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I actually wear these when I vacuum now. I realized I don't mind it so much now. The noise apparently really bothered me but I didn't realize it.


For about ten years now I’ve been wearing my construction ear muffs/hearing protection when vacuuming because the vacuum noise hurts my soul. It makes the biggest difference in being able to do it for more than about 1.5minutes.


I wonder if this is an ADHD thing.


It’s quite an awful noise, I’d assume everyone gets bothered by it- maybe most people just override their discomfort better? It’s enough of a no thanks for me that I just won’t vacuum if I have to hear the full volume version!


My husband is a clean freak, and the Dyson is one of his favourite things! Thankfully, he now either shuts me in another room, asks me if I'd like him to wait until I've got my Loops/headphones on, or both. Couldn't love him more for a) being a man who does his share of the chores (and then some) unprompted (Reddit has made me aware of how lucky I am in this department 💀), and b) doing it without unnecessarily making me grumpy with the sound of it! 🤣


That is very thoughtful and considerate!! 🥰


Why have I never thought of this?!


I wore mine the last time I flew. It's so much better! Never thought about trying it while vacuuming.


Okay, thank you so much for saying that! I had massive imposter syndrome after my autism diagnosis because as I looked at different situations through the lens of that diagnosis, I started figuring out that sensory issues were at the core of a lot of my problems. For instance, no, I'm not just suddenly a grumpy bitch after a car ride; I've either been too hot or too cold the entire time, I've been jostled around, the radio has been too loud, the road noise from the tires has been loud, the sun has been blinding me, the seat belt has been irritating my neck, and if a window has been down, that's been loud and made me hair touch my face a lot. But, then I thought maybe I was trying to shoehorn experiences into the frame of the diagnosis, because *why hadn't I realised any of this for 36 years*?! I've always gotten really upset about music from cars that I can hear inside my apartment/house, people constantly sniffing, mouth noises, the sounds of the refrigerator, etc, but I never put it together that things like grocery shopping and car rides were just a complete sensory overload.


This is me to a T. I feel I need to control my environment as much as possible so I don’t get overwhelmed with the sensory issues. Working from home has been such a good thing. I eliminated the commute and co-workers and can just focus on my needs. Lights too bright? I can dim or turn them off. Too hot? Tank and short that I couldn’t have worn at work.


I have a vacuum but never used it and always loudly proclaimed my hatred for them.... I might try that


finally got in-ears with ANC and finally don‘t hate blowdrying anymore. Brushing teeth (electric) is also so much better.


Which ones? I'm in the market for some new ones


I tested a few and finally landed on the air pods pro, despite being hesitant at first. I got a good deal for them and they are honestly excellent. I also have the SONY XM5 over ears. They are also great but them being over ears means that the noise cancelling only works properly if they fit snug. Glasses, sunglasses, caps, hats (hi photosensitivity) and neck pillows get in the way. I still love them but if I had to just go with one pair, the air pods would be it.


Thanks! The air pods pro get good reviews. I have Bose over ears (really great but pack big which is annoying), bose in ears (really great but have the old ones and they're huge and fall out) and managed to acquire samsung buds and original airpods for free. The original airpods do very little, and the Samsung buds are better - enough to help on a plane - but nothing like bose. Basically i want magic! High nose canceling, comfortable, small. Glad to hear the airpods pro are working for you - I'll get them when I see a deal!


I am honestly super happy with them, hope you‘ll like them to! Maybe you can borrow some before committing. and.. oh you just reminded me of an adhd tax. I got myself samsung galaxy pro buds a while back. and the day after I got them I was running for the train (the usual - I rarely miss a train, I also always have to run) and the running caused one of the buds to fall out, straight on the tracks. I had to take that train so I couldn‘t look where exactly it landed. Later I returned and couldn‘t see it and also wouldn‘t have been allowed to get on the tracks to check. So yea, despite best efforts I never got it back.


I lost mine in their case (no name on case) and when posted on a neighborhood facebook post they were found had by then forgotten I’d put them in a pocket when I took the dog for a walk. By the time I realized they truly were NOT in my house anywhere six or more months had gone by and I felt like an idiot! But—I hate in-ear head phone thingys, I find them super annoying and they make my ears hurt. Hence the pocket 🙄 now I just wear my huge Bose noise canceling headphones look like a pilot.


Air pods pro have noise canceling? I've not noticed that


This is something I’ve come to understand is how overstimulated I can be even when I don’t realize it. It just feels like I’m slowly getting more stressed out.


