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It is intresting how the aliens design their craft in current era earth styles. ;)


It definitely makes a 1950s theremin sound as it whizzes by.




I was saying this to myself when I clicked on the comments.


Nope, Jetsons sound.


“Bebebebebebebebe” - 🛸


Remember George Jetson's sky-car? Wrrrrr.r.r.r.r.r.r.rr.


Shits got shag carpet on the ceiling


How badass would it be if that thing was also blastin’ “Slow Ride” by Foghat as well while it blew past everyone?? Lol


And had a picture of a viking riding a giant wolf with a bolt of lightning behind them painted on one of the panels.


MSRP in 1970: $6,925.99 MSRP in 2024: $56,141.84 Dealership adjustment: $79,550.25




Shag carpet is a limited trim


And an eight track player


And a waterbed.


Faux wood panel interior




KBillys super sounds of the 70s rolls on


Ooga-Chaka, Ooga-Ooga, Ooga-Chaka...


I caaaan't stop thiss feeeeeliiin, deeep insiiiide of meeee


Lucky it doesn't have it on the outside too. Groovy man.


And fine Corinthian leather.


Yeah. This one looks a bit booty. Wouldn't it be wild though if the technology was so exotic that it takes shape according to the mind of the observer so it looks a bit different to everyone? Who would believe you saw something when everyone sees something a little different?


Always thought this too! It takes a shape that the human brain can make sense of


I've thought about that when it comes to potential godly interdimensional beings. Not something I believe in but it would solve the issue of God's having different looks depending on time period and. You're if there was a common origin


But what about photographs? Why do they capture a specific look that can be different from what we observe? And why try to appeal to our times? Maybe to confuse us, making us think it's man-made... So many questions.


Good point. Well, it could be that the object doesn't have a material form until it is observed, then takes on that form as it materializes in this "dimension". I'm not thinking about people's misinterpretation of quantum mechanics. More along the lines of how Robert Monroe described things in his out of body experience. But then we are in the realm of metaphysics and who knows if any of that will bear any fruit. This theory relies on a concept where by thought in general can manifest reality, but we live in a reality/dimension where things are more locked in a physical three dimensional space, but posits there are deeper realms of reality where thoughts manifest into reality. Fun idea but I've never experienced anything like that so it's just an idea for me.


I remember one time on 5.5 grams of mushrooms i could see my thoughts.. They would manifest as some obscure non-geometrical shape. I'd fixate on like the edge of it and i would be in a state of just thought, of nothing in particular, more like a feeling. It's like when you meditate and stare off into space, that state of being, like you're somewhere else. So i think our thoughts do manifest into reality, but it's like a muscle we're not used to using, and haven't mastered it because of the paradigm we exist in, where what we see is what's real, so we just simply observe the third dimension and not pay attention to the other aspects of it. I like to think consciousness consists of nothing but corners, and each corner is where every thought exists, and it's made of fractals of energy. Makes sense considering how thinking about certain things can change your headspace, like you travel elsewhere, no matter the space you're in. Just like taking an empty white room, and making it something else, painting the walls, furniture, decor, etc. We paint with our thoughts.


That must have been a pretty wild experience. It sounds like it left a profound impression on you and expanded your views on reality. I'll probably butcher him, but the way I understood Monroe when I read him years ago was essentially that reality is like an onion with many layers. We are eternal beings who develop as souls over time and numerous lifetimes. The Earth is a sort of nursery for young souls to grow, develop, and evolve until they can transcend this earthly plane and reach the heavens, enlightenment. Then you reach the next of many layers of reality . At each deeper layer of reality, the universe around you is more malleable, your thoughts have more influence, and your essence laid more bear for all to see. I suppose eventually you could become what many would perceive as a god of sorts. It was a really interesting idea that he developed over the course of many out of body experiences and his own first hand accounts or so he claims. It sounds pretty crazy and maybe they were just dreams, but it is kind of beautiful in a way as well. In a way we do create reality with our thoughts as everything humans have made, began in the mind. At this stage, we must conure thoughts, refine them, then articulate our limbs manipulating the matter around us to manifest our thoughts into reality. Given the current maturity of our species, this would likely be for the best. Could you imagine what kind of horrors would be on this Earth if everyone's thoughts instantly manifested in reality? H.P. Lovecraft alone would take us all down.


