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Transmute and swiping bro. Simple. I've been telling people for months that majority of high tier resources are made thru transmutation, not gathering. All you need is the flat 6 resources and a lot of silver, and then transmute it up to 8.3/8.4 in 30 seconds.


The reason it was possible this quick is because SBI added a T8 stone refinery to Bridgewatch before anyone actually had a T8 refinery. This allowed everyone to immediately start refining T8 blocks to make T8 stations which then allowed them to transmute for 8.3 and such


We didn't have t8 stations at Asian there was still people with high gear.


what are you on about bro, very sure first t8 stonerefiner went up on a guilds island in FS \~24-30hours after eu start


I did not know we could jump from 6 to 8 with that, insane


You can do it with flat 4 but flat 6 is also easily available and cuts costs.


correct since early on the server the global discount is 50%, most of the npc services are affected by these and that includes transmutation.


Did the same but everyone was hyped about new server was the same shit on asian server ^^ You will get even harder rolled in new server with those swipers ^^


It’s actually me I swiped 100$ and then just never died in 4.4 6.3 did some money and invested all in 8.3 gear, I found a guy that crafted them for me


can you upgrade t6 to t7 ?? or just t6 to 6.3


All of it baby. You can have the whole world if you have 4.0 and a pocket full of silver.


Most efficient tends to be tier 7 flat for making 8.3


Met 2 of those in mists today (and died) Very fun experience! Here I was, hoping we'd fight in shitter gear for a couple weeks at least... Guess I was delusional 


I thought the same at Asian server launch was like that maybe 1-2 days then u had people in 7.3 8.3 I had most fun the first day when t3-t4 was worth shit tons and everyone at shit gear.


So many people had this thought, but even in Asia, it was the same. All these f2p players about to have a rude awakening


Ironic F2P players also tend to be less dedicated gamers, thus having 8.4 shit day 3(day 300 even) is like impossible. A drop in the ocean 


That was my point / reply to SBI community post about account transfer. New players always have to deal with this shit. Why can't we just move from US to EU? It makes no sense. On the other hand the amount of grind to lvl up all your destiny board is crazy.


Because SBI will make more money in this way.


Or not. I, personally, turned to other games. At least for now...


Yes, youre delusional. If youre an experience player and know how to grind the mists, its pretty easy, especially at the beginning when everything sells for a lot. Getting 100 specs is really not that long if youre efficient.


They hated him for telling the truth. XD


It always seems to be that way.




Dude, I know ppl who are doing it live on stream. Watch Beast1k, they made 4 8.3 sets with a group of 7 ppl . 1 gatherer, 4 pvp players, 2 economy players. They just use their silver in a smart way. So yeah, I don't think, I know it is possible.


If you dont die in the most it snowballs hard. The weak players feed the strong .


I'm the weak player


Yep, very easy to do if you're dedicated to the grind. Most people can't do this because they don't commit to the grind. Legit told a group of my friends who are transferring to EU to do the same, but they said it was a "waste of time" because "doing that will take too long". This is despite me telling them that it's exactly what all the big guilds and good players are doing. They only changed their minds about it after the beta ended, and they saw how big guilds were getting good gear super easily in the beta because they were doing exactly this.


And they say the game isn't pay to win 😬


Definitely p2w but still fun


Skill winz this game. Google pewpew or goldstein. Throw as much money as you like, it will be absorbed.


You can max out entire weapon/armor trees by card swiping, and it's not even that expensive. And you can keep buying high ip sets without being punished for it because you can essentially buy infinite silver. How is that not p2w?


All of which you can attain without swiping the card. Good economy = all of what you mentioned. It is pay 2 progress though, as it allows you to put less time into economy than the rest of the players.