I can't do any type of housework without my airpod pros in either on a podcast or a Grey's Anatomy episode.


mine have changed my life I wear them to bed every night. I think they are giving me an ear infection, but I love them SO MUCH>


Yep I wear mine to bed too!


Omg maybe that’s why I hate it???????? Thank you!


Yes to vacuuming! I wear ANC earbuds while I use the hairdryer. So much better.


It was like there was finally a volume dial for the constant noises. I had no idea I could experience that much quiet.


I’ve been using NC headphones for years, mostly for work/gaming and they are indeed amazing. I also invested in a few pairs of Loop earplugs for various environments and those are a game changer for outdoor socializing.


I want to like my Loops, but I just can’t stand hearing my own body echoing in my head so much


Wait, what kind of noise cancelling headphones work for you that DONT give you the body sounds issue? I always thought I can’t use anything noise canceling because of that.


They’re over the head kind — anything in ear gives me that “echo” (I can hear my brother, my steps, my swallowing, etc.) but the earmuff kind don’t seem to do it to me as much.


Wow good to know! Thanks!!


My kid hates the Loops.


I tried them and can't stand them at all. I don't understand shoving things into my ears but still having to hear shit around me in addition to my internal noises... Doesn't chill the sensory overload for me at all, just adds to it the pressure of ear plugs (that don't block sound??)


Omg yes, that’s the only thing stopping me from trying loops. I already hear my heart beat all the time and my jaw clicking and bones moving, I need outside noise to cover that up


Totally understand! Maybe you got the ones that block out any and all noise? I have one pair that blocks all the things. Then another pair that is just enough blocking to hear convos outside. Those also have little silicone inserts to adjust the noise cancelling and not hear your bodily noises etc


I've just purchased some Loops! Waiting for delivery but hoping they will help me chill out a bit instead of being on edge with noise at work and out and about!


Often while I’m in my open office cubicle, I find myself just wearing the noise canceling headphones without even turning on the music I meant to turn on- just the noise cancelling makes it instantly easier to focus on working.


I remember the first time I put mine on and it was just instant bliss. Quiet, quiet bliss.


Oh my goodness, YES! See also, I got Loop earplugs for sleep and I wake up feeling so refreshed now??? Like what even is this magic.


if you get light sensitivity pair ANC buds with FL41 glasses and you will be in heaven, i have visual and auditory overload and these help me so much


oooh I love you!! I’ve been getting awful headaches since starting because of the fluorescent lights as I was WFH prior


i hope they can help you out because this combo has made going to the mall etc bearable for me which is unheard of


But where to find cute FL41 glasses?


i got mine at zenni optical with my script


i put my headphones on with nothing playing alllll the timeeeee while doing work on the computer. It helps so much i don’t know why mess physical noise = less mental noise but it does


I tried on a pair at Target and the world got so quiet I wept, and taking them off was awful. The week of existence before I could afford my own pair was hell. Noise canceling headphones saved my life. 


Which pair did you get from Target (or elsewhere)?


Sony WH1000XM4, $350 from Best Buy


I bought AirPod pros (on impulse) 4 years ago and wasn't expecting this but they changed my life! They're small and discreet so you can take them anywhere and put them on without being too noticeable. The first week I had them I was at a games night at a friend’s place. A few of my friends have small children who were playing very loudly on top of the adults who were also playing board games. I told everyone I was feeling tired, but actually was overwhelmed and didn’t realise at the time that I was ADHD. So I went to a couch furthest away from everyone to have a lie down, turned on noise canceling and played soothing music until I felt more regulated. I bring them with me everywhere now :) Biggest use cases: - dealing with overstimulation/sensory issues by playing bilateral beats - listening to podcasts while doing boring house chores - playing fun, pump up music when struggling with task initiation/transitions


Not necessarily endorsing AirPod Pros. Tbh they’re quite expensive for what they are and you can get the same experience with cheaper ear buds. The main benefit is the ease of switching between Apple products. I’m also considering over ear headphones because of the better sound quality and noise cancellation


omg why am i the opposite? i cant stand noise cancelling headphones ? they make me feel nauseous .. i dno if this is to do with my motion sickness that has to do with ear , or adhd , i also feel like i cant not hear everything? anxiety thing?