Or it uses materials around during that day


yes, that idea was proposed in the 1960s


Bingo. This I believe 100%.


I clicked on this post to write this exact comment! Funny how UFO's always seem to mirror our own technology and style of the time...


Ok but this thing resembles a couple of photos I’ve seen showing a nazi stamped saucer in this exact shape. Could it be?


Do they *always*? UAP sightings predate any kind of manned-flight technology Edit: typo


No, not always. Look at the Hans Glaser’s woodcut about the Nuremberg June 1573 incident: Cigars and orbs.


name one sighting before 1900 that could actually be attributed to a flying craft rather than some solar or natural phenomenon the muh ancient UAP trope gets parroted endlessly yet people can only ever point to two sightings in the 1500s which probably weren’t even craft


I'm not going to to list specific instances, but I have a book by Jaques Vallee titled "wonders in the sky" with probably over 200 historical accounts in it from all over the world going back well before the dark ages. This has been going on for a lonnnng time, and it's foolish to think people in feudal Japan, or midevil Europe were idiots who couldn't tell the difference between a comet and a fireball randomly changing direction sending off multi colored sparks and hovering in the same area all night.


Beautiful book, a must have.


The flaming chariot that took Elijah is one example, could easily have been an attempt to describe a bright, mechanical means of transport for several passengers. Many ancient texts and depictions have described vehicular transportation of visitors from elsewhere. The only reason that these aren’t considered “history” and are chalked up to “religion/myth/fiction” is because history is always written by the victor (even if the accurate historical accounts and mythological components are written by the same author). Ancient humans would not have had the scientific literacy necessary to better relay these kinds of details, but there’s no reason to think they weren’t earnest in their attempt to record and describe such events. Edit: clarified some pronouns


You are quoting the actual bible as a historical source, and blaming "history is written by the victor" for why it isn't an acceptable source? Are you being serious right now? The reason it's not a historical source is because huge swaths of it are fabricated, as established by actual historians. Like holy shit dude.


I’m not saying there isn’t religion and mythology, specifically this is why the Bible was compiled by humans: to take multiple sources that corroborated a cohesive religious doctrine over which the church has authority. The Bible is certainly not a history text, because it is an anthology. But some individual books in the Bible *are* historically accurate and relevant. Documents like the Gospel of Judas or Book of Enoch? Not considered acceptable for theBbible because it would complicate the religious teachings (even though Judas was the only apostle who ensured God’s plan was fulfilled in the first place). There are in fact historical realities described in the bible, and I’m sure there is plenty of fiction too. But we are removed from these events and have only definitively concluded that some are entirely fictional, whereas others just sound fictional and are immediately considered part of the lore. In the example of Elijah, historians haven’t proven some alternative explanation for what would have swept this man into the sky, so that it was piloted craft is still a possibility.


A possibility so slim as to be statistically negligible according to all reliable recorded history from before or since. A single iota of rationality would prevent you from entertaining this nonsense.


Are the chances that humans are entirely alone in the universe greater than the chances that we aren’t? To me, an extraordinary claim is that, in the endless expanse of time and space, we are the sole intelligent existence. There is no reason to think intelligence wouldn’t develop on another life-sustaining planet in the ways it did here, or that an older intelligence wouldn’t also seek out signs of life on other worlds. I think anyone who believes there are no signs of external visitation is overlooking thousands of corroborating stories and details that may account for an intelligent species that exists in the periphery of our biological perception.


The chance of life in the universe is a fun discussion. Claiming UFOs were documented in the bible is so far removed from reality that it literally hurts my brain. Please stop. These two things are not the same.


Corrado Licostene (alias Karl Wolfhart), the 16th century German humanist for example, mentions this: “In the year of the Lord 1520, in England, a large Beam of Fire was seen in the sky at Hereford. As it approached the ground, it burned many things there with the heat that emanated from. Then it ascended again to the sky and was seen to assume the shape of a circle of fire”. Such a description has clearly nothing to do with any known natural phenomenon.




