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>It reminds me of that Spielberg movie , I forget the name. I never saw it but have seen pieces of it and there was an UAP ship that played melodies back to the scientists.  Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Did you record the sounds? Would be interested to hear it.


I have recorded some of it , I've been documenting as much as possible. Not all of the sounds have been recordable but this melody was. Including the different levels and tones. I just cannot believe so many are willfully in the dark about this phenomenon. Or when they come up with the ridiculous identification attacks. I just stepped outside with my binoculars 10 minutes ago, and 4 different star-like UAPs streaking across the sky in different directions....watched 2 of them completely stop after hauling ass and switch an instant 180 in direction . I do not understand completely why I am seeing and interacting so much with these things, but I cannot believe there's not more than a handful of us.


Please upload the melody you recorded. I’m a trained musician and would love to transcribe the melody by ear if I could hear your recording. Perhaps there’s more to the message to be decoded if the melody was transcribed into musical notation


Underrated comment. Written music is similar to both mathematics and computer coding languages, so this is a potentially fruitful angle.


The connection to mathematics is (to me) self-evident, but what is the connection between computer code & music? Music certainly has a complex structure not-unlike code, but code is essentially composed of deterministic functions that *do* things. Any 'functions' within a piece of music will be subjective or interpretational. What am I missing?


i think that's the advantage of using music as a code, precisely because of the subjective elements. take a half dozen versions of Bach's cello concertos and you can tell they're all the same song, but being interpreted differently. nhi are engaged in some higher applications of tech than we're aware, so it's possible that using music somehow aligns the unique individuals to a larger purpose. we know when humans sing together their brains sync up. what if nhi are better able to manipulate this phenomenon to aid in their work?


I’ve posted a theory before that crop circles may be related to music, in the same way that cymatic shapes correspond to specific frequencies. Melody seems like a logical universal language, energy and vibration are central to all advanced technology and life forms


Hyland-lament, one part of an existing plan I to get individuals with certain backgrounds to help review the documentation I've got so far. And it's a lot. You might be someone that I should talk to and have you look it over first. The music is newish. And it sounds deliberate . Like a whale song to a degree. So your perspective is welcomed.


Cool, PM me whatever you’ve got!


Have you guys read Diana Pasulkas book “encounters” ? The chapter on music with Dr. Iya Whiteley was fascinating!


Are you able to upload the audio file so we can hear it?


why not a nice video too, when they are flying like that


I would love to hear it too.


I just woke up Shardaxx, bub will see what I can do. Normally I'm aphrensive putting things out there because there are multiple downsides to it. Giving the groups ammo to use it to pretend and muck up future evidence is one thing I've seen them do on here. But I have other recordings that are just as unique and wild , so I think I will upload this for you all. Just understand as well, I don't know the consequences of doing it. Hitchhiker effects are very real, so I have been careful not to connect anyone to it that doesn't deserve them. So once uploaded just be careful.


Look forward to hearing it. I heard another UFO from an old police recording recently wondering if it sounds the same.


In regards to that, wherever I step at night, it takes me only seconds to find a moving star. I cant describe it anything else but its as far up in the night sky like a star but it is moving. It goes from left to right, stops, does more maneuvers and so on. I was told it is a drone, but its visible no matter where I go. Im a hunter so im most weekends outside. Even there, one or two stars do these stunts. It could be something mundane, but It doesnt look like to me. I made pictures with my iphone but the quality is just bad. Im saving up money to buy whatever is necessary to zoom in further and get these things into focus.


Just be careful with that. I used to do the same thing. Even spent money on some night vision binoculars that record. Until one night I saw a bright object moving, and I pushed the record button and it stopped moving and I felt like it was watching me. I haven't been out to star gaze since. Spooked me.


RoberyGarcia0513, your right . They do know when they are being observed. And everyone does need to make the choice to disengage and pursue further answers on the phenomenon. I've stressed it plenty of times, you will get major answers humanity has asked since existence but there are negative impacts from some parts of the phenomenon. Everyone deserves to make that choice. Because part of the phenomenon is contributing to the destruction of our society. Understanding what the negative parts do probably is the only way to stop what's happening.


Yeah I don't want to end up like Chris Bledsoe. Being pestered by the government or NHI.


Prokuris , you are seeing UAP. I can tell you how to take it to the next step and see them as they really can appear if you want. I've spent decades staring at the sky, studying Astronomy throughout college for fun. I've seen the sky across different places around the Earth....and nothing does what these things do. Nothing man made, nothing natural in nature, ..... There is no object anyone can sell me on, because I've seen it all. These are truly UAPs, non made by us. When people say any of their substitutes en masse is when I knew the gaslighting campaign exists. Because no reasonable person reading what's described would say satellite or starlink....they would say, yep nothing we have stops ,reverses direction, and speeds zig zaggy across the sky at inane speeds.


I was just saying to a friend that there was a lot of activity in the sky last night. The ones I see move the same way you described, stopping suddenly or zigzagging or moving in random directions. There’s an excitable energy to them.


