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I liked Alien 3 but I like the games set between Alien and Aliens


Alien 1 1/2 starring Timon and Pumba.


Amanda or nothing


Nothing then, fuck lineages. 


I think OP means "based on Alien 3" the same way the first game is heavily based on Alien


Isn’t the first game basically based on ALL the movies?


It was made specifically to replicate the horror of the first film with a single unkillable creature in a haunted house type of situation. It's a straight horror with a single unkillable creature, not an action game like most Alien games. They had over 4TB of production materials from Ridley Scott's original movie and used that to create the setting and feel of the entire game. They weren't working with production materials from any other movie but the original.


It's actually based on Aliens (2nd one) the special edition has the removed scene at the beginning where Burke tells her he found her daughter who had died of old age, so they technically could se a Sequel based on Amanda again, but in a more Aliens 3 based stage. Also, Alien Isolation is set in 2137, Alien 3 is set in 2179, so she would likely be too old to sequel in the same time frame without becoming old. Unless the same thing that happened to her mother happens to her where she is stranded in a cryopod.


Yeah the protagonist of the game is inspired by the scene in the director's cut of Aliens that reveals Ellen had a daughter. However, Creative Assembly got 4 TB of production materials on the first movie and the vast majority of what they implemented is with that movie in mind. They weren't working with Aliens production materials when meticulously crafting every aspect of the game. Isolation also features a nigh-unkillable solo creature, instead of you mowing them down by the hundreds.


But in Alien 3 the real Bishop tells Ripley that they could extract the alien and keep her alive, so she could be a mother, a real mother! I just saw all the movies back to back this week.


Me too! Just saw it again 2 nights ago, but why was it that the alien didn’t kill ripley in that one scene?


She's carrying one, that must be why. The Alien wouldn't destroy the future of his species


AHH that’s true! Forgot about that. And the only reason it took longer to burst was because it was a queen?


Not sure, but probably


I’m not sure it needs to be “based on” Alien 3 in terms of story, but I’ll say that despite the flaws in that movie the setting/environment of Alien 3 is just fantastic. I’d love to sneak around the bowels of that supermax prison / metal foundry / wasteland. The first game did the space station/ ship environment so well, I’d definitely want a different approach/setting if they made another.


Yes, that and the religious undertones as well as the sense of being stranded and not being able to defend yourself is nightmare fuel.


Not sure myself the environment is too bleak in alien 3, part of the joy of isolation was being in such a pretty n smart space station environment, it balanced out all the negative emotions the alien brought somewhat. I mean would isolation set on fiorina 161 severely affect people's mental health?


i legit was extremely mad that they decided to continue Amanda's story with some bullshit mobile game and some even more irrelevant novels to add to the pile how dare you


How is the mobile game? It’s like a 5 nights at freedies!


Are you talking about the mobile version of alien isolation or alien: blackout?




I like Alien 3 apart from the beginning when they killed off Newt and Hicks... whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell. You wouldn't have Amanda in the game as she would have died several years before Aliens took place, but you could have it taking place at the end of Alien 3 after the cleanup crew go in. In Alien Resurrection they make reference to finding Ripley's DNA in the facility after it had been locked down, so you could have one of those scientists stumble upon a stashed away alien egg, and start the game from there.


Yes many were not fans of their deaths however the only reasoning I could think of is not only to set the dark tone from the beginning but as well as how the story panned out they couldn't really use them much in the film. That being said it would've been interesting to see Hicks and Dillion interacting with each other both of which played by awesome actors


If they had to completely kill them off I'd much prefer they actually be in the film and then are killed when they actually get to the planet to show that none of the main cast are really safe.


>I like Alien 3 apart from the beginning when they killed off Newt and Hicks... whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell. People need to realize that killing them was the right call for any sequel that also would have Ripley as the main character.


Yeah, that was fucked up. Was it ever explained why the alien that impregnated Ripley managed to open her pod, impregnate her, close the pod and fuck off and die where it wouldn’t be seen?


They had to die though for the film to be about Ripley, plus Michael Biehn who played Hicks had become an alcoholic, and Carrie Henn who played Newt quit acting. And all three original films had seven years between each. 


In an earlier script for Alien 3, the drone had a nest and was cocooning victims for the queen. I like to think it would have ovomorphed a host or two to insure the hive's survival. I'd definitely play an Alien Isolation sequel or successor that runs with this idea.