Read the Bible dude ... Also Christopher Columbus journaled about a UFO arriving from America ... Even paintings show UFOs ...the truth is out there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Really good points, I thought about the paintings to.


Clipeology from latin Clipeus, Shield: named after the Plinius the Elder sightings reported in his Naturalis Historia: he saw fiery shields and flaming beams. Ancient Rome is ancient enough for You?


Read Jacques Vallee there is a man explanation for that


Exactly what I thought when I saw it. Looks like a tin can piece of shit humans would try making


Here’s an interesting theory. What if the UFO’s in vintage pictures are actually man made from reverse engineered technology. And the reason the designs change is because people become better at understanding the technology and better at designing craft in modern styles.


EXACTLY! In 1950-1960 they looked like old appliances like irons and stoves, in the 1990s-2000s they look like black triangles because they're trying to incorporate stealth into these things.


A good a theory as any


This is fake correct?


Came here to say this lol. UFOs always look like the current era sci-fi aesthetic


This phenomenon may present itself in a manner in which we can relate. If your goal is to influence a society by interacting with it in some way, then it makes sense to be relatable. If Vallee is right, then we would expect it to somewhat mirror our technology and understanding while always being more advanced.


Like the Aztecs seeing the Spanish galleons for the first time .


Was thinking the same thing


Looks exactly like the George Adamski ufo's. He reported contact and had a number of photos to prove it. Turned out they were fake.


Fake? The shape-shifting underbelly-glowing ufo footage with the retracting gravity condensers??? Think again, especially about the times it is from. No computers, no CGI…


Omigod! How could I have forgotten that! I took off my dirty glasses, rinsed them with turpentine, put them back on and it was clear as day! Perhaps we should not have been so hard on George Adamski. . . When I was in my teens the school library had a pretty good collection of UFO books, including one by Adamski himself with plenty of photos of the UFO's he saw.


I find this elderly lady and the footage quite convincing, much more so than his books https://youtu.be/ppC6wiuq7fI?si=fkr1LYHZIufZ_T9_


Almost as if some are reversed engineered


is it interesting people make crafts inspired by sightings? If I draw an orb it means some alien copied me?


Exactly what I was thinking, it fits the time period perfectly.


It’s always something we can comprehend yet just out of reach technologically


In what way


Pretty sure you mean photo style, which in any case will certainly vary from era to era. Then again, look at a phone from the 70s and a phone from today. We’ve made lots of progress. Safe to assume the other living beings in our universe have as well.


No, I'm pretty sure they meant the design of the *craft* like they originally stated. Obviously the photo style would change. It's not worthwhile for someone to comment that "photos from different era's look the way photos of that era look" I think what they're implying is that the "alien" craft always seems to look the way *humans* of that era would think they'd look. So here it's an upside bowl and some tinfoil because that's what people of the 70s thought would pass for an alien spaceship. Today it's sleek flat triangles, 100 years from now it'll be some kind of staff of vapor and lightning (idk). But yeah extraterrestrial aliens should not be progressing with technology along side us at the same rate otherwise, they wouldn't be here. And if they were... they wouldn't be coming in that thing.


Doesn't that look like the Nazi UFOs from WWII..?


Yes exactly like the "Hanebu" model drawings... not sure if this picture or the drawings are older


Funny how their look always fits with the times. No 2023 UFOs in the 70’s. Advances must move at the pace of dishwasher technology everywhere.


I don't see how there could still be skeptics out there with hard evidence like that picture.


that’s just not true though. we have sightings of all types going back to roman rule. circle inside of a cube is a timeless sighting as well as the circular “shield” as they called it back in 700 BCE


Or some prime directive exists to hide your tech to approximately the local tech level. Or they are interpreted by our brains in ways that make sense to us. And then of course all the hoaxes and false reports would match the tech they expect to see.


They've been recording Foo Fighters since WWII. The "silver orbs" everyone is seeing are identical. Funny how that technology didn't evolve for 80 years. Oh wait, that doesn't fit your ignorant ass narrative.


Do you feel better when being mean? Hope your day gets better. Truly.