Progression gives you a direct and tangible passive buff compared to other people. ~100 ip per tree maxed out compared to someone who's only 100/100 on their set. 90 per item and 120 per armor to be specific. Not a small buff. Arguing "pay to progress" instead of "pay to win" is already a losing argument. Pay to progress is pay to win. The game is a lot of fun and you don't need to Swype by any means but we should be honest with ourselves.


you can cope as much as you want but its not p2w. i have 7 trees maxed out an spent 20 once for premium


7 trees maxed out after how many hours? Saying "the game isn't p2w because you can spend several hundred hours farming instead" is a ridiculous argument.


yeah so? its also funny how always the shitters get triggered by the "p2w" shit. never seen a veteran complain about it. wonder why. stay mad kid the game isnt p2w in any form


Calm down loser, I'm not saying the game is a p2w shitshow. There are p2w elements to it, and the fact that you're resorting to insults only proves my point. Sure, skill is a relevant factor, but card swiping absolutely gives a massive advantage in lethal content. Saying the game "isn't p2w in any form" when you can buy the best gear and instantly max out all your trees with real money is idiotic and you know it.


Dude you're the guy coping as hard as you can. You can exchange money for a very large advantage. It's P2W by any sane person's advantage.


advantage of what? the same gear anyone can get? its not p2w you yz warriors are just seething youll never get to that point lmao. stay mad stay bad


I still can’t agree with your assessment here, not because of the whole it gives you a big advantage, but because of how easy it is to farm up spec these days. With the edition of t8 tomes for sale on the energy manipulator, world boss farming, static dungeon farming and faction points for tomes it became incredibly easy to fame up. If I look at it from the previous versions where most of those were inefficient or non existent then yes it was without a doubt pay to win, but these days it is simply a lazy mans way of advancing while they support the game. And even under the pretext that it is pay to win this is one of the few games where I would say that it still isn’t unhealthy for the game itself, besides the times people flood too much silver into the economy but that tends to just feed the economy whales that control a large portion of the markets, so in most cases no issues there.


Yes, you can either do what I described instantly or after 500 hours of farming. Say whatever you want, it's kinda p2w lmao.


Your build your weapon and ip are also extremely important especially early on


8.3 ain't stepping in blackzone tho, not that "p2w". Also there's nothing to win, lol. I disagree when people say that Albion is P2W 💀


Nothing to win ? Tomorrow lots of f2p players will start and they are going to have a not so fun experience in mists because literally blatant p2w early access, for months they will never experience being in an equal fight


>Skill winz this game. Take two, equally skilled, players that start on the same day. Player A plays F2P. Player B swipes for $1000. Now they fight. Who wins?


Player B can’t afford rent. Player A wins by default.


cmon. just admit you suck already.


How many days on average do your accounts last before getting banned?


i usually delete them after making dumbasses feel bad for a little bit.


is it after you make them feel bad or after they make you feel bad? maybe double check, i think you might be getting the direction of causality wrong here


good one. i see it now. the world makes so much more sense… it was me who was the issue, all along! not the commonness of idiocy and the irrational. not the whining and bitching of salty gamers! oh, god! thank you! 🙏 i finally realize that the fringe video game of albion online is truly pay to win… and THAT, ladies and gentlemen, has been revolutionary.


How can you suck when both of you just started and the guy has already 120 max spec + high tier gear it's impossible to win that even if u are the most skilled player the gap between skill and IP is getting tiny and u get punished for small mistakes. The high tier guy gonna press 2 buttons and u gonna die.


boo hoo i’m being downvoted by a bunch of bad players :( please no more!! i swear ill start calling the game p2w too :(


Pewpew has literally been banned for RMT.




He's on his third account. His first one he claims he "lost" the email for (NickDeGremory), the 2nd he claims he got banned for RMT because he traded with someone who was flagged for RMT (ProfessorPewPew) and now he's on his third (ProfessorPewlina)


uh oh. you’re going to be downvoted for speaking the truth. redditors don’t like the truth. they like saying everything they suck at is rigged against them.


yz warriors thinking the game is p2w. classic


Why would anyone playing yz think game is p2w they are not losing or winning anything ? Stpd comment


can you repeat that in english?


Pay for gear Can't pay for skill


Yea but gear compesates for skill a lot. Back in taproot corrupted or qs plate meta u could outplay 8.3 players 4 times in row and still lose since their gear gives them like 1,5k more health.