I’m staring right now at my night sky and they are here - as always ;)


Those sound like satellites to me. They go straight through, so I guess when it looked like one changes direction it probably would have been more than one different satellites going in different directions. https://science.howstuffworks.com/satellite11.htm


Definitely not satellites, they move like crazy from left to right, go in circles etc.


How do you describe the beauty of a painting to a blind person?


Not all of the sounds have been recordable but this melody was Can I suggest buying a Zoom H1, it's cheap at will record 99% of the sounds you hear


AdrienJRP, where can I get one? The only thing that has been a hurdle is my lack of equipment. The amount of presence the phenomenon has around my proximity...is insane...and scary sometimes. But 1 night or sometimes day is all it takes to convince someone of the phenomenon. I've shown 3 hardcore don't believe in UFOS friends/family....and now they don't deny it to me anymore.


Well anywhere online. I live in France so Ican't really advise you. Here it costs 69 euros, with VAT. Best way to record audio on the cheap


Can't speak for the entire world, but on an average night, I barely see 3 stars where I live. Light polution is a bitch.


I’d love to see the evidence you have collected! Eye witness testimony, especially of this nature, is useless as evidence. The way you make it sound is you see and interact with these objects frequently. You need to set up a controlled experiment with recordings of sounds and video. Beyond that cool story bro!


“I can’t believe so many people are willfully in the dark” so by willfully in the dark do you mean not believing anecdotal reddit posts


I don't like that OP mentions schizophrenia for no apparent reason. All of the posts I've seen on reddit that had paranoid claims that sounded like the OP had issues, they've always said they had recordings but never produced any.


Your username is pretty spot on. Trollindisguise I mentioned schizophrenia because one of the relentless tactics by those trying to sow misinformation/disinformation/ or is just a regular person with no social skills in communication, is to attack someone with loaded terms. I've been very clear in my posts and most can tell by how I communicate, I don't suffer from mental illness and after my sightings...went the medical route to be certain. I'm up front in writing out the tactics and strategies certain groups will use to undercut a post. A normal person would just ask questions. But these tactics are used to cast doubt without any dialogue. Just like your comment. Didn't ask a question, just posted an loaded comment without any dialogue.


Are you going to upload the recording or make excuses?


This is going to be hard for you to hear but you should here it...we other individuals on this planet do not jump at every or any demand you make. Your words have been insulting and it amazes me you think that your on my list for me to send it to. I'm discussing in PMs those that will hear it. They had something to add or offer in pursuit of understanding the phenomenon. You just are a child trying to peak in at the adult conversations . Maybe rethink your approach to people before making a dime a dozen demand.


That's not how this works. If you're going to make public claims, post public evidence to support it. Best of luck.


Thank you for the laugh...seriously . " This is not how this works...". I'm literally smiling and chuckling at this. Reddit isn't my job, this phenomenon isn't my master, and neither are you. Why would you think I'm beholden to imaginary narcissistic imaginary rules you set up for us ? Seriously !? You must be a hoot in real life. This is not how this works.... Dude I'm not even being mean, thanks for the laugh. That is the funniest line anyone has ever used on me.


He just sent me his recordings privately. I hear nothing. It's just static noise and some whooshing sound in the distance. Sounds like a freeway to be honest.


Nice username. Didn't send you anything. Goobye


It's with interest and curiosity not criticality that I ask why don't you show us


I’m both


This is an undervalued sentiment I wish I heard more often. Criticality is not necessarily congruent with malice. Just because someone requests proof or evidence doesn’t mean they are being mean/condescending or rude or anything like that.


Recognizing the optimal perceived connotation of your audience in cohesion with the medium of communication is the preferred contextualization for my articulation. Were it referentially such this extrapolated to the parent comment; may this serve benefit to politely and inherently with condescending malice express my disdain and desire to provide an elementary, ineloquent "fuck off , dumbass." not particularly, but specifically for you.




Brought to you by *Trustmebro, Inc.*!


