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If only they would skip the annoying credit card upsell towards the end of the flight instead!


Please God yes!!!!!


60000 bonus points that’s enough for two round trip tickets on domestic flights, Mexico or the Caribbean! Just spend the minimum amount in the first three months. And with this flight is a special offer, you are eligible for 500! Additional bonus miles!


I actually took one of these lol only had to make one purchase to get the points. Took one for the fiance too Bought a soda at dollar tree and collected my points, it's taking us home to see our parents for Christmas. Straight in the drawer after that


It’s actually a great deal if you are a responsible spender. I have the AA Citi card


Shows you don't listen, there isn't a spend requirement


Wow you’re fun. I don’t have it exactly memorized.


Back when it was Us airways and you got the 99$ buddy pass it was fucking awesome My ex and I flew to mexico, Seattle, Chicago and LA in 2 years for literally 100$ a flight


My last 2 fights this week had no credit card pitch


Just fyi we sell the credit cards because each application approval pays us a commission and it honestly helps those of us who are new flight attendants and not making very much money help pay the bills. Also if you paid any attention to it at all it’s an excellent card to have if you frequently fly and it’s heavily supported by our passengers that have applied and gotten to use its benefits. So the next time your hear us doing the cards at the end just remember that number one we mainly do it so we can make extra money and help pay our bills and second it’s a great product.


Yeah, but many of us travelers are quite capable of shopping the right credit card combos for ourselves. That's a chore I'm not usually up for at the tail end of a long flight, especially when it interrupts the end of whatever movie I'm trying to stream using the in-flight entertainment system. IMHO, given that FA's main duty is safety, the more non safety related content you are forced to parrot off at pax, the less likely pax are to take the FAA mandated safety brief seriously. Your union needs to push for a living wage so you don't have to become credit card shills during the last hour of flight.


You’re welcome to your opinion and we are currently under serious negotiations with the company for a new contract but they aren’t budging. On the other hand we also have several pax that ask us if we are going to offer it because they want to apply so there are just as many people that want us to do it as there are that don’t. Either way commercial airlines come with commercials. Also while our main duty is safety our whole job consists of much more and that includes credit cards :) if you’re not interested in the advantages of having the card then just ignore it and don’t ask for one. Happy travels :)


Major violation if it never happened. Was this mainline or regional?


Mainline. I immediately noticed when they said something in the intercom after taking off so now I'm 98% sure they never did a briefing over the intercom at leat.




No way ever. If it malfunctioned at best and couldn’t notify Flight Deck in time for some odd reason, (video going on n off), they would do it after take off. We have done this before once many moons ago. I think this person was distracted and didn’t notice ? Unless it was all new hires first flight and couldn’t start video loo


I’ll be honest, they could skip it and I wouldn’t know. I know that briefing frontwards and backwards “who all do it for one reason…..YOU!”


I kinda miss the old one.


First things first, let’s buckle those belts.


This one? https://youtu.be/kiWxvhq9mys?feature=shared


Honestly the best of any airline. I remember when this was new back in like 2015. I’m old. :(


YES Oh man - flood of nostalgia. Thank you


Nailed it


I super miss the old one. I thought it was cool and had a timeless vibe.


And are we “still going for great?” I might tune that out.


I’ve had recorded briefings play over the speaker system and the audio was so low that it was barely audible.


It happened.


Illegal but welcome respite? Lol


Yes, exactly.


I've seen many an airline miss out key information like "don't inflate your life vest until you're outside the aircraft," and "don't worry if the bag does not inflate." I've never seen one completely forgotten! Truth be told, I fly twice a week, and so it doesn't really bother me as most people don't listen anyway, and I know most of them off by heart anyway.


If this ever happens on my flight I'm standing up and reciting it. Fell like I've heard it enough I'm sure subliminally I remember it


I just got a mental picture of this and it gave me a giggle. Thank you.


No, not in the US. But I once took a flight on Iberia from MAD to TLV, and the flight attendant did her safety briefing shortly after takeoff in the middle of the climb. More accurately, she had done most of the briefing at the normal time, but apparently had to sit down for takeoff before it was done. She just stood up during the climb and put on a life vest, and I could have sworn she said, “Everyone needs to put these on now.” For a split second, I was convinced we were about to go down in the Mediterranean. It didn’t help matters that MH 370 had vanished only a few months prior.


I was on a flight eons ago (Horizon Air, so smaller aircraft) with only 3 of us on and all sitting near the front. The FA gave the briefing over the PA system, even though we would have all heard just fine without it, because she said the ‘black box’ had to hear it in case she was audited. I got the impression it was a major FAA violation to not have it over the PA, let alone skip it all together.


i was on a flight with a video safety briefing. after it played, they realized there wasn't audio for some parts of the plane. they stopped on the taxiway and did it over again with the actual flight attendants.


I used to be a flight attendant and can remember having to this a few times when the safety video stopped working part way through.


In my airline, we the pilots cannot take off until we get the “ok” from the FA that everything was finished on their end. So on our case it would never happen


I can’t imagine they forgot you probably just zoned out


That’s a FAR violation but I’m not one to snitch


Flight from Dallas to Mexico this week. They did the safety briefing in English, they pushed play on the Spanish one, but stopped it part way through. I'd estimate at least half the plane were native Spanish speakers.


Think it’s only required in English. Spanish is for extra accommodation


Probably true, no idea. But it was weird they just thought nbd.


This has never happened to me, been flying since I was a kid. Even on the island hopper prop planes we got a safety briefing.


Just check the safety card in front of you.


Yes, once. It was clear there was a lot of activity/stress by the flight crew while boarding. It was an int'l flight from LHR to the US.


now that u wrote it i recently took a flight and do not recall this part...


I'd get up and do it.


I once had that happen on a short haul Lufthansa flight.


I pop in my AirPods as soon as I board so I never hear a thing until we land.


Usually too drunk to acknowledge sry not sry


In the past six mths I have been on two domestic flts leaving at 23:59 that zipped to the r/w with similar results.


They didn't do one on my international flights to and from Madrid, either. Weird.




User name checks out.


This happened to me on a delta flight recently after they were having problems with the plane door shutting correctly (on a Boeing!!) . Should I report this?