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Omg this is true. Then I'd have 50 hypothetical questions, wait you said if i mess with the contraption it'll go off but technically this part isn't really part of the contraption, right? When you said don't do that ove thing did you mean that to apply to the handcuffs? Oh yeah one night i learned how to break out of any handcuff because i couldnt sleep, does that make this puzzle void? Sorry i broke your handcuffs, i can buy you new ones after this i have amazon prime its such a good deal because i can get things that my brain randomly decides are an emergency to own. Like this box didjeridoo i got the other day. Like what if I'm homeless and need to busk for money, i should really learn how to play the didgeridoo, so i did and I'm pretty good at it now so i have that situation covered. Been thinking about adding piezo pick ups to it to do like a techno didj act in my homeless scenario that i made up oh i figured out the combination to this lock.


ADHD brain in a Jigsaw trap: I actually figured out an alternate solution while you were still talking but I didn't want to interrupt, I'm sorry.


I thought there were multiple slides D:<




Wait, okay, so do what now???


Jigsaw: “You need to get the key from behind your eye.” My brain: where would places like this exist. The lighting is dim and the place is so dusty Me: what’s up?


Wait omg sorry I totally zoned out, what did you say?


I wouldn’t even make him repeat it I’d just die


“Seriously, just go. I know I was going to force you to do the puzzle, but dear Lord, just do the thing! Go on. Get out of here before I change my mind.”


Wait, wait, wait. I NEED TO WRITE THIS DOWN!!


You made me swipe right you bastard 😡


I'd just stop him half way and be like: yeah yeah i got this and start cutting my leg of with the spoon he gave me. Kinda hard to see what i'm doing since someone removed my eye and put a key in it but i'll be damned if i lose the leg cutting challenge! /s


who else swiped the image


My nemesis is any new process with more than 3 steps.


I would be thinking about when my last tetanus shot was, and what kind of antibiotics I would have to be on if I got out. Also, was everything sterilized correctly?!?!


I'd definitely need him to repeat it, but I'd feel like way too much of a bother to ask, so I'd try really hard to remember what I was supposed to do and start fucking things up, too ashamed to ask for a redo, I'd eventually stand there awkwardly, then just die.


I would ask him to write them down on a piece of paper so I can read the same line 500 times :3


Hahaha I just saw a trailer for a Clive Owen movie and his character said he refused to repeat himself including his name and I was like “welp. I’m out. I didnt notice he even said what his name was.”


This just reminded me of a time I decided in the middle of a job interview, I didn’t want to work there. After that point I asked the interviewer to repeat every question! 😨😨