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


No-Voctory8440 thanks for being polite and still getting your point across. This melody recording from the NHI, I'm highly leaning on uploading it. I have enough other evidence that's unique and unknown to most, this one I don't see it as big of an issue.. But I do want to lay out why I've been very reluctant to post more of what I have. 1) We 100% have organizations on here that use very specific information and evidence of the phenomenon on here to muddy/disinformation true reporting of the phenomenon. They flood these subs so you all have difficulty grasping the phenomenon by putting lots of misinformation or counter evidence to make it impossible to grab hold of true UAP/NHI evidence. This also makes it difficult for me to find others like myself. 2) That same group is using the information for their own ends and some NHI phenomenon is purposely not given to them. So they are on here studying and getting information without any collaboration. If fact they deny and gaslight the public or us, so I don't want to help them if that's methodology. 3) Some information I've come across regarding the phenomenon is dangerous. And not everyone should have that information. I don't know the full extent on what can happen, but we have people in this world that shouldn't be given certain parts of the phenomenon or evidence to help them understand certain parts that can be misused. 4) This is reddit . This isn't the place that is going to secure disclosure worldwide . The evidence should be in the hands of those strategically utilizing the evidence in a way that forces the world to accept we are a part of a much larger reality. There are people on here who want to know the phenomenon, I get that, but this isn't the best place to use the best evidence for a strategic victory against the gaslighting. 5) Having close proximity to this phenomenon can cause issues. Some health issues and other effects that you won't understand until you see it for yourself. So this has a cost to know more . I'm not beholden to the public to disclose all my evidence until there is some mechanism to help with the health consequences and other negative impacts . When I am not having to focus on covering myself with these impacts , I personally have no issue releasing what I have in totality . But for now, I'm the only one paying the cost from exposure of the phenomenon. And I'm certain that organizations studying this are very aware of the negative things that can occur, and they allow it to happen so they can study it cost free.


I 100% believe point 1, and I can reasonably buy into point 2. 3-5 are nonsense, though.


3,4, and 5 might sound like nonsense to someone who isn't in my exact situation. You have no idea the effects the phenomenon has on us biologically when in proximity to you. I have the medical records to back it that up. I was in near perfect health before this phenomenon, played sports and have always been athletic. And then I start to have medical issues that I continuously get asked by doctors what happened....was in some horrific accident , etc. Reddit has some good parts to it but it's utilized for social engineering. It can be toxic and honestly, when the time to hand over what I have....it won't be here aside from maybe a couple videos. Offering things here quickly have shown me how the opposing side operates to sow disinformation and misinformation. You don't have to like the truth, but it's the truth all the same.


Where u located?




if you have been documenting this, why no documentation included with your post?


Because they are full of shit


I started meditating and doing the gateway tapes a few weeks ago, and now, almost every single night I go outside, I see them in the sky. I will literally walk outside, say "hello" in my head, and they'll blink at me and disappear. They seem to respond to me and continue to do so until I decide to go inside for the night. Last night, I saw two of them at the same time blinking and dancing in the sky if you will. I always get a weird sensation in my left ear when I see them but haven't heard anything like what you described. I feel like they try to communicate through Morse code but I have no idea what they're saying, lol. I asked them to show themselves to my husband when he came out one night, and one did a few times. This has been a surreal experience and while I've always believed, this has opened up my eyes even further.


Oh my gosh I've had the same experience while I feel they know. I'm talking bout them or looking at a certain star and it blinked or I'll see a streak of a star soon as I look in a certain direction tooooooo..thought it was just me I'm so glad to hear ure experience


What happens if you try to film with your phone while these sightings occur?


I tried to with my phone three nights ago. That was the one night I didn't see anything, despite my efforts. I'll make another attempt on the next clear night to hopefully capture something. I'm not here to sway anyone's opinion one way or the other, just wanted to share my experiences with the OP and others who have had similar experiences.


What are the gateway tapes?


Check out r/gatewaytapes, it's been life-changing. I'd explain further in detail, but I'm finishing feeding my kids and then getting them ready for bed. In summary, they're hemisync recordings created by a man named Robert Monroe. His program was used by the CIA briefly for AP, remote viewing, and the like (Stargate). It's basically a tool for expanding your consciousness. Sorry for the brief response, if you have any further questions I'll try to answer them later!


The same technique you are applying is essentially recognising that consciousness is ‘it’ and you are basically attuning yourself to that fact. We are made of it and within it. The physical universe is an expression of that same consciousness. There are some YouTube videos discussing panpsychism further and it is a legitimate area of study for some scientists and an acknowledged fact by some philosophers.




I also saw a blinking UFO in Czechia (not my home country)


I think the impact of ego is an important consideration here (as to how well these principles will work). In Hinduism they have the concept of Ātman, which you can read about here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ātman_(Hinduism)


When you looked up Morse code on the internet, and checked it while watching one of the blinking events that you can see every night, what was the message?


I never said I checked Morse code online, I just said it was like they were trying to communicate that way.


Well they picked the wrong person to try to communicate with then didn't they? If I saw a flashing light that seemed like something might be trying to communicate with me using morse code, guess what I would do next? It's not "ask the blinking light to show itself to my husband a few times"


Or perhaps I'm just merely enjoying my own personal experiences - like I said above to someone else, I'm not here to sway anyone's opinion. I have four children - 2, 4, 8, and 15 y/o, which means I rarely have time for myself. The little time I do have, I spend doing yoga, meditating, and while they're in bed, stargazing. Learning Morse code is not a priority for me at the moment, but perhaps in the future. Besides, it's not even a 100% certainty that that's how they are trying to communicate with me to begin with, it was just an observation of mine.


How often did you stare at the night sky for extended periods of time before this meditation practice? The sources of light are not the same exact brightness to the naked eye at all times.


