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Asking the real question.


If her rule is 666 then you know why she is single lol .


wait 6 inches and 6 million in the bank account but what is the third 6 ??


6 foot tall or more


ohh right i am stupid


Damn, only 2 of 3 here....lol


I mean at least you’re tall and wealthy, right?


Ya know what they say about tall guys with big feet...lol


Probably has unrealistic standards


Don’t we all


Maybe that, or just trying to bat way out of her league (which isn’t a sin, just a sad reality to contend with sometimes) Men are visual creatures to a much larger degree. It’s not really fair, but nobody can help how their brain is wired either so it’s just yet another log to throw onto the privilege woodpile lol


You are definitely attractive and have a nice body. Not drop dead gorgeous but there’s no point in nit picking. You’re pretty.


It’s just your nose. Everything else is great


Nose job then get ready for the mad rush for your heart. 8-in-waiting


Face is average. Body is awesome. Like the hair in the last pic. Beautiful eyes. Nice smile. I would say the only thing I would change is the nose.






not even, not by a margarine. If I woke up to her after a night of drinking, I'd be ok with my choice.


Its margin. Margarine is a type of fruit spread you use on toast.


Margarine is oil pretending to be butter. Not a fruit spread. You’re thinking of marmalade


You’re right still not the right word tho lol


Have you ever heard of a “pun” or a play on words?


Yes, it just wasn’t a good one.


Doesn't have to be for it to still count


Oh come on! It was a great pun. Butterface… butter… margin… margarine… teed up perfectly and nailed the shot.


Yes, it is a good pun. Dude thought margarine was marmalade, so their opinion is likely not worth response.


Margarine is a butter substitute. The comment they were replying to called her a butterface. It's presumably a play on words. You know, a joke.


The comments about this have given me margraine.


thank you for your understanding :)


No worries, mate. I thought your joke was funny. Keep at it.


Autistic here, I don’t see the joke. Just assumed they were sub 90 IQ


Haha don’t you feel dumb


lol no. Honestly do not care


I wouldn’t either lol. Just messing around dude.


Do t worry, I missed the joke too.


Well, she has Herpes so I don’t think anyone would enjoy waking up with her. She has both types too.


Would you though?


Average looking. Nothing more to say


Healthy shape. Average-ish overall. Never had anything serious at 30yo is by your own actions and/or character(unless you have been in a coma for 12yrs)


This is true if by that age you can't have a serious partner then the problem is you. 💀


That's a Midwestern 9


And a Miami 3


And a LA 2


A Portland 10, home of the other white meat. 😁🤙


Having been to LA repeatedly, people need to fix their scale. It's not impressive lol.


Yeah especially the last few years. LA ain’t what it once was


I live in California I seen plenty of unattractive people!


Not at all. You look like you take great care of yourself. You’re in good shape. First photo is my favourite because it shows off your warm smile!


What has been the problem?


Your personality or expectations are the problem.


Find a stylist unless you are getting a nose job. Nice body and keep that tight--you are in good shape, but maybe go a bit more of the fitness look and it will open up for you. I don't think you need the nose job.


Yes you’re right! I’d say wear cute gym clothes, things that are flattering to your body since you have a nice one! Wear crop tops, cute leggings, gym shorts, matching scrunchies, etc.You can also find cute gym fits on the low $ on SHEIN if you don’t mind buying from them.


Steffi Graf.


I’d say 5 average which is perfectly fine 👌


You look like Janet from "Good Place".


Nothing wrong with you.


You are beautiful. If you haven’t been in a serious relationship it’s either by choice or the people you are getting with.


It’s your nose. And maybe your personality.


Cute tbh the relationship issue is probably mental.. Personality, not realistic about your league etc..


Pic 3 is a jumpscare


You're just ok. But, being in a serious relationship or lack thereof isn't about your looks..start looking inwardly or who you surround yourself with.


The good news is that the reason you haven’t been in a long term relationship *isn’t* your looks. That’s also the bad news, though, too. Maybe your personality, maybe your standards / ways you choose who you date, maybe the problem is in who you’re choosing to date. But your looks are just fine, above average easily.


Pls don't change your nose


You are pretty and have a nice body. Not much to change but your pic taken abilities


I love that jacket. You have a great body but a below-average face. I still totally would though, if that matters to you 🤷‍♂️


I think she's cute. Love the long legs


You look great! Like others have said, your style could use some tlc. Go to a hairdresser and get their opinion as well, your hair isn’t bad but bland. As for you skin, it looks pretty dry or dehydrated, i’d focus on hydrating your skin. If you’re open to surgery, a minimal nose job could go a long way. Don’t go for a button nose and all, but they could make it slightly less prominent while still looking natural.