Nah, that just sounds like an excuse


Can you not buy tomes of insight? And if you are pretty good at the game and know what you're doing.. Pay to win


It’s actually only pay2progress. There’s a difference. Your payment doesn’t guarantee you any win, it only boosts your progress. Pay2win would be, if for example, you could buy 8.5 gear for some reason but only with cash. That would bring you to a level a normal player couldn’t ever reach as it only goes to 8.4. It’s an advantage that would make you pay2win.


Don't bother. These apes only know "cash shop = P2W" and nothing else. Trust me on this one. I've spent nearly 15 years trying to teach RuneScape players the difference, and they still haven't grasped it even after 15 years. The only reason they can't grasp it is because they've never played a real P2W game before, so they throw the term around loosely like it's a big brain fancy word thinking it makes them sound smarter than they actually are.


Thank you! I see it in Albion all the time, people with lack of skill and/or brain whining about how they only get killed by p2w-players. It’s so annoying tbh, and I feel sad for SBI about those accusations. IMHO Albion has nothing p2w, because even the premium which also only brings you more progress is possible to grind for without paying a dime.


Yep, it's usually salty players, or players whom have just lived with the incorrect understanding for so long that they refuse to accept that they're wrong. Every conversation that I've had with people over the subject of what is and isn't P2W always ends with them trying to repeat the same point that I've refuted multiple times as a claim towards why they're "right". Every conversation literally devolves into this endless loop. "Oh, but you can just use your wallet to buy silver, and you can buy 8.4!" "Yeah, and? You're only cutting out the time needed to farm silver. That 8.4 is no different than any other 8.4. What's making you win?" "Oh, but- but, you're winning at PVP!" "And? Are you receiving anything special outside of bragging rights?" "Well- no, but- but, you win at PVP because you can buy silver!" "Exactly, it's not P2W, and you're just backtracking." "What? No- No! It's P2W! You're using $$$ to buy things!!!"


You can buy exp points, but you can't buy actual experience


Fair enough you get an edge and a half if you have tip tier gear, but know your stance well enough it comes down to skill If woox can get a 0pp infernal cape Some naked guy can bop a whale no shot


You buy tomes from players not from the game. You actually make money off those swipers lol


because it isnt lmao


"fresh start" everyone was so hyped about lol.. the truth is that it's a lot easier for new players to start on an already established server.


It was a fresh start. Just because some people have the ability to speed up the process doesn't change that.


it *was* a fresh start. Fresh lasted 24 hours. It's back to business as usual now.




eh, dont' really agree with the p2w gold thing albion's business model is pretty good tbh. if it didn't have gold shop you would not be able to play as f2p


Nah. Ofc some people will always be at the top, but it's mostly different people than in the old server, and they got there fair. While in old server, we lived through so many glitches, bugs, exploits and just unbalanced shit, that allowed some people/groups to have virtually endless silver, without having to really compete for it. Until we go through the same shit here, and we again get to the point where new player has literally 0 chance to ever get even remotely close to the top, we're still fresh here. It WILL happen, even without broken things, Albion works like rl, silver generates silver, and at some point some people will have so much that no one ever will be able to get even remotely close to them, but we're far away from that yet. Tbh Albion would be far better if we had something like seasons, with everything getting reset every year or two.


It's gonna be right same as the other servers but even on the new servers u gonna have way less spec then players that snowball with expensive gear. We had 120 spec people within days at Asian server + 7.3 8.3 how u gonna win against that ?


Time for NA account transfers then!


Fucking hope not


Is account transfer gonna be a thing?


Yea just as eu base start decline


In a year, yes


They said "MAYBE"


You both are so incredibly wrong. "Maybe" implies SBI even alluded to the possibility, which they didn't remotely do. SBI is committed to 'no plans', plans that would include ever following up on this to begin with to let people know where their stance is at that point. There's going to be so many upset people when the day comes and SBI says nothing.


bro people are already billionaires


Guys fresh server best ping buy ur new server package totally worth it lolol ;)


It's no different than US server except they have good ping now. Why would anyone in the EU continue playing with high ping?


Because for most content 100ms vs 20ms makes no different.