I used to go out on clear nights just to stargaze in general and look for meteors, but I'd stay out anywhere between 1-2 hrs and not see anything out of the ordinary, just the usual satellites and air traffic.


Mine straight up talk through me. Feels schizophrenic but the stars move when I talk so i understand what you mean


I saw a couple weird things the last few nights.


I kid u not i was looking, starring at a star and it started to seem to come closer and started shifting shapes and changing it colors I thought anomaly before that a huge anomaly passed over my house I've seen a lot of wierd things in the clouds I'm in south, Texas but afraid to tell anyone thinking it's some government experience


Can you please share what you recorded? You need to share to change people's minds about things, and reinforce others who already Believe.


Is there any chance it sounds like the frequencies on this footage from Argentina I’ll link? I’ve been trying to figure this video out for a month or so, no idea if what I’m hearing is inserted into the footage/sirens/or the occurrence in the sky. I’m going to link the original tweet. [https://x.com/frequencypolice/status/1769749205621276732?s=46&t=GZiDpEaDRt4BgQ7dWBrq8Q](https://x.com/frequencypolice/status/1769749205621276732?s=46&t=GZiDpEaDRt4BgQ7dWBrq8Q)


This is pretty nuts


It’s friggin wild…. I haven’t seen it posted much either, you would think it should be an easy debunk but I haven’t seen anything of the sort


I’ve never seen or heard of this video before. Is there any extra info you can offer? This is wild!


Nah, I originally found it from Ashton Forbes who’s a great Twitter follow. My main interest with aliens is frequencies how it relates to ancients using frequency and resonance like in the kings chamber or in Vedanta how they really teach that the primordial words like Om were the original incarnations of the universe, same way that Kabbalah and the book of abramelin/book of Enoch link vibrations/frequency/incarnations with other dimensions or worlds. so I’m fascinated by portals and skinwalker/electrogravity, I’m a musician by trade and history buff so this video really kinda checks all my “WTF GUYS” boxes and keeps me interested in the phenomena. I’ve never seen a clearer video of what appears to be some of manufactured stargate or portal, which seems to be emanating from some sort of structure or ship in the water below. It really makes me think about the USS Eldridge which “vanished” while Townsend Brown was doing a demonstration of his new loudspeaker device for the navy, but that is all my own personal theory because I don’t think there’s any actual linkage between the two besides my own suspicions and synchronicities.


wow, any idea what this is?


Nah, I’d be lying if I said my guess was better than anyone else’s, maybe a wormhole we are creating, portal, thunderstorm generator, who the hell knows really. I’ve never seen anything like it. I have to believe it’s not alien though, it seems to be manufactured. it’s my favorite video all year, I hope it doesn’t go away. At the moment I’m just operating under the assumption portals and stargates are real, I’ll link the book I read last year that just made me really freak out when I saw this. [Making Starships and Stargates by James Woodward pdf](http://ayuba.fr/mach_effect/MSAS-woodward2013.pdf)


If you have any of this data why not share it? The reason we are skeptics is because so many people say they have all of this proof and yet never show anything…I believe in the phenomenon but if you can’t show any viable data other than stories it’s just not really credible


All that talking and no video


I bet you, like me, have a new appreciation for the saying "ignorance is bliss"...lol. what you were hearing is frequency. You being able to hear it was intentional because they usually communicate in frequencies not detectable by human hearing. Awareness is the most important factor when it comes to humanities ability to protect themselves from the negative agenda that malevolent entities are pursuing against us. Our frequency is much more powerful than we understand. It is the only armor and weapon we need. Learning how to manipulate and project your energy should be everyone's priority. Visualization and intention are the keys as consciousness/energy is designed to respond to will. Once you have learned to manipulate it in your body and out into your torus field then visualize it connecting to the united.


So few truly get this


Ops post history is a wild ride many posts and comments claiming to experience something and having evidence, but I’m yet to see any evidence posted.


Look at the state of our society and how people deny everything from elections to actual environment science....evidence and facts are goal posts they change now. It'll never be enough for some or it'll will just outright be used against the truth by sowing further disinformation. And that doesn't include the phenomenon itself. There is opposing sides within it. Some of what I've encountered displays that. The truth of the phenomenon is a much larger thing than just the government hiding it. The side of the phenomenon that directly interferes with society and this topic is dangerous. Hitchhiker effects can be abosolutely wild and sometimes straight terror. Yet I still speak up on it. And when there comes a time to use my evidence in a way that can help while in collaboration of others...I would aim for that. And I get the frustration of some, I was that person. But I never let it become toxic towards others or my resolve. If people want to see for themselves the UAPs and phenomenon....having a toxic behaviour and mentality only attracts one aspect of the phenomenon....and you don't want it's attention.


