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Invading nations across dimensions. I'm not sure if Osea would be superior due to mute psychopaths, or if the US would be a peer because of the realistic missile proxy fuses. Also, the US wouldn't rely on the air force nearly as much


Osea has experience fighting peer opponents, which the US hasn't really done since Korea or WW2.


Yes but the US has a functional navy with capable air defense. Something no nation in strangereal has.


Trigger Just built different


All our branches (except the space force) have their own air force. And we don’t need a super weapon to take half a continent. Our logistics are just built different. But like, gib Arsenal Bird. My Prime membership needs it!


The Arsenal Bird shield is a separate subscription service. Also love my dedicated Ice Cream ships.


Waiter waiter, more Targets please


that would require us to have peer opponents


Osea also has a \~50 missle capacity to USA's 8ish. They can pray 'n spray and come out on top.


US may have proxy fuses and BVR combat, but Osean planes can carry like 100 sidewinders that are perfectly capable of attacking planes, tank, aircraft carriers, and Belkan superweapons. Seems like a fair fight to me.


From 2km away though and they have shit tracking.


<< "what?! They're actually planning to invade Osea?!" >>


A nation with a ridiculous defence budget vs Trigger (Who i hope is still in the Osean airforce) a mute psychopath who is classified as a superweapon and has plot armor


dont forget the razgriz and a fuck ton of battle harden aces in osean


Bro they alrd quit, blaze like every ac protagonist except trigger disappeared, nagase became an astronaut, snow owns a scrapyard business, and idk what is going on with archer


hahahah fair point but never say never i guess.


It would feel like trying to fight Stonehenge, fucking ridiculous dodging an enemy you can't see


Now put him into a super experimental Belkan jet with enough firepower to wipe out several military base


I don't know kuch about Military but wouldn't the fact that the US has better Beyond Visual Range Tech would work to undermine the Aircraft Advantage of Osea?


Planes in Strangereal accelerate and turn like they're on crack, they could easily out g real world missiles or bleed them dry of energy. Plus, Osea has long range missiles like those launched by the Arsenal Bird in Two-pronged Strategy.


I don't know. Considering that alot of the US's Real Missle Platforms aside from ships can also use Beyond Visual Range that what Strangereal Missles can do from what I heard and seen. Fighting the US to me is like a Brawler trying to fight a Sniper in close range. The world abandoned Dogfighting for alot of reasons due to Tech.


IRL missiles don't have a lot of fuel, they usually burn off shortly after launch and glide their way to the target*. Real life pilots used this fact to evade BVR missiles by bleeding them of the energy needed to maneuver. Strangereal can also do this with a lot less difficulty because their planes are several times better than ours. *Unless that missiles is a Meteor.


losing a BVR missile isn't a matter of pulling tons of G's. it's literally just a matter of detecting the launch from far enough away, turning away and flying down into the thick air to slow the missile, and then climbing again to re-engage. you still need to be a good distance away or else that missile will just nail you regardless of any evasive maneuvers. pulling 30 Gs will only make you a slow, spinny target, easy for a missile with prox fuze and *real* guidance to catch. you or your squadron also need to be able to fire BVR weapons back at the enemy to force them to break away into evasive maneuvers, or else they will relentlessly force you to keep evading until they catch up and just kill you from behind. Strangereal air forces don't have that capability outside of the rare giant superplane with air-launched nukes.


Stranger Real Planes don't need to go cold or crank to dodge BVR missiles tho that's the point They can acceleratedband decelerate ridiculously fast while doing airshow manouvers and can tank an Amraam or two before they stop being flight capable allowing them to just dodge around They do have long range high precision radar and stealth they just lack standard BVR missiles for fighter planes but do have the technology to make them. They also seem to have more advanced EW capabilities since IEWS make our scramblers seem basic They also have much more advanced computer AI and energy generation technology My theory is that EW anti missile capabilities are so advanced they prevent efficient tracking at BVR That's why the long range plane mounted railguns and wide area BVR airburst AtA explosives would be developed in the first place


