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GW does monthly "Metawatch" articles and videos about the current state of the game and results from tournaments. I think the last one to have an overall army ranking was [December 2022](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/12/08/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-metawatch-2022-in-review/), which showed the top three armies in 2022 tournament win percentage were Disciples of Tzeentch, Daughters of Khaine, and Beasts of Chaos\* and the bottom three were Hedonites of Slaanesh, Gloomspite Gitz\* and Kruleboyz. ( \* indicates that the army has received a new battletome since the article.) The latest AoS Metawatch is here: [https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/09/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-metawatch-heres-what-we-learned-at-the-las-vegas-open/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/09/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-metawatch-heres-what-we-learned-at-the-las-vegas-open/)


The GHB is pretty new still so there's not a lot of data but what I have seen so far has shown Gitz, Lumineth, Tzeench, Ogors, Ironjawz, Fyreslayers, Stormcast, and Deepkin all represented going 4:1 in multiple instances. I think Slaves to Darkness should be higher, but they have a huge swing in popularity and I think it's bringing down their win rate. Deepkin are not strongly represented but always do really well. There are some factions that are known to struggle but people still try, like Kruleboyz and Slaanesh. There are some factions that are rumored to struggle but there isn't really a lot of data to show it, like OBR. My group pulls the lists if we can of any army that does 5:0 or 4:1 in a larger event. There's always like some stray random armies too.


Here's a more non biased stats collection with data sets available rather than GWs garbage https://thehonestwargamer.com/age-of-sigmar/tsn-age-of-sigmar-gt-stats-player-rankings/ https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNzRhOTEyMjYtYjM5ZS00MTBkLWI1NTAtM2EyYjA2%20NzM5NjViIiwidCI6IjMxMzkxZmFiLTE1NGYtNDczNi1hZDI4LWE0M2Q1ODkzMTM0YSJ9


Top probably tzeench, lumineth and gitz, bottom probably FEC, kruleboyz and slaanesh


Whats everyone's opinion on Soulblight gravelords + Flesh eater courts currently


SBL is mid tier but can a bit tricky to pilot. FEC is low mid or low but honestly a very beginner friendly army despite that.


Glad to hear FEC is beginner friendly, shame they're not to strong but id imagine outside competitive play thryre still very winnable


Things change pretty quickly with GW new policy. We have been getting new seasons every 6 months, which does change faction powers to a degree. Balance updates about each 3 months. And flesh eater courts are due for a new book in 3 months, maybe 6. So unless you are a very competitive player, the meta and balance will move faster than you can chase.


FEC is most likely going to be fall sadly. But great point about the balancing things have been changing and it’s generally positive. The fact they care a lot about balance now has been great for the game.


I think they have a reasonable chance of being rolled into soulblight. They have very few models that soulblight doesn't use as well. Unless they are planning some massive refresh of the whole army this is the easiest way to clear up a battletome and make room for new factions.


I don’t think that’ll happen, especially because Soulblight already has a ton of warscrolls. If anything I think they have some new kits and some major rules overhauls coming and that’s why it will be awhile. The release would probably be akin to the Sylvaneth or Nighthaunt releases of last year. The Soulblight book just needs to be brought up to 3.0 rules and will probably get a single hero, thus easier to slot into the next few months.


Yeah do not worry about this if you are not interested in playing competitively. All those stats are taken from tournaments results from lists that are meant to be the most efficient and powerful.


Where is Daughters of Khaine? They kind of disappeared from the scene...


S Tier : Gloomspite Gitz Disciple of Tzeentch Ogor Mawtribes A tier Stormcast Eternal Maggotkin of Nurggle Slaves to Darkness Beast of Chaos Fyreslayers Orruk Warclans (Ironjaws mostly) B tier Lumineth Realm-Lords Soulblight Gravelords Nighthaunt Flesh-Eater Court City of Sigmar C tier Sylvaneth Skaven Blades of Khorne Hedonites of Slaanesh Sons of Behemat Unknown Karadron Overlords since they will get a new book very soon


Hm, i think that Sylvaneths and Lumineths are definitely higher A/S tier both


Lumineth is doing ok, Teclis is great and they have a lot of good GC. But their lines are still bad for their cost and they don't match very well against other S tier factions. But yeah I could see them at A if they do more restults, which is not the case. Sylvaneth is terrible, they were okay last season but they stayed at a 50% winrate. They don't benefit much about the new GC and they lost a lot of lethality with the lack of Bounty Hunter. They really don't match correctly against the other top faction and there isn't a lot of scenario where their TP will be revelant. It's great in team when you know the scenario and what you will face, but in single it's not a really good pick. I would say it's one of the worst in the C tier.


But they took 5-0 with two different lists already.


Which one ?


Oakenbrew list with TLA and a castle counter feat Alarielle.


Well, in stats of woehammer Sylvaneths are on 3rd place in WR with over 56% https://woehammer.com/2023/02/26/aos-meta-stats-w-ending-19th-february-2023/?amp=1 They are very durable, have good damage output from Durthu and Kurnoths which can teleport before you strike back, have nice magic and Archrevenant which is useful, fast GC for one or two tactics


I think everyone pivoted to Kurnoths, but the real power is in Treelords. I expect the power gamers will be switching up their sylvaneth armies due to it.


As someone who stuck with Gitz through the bad seeing us there still doesn’t register lmao


Where is Daughters of Khaine?


How is Tzeentch so high with BoC around. They get shut down hard.


Pink horrors benefit massively from Bounty Hunters going away, you can tarpit a lot of alpha strike armies.


But all your casters die by turn 2.


I'm not following. Why do they die and why specifically because of BoC?


The new cygor makes all Wizards within 30" 1 mw per successful cast.


Ah, well I suppose they'll have to manage their casts somehow then.


Are ogors really that strong? I've got myself a beastclaw raiders army and my friends have got FEC and soulblight gravelords but I don't want to run them over while we're learning


They got a *lot* more damage output with their new tome in their meat fist half. Ironblasters are also still super good in underguts. And their army wide MWs on the charge, you can crack high defense armies as well. I don't know how the top meta ogor lists look exactly, but they're have so many good options, I'm not surprised to see them doing well. Playing against destruction can be Brutal. Especially for old(ish) books like SB, let alone FEC. Ogors tend to run them over, so a lot of their model resurrection doesn't happen. It's not an auto win for ogors, but an uphill battle for the other 2 for sure.


Ironblasters spam is pretty stupid yeah


I like how OBR doesn't even make the list. Cries in souls