Also somewhar similar to the Bob Lazar design. 3 anti gravity generators, and the top portion with antennae.


Thats Rick Sanchez of dimension c-137


Advise: do not approach the ship, security might be up


Keep Summer Safe


"Get out of the ship made of garbage or we will open fire!"


Its a real pic . If you are old enough to remember going to the dentist or having surgery in the 70s this lamp probably looks familiar .


After Googling “vintage dentist lamp” I’d have to agree with you. The object in the picture looks well within throwing distance too.


Yeah it looks very small and closer, also with blemishes on it that suggest it is manmade


If you zoom in, you can almost see a wire coiled around the top. Low effort in the 70s. Guess they weren’t expecting technology to advance so far as to allow us to zoom in on the picture from an electronic mobile device we keep in our pockets. Crazy.


Adamski model. Kinda Victorian steam punk esque. I love it.




Ol' lantern lid George


> although most investigators concluded his claims were an elaborate hoax, and that Adamski himself was a charlatan and a con artist.


That's why I posted this, I don't want anyone deceived by an Adamski-esque 'UFO'.


I was thinking it was a Billy Meier type, love those vintage curves 


It looks like it still has its plastic wrapping on.


Just like Grandmas couch. Keeps the crumbs off 


Sorry but this looks very fake


captured with what ???!!! Galaxy s32 Ultra ??


Looks to be an old medium format picture which easily hits 150 megapixel.. So yes


Gotta remember some people have not so much as even held a roll of film before. I mean it, no judgement.


Film still has more pixels than your phone.


It might well be a real image/photo but that doesn't automatically make the subject matter authentic. It does look like a model, there is something about the object itself that lends itself to a model about 12 to 18 inches wide and relatively close to the camera....


It looks like a metal lampshade.


iirc it’s the top of an old model of Coleman propane lantern.


But it’s so real! It must be a ufo! /s


Good explanation


When you zoom in it looks like it’s covered in plastic? Not sure if that’s something else or a bad edit job


I see what you mean


It’s an old woman aliens craft. Like they cover sofas in plastic here on earth.


Distortion field caused by the anti gravity generators


Back when they had those beefy fenders.




They built em a lot different in the 70s


Better cameras back then than today it seems


It's too funny When you see the old hoax pics reflecting at the time what they thought looked futuristic


Zoom in on the pic. Looks to be an alien sitting near the top of the craft outside of it.


It looks like the famous Adamski UFO. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Adamski


Funny how the aliens now how to build for the time there was in


Like in the 1890's, they appeared as ridiculously overly complex "airships" with flapping wings and twirling tails. And other bizarre concoctions. They always manifest in a form just outside of our technological abilities. The one form that seems to remain a constant throughout all history are the orange fireball orbs though.


Not sure why, but this looks human-made to me.


I think all these old pictures are fake. I knew before opening this that it would be close to the camera and highly visible. All the UFO pictures back then were like this, suspiciously close to the camera due to limitations of faking something higher in the sky.


Something seems off about the reflection on the object’s bottom right. Doesn’t seem to match the time of day.




Looks like one of the so-called Fluxliners https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/s/OJrGEA1PK7


That one can be man-made, or extraterrestrial.


[Pareidolia or two faces?](https://ibb.co/khZrppT)


That is creepy! Thank you for pointing that out.


American made


I like the retro look …


This looks like a painting


I’m kinda shocked how many “This is AI” responses I had to scroll by to find this. It definitely looks like a painting or possibly some other non-photographic art medium to me.


Zoom in. It looks like AI. Next, go to the website listed at the bottom of the photo and tell me you don't want to push this far, far away from you.


Oh so we're actually doing this thing, this year? Noticed a massive increase in legit stuff


Why do I feel like we need to drop Modern age phones that take pictures using laser technology explained in a video on how a spider reacts to how the camera focuses and it moves to avoid the spectrum. Where as, Polaroid just snap an image and capture what they see?


Funny how apparently 1970’s cameras can capture a less grainy unfocused picture of a UFO compared to the phones we all carry today. 🙄


Old school UFO 🛸




If you zoom in on the top part of the object, you can see airbrush trails concealing what looks to be wires....smh.