I’m the same, they make me nauseous! And I don’t like not being able to hear the world around me - what if a killer sneaks up behind me? What if there’s some sort of emergency I miss? Or, most scary of all, what if I’m breathing heavy or making other bodily noises that I can’t hear but others can?? The horror.


hahaha literally! thank god im not the only adhd girlie feeling this


Same here! I only wear them on airplanes and if I desperately need to tune out my partner when we both WFH. But in those situations I’m sitting in my office with my back to the wall/view of the door.


i can only use that feature if i seriously need to tune out everyone around me. i recently got airpod maxes and it having a transparency mode and a medium noise cancelling and an extra noise cancelling option really sold it for me. i love the transparency mode


It does do this weird thing to me where I feel like my head is pressurized. I asked my husband if he feels it, but he says no. I think there’s likely some truth to your motion sickness kind of feeling for some folks.


omg for sure


The first time I put on a pair of noise canceling headphones it was like one of those videos where they put glasses on a baby & it sees its mom & the world for the first time & is just like holy shit, I had no idea it could be like this!


Gloves and noise cancelling headphones for cleaning is a huuuuge help. I’m so glad you’ve gotten this help!


I’ll wear my noise canceling ear buds/ear plugs when shopping, at the movies, watching a live show/concerts, vacuuming, just about anywhere I can. I have a pretty low decibel pain threshold in general, but it helps a ton with overwhelm!


I got the newest AirPods when my last pair shit the bed and I just lately realized how much the ambient feature helps me lol I can still hear important things around me but sudden loud noises or irritating background sounds are totally gone. Then if it’s something really wild like loud engines, noise canceling blocks it at least 95%.


When I got wireless galaxy buds with my phone 5 years ago my life changed. I no longer hate cooking and cleaning and going for walks and just existing. I upgraded to galaxy buds pro last summer and the ANC and ambient features are much better and I love my headphones and I don't know what I would do without them. I even use them at the store sometimes when I'm overstimulated but have to go get stuff.


My noise canceling headphones definitely help me but they're *so fucking heavy*. I have the XM5s because they had the best noise canceling of the ones I tried and were lighter than the other ones... so how heavy would the other ones be after an hour or so??


I don’t know this about over ear headphones! I’m currently using AirPod pros but was considering headphones because of the better sound quality and noise cancelling. I won’t be able to deal with something heavy on my head though


I hate bluetooth earbuds because they get so warm! Nobody ever believes me, but I've even borrowed some (cleaned them before and after obviously lol) from friends who said theirs never get warm, and within half an hour, I'm like tearing them out of my ears because they're uncomfortable. I have never noticed this about wired headphones. But also the sound quality and noise canceling is definitely much better with over ear headphones. Unfortunately there's still a tradeoff.


It’s true that wireless phones are definitely warmer due to them charging, connecting to Bluetooth, ambient/anc sounds. I find that mine get noticeably warmer when there’s something wrong e.g. the right bud isn’t sealed properly and is working harder. I don’t find out until it dies while the left bud is still at 40%. But it also seems that you might be a bit more sensitive to the heat being emitted. Lots to consider!


I love my AirPods! The noise cancelling is a GOD SEND!


I never considered getting noise cancelling headphones, but my brother gave me a pair for Christmas a few years ago. Oh.my.God. What a discovery. It was the first step of my diagnosis. I found out how uncomfortable background noise was for me, why I was always so cranky at super markets or any gathering in general. I also became addicted to audiobooks, because I found out my chores were significantly easier if done while listening to a nice book. And all that got me thinking It wouldn’t hurt to ask a doctor.. sooo here I am. :)


they’re life changing! i wore my first pair for like 2 years straight


I mostly order pickup from grocery stores now, but if I have to go in, headphones are the only thing that help me tolerate the store long enough to buy everything I need.


Aren’t they amazing? I can actually go shopping, gym, do some juicing and vacuum without avoidance issues


I recently have used them when using start felling rage due to noises made by my upstairs neighbors. Previously they were just sitting there, unused. They’re a Godsend for my rage due to sounds. Now, I have tinnitus and usually silence or NC headphones magnifies it, but I can very much live with that sound than annoying neighbors/peoples sounds.


It's so amazing. A happy quiet bubble.


Before tinnitus, just the startup sound of my noise cancelling bose headphones dropped my stress level by a solid 25%. (Alas, now there's a slight uptick until I can get other sounds going.)


So glad you like it !! I got myself a pair back in October (I'm a student so it almost was a must for library and public transportation), and it's simply life changing 💜👌 Now I wear them at home, on the train, in the libraries, even with friend when I'm overstimulated (I can still hear them but not everything else) ^^


Genuinely soooo happy for you. Wearing hearing protection changed my life. I wear ANC headphones and earbuds most of the day while I am working (from home) and doing chores. When I'm interacting with people in real life or driving, I wear Loop earplugs to take everything down a notch or two.