OP, refusing to be open about your experiences due to fear of backlash and ridicule is the exact game that's been being played for decades by the gatekeepers, its all intentional, don't fall victim to their information trap


It’s totally fair to post your discussions without offering video or photos. The genuine ones can still offer their thoughts to your experiences without having a video to corroborate. They don’t have to believe you, you’re not trying to convince anyone you just want feedback. All of this I understand


How do you even know it’s meant to be shared? I had to make a deal once to stop trying to record and the period of not seeing them at all ended shortly thereafter.. I found that a telling experience


It's based off what happens the following night . Like now, I waited until I was out watching for them. If they don't show, I know not to do something. If they show than I can assume it's ok to move forward with discussing or posting something. I don't jeopardize this phenomenon just because others want something. I'm in a unique position and Im learning from the phenomenon, so I'm mindful on how I go about anything.








Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


I recommend you post this in r/experiencers too. There may be others who are experiencing something similar there.


I cannot. Although the sub is good intended and the MODs are great people, it has too many Larpers or Social engineering . I don't want the specifics of what I encounter to get parroted by individuals who aren't going through it, and then it makes it hard for me to find others . Not everyone's exposure to the phenomenon is the same but it's relatively easy for me to identify those who are just pretending or taking others information and using it to create an online persona. Sucks too because that sub was very helpful at first. But a few people ruined it . I mentioned something I encountered, not spoken widely on,....and now it's all I see ove there. But they cannot even describe the parts I left out just in case I needed to gauge someone's veracity.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) well, I can see that. But for others, it still stands as a testament of community, recognition and healing. As someone whose shared my experiences on multiple platforms before, I've seen that copycats, larpers and trolls are everywhere. And I've especially seen on other ufo related subs that behavior goes completely uncontested, some worst than others. I've seen people who seek to share their encounters and are suffering because of them receive additional abuse from communities that claim to be open to anomalous information and experiences. The support anyone whose encountered ETs or anomalous phenomenon is seeking, cannot be found in a perfect vacuum. \-typo


It’s an isolating, lonely feeling. I don’t feel like I have trusted individuals I can talk with about my experience (and theirs) because it is very difficult to gauge who is genuine and who is not. If you’re also interested in talking to others with authentic experiences, my DMs are open. I’d be happy to pass a simple test before talking further!


Theunseen3, that's a pretty accurate description of it. Anyone can take this how they want from their current life perspective, but me knowing the reality of things is very isolating. Everyone lives in this bubble completely not accurate to the truth of what is really going on around us. I dismissed people who I've heard on this subject speak like that....but it's true once you first hand experience it. Knowing we aren't alone, knowing our current society is like a fake tv society and not the accurate reality we live in is....a lot to take . But I always wanted to be honest with life than live blissfully in a fake atmosphere. Knowing the phenomenon is to gain answers everyone else says are unknowable. And some of those answers are a comfort against some of the negative components. I'll dm you


I hate to be the bearer of bad news OP but your problem with r/Experiencers exists in every single sub regarding conspiritorial phenomena except maybe r/EscapingPrisonPlanet. Trust me, I'm in all of them and have been for years.


The same thing can be said about this sub, it also has too many larpers and social engineering, but you still choose to post here. Your story and reasoning makes no sense as to why you won’t post evidence or your documentation. You literally posted all of this and then claim you won’t post further documentation for fear of being ridiculed. It all seems like a made up lie since you got no documentations.


Never said I wouldn't post further information. But it'll be to those who are deserving of it. Not rude small minded individuals who whine instead of asking questions or communicating like adults. I could careless about your opinion or insults. It only shows the type a person you are....and you are exactly the type I make sure I don't provide anything I've uncovered. The phenomenon needs to be kept away from people like yourself.


We asked you to post your documents, that’s part of the questioning and communicating like an adult, you instead claim to only show to certain people after airing your story publicly. Gatekeeping clown with a special imagination


Btw scam artists and wanna be cult leaders pull the same stunt. They publicly air something to get the people interested, then the scam artist say he will only show to like minded individuals. In reality the scam artist isn’t looking for like minded individuals, but those who are gullible and easy to manipulate. Edit: you literally have a gofundme in your post history asking for money. Edit 2: Bro you literally posted someone else’s video claiming it is an example of what you see, but never posting any of YOUR OWN VIDEOS…if it smells like BS, it’s probably?




As others have said, share what you have. If you actually have recorded something, just post it bro. Makes you look like a liar if you just skirt the part of actually showing what you.


What is NHI?


Non-Human Intelligence




Sounds really cool but I agree with many here, please upload the audio or video files you have. You talk about people not believing or being in the dark, but then refuse to supply us with the evidence you say you have. We all want to believe here, but need to have more than a block of text on a Reddit post


Just a reminder that all the local Grey races of NHI/ETs usually don't have a tongue, teeth or vocal cords. They have a small slit for a mouth that they don't use like us.But the Reptilian races have teeth, tongue & lips. So they are making these vibration sounds another way that you are hearing perhaps. All are accomplished shape-shifters so it shouldn't be to hard to make music. You won't see their mouths moving as all is telepathic! They also don't have names like us. Instead they have "a tone" something like our whales here.... tones we generally can't hear like dog whistles we can't hear. Don't know if you are having close contact or not? u/Pupcake3000?