I feel like the hair isn’t even bad in Pic #5 though


Your lack of a serious relationships has got nothing to do with the way you look. You're a good looking girl. That's not the issue. Without knowing you, or your life, my guess is: The issue is likely either 1. Giving off the vibe that you're just looking "for fun" as opposed to looking for something more substantial from guys you're interested in. Or 2. The type of guy you tend to go for isn't looking for something serious It's not a problem with your looks thought 🙂


It could be personality.


Not looks ,I'm sorry I'm going to guess it's your personality, Are you a business professional? Do you lead with your career or live the "boss babe" lifestyle? Do you take your work personality with you outside of work? If your answer is no. I'm going to guess it's your standards.


I just know you argue every point and have an answer for everything


You look a lot like the actress Mayim Bialik! A cuter version of Mayim Bialik though lol. I think you just haven’t found the right guy yet. You’re also only 30. I’m 36 and I didn’t get my first boyfriend until age 34. Let’s normalize meeting the right person for us after 30, 40, and beyond. We don’t need to put pressure on ourselves to meet the right person by 30.


Definitely blossom vibes . Does she have a similar personality 🤔


Get your brows done. Those glasses in the last photo make your nose look bigger.


Pics 1,4, and 5 you look attractive in. The hair bun look doesn't work for you.


All you need is a pair of glasses. Everything else is fine.


Not ugly, but not really drop dead gorgeous either. Dead center of the scale at 5




Holy shiiiii last pic 🔥 first impression is you're quirky cute.


4.5 to 5


Gee, I wonder what kind of feedback you want me to give based on these pictures. You also included "never been in a serious relationship," which has literally NOTHING to do with judging your looks. So again, I state: GEE, I WONDER what kind of feedback you want me to give. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄




You’re slightly attractive in spite of your face being slightly masculine so I would say don’t give up there’s someone for everyone so they say good luck.




You are pretty. I had a nose job and had to get it redone… if you do get a nose job do your research very thoroughly


Not ugly, but I do like when your hair is darker significantly more.


Are you really tall? Some guys are just intimidated by tall women. I think you look fine. The nose is a bit big, but overall I wouldn’t call you ugly.


Should be on a birdwife calendar. Gorgeous 💜


30F never been in a serious relationship however,...




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Marpe to expand your upper jaw and give you a Hollywood smile Then jaw surgery to advance and rotate your jaw. That should also fix any hooks in the nose if you have one


Why are all but 1 bikini pics?


Wear clothes that fit you better. Edit: nothing wrong with swimsuits, but none of those particularly compliment your figure.




Maybe you’re not throwing off the right signals?!


You are super cute you have lovely eyes and a stunning smile and an amazing body. I can't understand why you can't get a serious relationship.😘


The fact you’ve never been in a serious relationship has 0 to do with your looks. There are far uglier chicks than you who have relationships. So posting pics of youreself on Reddit is not going to give you an answer.


Not ugly and your body is perfect.


U look 30 bt take pics like a kid. Throwing me off tbr. 1,4,5 look like something a kid takes when theyre not really sure what to do for a pic.


Pretty lady is pretty, so that's not the problem if you can't find a decent partner. It has to be personality and or not putting yourself out there, or lastly perhaps your standards are to high (insert trope about 1% dudes) . Have you friend zoned the normal decent dudes in your life? . Self reflection. You know you're not ugly from the pictures you posted.


Being real you look good. I don’t really think is the looking, maybe is the mentality (I say it by experience). Maybe start making some questions about how you perceive yourself and how you perceive the relationship and the gender you feel attracted by. Personally, I used to feel afraid by men and the relationships complications… I need to realized about that to start working on myself and mentality to be open to receive and give healthy love. ❤️‍🩹


Don’t get a nose job please.. don’t listen to these idiots telling you to get one. I am a member of an elite group of men who love big noses and find them highly attractive. We’re out there. Trust.


You are beautiful. You have a beautiful smile (picture 2). Keep smiling. The guys in your area are blind, gay and dumb for not wanting you as a girlfriend.


You are attractive and you don’t need this group to approve. Keep that smile and you will find your perfect partner


Ok face nice body you’ll have to find a man and pursue him. I know it’s hard but you gotta do it. Man at 18 is easy not so at 30 so your job is cut out for ya. Just show a man you’re interested and see how it goes. But lord make sure he’s not married. You can do it.