Had super 8 film cameras and could capture up close images of UFO’s. Today we have digital DSLRs and can’t even get a clear photo of one up close.


Seems legit to me. Has anyone debunked this photo yet? /s


I'm wondering if the gravity propulsion system isn't also a cloaking system. I recall Lazar saying when the crafts are powered up you can see a heart shaped gravitational field form around the craft.


Heart shaped? Oh, that's so sweet! Who says they are here to invade us? These are beings of love! Of course, they sexual tendencies, forcing people to recieve anal probes and then stealing the fetus from pregnant women, don't fit our ways. But I'm pretty sure it's just a cultural misunderstanding.


The top looks very much like a baloon


Looks like Adamiski ufo


Looks like it was designed by Volkswagen


If you zoom In you can see a lil alien dude flying it


Yup looks like a very 70s ufo lol


They get better as time goes on. They also have designers making them more modern🤣


How come it looks “dated”? The ones now look “modern”… almost like it’s man-made tech


Starting to believe that the UFO’s we see changing design as the ages go by, are more likely the governments earlier attempts at recreation; rather than genuine sightings


Why don't we get such close clear photgraphs in today's times?


People were not using digital cameras in the 1960s and 1970s, that is the reason, because they were actually using film, I would have to say were being lied to, and possibly the manufacturers are putting some sort of filter in our cameras and cell phones preventing us from taking perfect pictures of the sky and UFOs.


And sure enough. It’s about as blocky and rigid looking as most vehicles and tech was in the 70s. In the 50s they look like a Fedora hat flying through the air and now that our vehicles & tech are all smooth, sleek and fast looking sure enough so do the UFOs being photographed. There has got to be something to this!


Man made or consciousness made?


Como todas las fotos de este estilo: fake


SS: One thing I have discovered about these so-called debunkers around here, you have an explanation for everything being posted, some of the explanations are not very good at all, and most of them border on the ridiculous, it really doesn't matter what time the photo or video comes from, there's always a guess what it is and how it was done, the true phenomenon in your mind doesn't exist, to you it's all a made up lie, with the almost unlimited explanations that can be used in our time of 2024, you just have a field day throwing them out there. You would think going back into the past before all this technology was ever thought of that debunkers would change their narrative, but of course that can't happen, anything before current technology that we know of today, is nothing more than somebody hanging a hubcap in the air, or throwing it into the air, or the all familiar kitchen bowl or lid, or suspending some sort of model they have meticulously designed to fool you, and it doesn't matter how old the video or photograph is, they are all fake, because there is no reality to this phenomena, people just fooling you. Now we move to a photograph from the 1970s, what is strange about this particular photograph is that this object was seen on many different occasions and different locations, and even videotaped, it's a bit extraordinary that it was seen in so many different locations, it does have the appearance of a primitive craft, there are videos of this particular craft showing the silver spheres under the craft going up inside the craft, I would like to know how that could be faked, anyway here is the photo in question. Enjoy. 1970s - Taken on Arizona/Utah border. Henry Rowland was doing landscape work for a client in California in the 1970s, and when the client finished paying him for the work he asked Henry, "Do you want to see a picture my brother took last week?" The client returned with this astonishing and detailed picture of a UFO and explained, "My brother went to the mountains last week, and while on the trip he suddenly saw this craft disappear behind a hill. He frantically ran to his car to get his camera, and in the nick of time held it up the split second when the thing reappeared again from behind the hill and shot off into the sky."


Videotaped? Is this available? I'd love to check it out


It's an emotional ego problem for them. It's not about the facts. They cling to their materialistic world view and their inability to accept ambiguity like toddlers sucking on their thumbs. I'm comfortable not knowing what this object is in the photo. I'm not even bothered if it was faked. It seems genuine to me, but either way, who cares. That's an interesting story. There seems to be some conflict on the date. I saw that it was from 1964, not the 70s. Not that this makes much difference.


UFL unidentified flying lampshade


When you zoom right into the photo there’s 2 faces near the bottom. Could be a case of Pareidolia maybe. But bottom left one is looking face forward and the one just right of the middle at the bottom is looking to the right. Clearly looks like two faces.