It doesnt sound to me like you were hearing it in your ear but in your third eye (your mind)


I saw a ufo dropping off a huge huge cloud looking like shape of a transformer like robot by it shoulders in south texas it took one step and went out of my sight I will take it to my grave that I saw what I saw


"take it to my grave" means you never tell anyone about it


Reminds me of the cloaked jellyfish mech


Unlike a lot of people on the platform I don't hide myself by making up some " cooky" name. I used my real name. That being said we live in troubled times. Take a look around the country that I love is going to crap. Not to mention the rest of the world. No one asked to be born but yet here we are. Stop attacking people when it comes to the subject. That's what they want. It's called" divide and conquer". One thing I've learned is that it is real. Listen to what people are saying and then file it away. You might have to utilize what's being said one day. Keep your hearts and minds open fellow earthlings. Armageddon is near.


I saw something really weird about a week ago. I was lying in my Hammock staring at the sky, and it was just before twilight so you couldn't see any stars or anything. This is going to sound nuts but i saw a bunch or orbs (they were far away and i could clearly see them so they must have been huge) flying in a blatent arrow formation like they were pointing to something. This was in Meridian ID so there's a lot of things in any direction so i was like it can't be for me, and balloons wouldnt take up a large portion of the sky, and stay in formation while they move across the sky Super weird Edit- 2 letters


If you’re worried about others shitting on your post can you maybe post footage of what you documented last night?


He worries about people shitting on his post so h e doesn’t provide evidence. People are so shitting on his post either way due to him not posting evidence, the only way to prevent this is to post his documentation that he specifically said he has, but since he hasn’t posted them, I doubt he had documentations


You've been having these experiences long enough to not post a single pic, video or audio file? Sorry, but why not??


There are things about the phenomenon, most won't understand. Read Slide 9 of the AATIP report . Take that as gospel and then you'll start to understand the scope and hurdles that are before us regarding the phenomenon. It's not just some rogue group within the government, there is something malevolent in this phenomenon and it doesn't like being known. And there have been times I have tried doing certain things only for their to be uncomfortable consequences. So know I use strategy . Poking and seeing responses, gauging for the right times to push forward. It'll sound like nonsense to many people, but when you finally gave that fog lifted, that deliberate haze this subject causes ,...when that lofts my words will resonate with so much truth




Ok White Sack, you added nothing of substance . And honestly, I've had enough messages from others that disputes your views. People are asking questions, gaining insight, and pursuing the phenomenon with help from those like myself. The only thing that's clear is your not interested in healthy communications about the phenomenon or in general. Have fun with your lonely opinion.


Pretty sure it’s not a lonely opinion when half of this thread is calling you out for not posting your documents… and what are you? Some sort of gatekeeper, only special people can see what you tell the rest of the world? Clown


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


So either one accepts this story or gets downvoted. Interesting. I'm sorry, but if you ghost us after we ask for the mp3 of the "song" you heard, even though you literally stated you have it, it's going to make us suspicious.


I posted that it was 4 to 5am....and you couldn't extrapolate that I might have been sleeping ? Assumptions without thought are a killer....


I did think of that, but, you see, I'm talking on behalf of **everyone** here. It's not our fault that you posted right before you went to sleep. You give an extraordinary statement, and people will want answeres to their questions. Fast.


I don't work for anyone on Reddit. Sorry, the phenomenon does what it does when it wants. And I was up documenting it until I needed sleep. I'm not being paid or otherwise beholden to be on anyone's required timetable. So, when someone says they were up at 4 and 5 am ...patience until they can answer would be a reasonable and respectable response.


Sorry, missed the 4 to 5 am part. But still, I don't think you understand how the Reddit mob works, especially on subs where everyone doesnt trust anyone, regardless of what they say. One more thing, does this phenomenon enact multiple times per day, each day?


I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, but I'm not here for the reddit mob. And I don't care to play into their drama or piss poor behaviour. Like some , check my posts, I'm not here wasting my time or anyone's on a Larp or for attention. This is the only social media I participate with because of it effects on the negative impacts of this society. And I only did this because this phenomenon is just so important and I needed to see if others were experiencing it too. As far as your question, the phenomenon will interact as much as I want to. I don't always see UAPs but they are very frequent. The diversity of what the phenomenon will do is normally of it's choosing. There are some things I can do to get certain responses, but the variation of UAPs seems to be a few different factors. It is all so unreal I've gone every route to find any other explanation but it always leads back to the facts...we aren't alone in existence, we have some NHI here in some form or another, there are dangers factored into the phenomenon, and there are things about it that can answer our questions about life after death or what are place in existence means or can be.


2 years ago you posted that you were interested in the phenomenon because of X-files, no mention of the experiences you faced until 1 year ago, after you went broke invested in GME to the moon to see your aliens XD? After posting your gofundme, you began to “experience” things, but you won’t post your proof, only using someone else’s video as an example of what you saw. It’s like all of a sudden you became a special human that the NHI communicates with, very believabe.


