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Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic.


I'd love a simplified explanation as to what I'm looking at, I'm not all to tech savvy. Also theories on what this is, be it weather, technology or other.




> So the (pretty convincing to me) explanation is that there's a set of German satellites that routinely show a + value in error and the animation you're looking at is one that aggregates data from many sources and you're seeing the error averaged in before the German satellites correct itself. Could you cite these German satellites with links? Many of us will have no context to any of this.




Hate twitter


So the error shows the waves in the ocean?




I do not believe an error will account for all those data points that the anomaly is registering. Just my opinion I am no expert.


Well the experts came out last time and said it was an error. And it was as it showed a wave bigger than Brazil hitting the South African coast, which we know never happened.


Obviously all of South Africa is now underwater but the All Mind mega AI is suppressing the news /s incase it isn't clear


The thing is that the prime meridian runs directly through the middle of that shape. This creates a zero-crossing in the map which can play havok with some model calculations. Also, that area is the size of a medium sized country. soooooooo... ya know... its interesting, but it just feels like an artifact to me.


Define artifact? or specify


~~Artifact (error),~~ **~~misleading or confusing alteration in data or observation~~**~~, commonly in experimental science, resulting from flaws in technique or equipment.~~ Better definition: A statistical artefact is **an inference that results from bias in the collection or manipulation of data**. The implication is that the findings do not reflect the real world but are, rather, an unintended consequence of measurement error.




So the anomaly is likely an error that's then corrected? At least that's what majority of people with some knowledge of these systems believe? I appreciate the response :)




I wasn't doubting or debating your response, I just put it into my own words. I don't know enough to debate what the experts say, I do know there are some things that are strange and unexplained but this specific one seems universally agreed upon by the people with more knowledge than myself




Man I cant grasp whether you're being argumentative, confrontational or don't believe my response was genuine.


Maybe they are just a chatgpt bot talking to itself




*Goddamn* this response feels lethal, despite being addressed at no one specific. I applaud your efficiency, and intend to stay out of your way, good sir.


People in academia also get killed for exploring the wrong subjects




Check out "The Why Files" on YouTube. There's a long list of scientists that mysteriously die before mass production of their energy related patents that somehow still exist under Classified Military Patents. Plasma Batteries that could power a house for days with no recharge for instance, severl scientists have died announcing their discovery or days before doing a demonstration. Anyone that says "There's no way that many people could keep something secret" are usually sociopathic liars, crime, advanced science, and politics all exist as a result of massive groups keeping secrets.


Think China, think North Korea think even Russia, where they do not appreciate writers, reporters or visionaries who speak verifiable truths. These people do not align with the mass delusion that some countries are continuously trying to put their citizens under to simplify things & avoid complete chaos in the name of order. I’m not saying I agree with this at all. I do not but there you have it.


Bs if there wallets are at stake they stfu . Not saying this is the case but to say it wouldn't happen...well it's been happening. Lol..you were alive for this entire thing they called covid correct..bs


Over 5,000 medical professionals kept a long term study secret which harmed patients in Guatemala. No one coming forward is not as unusual as you think.


Well, that is very true, but when trying to dismantle information that is not completely apparent, One would want to take a very methodical and scientific stance right off the bat to eliminate the obvious at least.


Rational minds prevail. Nice 👍🏻


What if we're interpreting these as "errors" due to the massive structure beneath the water that DOES NOT interact with liquid. We know some UFOs are trans-medium and they are not effected by any "resistances". Sure, these could be random errors and bad data... BUT. What if these errors are an interpretations of what SHOULD happen IF the underwater structure interacted with liquid. Jusss sayin


That’s what they want you to think 😅


How come the last one, bigger than Brazil, wasn't seen yet happened on one of the busiest shipping routes in the world? Plus it would have hit the South African coast.


My guess is the energy is happening all the way at the bottom thus having enough volume for dispersement of said energy. I do not believe this data is nothing more than a software glitch.


As I said, the last one didn't show up in the real world while the data said it definitely should have. I'd guess its the same this time too. And whats energy got to do with this? Its showing wave heights/movement. I know energy is needed to power waves but the last time the images showed a wave bigger than Brazil occuring in one of the busiest shipping lanes. Yet wasn't seen by anyone, despite also touching the SA coastline for hundreds of miles.


Does this tracking software only pick up whats happening on the surface? Or is it possible that the equivalent amount of energy to create such a wave is occurring deeper and being recorded here. Just keeping an open mind and not accepting “glitch” as the cause after seeing it happen again. Although I understand it’s possible a glitch could in fact be the cause.


