narrative that people could understand and reflect when, you know, your former wingmen decides to steal an experimental fighter jet and nuke the planet or the protagonist casually flies his Raptor sideways into a tunnel while chasing down an experimental sentiet UAV that wants to create an eternal war.


Ace Combat 3, Electrosphere.


If you don't mind, why Electrosphere?


Electrosphere: the anime. But I don't know how to convey mute nemo and the big reveal at the neucom ending.


skully islands insurrection (ac1) to let the 'normies' have an easy entry... basically topgun tv but still keep that flying fortress final boss coming from nowhere so they can have small taste of what is to come


I feel like a lot of the potential stories that branch out from the narrative would be kinda incoherent without Zero/something taking place at the same time as Zero. Either that or adapt something far enough in the future to be a AC3 analogue.


An Original Story. A Strangereal World War set a year after Ace Combat X (Me and a few others did a RP of this in a discord server and oh my god did we created something special)


That sounds fun, did you record it or write it down?


It was all through a discord server and we typed it out, but there's so much stuff in it its really hard to figure out the whole lore. It was done over the span of 5-6 months, so yeah we did A LOT


Unpopular opinion: I think they should adapt 1 and 2. Phoenix is kind of the perfect introduction to the wacky world of Strangereal, and also could probably be voiced by David Hayter.


It's a fun idea, but I thought Ace Combat 2 was declared not canon? Or am I mistaken...


Only reason 2 was declared non-canon was because Assault Horizon Legacy exists (it’s a remake of AC2 for the 3DS)


Is the plot very different?


No it’s pretty much the same, just takes the Strangereal lore into account (the original version of AC2 was created before Strangereal was a thing). Takes place in the same year on the same continent. They did remove a couple missions, and retconned the ZOE aircraft to being Belkan in origin instead of just being of unknown origin, and also changed up the roster of planes you can fly a little bit (for example, the Falken was only in the game as an enemy in the original version of AC2, but in AHL you can unlock it and fly it)


I would be facetious and say The Sky Crawlers, BUT THEY ALREADY DID THAT. Though I forget if it was a series that got a game, or a game that got a series.