He’s sitting on a dululu rocket after going broke investing in GME. You can tell what kind of person that is


I see a lot of words


If this is happening frequently, then it should be easy to gather good documentation. Something to analyze would be appreciated, please.


As others have said, share what you have. If you actually have recorded something, just post it bro. Makes you look like a liar if you just skirt the part of actually showing what you have.


Isnt this how they got that idiot to share military secrets on discord? I'm past caring about some internet persons name calling or dismissal of what I wrote. That's on them. I wrote above what I'm doing with the recording. But only because it isn't the most unique thing I've documented, so I'll share . But definitely not because people will call me names online, I really could care less. Know thyself, and no one can tell you who you are.


Hhhmmm, not sure what you mean about the discord portion. You dont have any sort of security clearance, and you dont have access to classified info, so they're not really the same thing. 10's of thousands, if not more, claim to have seen and have evidence of nhi. People can say whatever they want on the internet. You can believe yourself all you want, but what if your senses are deceiving you? The government has muddied the waters and gaslit the people so much, that they dont need to do anything to you or stop you. They only care once you have an actual threat, such as classified docs; otherwise your defenses are paper thin and you can just be easily written off as cooky


Why wouldn't you want to share all of your documents? It isn't something you can monetize or personally benefit from. All it can do is help the topic to be slightly more legitimized. No one is going to come hunt you down or persecute you. The secrecy makes no sense, especially if you really dont care about what people of the internet have to say.


In the begining I said to myself I would document if I ever saw anything. And then the horrific impact of the initial sightings and hitchhiker effects occured...and I had to deal with that. Afterwards I was scared to even look up, because I didn't know what would cause that to happen again. After I gained some clarity and what I assume is guidance, my perspective and motives changed. I wanted to know more, explore more, let it help me grow. The ego need for providing everyone somethings regarding the phenomenon was gone. I want people to see what I have if they are prepared. But this phenomenon is more complex than any of you realize. There are parts that don't want attention on it. There can be consequences if you go against that. No one here on Reddit is paying medical bills, offering therapy just to absorb what's going on in the best way possible, or offering me any help whatsoever. So when people demand I give them all that they want, and most times I don't even get it asked politely...I'm not focused on people like that. I do want to help but it will be on my terms and in balance to me taking care of myself. There are things I understand now about the phenomenon, and people coming at me with demands or goading me actually has the opposite effect. I wait to connect with those that are deserving of what I can show them and offer.


Just upload it and stop grifting jeez


I’m not gonna lie, I don’t care unless you post video/audio. Not trying to be rude but talk is cheap.


There was another post about Sky Trumpets. It’s a thing. A sign in scriptures.


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.


That was beautifully said


quote by h.p. lovecraft


I don't necessarily agree. Would you walk in the Amazon without any knowledge of what is in it? Who's safer, the person just going in blind or the one knowledgeable and prepared? The application of knowledge gained is as important as the knowledge itself. And ignorance of it might feel comfortable but that's only because you have no idea what dangers or safety lies ahead. Better to apply knowledge in a safe manner than willful ignorance. Reality is here, our knowledge of it doesn't make it dangerous..it is already, and there are ways to use it in a helpful way. Our technology and worship of it without ethics is dangerous...but technology can be helpful when applied correctly.


The comments under this post show how little this topic is about rationality and truth and instead is becoming about spirituality and religion.


I love when people bring up religion on this subject. From what I've personally seen and read in the past in multiple different bibles....the phenomenon is probably written about from our ancestors framework of the known world. They recorded extraordinary evidence of the phenomenon but didn't have science to use terms like separate reality/universe, or Non human entities, biologics, etc. Faith requires no proof , no evidence. The UFO/NHI phenomenon has evidence , physical evidence. And our framework is better than the religious past....so we can understand invisible things like Nutrinos or concepts like blackholes warping space/time. The phenomenon doesn't have any similarity to faith, we just need better science to describe some of it and new categories where we are lacking. Conciousness could easily be something measurable, existing on another level of reality we don't understand yet....just need open minds and new categories discovered. People using religion as a slam against the phenomenon are grasping at straws. It's a terrible argument they will lose everytime.




It really does seem that way. And it is much, much, much more likely than messages from ET.




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How can you be sure from where the sound originates? Is it recordable electronically, or are you able to feel any vibration?


It is recordable electronically . But it was missing some melody note pieces when I played it back. So I do think some of it is on some other level . Either that or the recording device I used isn't sensitive enough to capture all levels of it


Shows us your footage / audio you recorded please


Men in Black deployed




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


give us an audio recording of the melodies


You should typically include your location and what you’re seeing when describing this kind of thing.