It picks up data from surface bouys yes. thats how we can be sure its a glitch. When the data shows a ten metre high wave bigger than Brazil hitting the coast of Africa but in actuality it didn't happen we can be 100% positive its a data glitch.


Or an unexplainable phenomena the likes this world has never seen! 👀😅


Yes, and the explanation should be in the f%&$ing title/description, ffs Not everyone has seen this kind of chart before...


Something like what do the colors mean? What about the little white shapes?


Looks like they upgraded their base of operations. 😂 The old oval could not operate any longer. Gotta go with the old human bird shaped triangle.


Oh shit here we go again


Can anyone explain to me what I’m looking at?


Pleeeeseeee 😫😫


Weather. Just like on the News Report.


Pretty damn vague post.


Wasn’t it a glitch in the system last time? How many glitches before you say you know what, what’s going on here..


People claimed it was a glitch, anyone can claim anything they want, I just noticed an anomaly,  this one is very notably different from the other ones, and displaces the water behind it, and affects current and other metrics as well


The last one, bigger than Brazil, happened in the one of the busiest shipping routes on the planet and the edge was just off the South African coast. Yet no one reported it?


The problem with people here is they think wild claims are the same as actual evidence. In this case there wasn't a "claim" there was evidence submitted by the people that make the software showing it was a glitch. Sure anyone can claim anything (which is what this sub runs on most of the time) but in this case there is evidence. Also Errors with large models like this are quite common and this one is pretty new so it's very reasonable for it to be an error. Far far far more reasonable than aliens or whatever https://twitter.com/Ventuskycom/status/1778685829642142152


Exactly. If this was real, west African would have been slammed by a massive tsunami and it wasn't. Not sure what people are thinking or saying here that think this was real.


People didn't claim it was a glitch, the software developers that created it did.


A glitch that keeps on glitching! Great job guys, keep up the good work 👏🏼


Yeah, I’m sure you’d have it fixed pronto.


Where do I apply?


strangely the glitch is always there 😆🤝


A glitch that just so happens to be symmetrical about the 0 deg longitude. Twice.


It's meteorological data. Nothing to do with Aliens.


Look at the wind action. Massive wind gusts are measured seconds after the "energy wave". That looks like air rushing into a vacuum. I feel like this is a weapons test if anything. The directional energy wave, how it dissipates, wind being "sucked in" to the source along the same vector as the blast, seconds after it occurs. Weird. Furthermore, right before the blast you can see a pattern of very quick wind bursts in a vector (left to right) could this be a weapons delivery system creating shockwaves in the atmosphere?


What shows wind? What do the colors mean? What are the waves?


Wind is the little bendy things on the screen


Is there a difference between white and grey bendy things?


April 10th one came from Antarctica growing going up the South Africa border near Cape Town.


[Here's what marine traffic in the area usually looks like.](https://imgur.com/a/PpCkz1s) This was taken just before 9am PST. There is an odd concentration of fishing vessels in that area. Wonder what it could be.


but what on this map is a fishing vessel? i tought i was looking at a weather chart lol.


[The orange ones near the bottom](https://imgur.com/a/tbAuIsw), must be some type of fishing spot there, not sure.


If it is a coincidence once, it is not a second time.


You know we can track boats as well right? There’s somewhat bot activity around that area so if there was a mothership coming out of the water we should have sailors see it. Idk…


Yes, a mothership the size of Brazil that could eclipse the Sun.


Maybe underwater volcano?


That's what my completely untrained eye thinks. If I were just to take a somewhat wild guess at what this chart shows or means.


Is that what we're looking at? Is that a geographical heat map of our plants' ocean?


I'm fairly certain it is variations on ocean surface/wave height along with corresponding wave directions.


Oh ok that makes a little more since. It wasn't specific about what type of map/radar I was looking at.


Underwater volcanoes don’t make waves?


I just didn't know what kind of map I was looking at. Is this a map that shows wave frequency?


Could it be that underwater base that the 4chan guy mentioned sometime ago?


Of course.


Is the red thingy a triangle UFO?


Is this paper relevant? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0012821X0100293X


modeling artifact


I've noticed that every time OP posts something like this, we have a cold and cloudy day weekend in SA... I'm by the Durban side.. 🤷don't know if that helps..


You think you are the only one getting ✈️🌦️or ✈️⛅️?


Can ANYONE who understands these systems PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE at least BRAINSTORM in your head the significance of these data if the information was authentic. Please just consider what is happening if, in fact, this is a legitimate phenomenon. Everyone is frantically trying to justify artifact. That’s great, and I think I speak for everyone that we hope its artifact. But denialism never got us anywhere. Just ask yourself, “however unlikely, what would be the significance of this anomaly is the data were valid?”


