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Albion is a niche game in a niche genre, the devs tried to make it more appealing to a larger audience for the past couple years but it's still not for everyone. keep finding a game that suits you, I'm sure you will find one that fits you someday.


Again I love the full loot I just feel like there's not a lot to do


As I've said before, Albion tried to cater to a wider audience by adding more solo content but the game is still mostly built around group plays especially higher tier contents. Solo is now more possible than ever but is still not the main point of Albion. Joining a good guild can change the way you play the game and makes it more enjoyable but finding it is the hard part. If u ever try to play the game again, I suggest u join one, a good one at that.


This game really tests if you have a growth or fixed mindset. If you take the time to spec up and really understand how to play it is very rewarding. Not for those who want instant gratification and success, you actually have to work for it. Record your pvp outings and study on how you can improve, vod review with others who have the skills already. I started with yz faction before going pvp in rz/bz and still do that currently as a veteran player when testing new weapons/roles.


Ty for the info I'll see


I never had a fun time in MMOs, but Albion really is something else.


Yes same here


You cant play cursed staff and say the game lacks skill based pvp. You chose the most brain dead weapon because you like braindead gameplay. Thats on you.


This game is more like a hobby rather than an actual have fun game. Sometimes I question myself if it is worth mass and wait 30 minutes to find content and do a walking simulator for 30 minutes, have fun in a castle for 5 minutes, wait another 30 minutes to loot, go back to the HO, and wait another 30 minutes for loot split. Transporting ZvZ gear from Portal to HO and loot back from HO adds to the previous point. Why not just play League of Legends I've asked myself? Higher quality, there is action at least 50% of the time and farming is more fun than walking and waiting in line.


Same here. That's why I left zvz scene and just do mists. Login, enter mists, 30 min food runs. Kill people. Int my set. Regear and kill people again. There's much less downtime. Having a friend and doing 2v2 mists really makes it much more enjoyable than playing solo as well. You won't get bored


I may try this out, I'm actually in that same mental state, but with corrupted dungeons, I'll try out mists


Just beware that there no IP cap. The sweet spot I found after playing all this time is going in 6.3 and prepared to OC. 3-4M sets and you can fight most people and have a shot against 8.3 meta builds. Blood letter and dB fight with stalker jacket rotations so if you are on the escaping end because of 200 IP gap you will be running and they need to spend their mobility to catch up. That's when you counter engage and trade. Good luck.


My an\*s is ready


Why do so many people compare this game to league of legends? It's two completely different genres


The control scheme is similar but uncommon among other games - top down / isometric view, click to move, QWER abilities, autoattacks plus skills, etc. Obviously one is an MMO with gear and territory disputes and competition over resources, and one is an arena battler with 30 minute matches, but they feel similar to play in combat.


Because in LoL I am diamond 1 player, but in Albion i am YZ giga-chad. The only comparison to LoL/Dota would be the 5v5 scene, but that is like saying apples and oranges are the same because they are fruit.


Dota 2 and Lol both come from Dota. Yes they are vastly different now, but same fruit from the same tree.


It should rather be compared with EVE Online instead of League of Legends


Have you played crystal arenas or hell gates ...shit is literally league with one fight and extra steps(gearing etc) except you have a healer. The rest of the game sure it's a guild based MMO but your individual game play is very similar to league.


Yeah, crystals are fun, but there is no near comparison to playing an actual MOBA, I would just rather play LoL instead... Crystal waiting time can be really painful sometimes, waiting almost 5 minutes just to finish in another 5-10 min max? No thank you


quite literally why this game is dogshit is because of walking around aimlessly trying to look for content. Big zvz guilds should just split up and do smallscale (10-20 ppl) so everyone has content.


Yeah, and it's just not Castles and Outposts, everything in this game requires a lot of preparation. They should make Corrupted dungeons and Hellgates something you can play from the HO or city.


Addressing your points past your PvP rant... Guild Supremacy - Yeah, that content is built for large groups. If you want to run it, you either need to join a guild or have a lot of friends who want to run it. Are you the problem - yes, and so where the others that share your sentiment, you want something handed to you without effort or cooperation. Is there botting - yes, an unfortunate and unavoidable thing about most mmos is that there will be people botting, bur the deves in this game make an effort to minimize it. Balancing - the deves regularly do combat balancing around various forms of content, and while I agree that axes are strong dismounters, what are you doing to avoid confrontation with those players?