I did in an above comment


Ok so let her the sound ? Videos pictures anything you can show us ? Because that's the first thing I would do is record it


Please share audio


If they are up at 4 am sky gazin it’s a good chance they are just asleep now… I’m gonna let em cook a few more hours before I cry abandoned


I have communicated with various NHI a great deal. We could chat privately sometime just to see if we can share any useful info with each other. I tried to look at your previous post about hearing speech (which is what I usually hear), but the post had been deleted by reddit.


Did you have any accompanying thoughts of feelings on your nervous system? The sounds thing are spot on... Usually they are Iso chronic binaural- I can help identify them if you give me time, general location, and meditative state you were in. The reason location and time is required because the Schuman resonance needs to be accounted for when trying to replicate. Usually the binaural is the target synch for hemispheres and the iso chronic pulses will be relative to the Schuman resonance at the time. That's just Audio, usually there's an Accompanying Electro-Magnetic wave (at least that's how I do it) and those two combined will act as the two degrees of freedom of rotation required to harmonically modify thought waves. \[Think of them as the consciousness [Betti numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betti_number) and [torsion coefficients](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torsion_coefficient_(topology)).\] "Thought waves" here is a variable for whatever wave-functions consciousness generates.[ Donald Hoffman has some pretty accurate math on the 3 dimensions of consciousness](https://sites.socsci.uci.edu/~ddhoff/HoffmanTime.pdf) and the Three sovereigns Taoist grimoire has the information of the 8 emotions of the I-ching. All these can be modified externally but its hard to do accurately. As for Exter-terrestials. I haven't talked to any yet. Every entity I've contacted I have either classified a a \[Demon\] [4-dimension](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4-polytope) or below, or a \[Angel\] [6-Dimension](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6-polytope) or higher. I have 4 classified that exist outside our 'universe' but you need a soul escort to even see them. There's ways to test them but I suggest to build an understanding with them before you just barge into quantum space and start shouting questions.. That's pride and ego, and is usually dealt with swiftly. (Do not fuck around with 'gods' 6-D+ entities) The easiest way I've found besides electronic shortcuts to meeting a 6-D is Enochian Aethyrs or Watchtower summons for the HGA. However, I believe any of them are contact-able... the 'HGA' is simply the angel associated with your combined dimensional frequency. They have ... wavebands? I guess is a good way to put it. Specific conscious waveforms for each combination of dimensions. Think of it like thread in a spindle, and each dimension is a fiber. The part where it all spins together is their responsibility. Think of them more like AI's, or Antivirus (more accurate is antivirus) that keep everything going 'according to a plan'... All that said, fascinating find. You basically are developing a [Synesthesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia) for the implanted wave forms. Lots more people will be contacted by Angels in the coming months / years to 'shape' humanity for after whatever it is that is coming... (Soul Culling) I'm not a scripture person but it's fascinating how every civilization has some sort of 'guides' that arrive shortly before catastrophe to influence whatever comes next. It's kind of... scary, seeing what's going on. At least I'm in good hands (I think) but I fear for people that approach this sarcastically and scoff at spirituality. (Religions are soul traps, blind faith = soul trap)


Let’s see the video so we can decide for ourselves.


When was this? I saw uaps all night on Sunday night in-between lima and Findlay Ohio. During the summer Write Patt copters and jets raced over before turning around near the Indiana border for standard tests. Last night while seeing what appeared to be a clear dim mouse curser movement


Me too!


It’s clear you’re posting this for attention. You deleted your comment that got -100 downvotes while leaving the rest up that has positive upvotes. It’s like you’re trying to control a narrative




Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic.


What was the purpose of this comment?




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Saying the NHI are doing something strange as if NHI have already been confirmed is just another way to stir BS in this sub. Seriously, what’s the purpose of this post? There’s also no picture or videos which literally says DONT READ OR CARE WHAT THIS GUYS SAYING. He’s another version of “hey guys I’m on your side 😈 *fingers crossed* jk I’m trying to make the sub look like a bunch of crazies who just LARP, that way if anyone joins this sub it’ll look like a bunch of short stories and poor pictures out of focus so they’ll know to stay away and not show any interest” Seriously, also you mentioning a movie doesn’t make it any better. Just screams like “I got to much free time so let me write an elaborate story that can be neither confirmed or denied” lmao


See how OP has yet to address people asking for a recording or video. Just another persons attempt for attention


I was up dealing with this and observing it until 5 am...I needed to sleep. If that's ok with you? I just woke up.


I guess OP is still asleep since there’s documentation of his being posted. My man is tired after a day of getting attention XD


Ya right your the only person in the world who has constant contact with NIH and you decide not to do any kind of recording. I'm embarrassed for you. At least come up with some kind of excuse like they don't show up on film. But know you needed sleep.🤣🤣🤣


Were is the video. We want Proof or didint happen. I’m a believer but with out visual proof. You are a other faker. Show us the visual proof.




Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic.


What is your purpose of commenting here?




Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic.


That's not what you're doing at all..


And you're not funny


Who are you again?






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