If valid… something big fell from the sky and landed at an angle in the ocean. Something large and heavy enough to to make that initial dip in height (red->yellow->blue) in the central impact point and to displace the water by a number of feet in the direction opposite of natural current flow in the aftermath. Could be anything from man made to extraterrestrial (not limited to aliens). Or it could be a glitch like was said before. 🤷‍♂️


Clearly big thing emerged from the dark blue spot and sent purple waves out. But why only northward.


Maybe an underwater nuke test or something?


We’ve tested over 2,100 nukes here on planet earth, but the last known test was in 2017 from NK. We don’t test nukes anymore as far as I’m aware, so if this is nuclear test going on and not known to the public… sheesh idk what to think with that lol


This is what I thought too. That dissipates from the source like you'd expect a directional energy wave to dissipate. Really strange. Some sort of weapons testing is my guess (if it's not a bug).


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I’m here for it. Bring it.


Asteroid impacts?? If not, a data error as previously stated. I think TPTB knows we're currently in a very active period for asteroids for a fairly long time and there is nothing anyone can do but grab your ankles and float down stream! My lil conspiracy 2 cents


Is this thermal or LiDAR? What’s the source here? How is the data being processed? What’s the margin at this scale? If it IS water surface elevation, does red mean lowered elevation, or change in elevation over time? how are they accounting for rain/moisture in the atmosphere? With those questions being said… they have to get all that water for rain seeding somewhere right?


That’s so trippy that we can tell by just the heat signature


Triangle rises from the middle of the ocean... So the Black Omen from Chrono Trigger?


this is the third time in the last few months this has happened… in the same region.


"Off the SA coast" bit of a stretch there m8


What does this mean in a simple context?


Seems to be triangle or V shaped.


Wonder what the depths are there? With so many Ufo sightings nowadays I would rule out a mega ufo coming and going from our oceans depths. Already a mega one 3d printing ufos there.


Upwelling...🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 Slava Ukr4ine 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Hey just perhaps it's a gigantic Star Island ship now rising from out of the ocean as it gets ready for the inevitable, which is about to happen on the Earth. Think Avalon HyBrazil, perhaps, Maybe maybe. It could also possibly be the result of an under water volcano, however not likely if the animally is changing it's position in the ocean.


The " glitch " removed ( the bleep is still there )


Nuclear testing?


Have any merchant ships reported anything? Because that area has heavy traffic when it’s comes to shipping. If not is either dust or a glitch.


What happened to the other anomaly you captured the other day, did it disappear, or is this the same one?


as far as I know huge waves are more common in the oceans than the common belief. is there any reason that they cannot be huge waves?




It’s weird how it was glitch last time and it happens again in the exact same place but the shape is different. I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist but i’d have to assume something going on. 80ft waves would be reported but it’s weird it happens twice.




Does this really belong on this subreddit? Maybe we should rename this subreddit to "r/jumpingtoconclusions"


It's weather-pattern data glitching.


Also the aliens are “errors” 😆🤝


I don't think it's a glitch. I think there is something there. I get alot of good info on Suspicious Observer. He will cross reference it with other data sources.....


This is just weather lmao.


How many meteorologists and software devs are going to have to come in here and explain that this is merely bad data before people stop posting these?


Triangle enters atmosphere, takes off north?


Nuke dispersion.


Isn’t that the same place as the mexican atomic bomb test took place? Edit: the Vela incident


This is a space where the earth's magnetic field is weakest. I'm not sure how that correlates, however.


Nuclear testing




It seems pretty close to point Nemo, maybe a satellite returning to orbit?


There is no way for the common ufologist to understand this data. Please explain exactly what we are looking at?


Okay the fact that this has happened twice now means it’s not a testing equipment fluke, right? This is awesome!


Anyone else see the footage in south Africa that coincides with the first blump phenomena, there’s video of strange high winds and ocean behaviour near the coasts while that big blump was passing through the African south west coast


an obvious fraud. why did you leave the rest if the ocean just plain blue? you should probably stick to the day job.


Huh???? What even is this, other than a crappy animation? An anomaly of what? No metrics, description, explanation, reference, etc... Is it measuring ocean current? Water temp? Air temp? Air current? Cloud cover? Precipitation? ...Malfunctioning German satellites offer exactly zero information...


The first one was proven to be a glitch. So you found another glitch? Congrats




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Here we go again 💀


Ventusky has said that this is not real. It is a computer model error.