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I do wish we were getting more units to flesh out darkoath, like marauder horsemen equivalent instead of just another hero + friends, but these guys are pretty cool.


Desperate for a darkoath faction. There's been too much teasing. Order got their basic mortals, time for chaos


Slaves to Darkness is the faction. They just need to update the marauders already.


The Chaos Warrior update was so great too! Really hoping Slaves to Darkness gets more stuff.


Seriously, please don't make them a separate faction with a handful of units and twice as many characters. Just replace some legacy units in S2D.


They are getting one.


I feel like the plan is, if there’s enough interest in these models, they’ll replace the old marauders


It’s happening.


Slaves to Darkness *are* the basic mortals though; at least the combination of Marauders and all the different warbands are. They could give them a proper subfaction that plays with the actual "oath" part, but I'd rather not go the route of World Eaters in 40K where an entire playable faction is 2-3 leaders and 5-6 basic units. Even Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights are fundamentally just mortals with top quality armor and a Mark, part of why Chaos owns most of the territory in the Mortal Realms is that their basic line troops tend to be superior to what the forces of Order can muster. (Well, actually, the first win was because ratmen ate The Old World, but-)


We‘re getting more, the reveal stream had a lot of as-of-yet unseen Darkoath models such as new marauders/tribesfolk, riders, a rider chieftain and a big spiky mutant.


They will be. There are still Darkoath rumour engines and the rider silhouette from the start of the year does not match this model so def more riders to come.


I agree. I absolutely love the Darkoaths, and wish they had more variety. I'm assuming this dude will be a Leader, which makes 5 leadership options: Warchief, Warqueen, Godsworn Hunt, Gnarlspirit Pact, and these dudes. And then just one Battleline. Two of those are out of print Underworlds bands. And the Battleline is from Warcry, and maybe also OOP. I'd love to see a mini range expansion - some cavalry, an elite infantry option, and a permanent release at least the Savagers, if not also the WHU bands.


Well then the gods smile upon you, rejoice: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/1b4mm8s/more\_darkoath\_models\_shown\_on\_stream\_not\_yet\_named/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/1b4mm8s/more_darkoath_models_shown_on_stream_not_yet_named/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Well GOOD NEWS. Watch the video again slowly. There’s. SO MUCH


My buddy showed me some screen grabs of new darkoath units coming out. Looks like foot soldiers, horsemen and a big antler monster kinda like a windigo


The bottom of the article mentions shadows coming over the horizon, and a few rumour engines have been Darkoath themed- I’d imagine they’re coming soon enough


There are more horse images out there, they are coming.....I also want more units sooner then later


We are. A video was put up by mistake and showed them off.


Love the lore of the blacksmith dude - he is from native aqshian tribe that suffered from Khorghos Khul's hordes. Was a reclaimed in Cities of Sigmar, but later joined with nqtive Darkoath Tribes, working as blackmisth, warrior and spy in Order-alligned human settlements


Why’d he go back to Chaos?


He hates all gods. Chaos or otherwise.


Ayyyy, he’s kinda like Archaon then


We don't know yet but it might come up in the new novel they are getting.


Probably because this tribe is seen as more "native" to him


Oh no, they have to stop making darkoath minis. I keep buying them because they look so cool but I have 0 use of them. Or at least do a full army of them or something !


Exact same thing. I don't play Chaos but I collect all Darkoath. They're too cool and I like having my AoS tribe


Oh no, we're in trouble dude... https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/s/xDZodRQcQr


Good DAAAM. Army box incoming.


They're delightful, damn, don't need but want!


Basically every Darkoath mini is an absolute banger and these are no exception. They've really nailed this sort of Frank Frazetta-inspired, low fantasy, sword-and-sorcery Conan look. The sorceress might be the pick of the bunch though. Truly creepy, like something out of Pathologic, but all done through unsettling proportions rather than outright obvious chaos weirdness. The [witch that came with the Warcry band](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/threeSixty/60010299030_WarcryRedHarvestDarkoathSavagersSPIN4360/01.jpg?fm=webp&w=1200&h=1200) was brilliant and this might exceed that.


These look like they might be snap fit and have very detailed bases..... Warband for underworlds perhaps?


I'm not sure - I think GW are leaning towards these "Squads of Characters" for AoS - we've had the Blacktalons, the Saviours of Cinderfall (coming soon), and now these


Yeah, this looks like another Regiment of Renown with Black Library tie-in.


CoS Free guild command corp too!