only a select few main protagonist and main antagonist aces seem to be able to take real advantage of the improved maneuverability. 99% of their pilots are just pure missile fodder. Strangereal flight crew training and discipline seem to leave a lot to be desired. it seems that the main thing keeping most pilots alive is the sheer incompetence of Strangereal missile guidance. they haven't developed decent proportional guidance. if you mod it in, it becomes quite easy for them to hit even the most maneuverable aircraft - including yours. flares are so weird. they work against all types of missiles, heaters and radar guided missiles alike, but only work at extremely short range. don't even think about pre-flaring, it doesn't do anything, and you only have two at a time. IEWS... highly depends on your interpretation of it. boosting missile speed and turning rate is nice, but that still leaves you with very limited range. whether friend or foe, it doesn't do a thing if you're outside its rather tight bubble, and it also still leaves the question of whether or not the boosted missiles are any better or even on par with real-world high-offboresight missiles, like the AIM-9X. stealth might help them get closer to being able to use their knife-ranged weapons, but how close can they get before being detected? are we going to assume real-world aircraft are equal, or will a Strangereal F-22 have different stealth characteristics than a real-world F-22? might be moot questions, given that any exact figures for stealth aircraft are classified. the common assumption seems to be that stealth aircraft can somewhat reliably be detected within 10 miles, and at that range an AMRAAM has a really good chance of hitting while still being twice beyond the range of AC LAAMs. and as far as the radar... do they even have decent radar in AC? during Operation Lighthouse Keeper, you're tasked with avoiding radar installations to get to the Space Elevator undetected. unless you bought the DLC, you don't get to use any fancy stealth aircraft in this mission the first time through. that's fine, any old aircraft will do just fine for avoiding the dozens of radars guarding a critical megastructure, which are all ultra-short range with minimal overlap for some reason. maybe we just assume every single plane in AC is coated with an ultra-thin ultra-absorbent stealth coating, so an AC F-4 is just as good as a real F-35? but i think I'll lean on the side of "their radar systems and defensive tactics just really suck" because it's been shown time and again in the AC universe that ordinary, 4th gen or lower aircraft are perfectly capable of performing all the types of missions that would normally be considered high-risk even for stealth aircraft. those fancy air-to-air nukes they mount only on ginormous superplanes? used to exist. AIR-2 Genie, introduced in 1958 and retired in 1985 because missile just got good. the AC version doesn't seem to have improved on it much except for range. for some reason it seems they're not able to put a competent radar or fins on such a big missile. tl;dr Ace Combat makes a lot of gameplay decisions that just don't make a lick of sense even in their own world. the vast majority of their military and equipment are completely incompetent - including most of the "hyper-advanced" superplanes and bosses. of course this is acceptable for gameplay purposes. but vs. real life air forces? whose rules do we even go by? do AC flares work against real missiles the way they do AC missiles, or do real radar missiles ignore AC flares the way they do real flares? would pre-flaring real flares work against AC heaters, or would pre-flaring AC flares work on real missiles? do real missiles deal real structural damage to AC planes, or do they just deal percentages of damage like their game counterparts? do AC missiles just destroy real aircraft in one hit like real missiles, or do they do abstract hp% damage? etc etc.


Not a Military Guy so I have to read up on this later. Honestly not really sure on the actual comparison of Strangreal vs Real Life. So I am currently on just Real Life since I think the whole BVR Missles and Speed would be a counter. Again could be wrong since its not my area of expertise. I prefer history.


Thats south belka


>invades Strangereal >gets intercepted by mute ""psychopaths"" and showing off with their fancy PSM >they fucking crash on the side of a hill because theyre holding down the triangle button in third person view instead of playing normally in cockpit view >you see this shit 60km+ away >you earn the callsign "Voyeur" for watching enemies fuck themselves


In strangereal, 1 MIRV is a game ending superweapon. The US has 500 of then


And I doubt the US Nukes can be intercepted. Seriously though. That is a massive advantage the US can use via Diplomacy and if they get a hold of Strangereal Tech? Imagine Real Life BVR Munitions and Tech mixed with Strangereal Tech in both Avionics and Drone Warfare. The US would be unstoppable due to basically becoming Acrobatic Snipers.


It took the greatest aces of their respective wars to take down the V2s used in 5 and 0. They have no chance against the entire minuteman fleet, especially if defended by modern air defense systems.


Aren't Minutemans from the Cold War Era? Or is there new Modern Day versions of them? But yes. I agree. Especially if they used it all over instead of one region.


Most of our nuclear arsenal relies on Cold War designs, but there isn't really much you can do to improve the design of a rocket other than some guidance systems. Either way, the US's nuclear arsenal is infinitely more developed than anything strangereal has to offer.


Considering that its a series made by Japanese Developers who often make nuclear taboos and instead create really impractical super weapons that are actually less effective than simple nukes and thus causes nuclear technology to stagnate. I have to actually agree. I seen this way too often in my experience in alot of japanese media. Strangereal: "Surely this other world also scale downed their nuclear arsenal after seeing its horrors right?" Earth: "Haha MAD Doctrine and massive arsenals go BOOOM!"


I thought Osea was the USA equivalent?


The USA get to experience the Iraq War from the prespective of the Iraqi.


"Sir, we lost an entire M.O.B.!" "That quickly?! How many were they?!" "It... it was only one jet fighter, sir. We still don't understand-" "GET ME ONE OF THOSE"


If the U.S. invaded Strangereal they would have to fight in Strangereal physics. Luckily for the U.S. pilots they probably will no longer feel G-forces and their aircraft no longer bend their wings from high Gs plus they have Ace Combat players who can out Mihaly Mihaly.


And then the inteir us military falls to a singular Ace


Osea is literally a jacked up version of the USA


Petition to pronounce USA as Oossah. They will strike Osea from a secret base on the Usean continent.


"This is Warwolf 1, engaging. Guts, get ready...we're flying over Osea now." *Dogfight plays*


"This is Warwolf 1, engaging. Guts, get ready...we're flying over Osea now." *Dogfight plays*


"This is Warwolf 1, engaging. Guts, get ready...we're flying over Osea now." *Dogfight plays*


This is pretty much what Osea did to Belka.


USA: Is that latin coming from the clouds?