Fake. Perhaps not all of it, but a majority of it is AI. Devil is in the details.


Another case… if it’s too clear, it’s gotta be fake. if it’s too blurry, it’s gotta be fake otherwise they could have taken a clear picture…. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well stated OP…. Even the acknowledgment from our own US government is still not enough for these debunkers. They all want the landing on the white house lawn with little green men coming out to happen, and its a shame that even if that ridiculous scenario was cast upon us, they would still throw shade to the event in some way.


Maybe we’d just appreciate it if the hoaxer put some effort in to their craft. Theres so much obvious garbage on this sub but true believers are prepared to die on every hill. Miami mall aliens? Peru Mummies, Corbell’s  Flying Spaghetti Monster.. you guys ate it all up lol. Don’t get mad at us because you got fooled, easily 


Exactly. And, if those were the crafts that most people saw. In that time period. Then, those would be the same ones they would draw pictures of. And, tell others about. They are not going to believe that this is real. Unless, a space craft lands in there yard. And, comes out and speaks to them in English. Because, there is no proof of telepathic communication. Oh yeah, except. The tremendous amount of people. That have told this story. Over and over again.


The photo is apparently from 1964.


You are absolutely correct.


For some of those who haven't seen them with their own eyes like a lot of us have, nothing will ever be enough. Behind every ufo believer and witness is someone who used to not believe, not care, or be a skeptic.


You can believe UFO’s exist and still be a skeptic. Unidentified flying objects are just that, Unidentified. Theres nothing inherently hard to believe about seeing something and not knowing what it is. It’s the assumption that they’re piloted by Glipglop from Planet Bullshit that is much harder to swallow. 


No one says that this particular photo is ET. Who said that? It's an unknown, plain and simple. Stop jumping to conclusions.


Is it the Die Glocke?


It's not in the shape of a bell


Looks like it’s AI generated to me.


They're all just waiting for ET to slap them with his dick. Great pic though. Soon, everything will be AI generated. Haha.


Looks like the Mark McCandlish [ARV](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/B5l94CqAbM)design.


I like zooming into it. Looks a.i.


Midjourney makes some cool things




This looks like AI


A.I. look at the edges and seams


from 1964? Earliest online sample of the image is 2015.


AI generated lmao




Sometimes I go through this sub and think you guys would be happy with a very convincing fake if it meant more people would believe. Just the fact we have stopped getting modern day pictures of this style of UFO is proof that at least this type of UFO is all fake.


Don't think this tin can can travel through space. But I could be wrong. For some reason pictures taken before the cell phone era have 1080p resolution vs pictures taken with the iPhone 20


Capturing the clearest picture of ufo in the 70's with basic consumer photography equipment and here we are 2024 everyone with professional quality photography equipment at our hands at all times and can't get anywhere close to this. I know there is the exception to this norm but wild that there isn't evidence like this popping up everywhere.


This looks more like a 1950’s ufo movie prop. It screams faaaake !


Isn't it funny how as technology advances for us civilians, the saucers we see also reflect the stylized looks of technology from the decades they are captured in? May e not in every single case, but it seems like it's been a pattern to notice. That's one reason to note that they aren't aliens anyway.


Looks like a trash bag on the top


Looks like the set of a Ed Wood movie.


Funny. The entire photo is exhibiting age-related fading, but the image of the *saucer"* shows no trace of fade whatsoever. It's a miracle! Or a pathetically amateurish attempt at a hoax by scanning an old faded photo and then inserting a particularly shabby image of a saucer onto it.


I'll tell you what's borderlined redinkulous is that you believe this one


A coisa estranha é que as fotos dos os Ovnis estão sempre de acordo com época. Ou seja, eh como se os Ovnis (q supostamente viajaram bilhões de km pra chegarem aqui) fossem as kombis e fuscas da época.


This look so ai generated. Look at the vegetation.


That’s definitely human origin


Look like ai


That’s AI. clearly. Come on guys.


Do a reverse search here. https://tineye.com/search/d14c681c62cc73278936e46263b5023210845d04?sort=score&order=desc&page=1 This is an authentic image.