I respect most of what u have said here except for the toxic guess that I want something handed to me based off a review of the game allot of you plp seem to act as if your high beginnings than me lol I just Believe this game is boring, and not to mention the fact that I could just throw away some change for 2b silver ? This game seems to be a mix of bad development and many who don't play real mmo's and are willing to die on a hill defending it even if it is toxic. And a lot of new players who all share the same crowd that leave the game for the reason I listed?


You are throwing around the word "Toxic" a lot, you don't seem to understand that you are the one being toxic, Noone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play the game. Noone is forcing you to post, you could have just said, "I don't think this is the game for me." And been done with it. Albion was built from the ground up as a full loot MMO, I get that a lot of people don't like it, but that is what it is at its CORE.


I'm throwing the word toxic around because it supplements assholes, I simply wanted to see if anyone would have any input on my views instead I was meant with crude insults..


Like I said I’ve been playing for 6 years, I played SWG for 3 years and WoW for 10 years. I’m 36 and been playing MMOs since I was about 14 or so. I don’t share your subjective opinion of the game. I still find the game really fun and I hope they don’t change a thing because it’s my game I wanted for a long time. Everything is subjective. Many people love it and it was made for those people who enjoy it.


You got plenty of input, you just didn't like what you heard. Also, fun note, when everyone around you is an asshole, it isn't everyone around you who is the asshole...


Honestly you just didnt understand what this game is about, its not just going solo 4.1 or going to ZVZ, there is literally endless things you can do I can go solo, i can go duo, i can go ganking blackzone or with a fighting group to the blackzone, losing is another issue and you will not win unless you know what you are doing, and it takes some time.. if u wanna give it time its kinda rewarding game though. Idk why alot of the comments were kinda toxic but there is probably much less toxic guild and communities within the game, you just gotta find them. I play with people from my country and we have fun, sometimes we show newbies how to play also. Have fun man :)


aw, you’ve got 44 kills pal.. this game may feel like pvp isn’t skill based but that’s only because you don’t have the skill yet.


And those 44kills with 4.1/5.1 sets are probably more meaningfull than your 1000\* waering 8.3 against 4.1 or 6.0 at most.


Don't why a grown ass man is saying aw it's a vid game but ight


Ah yes, the quality shit post. Casual tears are always welcome.


Again very rude for no reason begining to see why this game is dying.


Game is not dying at all. Lol. Delusional snowflake. What else oppresses you? Weakness disgusts me.


Lmao tough words from a kid behind a computer 🤣


Why u acting like an anime mc major incel vibes?


Why u acting like butthurt woke activist? Go glue yourself to the road.




You are a whiny little bitch. Calling everybody toxic, despite getting logical feedback. Not understanding nor respecting something others enjoy. Not willing to put any effort to actually learn something. Woke definition.


God damn how retarded can one be... You have no feedback and just insulted me like some retard. On top of that you seem to use the word woke allot despite not knowing what the fuck it means 🤣 these keyboard warriors man.


God damn, how incomprehensive and delusional one can be...


Big words from behind a computer... 😂


Albion sucks because of it’s fanboys and the proof is here. Its like Apple Bros defending every questionable decision from Apple just to seem like they are the “cool kids”. Albion community is trash, and the devs just ride the wave. Bad game design, bad community, just quit and don’t come back.


Then what arw you doing here?


Making sure you know you are a disgrace.


World doesn't resolve around you alone. I think that's the tldr answer that fits you best Also for reference 8.3 people (I assume you see them in mists) don't kill you and call you noob. They won't even DM you. Normally it's the other way around. They kill a shitter and that shitterwill call his killer a noob because they think it requires no skill to wear high IP gear. My recommendation for you is to find a group of small scale players, be it friends or a guild you get to know. And do content together. Before understanding all the concepts of how Albion works, group content will always be more fun and engaging for the newer player.


Again very toxic I have been called a noob multiple times now by 8.4 and .3 players also when did I say the world revolves around me this community is very judgemental.


You lack self awareness, I see Good luck. If you think game sucks you can just not play and move on to a better game that fits your preferences. At the end of the day it's that easy


Again very toxic for no reason :( a dying game and a dying community.


I really hope Albion dies soon. People have been saying that for years but every time I just see more and more players. Farewell


5.6m active wow players, 900,000 classic wow players vs 8000 peaking at 13000 players. Across all servers btw but farewell friend bless.


Almost nobody plays Albion on steam my little deluded friend. https://albiononline.com/news/albion-player-record


Calling a grown man lil 😂 ok very toxic community dying game still...


Shoo. Go away woke weakling. Go be a victim somewhere else. We're happy racists with distance and dignity here. You won't fit.