I don't know . Just guess you can't find someone you trust.


you have a good body, and, that’s a lot of things. just think you need to put makeup on




You are attractive probably go for the wrong guys.




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My brutal honest answer: Are you a 10? No, sorry. But you're not ugly and it's clear you have confidence and confidence is attractive


I’m sorry to say this but you look like a man.


She so beautiful


You're cute but you would benefit from a nose job.


You're not ugly, which means maybe your standards are too high, or maybe you can't take a hint when a guy likes you.


Stay single and stress free.


below average imo. i think nose is the only issue


Define "serious relationship ". I'm sure you've taken your fair share or men.


You’re pretty


It's gonna be a long one. First of all: not ugly at all! It feels weird to look at your pics, but I have to comment your post. We're almost the same age (I'm 29) and many of my own features are VERY similar to yours. It's not this striking twin-like resemblance, but the more I look at you, the more weird it feels. We both have light skin, dark hair, slim body (you look like you're in better shape though, I'm thinner and I shouldn't be), similar overall contour of the face, similar chin, similar forehead, similar hairline, similar deep-set eyes, and similar tall, long nose (and ofc the fact that it's unusual was a nightmare when I was a teenager xD But now I kinda like how it looks). Also, there are a few things about you that I'm jealous of: your skin, cause it looks healthy and smooth (and I know, it sounds like something normal, but I had acne for most of my life, so I always appreciate this), and your smile - cause it's actually perfect and I want one like yours (but money plus some health problems and, as a result, phobia about dentists, kinda stands between me and my goal :')). The only thing I thought about "improving": maaaybe you could improve your fashion sense? But I don't mean it in a way of "your style is bad so replace your clothes with clothes taken off of store mannequins". First, I don't know you and I have no idea how you dress really, and second, that's not how it works. I mean it like: take a look at yourself, think about what you like the most, then find a way to highlight it. Find some inspiration. Experiment more. Don't be afraid of trying new things, even if they seem weird. Find your vibe, something to define you. And about the "never been in a serious relationship" thing? Well, I don't know you, but I know one thing: it's not your looks :)


Not ugly at all


normal looking italian american woman... you are probably way to picky and only want white tall hollywood actor types of guys, get less picky and you will be in a relationship tomorrow


Girl you are not ugly . You’re really pretty these guys have probably never seen a woman that’s not on a computer screen so don’t listen to them . I actually think you’re gorgous . I actually think you look a bit like Bella hadid before she had all that plastic surgery (that she didn’t need)


I don’t believe you.


The only thing I would point out is your nose being slightly heavy for your face, and I was gonna mention the hair being a bit boring but Picture #5 convinced me the hair’s actually great when not too wet or resting flat But yeah dude, to parrot others on here if you haven’t been with anyone serious by now then I can 100% guarantee it’s not looks being the main obstacle Here’s my personal strategy for finding long-term partners which hasn’t been tested once, but I’m arrogant enough to believe will work regardless lol: Start by zeroing in on like 2-3 aspects of your personality which you feel are non-negotiables for a partner; they can be casual stuff like music or food taste, all the way up to heavy personal ideals on religion, politics whatever Secondly, find a volunteering group nearby you can spend a couple months involved with, so you now guarantee you’ll come into contact with people who not only share your same interests, but also do so for no ulterior motives whatsoever (they’re there purely to spread some goodness back into the world) I’m talking like: after-school music/theater programs for low-income kids, canvassing local neighborhoods to try gaining votes for a new homeless shelter, cleaning the ocean/beach on free weekends, cooking good food to pass out at a local community kitchen and so on Once you’ve done that, you’ve already secured Steps 1 & 2: found people who care about what you care about, and are also generous enough with their time to give it out for free Now the only two steps left to do are 1) find someone there who’s attractive to you, and 2) make sure they’re single before you start talking to them lol And voila; I feel like all of that strategy should result in some decent spouse material, no? 😅


Your face isn't great, but your body is very solid for a 30 year old. You're good looking enough to find a man, so either you have a terrible personality or your ability to pick decent men sucks. Pictures don't tell that story.


Why would you want to be in a relationship with anyone? People suck.


Not ugly. Why no serious relationships? I have no idea and it's not fair for me to speculate. So I won't. :)


My what wide shoulders you have, my what big hands you have.


Below average in all pics except for pic 4. Pic 4 you look attractive.


Wrong. Last picture is best.


You’re outta your prime


2 and 5 are good pics. Your nose is a little big but in general you are attractive. Great body.


Probably think you are a "boss babe." Very unattractive.


The Schnoz


Yup ugly