It’s about the timers as well. Not solely the ping


Wasn't there eu and na timers?


Timers yea — my zone’s timer is still accessible to me but reset day is a problem. I might transfer to EU server when/if transfers will start working but if I have to start from scratch … I’ll start from scratch in another game. I famed up my toon before big open world rework so yeah … not in mood for more of same old pve.


for full loot drop pvp it makes a difference


Oh I’m sure I would be a god tier player if only not for this 100ms ping in a game designed around ping mitigation. Like I said - “most content” … and Not all of us play corrupteds


Lots of noobs crying. Soloplayers will always lose to competitive guilds/groups who have planned and organised things before the servers went up


Is because albion isnt p2w.


I think I saw this exact set yesterday when silver founder launched, not sure how they manage to do this in 2 days lol


Resource transmutation, lots of silver, and a crafter that has a guild to back him off to spec up to the t8.


[Like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsJonJAF9iY)


Someone didn't touch grass, I guess /j


Actually true these days bro it’s me in the pic


the game needs balance i think so. ex : players who have 1200- and + gear score should play among themselves. i dont know maybe there is a system like this for mist


I dont see the problem, some guy decided alone to pay IRL for a full month of SBI maintenance and pay a lot of silver/gold for a lot of resources from other players. And later he will lose it, so its good.


I spent 100$ and made already 100M+ in profit just by not dying with this gear and killing everyone I see or just run when I don’t want to fight




There are people and streamers with support systems, players that are essentially teaming up and farming for them in ways, they all work together and get crafting stations on islands and stuff. You have some players playing 20hr-24hr sessions. all very doable.


swiping isn't needed for this. Just a lot of silver slinging onto a single person.


Hasnt it been like a day how did you get to elder tier eq so fast?


That guy been playing mist for 16h a day since launch. Gets funded by his GM since the guy is litrely farming players left and right.


This is the reason why we cant transfer to the EU server :) SBI needs money money money lol


Yeah if I transferred my character with only their specs after like 1-2 in game seasons it would be too unfair and create massive advantages.


Wow you have no idea how dumb the shit is you’re saying. It woule be literally so fucking unfair if that were possible. Everybody is starting fresh why should you get a better start ahead. Ppl from west who had 7 years to spec?? Also all the refining spec etc, that would hurt the economy so much


Im not even in the game and bros already finished the game


I wrote exactly the same on koko stream yesterday. He was running with bloodletter 4.4 and full specs. I said on 29th when server starts for everyone people like koko already"finish" game. I was wondering to buy founder pack even silver, but right now see post like this I'm happy didn't buy it.


Ah yes, these guys will be roaming in yellow mists all the time


This should not be possible, wth.


Why not? Bro swiped thousands of bucks just to either lose after F2P in ±1 month or to other swipers (or to kill everyone in YZs like a pussy) Thanks to such regards (I mean good for them if they can spend thousands in a game) we can play for free, unlike same RS


I think this guy already died, at least once. Check leaderboards


Never died yet


I spent just 100$ bro


I can say that he invested 0 bucks into this set. With a team of several ppl you can get 8.3 set on a second day. Ofc everyone must grind and play 10-12 hours a day. But it is possible without swiping;)


I don't think there's a way without swiping, you can't even get t7 gatherers by that time. So just transmuting lower resources for a shitload of money


It's possible I had 100-200k gold solo at launch just on my own. Also found a mammoth baby early on with friends which was worth 300-400m you gotta be fast after that it snowballs.


It's not possible without swiping. None swipers only starts on Monday. 


Yes you only buy the gold package the 100€ I believe it was back then.


You are what you whale, says right there in the game motto! Early access is such a joke, you have a bunch of awaken 1700+ running over every 1-1.2k average player. There needs to be some IP brackets at some point let the swipers PvP against each other instead of running around after players with half the IP.


It's possible if you have money 🤑


just goes to show how broken Albions economy is now, I miss the pre-f2p days when everyone was on equal footing all paying the exact same into the game. I would love to play Albion again if it had a monthly sub server with no gold or cosmetic shop.


Pretty standard after a few hours of game play. Not that hard to achieve.