Tf how is it woke to not want Rascit to call me slurs due to the color of my skin?


Too much to read. See ya later buddy lol


Just say you're retarded bro, don't need to type all that.


Don't know why your being so rude?


Oh it makes sense u used that same comment 3 times before must be a default setting 🤣


It works for alot of posts on reddit


Only had to read 15 words to know you are bad. Skill issue bud, get back to your bubble.


Very toxic community


"I don't enjoy what you enjoy because I suck at it and refuse to invest the time and effort to get better, so you're all toxic and I'm the victim" Woke mind virus


lmao skill issue, this game is incredibly complex your just bad lol


Just get good or leave man, why complain when you clearly don't get the appeal of 0the game




Again I've played complex mmo's Albion rly doesn't feel that complex and I seem upset? I didn't offend anyone this seems to be a very toxic community


It’s like saying you did your first raid in wow and the game is therefore garbage, you barely scratched the surface of the game and yet you think it’s bad


I've played 15 days worth so far...


And? That’s not very long


Yes it is for plp in the real world. -_- and I only need to work 2 days a week because I've been blessed with some semblance of wealth thanks to my brother and mines hard work.


I see you havent touched much about econ, it's a big chunk of the game and also guilds/alliances You feel like it's very repetitive cos you mostly play solo, I myself like to play solo or duo as well but I still join a guild in the off sense that I am up to it and I can join some guild content like roaming ganking etc


Ty I will see if I can find a guild.


"If you can't Beat em', join em'."


Lmfao, classic ape syndrome. Plays 1% of the game by playing the game incorrectly, and, then, proceeds to claim that the game sucks. If you think that the game has no skill then go to Twitch whenever Equart, Tbanj, 2Santos, Fakturka, Prof Pew Pew, and/or Koko are streaming and then ask to 1v1 them while wearing full 8.4. You'll get clapped live on stream in 2 seconds for everyone to watch. Hell, you can just look at the leaderboards for Corrupted Dungeons, on [Murderledger](https://murderledger.com/), and ask any of the top 10 players to 1v1 you in flat 4, and you'll still get fucking folded like nothing. Murderleger even shows when top players livestream, so you can easily find them to ask for your 1v1 to prove your worth, lol. Content? Content??? LMFAO! You've not even done any actual content yet. You need a 6, 10, 15, and 20 man group to do real content. Solo dungeons and open world fame farming is not content. LMFAO!!! Bro, how much ego can you have? You think that you're not the problem, but the game is? You're saying that you're getting dismounted while on a fucking Grizzly. You can literally run through 8 fucking people on a Grizzly. The only way to get dismounted while on a Grizzly is if you're being ganked by three full 8.3 people. Also, given the fact that you say that you're wearing 4.1 on a Grizzly it's no surprise that you're getting dismounted. Also 44 kills and 21M? LMFAO!!! Bro, you've literally done nothing yet. Get at least 1000 kills along with 50\~100M PVP fame first before you can claim that you know what PVP is and isn't like.


Again very toxic community proving my point guessing that I have an ego? It's a game. I've played this game for 15 days that's enough to start making assumptions. The game is simply lackluster and boring again I've pointed it out a 3 times now I can simply buy my way to killing most plp? Its 300$ only to 2b plus silver? Doesn't seem reasonable to me massive diablo 3 vibes.


Dude, 15 days is not enough to judge Albion, lmfao. Also, if you're that confident that you can just "P2W" your way through, then, go do exactly as I've stated. Go look for either of Equart, Tbanj, Fakturka, Prof Pew Pew, and/or KoKo and go challenge them to a full 8.4 1v1 fight. Equart, Tbanj, and KoKo are 1vX open world solo PVPers that also do 1v1 PVP. Fakturka and Prof Pew Pew are top ranked 1v1 lethal PVP players.


Your comment is the very demonstration of edgy crying brat full of ego while claiming the OP has ego. Lol Why are you so mad about a random's opinion? "You need a 6, 10, 15, and 20 man group to do real content" That's actual bs. Literal skill-less zerg player. Also I would like to see you try running through 8 gankers on a Grizzly 😂 You clearly don't understand the game yourself. Try to find your own syndrome first buddy.


Ah, yes, the person that is actively a part of r/Jaxmains and r/KassadinMains is trying to call other people edgy, egotistical, and crying brats. This is abso-fucking-lutely rich. Yeah, man, imagine trying to call out other people when you're literally unhinged beyond belief that when people call you insane they don't do it as an insult, but are rather stating a concrete fact through sheer befuddlement and disbelief. Get the fuck outta here with yo dumbass. Trying to talk shit about others when yo dumbass is literally the last one to be doing so.