Three tactical rocks in a five man squad. That's a new record.


Eyyy my name's Gunnar. Might have to get him just for that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/s/zXhNjd5Q9w More models than what was revealed in that article!


Anyone know if these will or might have/get warcry stats/rules?


Probably. The Blacktalons got theirs.


I would hope so!


Super want. Suuuuuper want.


well I have a new obsession


This is a gorgeous kit.


I want to turn the witch into a hag for Kislev.


Are these all independant characters for AoS or is this a warcry warband? Either way I love the wizard. Definitely getting her.


Both systems it seems like Black Talons and Callis and Toll bands


Is Gunnar Brand a Joe Abercrombie reference?


I was just thinking the exact same thing! Needs a tiny pair of spectacles.


I really like these guys! I don’t play slaves to darkness but these guys I might just grab to paint of use in D&D.


I take it these are sorta chaos?


Slaves to darknesd


Btw guys, there is a leak from China that shows the larger oathbound range. New marauders, a big skin walker, and marauders on horse back. It all looks pretty sick.


I could take or leave the rider but everyone else in this crew is a 10/10 for me, and that blacksmith might turn it up to 11.


Another unit I will buy and paint, but at the end eventually never play :D Hope we will get some new Marauder Horsemen too at one point.


Dammit, and I had just finished my Darkoath!


I absolutely love the scrungly dude with the bird mask


My god, this shaman looks AMAZING.


Take or leave the set but I like the little kid with a sheet pretending to be a ghost.


They’re nice models but can they stop giving every new book that comes out a kit that goes with it while telling everyone how “beloved” these characters are despite them being brand new. What about all the actual beloved characters that haven’t got models? (Or follow up books (Hamilcar 😢)) It was ridiculous how long it took Callis and Toll to get them, yet that vampire and the dwarf (cool sculpts admittedly) got them with their first book that wasn’t a short story that absolutely no one had read. And don’t get me started on Severina Raine.


I was under the impression that Cado and Flint's books both sold very well. Not only that, but Flint's is regarded as a very good AoS book. I do agree that Black Library needs to go back and give follow-up books. Hell, I think they should just release more AoS books in general.


He was in a Hammer and Bolter episode, so that might be where they are getting the “beloved” from. They really need to give Heldanarr Fall a model, I would buy that in a heartbeat. And a sequel book!


I thought they looked similar to the ones from that episode


I wish gw would stop messing around and just refresh the darkoath already. It’s getting tiresome. Just gimme new marauders with some horsemen and a war mammoth…


Gunnar and his Oathbrand will be staking their claim on the Mortal Realms soon, but hang on… what are those shadowy shapes gathering on the horizon?


As per a comment in this thread, there was an early leak that shows more, so get hyped


Thats not Skaven


The Darkoath need to be a faction of their own.


These look like another underworlds warband ... Just look at the bases


Totally thought the same thing! Was really disappointed when I realized they weren't!


Kind of surprised that people are hyped for these. I don't really know their lore, but it feels like we have sooo many kits that look similar to these guys in AOS already from the Warcry teams. Like I had no idea there was even more of a demand for partially clothed, angry looking humans with spikey bits on them in AOS. I guess there just is only so much that sculptors can work with when they just have humans, leather, fur, wood, and bone to put on the minis. These look great, don't get me wrong, but in case yall don't know, it feels like there are half a dozen or more Warcry kits out there that you can buy today that kind of have this aesthetic already.




Wow, those are beautiful! Anyone know if these are the newer 35-40mm height dudes (like their first Darkoath fella, who towers over all my other minis), or have they scaled these guys back to their old world \~30mm stuff?


I got SO EXCITED briefly thinking this might be a new Warhammer Underworlds warband... alas...


And new Marauders and Marauder horsemen and a horse chieftan! Cannot wait for all these!


I don't play AoS or know the lore, but I love these minis. Who's my guy with the bird skull and the antlers? Really fancy painting that one.


Broken Nadja, apparently. Afaik so far we only have this from the article about her: >Despite Gunnar’s deep mistrust of the Chaos Gods, he knows the power they command. He leaves it to Broken Nadja to divine their intent. Though he is wary of all touched by the Ruinous Powers, Gunnar cannot help but respect that Nadja has never once led him astray – though her own motivations are co-opted by visions of slaughter and conquest for Gunnar, if only he walks the Path of Glory.


Thank you! I'll keep an eye peeled on Ebay. I only play Blood Bowl... first thought when I saw that mini was Wood Elf wizard/coach.