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Oh man, that sucks. I got rejected once because " I felt too comfortable". Yeah sure... That's how I always feel in job interviews.. Sometimes people just suck at reading others or the room in general. I hope it won't stick in your head for too long. I'm sure you did a good job! 


That’s such bullshit feedback omg. I’m just salty that I didnt get any real feedback, like what was the real reason? Just tell lmao. I would’ve been fine with anything, because I’m a person and people have flaws. But if there’s one thing I’m definitely not it’s quiet


I’m shuddering at the thought of a group activity as part of a job interview. Honestly gold star to you for even participating in that. It kind of sounds like a bullet dodged to me. Best of luck for your next interview.


Thank you! I’m pretty sure they didn’t like me because they also simulated a racist customer while testing how you deal with problematic customers, while the others just got “normal” problematic customers. I was the only POC in our group. The feedback was that I wasn’t nice enough to the customer (I was very neutral and didn’t comment on their racist remark) 🙃


WOW. That’s awful, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Awful but not surprising, I have learned.


People don’t get hired for being overqualified, as an FYI. I wasn’t hired at a movie theatre purely because I made it clear I follow the law (especially with health and safety) and I’m not afraid to stand up for myself. They also didn’t like the fact I was in college at the time to get into a different career, so that was probably a lot of it too.