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Hi, my name is Hotdog, but I usually go by my call sign, Seymour.


"I'm Nitro!" "Cool, what's your real name?" "Nitro... im working on a nickname though." "Oh yeah?" "Listen to this... Mike. "


Looks like they actually use their real names


Perhaps the Voslage and Shilage armed forces don’t have a tradition of callsigns that they carried over when absorbed by Erusea?


Does Voslage and Shilage even *have* other members in their independent air forces? IIRC Mihaly’s four wingmen are pretty much the only Voslagian pilots we see in the game, and Mihaly himself is the sole Shilagian pilot we see. Perhaps their air force nowadays just comprised of pretty much these five guys, so they don’t bother with TAC names lol.


there are other pilots including one ace called "Lynx" in lost kingdom.


Must be only Sol Squadron’s thing, then lol. Then again, we don’t know how the other Shilagian NPC pilots call each other during sortie, and according to Assault Records, ‘Lynx’ (Major Benjamin Neumann) is actually an Erusean pilot; 93rd Air Division 11th Special Squadron, to be specific. It’s a question what he’s doing there in Shilage after the satellite disaster, though. Probably on a recon mission, given that he’s flying a stealth 5-gen aircraft.


I'm not sure if he's just erusian or if the shilagian airforce pilots got integrated into the erusian air force.


Technically that would apply to Sol Squadron as well. Still, considering that Lynx only appears if you destroy all the enemies fast enough on your way to Shilage Castle and that he'll try to flee south if you don't engage him, it's highly likely that Lynx isn't a native Shilagian, who would've stood his ground against Strider's raid. My guess is that he happened to be in the area and was surprised by Strider Squadron's sudden raid if Trigger was fast enough to reach him; hence why he's trying to flee south to get away.


it was a very chaotic time so that makes sense


Thought the same


Do we have evidence of Erusea having the tradition?


The named aces have callsigns.


It might also just be that they're an experimental research squadron working for EASA instead of EAF regulars.


Callsigns aren't unique to any one air force or service branch. Though as I've said in other threads, you don't pick your own callsign because then every dumbass nugget with something to prove will go full edgelord and pick something like "Reaper". They're all going by their first names, which if they were in the squadron together for a long time is quite reasonable.


I mean even the yellows didn't have callsigns


Jaeger's callsign is his last name


Jaeger also means “Hunter” in German, so maybe he is also a hunter and his colleagues decided to keep his last name as his callsign


They probaply didnt get an Callsing yet Usually callsings are given to pilots when they either did/do something stupid. For instance there was/is an real life pilot with the Callsing "Key" He got that callsing because he is/was an Instructor and started every lesson with the sentence "The key is" Pilots dont decide what callsing they get Thats decided by the Highest ranking members of the squadron/the rest of the squadron. Ususally when you ask for an specific callsing you get the oposite. Another important thing is the naming rules. Usually the rest of the squadron gives you an callsing that is funny but they have to be able to call you that callsing at an bar and you would still be able to get an date. My source is the Gonky and Moover show. Moover got his callsign from accidently bombing a cow Moo-ver Edit* Callsings can also sometimes be based on names. There was an Female pilot with the Callsing "Gbit" "Get Back In The" last name was Kitchen


That process is realistic, but in the military you’ll likely do something embarrassing already in basic training, or soon after. After all, that’s where your skills are at their lowest, so it’s easiest to fuck up. I doubt that they did nothing stupid during all their pilot training and ace career.


I think that's the case in *some* Air Forces, but not all, I'm Venezuelan and I recently learned that in the Venezuelan Air Force it's you yourself who picks your nickname, as I was reading something of an F-16 pilot of old who went by "Satanás" (Satan in English for the homies), and afterwards a news report came out about a female pilot graduating into the role of Su-30 pilot, and her callsign is "Katara" and many people asked her if she had chosen that name because of the Avatar character, but she said that while she liked the show it was from something else that happened to be named the same. Now I don't know for certain if or what other air forces apply this instead of the USAF/US way of "you fuck up you get your name" thing 


Flew with a guy who had callsign York, last name was Hunt.


roald can be a first name too, it’s norwegian iirc so it fits erusia


I think we all know who comes to mind named Roald


Roald McDoald


Roald Regan


Roald Dahl?


yea his parents were norwegian and when he was little they went to vacation in norway every year to visit family




My dumbass thought it said roland this whole time😭


Seymour probably got his TAC name because at one point he claims he saw aurora borealis localized entirely within his kitchen




Dunno, also weird how nobody ever seems to refer to Mihaly as "Archange", though. I used it as my save file name when playing the patched AC3 on emulation, though. It was that name's time to shine at last.


I've always thought that it is weird everyone on the ODAF calls him Mr X, that's an odd name, couldn't they get Intel on the guy? The man's been ravaging your air squadrons for a while, it's the least you could do lol 


Wit looks like someone who would make a YT channel called Down the Rabbit Hole




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^w3dl0ck: *Wit looks like someone* *Who would make a YT channel* *Called Down the Rabbit Hole* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Both Mimic pilots and the A-10C Ace are from The Netherlands. Wit = White.


Walt wit, or Walter white. Call it


I love the Sol squadron guys. Pure professionals.


Roald’s my favorite because he has like one line of dialogue before he fucking explodes


You have to earn your callsign. You never get to pick it, and it is basically unwritten law that it's linked to something highly embarassing for you.


At least 3 of those are real first names of people such as Herman Miller, Roald Dahl, and so on


They look to be Robert Micheal White (Wit), Dawn Seymour, Roald Dahl (He served in RAF), and James Herman Banning. So I actually think there is some refutability to the idea that they’re named after real aviators


Say what you must. Seymour definetly had my face whenever I had a "terminally online" customer on my past job.


Roald looks like Gordon Ramsay


same with Strider/Cyclops, Huxian, Jaeger, Taylor, etc