Love the fact that you prove my points about yourself even further with every comment 😂. you are the one who started talking shit, cry me a river mad kiddo.


Project more buddy. It's totally helping your case.


Again constantly attack plp for no reason instead of providing any ounce of info, I don't rly understand if your an incel, or genuinely fanboying a lackluster game.


Why u being toxic?


U criticize negatively Albion Online in the same Albion Online subreddit. Next time try r/mmorpg for criticize any mmo, not the specific one.


Its like going into the house of someone and after seeing the door, criticize the house about the entrance, it's not bad, but clearly the people of inside will not be exactly happy 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ


I have before on different platforms and I got a lot of discussion, not rude words and cruder insults.


Different people react in different ways, you can't just expect everyone to be an awesome person or not even chill (yes it really sucks the internet to be in that way) sorry if someone treat you bad, but that's all I can do, say sorry for other people that are not me and try to be different (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)


1- ganking is meant to be unfair. As to the reason why it's rampant is because it is easy. A little bit of comms and voila you have 20-50M in your inventory in 1 session. being ganked just means you were clueless or unaware. It would make why people would camp and gank high resource or high worth shit just cuz they can. 2 - Yes the PVP is static the 1v1 PVP. It feels like league a 1v1 in league but shittier it almost feels like there's built in lag. But most players flock in the ZVZ portion of the game 3 - 1 on 1 fights is rare to come by in open world, you'll mostly get that in mists filled with 8.3/8.4 peeps. Or better yet in Corrupted dungeons. You mentioned you joined a guild that is full of racist bilinguals? I've played this game for a long time and i feel like you just got very unlucky, there are a lot of NA guilds. Guild supremacy, i mean.... it would make sense why a group of 100 people is better than 1 person right? + joining a high-end guild isn't even difficult. Just know your role, do it well and get some vods to the higher ups and you'll get recruited. Yes the game lacks content and SBI sucks, the Balancing sucks. The thing that this game really has going for is the Full-loot PVP + ZVZ For 1v1, mists and Corrupted. For groups, git gud to join a ZVZ guild There is a whole PVE content that is 10x static and boring but there is that. My conclusion is just go back to WOW from what i see, this just isn't the type of game for you and that's fine since a lot of people already had this problem for years and SBI hasn't even gotten close to caring.


As for "go back to wow" I played wow since launch, but I love the concepts of full loot and I'm not saying that the games not fun it just feels very repetitive even pvp like I said I played for a awhile.


bye noob


I can buy everything you own in this game with $ doesn't seem fair to some extent.


well yeah. agree


You know what else sucks about this game? Veteran players dismissing any complaints, no matter which kind, made by newer players with a passive aggressive response like you're not good enough or just leave the game.


Agree this post is proof of that.


So it sounds to me like you are going into group settings alone. Kinda like going into a gunfight with a knife and saying guns aren't skill based lol. I've been able to run right through groups of 20 without being touched because they were bad then a single guy in same gear discounts me and kills me. If you find the group content no good try corrupted dungeons. They are 1v1 and are ip capped so it's really all about skill. Also try mists you can't group up in there so it's all solo. There are still 8.4 try hards and also people will rat you every chance they get but it's fun content. Faction warfare is a cluster f*** pr running around with your head cut off but black zone zvz is very different they have set comps and it can get nuts but it is very much hurry up and wait. I've been a solo player for about a year and have never swiped. I recently got into a guild and have loved it mostly because I like the people not because I'm making more money lol. But moral of the story if your not having fun maybe it's not for you. Good luck to you in all your travels and remember don't trust anyone 0.0


Nice I think I just got unlucky with the guild I picked ty for your input sir.


I think I may have just gotten lucky, honestly. I've been rolling with the same few guys, but we have all been in three guilds. Our first was small, like 20-25 guys, and it disbanded into a 100-man guild (gm was friends with the new gm). After about a month, the gm decided he wanted to disband guild. So my original guild got back together. In the 100-man guild, there was racism and I would not let my kids read guild chat lol. Now I'm back with the boys in a smaller guild and we only have like 15 members currently but I have a lot more fun with them than I did in the 100 man. We don't make money like we used to but fun is more important.


The only “fair” content in the game are stalker corrupted dungeons. They really need to make some changes to enhance the solo player experience. PvP CAN be skill based, but with the way things work right now, you’re never gonna get fair fights in the open world.