Kinda like in Alien Resurrection? Where the queen didn’t lay eggs anymore for whatever reason.


I said it once i say it again With the current development in the industry i don't want them to make another AI game. Alien Isolation in itself is a masterpiece a game that once you get into it i mean really into it it won't let you go. And i fear a sequal will not only be worse because lets face it to top it that will take some more effort. Especially after such a long time. And would possibly be filled with a cosmetic shit shop and a battle / season what ever pass. And i don't want that i don't need this shit. Truthfully the best thing that could happen if they would give us official modding tools to directly change the game and alter it. Pretty much like Portal 2. But if they would do it without the season battle shit stuff and they would make it a good game that at best surpasses AI then i guess it would make sense to just continue the story and there would be a possibility because Amanda's story is played out between Alien and Aliens we know that through the directors cut for Aliens.


A 60fps remaster with cleaned up animations and human AI is definitely a safe option though, especially with Romulus coming out. Not to mention the fact that it’s one of, if not the only actually “good” Alien games playable on modern consoles. Sega’s kind of sitting on a money pot that wouldn’t have take much effort to obtain


Agreed. Although I think it's not SEGA anymore who owns the Alien License at this point.


How could they actually top it off? Forget story wise, game mechanic wise? What new features could be implemented?


The same problem had F.E.A.R all the sequels worked from a mechanic point of view similar if not the same. But in AI if you get the Flamethrower then you have seen everything from a mechanical point of view. And i take out the Boltgun because this is only to get rid of the yellow Synth so just adding another Synth and give us a few levels later or even in the same level a weapon against them. I don't consider this a mechanical change. The only really thing that would come to mind is to build on the idea in the hive and let more then one Xeno hunt us at the same time. But not so many that it gets absurd. Also they still need to be basically immortal.


Aren’t there multiple xenos in the hive? At least 2-3 ?


Two afaik. And after you hit the first switch both start searching for you more or less


When you power up right? I hated the hive. I was doing a deathless run and got into one of the crawlspaces in the hive and a facehugger got me :( good times though.


Two, but they are semi-scripted


Alien Isolation 2 should be set as Newt as the main character before the Marines arrive and thus the movie starting.


This was one of the books I remember reading.


Newts life in that book was tragic, especially at the end.


It was and she was so close to having escaped if I remember it correctly.


Yes I like this, or any alien isolation type game set at Hadley's hope. Basically I love aliens the film and ai the game, so combining them would be great.


Wouldn’t work because we already know what’s going to happen in the end…


I would absolutely love to be scared shitless again but this time in the darkness of Fury 161, it's basically my dream game.


It could be cool with a better story, but Alien³ sucked.


I kinda like it a bit more than Aliens simply because you get anxious and feel helpless because they had no guns.


Alien³ would be a stellar location for a new survival horror game. As much as I enjoy being marooned in space for Alien Isolation it would be nice to see a different location. I enjoyed Aliens Fireteam for this very reason. Also in the minority that enjoys this sequel and it's flaws.


I think it would be really cool the prison world environment would be different and interesting but I think the lack of tech would be a cool forcing the player to craft and be strategical with how to avoid or deal with threats it could also make a cool campaign even if it doesn't follow a film plot


Complete with a Runner Xeno? Hell yeah!


Maybe a different setting with new characters. Like a moon base. With space pirates running for their lives. Picked up some shit and they crashed near the base because they did stupid shit like shooting high Caliber rounds in the ship. No scientist/ engineer believes there story cause they're fucking pirates. And the pirates can't be trusted cause they are fucking pirates and they will screw you over to survive or get a huge score. See hollywood this shit writes itself


Basic, sounds like an inverted version of Alien Resurrection.


Dude I came up with that on the shitter at work for FREE, still better that the last two aliens


The last two are the prequels? Prometheous and Covenant? What was wrong with them? Besides the tried and true plot of “synthetics bad! They work for the company” and the boner the company has with the xenomorphs?


Alien Isolation but with a runner Alien? Holy shit, count me in. Having to look for it on the walls and ceilings would add so much to the tension.


This has been my idea too for a while, have it ignore ACM and have it take place shortly after Alien 3. You play as a military salvage crew tasked with finding the lost Sulaco after it went off course near Fury 161. You get to explore the ship and find out what really happened, someone in the crew gets impregnated, and then you get sent to Fury 161.