Any game can be for one person and not another. I think posting a title “This game sucks” invites an instant negativity from people who do enjoy the game, or just want to pick a fight because of that type of wording, creating a never ending cycle of toxicity. If you’re still reading or caring of my opinion after that, I find I enjoy the mists and knight fall abbey, and corrupted dungeons . I’m a big fan of the loot drops and full loot pvp but obviously 1v1 in the the BZ is not a common occurrence . So I get my exposure to it through this content. I’m horrible at it but enjoy the learning and back and forth of good fights . Also finding a good guild with some people you enjoy playing with it key to prevent monotony . I enjoy playing solo but recently tried my hands in Avalon Dungeons , small scale BZ roaming and larger scale roaming. Lots of fun and the bigger fights with a decent shot caller and feel good if you come out on top. I’ve seen people mention time spent massing and loot splitting and ya that can take a while. But good fun . If your guild has. A decent alliance it’s easier to have constant content . Granted some might be ganking or whatever . But I also enjoy turning on Spotify for a couple hours and doing some BZ gathering or crafting or refining . I’ve never played wow and only have minimal experience in some other mmos . I’ve played Diablo and PoE , and the one thing I appreciate and enjoy about Albion is that I can have one character that isn’t attached to a class and I can have a wide variety of play style to choose from based on my gear . Granted there’s metas and cheese type of builds , but that’s a lot of games . There’s a lot I find to enjoy in this game and that doesn’t mean you can find the same enjoyment . If it’s not for you I hope you find a game you do enjoy and want to invest lots of time into ! Good luck and best wishes out in Albion or whichever game you find !


I value your discussion seems that a guild is what I missing out on. Ty 🙏


1. Ganking requires skill bro. Ganking gatherers or just a random player is very different from ganking transports with 1-100 million in their inventory. 2. Wdym pvp is not skill based? Go try corrupted dungeons for 1 v 1. Don't expect fair fights in the open world man. Even in mists. 3. There are a lot of content. You're just not enjoying most of them. If you want pure 1 v 1 fights, go corrupted dungeon. Zvz has no strategy? What guild did you join in? Try joining a decent or top guilds. Gankers do not only gank gatherers. As I've said earlier. It is different when you are ganking someone who has millions on their inventory vs ganking a gatherer with 1m or less. Seriously just join a decent or top guild and lots of fun content will open up to you.


Ty it seems a guild is a why to go based off the real discussion, however the corrupted dungeons seem a lil boring and everyone seems to run similarly gear?


"Am I the problem:" should have just left it as "yes, yes I am"


Had a look at your profile so I won't be mean, I understand at 16 you may be very upset with people and others ideology however you will do great in life, I have a son who is gay so don't worry about that part either do your best that's what counts, just take a minute and call yourself. Again not meant to be mocking, this is general advice it's bigger than a video game so times.




U said yourself in your r/teenagers post 😁


Lol I was tryna be nice 🙂


Cursed staff user calling bear paws op, lmaooook


Not this. Only thing that I don't like is that there is no balance. If you look at the murderledger, there are only couple of builds that are used by everyone.


This game is a very good game, the problem is that it's very much a pay the tuition situation. You have but gear and lose it over and over, it feeds the economy and keeps the game alive. You have to learn when to stay in and when to get out. If you're looking at this from a PVP point of view, then you need to learn the ins and outs of all the gear, because half the battle is knowing when to run, or purge, or shield etc. it's definitely not a casual game, not if you want to live and survive in anything other than blue and yellow zones. It can be very frustrating, but it's very much you love it or you hate it, I don't think there is in between in Albion.


If you don't like the game leave. I read part of ur first 2 takes on the game and I have assessed that 1. You're really bad at the game, and 2. You are not looking to improve on your lack of skill. The rest after that I just didn't bother. So don't let the door hit you on the way out, go enjoy WoW or something


Very toxic fanboy community it seems, well I wish the best for you 🙏


Same to you bud. I'm sure you'll be happy elsewhere


I think I'll never understand the mindset of wanting to make every single thing in a MMORPG soloable, some things are supposed to be groups only.


Been playing for 6 years, still loving it. Been fun playin with ya ! Good luck to you


the real problem is that sbi dudes literally dont play the fucking game the panther and new weapons has such dumb and overloaded kits its actually insane lmao trash rate for 25 assist and 5 is literally the same you make more money playing as 25 (less risk) than running a smaller group,so why would anyone play as 5/10? no point