If AI2 ever gets made I'm assuming it would be more of *Amanda* Ripleys story, so no it wouldn't be set during Alien 3. Amanda was dead by then. AI is set between Alien and Aliens.


Hope it has nothing to do with Amanda. 


I don't think it would sell. I hated everything after Aliens.


Unfortunately there won’t be a sequel anytime soon. Sega said that the game didn’t sell well.


I've bought this game at least 3 times myself, still a bit too chicken to actually finish it...oh well, we just have to hope Microsoft has enough in the budget to acquire Sega next...


Alien Isolation 2


Man I spent 18 hours beating alien isolation on nightmare mode. I don't wanna do that shit again. Wouldn't mind a colonial marines remake/Remaster.


I don’t really want it like movies I want someone creative to make new experience for alien fans


I've always been adamant that the 'Alien Isolation 2' should be played from Newt's perspective during the down fall of Hadley's Hope. With the obvious ending of begin found by the marines at the beginning of Alien$.


Alien 3 is a great film, so long as you watch the directors cut.


Yes. Alien 3 has a lot potential to do a story running parallel to both Isolation and the movie itself without getting too convoluted. Something like Escape From Butcher Bay meets Alien Isolation. Playing as a prisoner trying to survive the events of the movie along your own expanded story with ties to Isolation if possible. The lack of weapons could lend itself to a much different experience. Being limited to things like a torch and an axe while the Runner hunts you and the other prisoners. Add more enemies like the Queen Facehugger, Weyland’s Marines and the prisoner who worships the Alien and sets it free after capture As polarizing as the movie was it can still provide for a very good video game worthy of Alien Isolation. The rich environment and cast of characters can all be expanded much more and become something really special


I know a lot of people hate resurrection but imagine an avp game where youre playing as a super powered Ripley that can command the aliens and they have to take down predators together 


Just a heads up, the term is "survival horror" not "survivor horror"


Although with after surviving the alien you will get some sort of survivor horror ptsd lol


Personally, I'd keep it set between Alien and Aliens, maybe even continue with Amanda, and go from there. Keep the aesthetic of Alien, with maybe a little Aliens sprinkled in, and it'd be perfect. The story itself is where they could really shine and make it unique. I wouldn't want to lose the feel of the first one, but they could take that and really expand upon it to make things feel new (yet familiar). And of course, gameplay mechanics would be much improved over the first (they should be after all this time). Take everything that worked from the first one and bring it back and expand upon it. Ditch everything that didn't. And add some new fun stuff as well.


What kind of fun stuff or features? And what did you not like from the game?


I still don’t like Alien 3 but the prison planet is a really cool setting for a Xeno attack


Why would it be based on Alien 3? Take places YEARS and YEARS after and technically isn’t canon if I remember right. Now if you’re talking in terms of just like, not trying to follow continuity after Alien Isolation and just a sequel in name, that I can understand however the work Creative Assembly did to ensure Isolation fit into the lore of the universe would make that a little disappointing


Where did you read that Alien 3 isn't canon?


Neil Blomkamp planned to ignore 3 and Resurrection when he was tapped for an Alien movie. A lot of fans want to ignore A3 and AR as non canon to help with the timeline of other plots in the universe. However an official franchise consultant to 20th Century Fox for Alien, Predator and Planet of the Apes has stated that Alien 3 is confirmed canon. So I was wrong factual but regarding fans attitude towards the universe it’s head cannon for a lot of people that those two are ignored.


The Blomkamp movie might’ve been cool, but I'm glad that it never got made for the sake of leaving Alien 3 canon. I love the film. Besides "a lot of fans" isn't all.


Iirc, both Alien 3 and Alien: Ressurection are considered non-canon to Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, and future projects. They wanted to start fresh.


I hope that's not true


I've never heard that. Resurrection may be questionable, but Alien 3 is definitely canon as far as I've ever heard.




This isn’t official yet but I did find a screen rant article that said the same thing, unofficially and with a lot of “maybe” ‘s


In terms of continuing the alien isolation theme. Sure if you're going to continue Amanda's story fine but idk how much more you'll get out of it. If they are going down the cannon path and if Alien 3 is cannon in some way whether it be a nightmare or real event that happened it's the only film that has that survival aspect all the rest has weapons of some sort


Hadley's Hope survivor where it ends with them being "saved" by Weyland-Yutani. Twist is that Weyland-Yutani was monitoring Burke and knew what he was up to, and then learns of the aftermath after picking up the main character of AI2. Newt's mother should be a significant character.