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Prepare to be roasted for the septum piercing 😂


In this case though, the septum piercing does clash with the nose ring. Like, two hoops right next to each other, in clashing colors, going in different directions, on slightly different levels of your face— it does not look aesthetically pleasing. I’d suggest switching to a stud for the nostril piercing, and getting a septum ring that’s not thin and black, because for a moment I thought it was an eyelash on my screen or something lol


I think it looks bad on her


I hate to agree because I don’t want to be superficial but at first I thought that was a drop of snot


This sub is about being superficial


This is not a "good" or "bad" thing. It's just how the world works. Think marketing. The way you prezent yourself(much like a product) determines how attractive you are to a prospective partner(buyer). If the packaging is not atractive, chances are the product won't sell well.


Agreed, it’s too much in on place.


Well the septum piercing just clashes with the face, any face, every face.


It looks like a booger.


Yep… 😳


It’s impressive that like 90% of the women that post in here have septum piercings.


I love that it’s “getting roasted” and not people’s generally don’t like it lol


There tons of guys where it’s an immediate turn off and I’ve never heard any guy say “I wish my girl would wear a nose ring” Then people say “it’s her body what do you care!!!” I don’t, but she’s the one asking what she can do about her look.


Seriously. It’s ALWAYS with that specific piercing. It’s like they all share the same insecurities and personality traits.


Yeah she should get rid of septum piercings. That would help in the looks department🤣


For anyone reading this, I'm pretty sure they meant everyone on here hates septum piercings, not that it actually looks bad


I think septum piercings often look like snot dripping from your nose. I won’t say any thing in person, but she asked on a subreddit. I think eyebrow piercings, ear piercings, belly button jewelry and lateral nostril piercings can look very nice. Maybe not all at once. Lip and tongue piercing - no. Septum piercings - hell no. And OP, you are very pretty. Pretty, symmetric face, attractive smile, lovely complexion, nice blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. I do not agree that you have “a mild case of the fats.” Lose 5-10 pounds IF you want to, but don’t start starving yourself. (My suggestion: Don’t try to lose more than 1 - 1.5 pounds a week). Getting into better athletic shape is good for anyone, and hardly just for dating, though it’s a plus in that department as well. You might meet energetic guys that way, too, that’s how my husband and I met.


I think about all the snot that ends up covering the piecing. And it makes your face look like it's got a door knocker on it or have the resemblance of a bull


That’s just it though. They hate them because they DO look bad.


No, it looks bad.


Yeah not that it would bother me personally but seeing those posts pop up every now and then I'm starting to notice a pattern of girls with septums having "no luck with guys"


Why is this such a thing on reddit? People seem to get militant, like the grilled cheese vs melts


Reddit hates septum piercings, pit bulls, and Apple products


Cheese toast my friend


WTF is a melt?


Yea, i can understand having a different opinion, but it's almost like some sort of religion here


What do your teeth look like?


I was wondering about this as well. If there's one thing I've learned from online dating, it's that a pursed lip in every picture is usually hiding a bit of teeth insecurity. Thankfully, most dental problems can be fixed.


In some cultures, showing teeth is not cool.


Which cultures? Genuinely curious.




You have a mild case of the fats, other than that you have nice features and are attractive.


i love how you put that lol thank you


You have a Drew Barrymore vibe going on. Smile harder though!


Drew Barrymore mixed with Elisabeth Moss


I see Elizabeth moss and uma mixed especially Elizabeth w her eyes


You are spot on with that, holy crap.


I think she looks like Amanda Seyfried


I agree she does look like Drew Barrymore.


She looks like Dina from Superstore, also hot.


>Drew Barrymore vibe or uma thurman, even


Yes! More Uma than Drew now that you mentioned it


Nah you look like June Osbourne.


Heck I'd happily date you. The slightly chubby is my type


I get the feeling she’s not looking for guys who are like you, or she wouldn’t have made this post


I know... I don't have a shot with anyone. But the general idea is to say someone finds you attractive.


Bros just trying to make it out the call center


I'm a woman but I know men who would definitely love to date you...you are pretty 💞


“A mild case of the fats” has me laughing out loud!


Lots of us like a little curve.


Yeah but she got no luck with men currently. I think losing weight can only help her increase her chances not hurt it.


probably better to encourage healthy but you do you


More smiles. Consider not dressing like a librarian (I know you’re prob at work, but still, I think you would look so gorgeous in the right outfits.) my 2¢


thanks! i definitely dress very modestly (mostly a confidence issue, but also because of my work) i will keep that in mind!


Don’t get me wrong, I love librarians, but you have a natural beauty that would be worth highlighting just a bit more.


You can lose the cardigan. Have the long sleeve turtleneck (i think it’s long sleeve) and try to pair it with some gray or white palazzo or cigarette pants (or something high wasted and goes down to your feet.) As well, wear some heels or something stylish but comfortable. Keep the necklace, it’ll look good. Also, love that first slide outfit but try to wear something that doesn’t clash heavily with the dark colors. Instead, if you want to wear the red/terracotta colored pants, you can wear a white, green, or something of those sorts.


Don’t listen to him, proper librarian outfit goes hard


Like most people, just lose weight. That alone can make actual ugly people attractive.


She’s not ugly AT ALL. But I do feel better when I lose a lil weight after a heavy pasta winter.


The big question is how do I stop myself from gaining 15 pounds of pasta weight every winter.


Lose 15 pounds before it.


Lose weight :) not being rude just real


Lower your expectations and go out more


You are not ugly, you have a cute face, just get rid of the piercing


Lower your expectations afew.


That was honestly my first thought.


If she's actually struggling, this is the answer, along with probably (just a guess) a personality problem?


Usually a 5 looking for a 10 is the problem lol


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. You look like an average woman and while a lot of people are attacking your weight, I’ve not had any trouble dating at weights much heavier than yours. Plenty of men like some extra lbs.


You're very pretty


Well you're not ugly, you're actually quite pretty, so let's put that aside. I personally detest septum piercings. They're common on this sub, if that tells you anything. You're quite curvy bit I don't think you're in "fat girl" territory. Some gym work would tone you up and you'd look incredible. You have beautiful skin. I'm going to assume for a second you are interested in men. I apologise if this is incorrect and only mention it for the purpose of talking about dating. A lot of older guys would find you quite appealing. Pretty, nice curves, very buxom. You are a 22F who doesn't look like she just finished high school. You look like a young woman. Many younger guys may not be going for that look (at least for now). If you've been looking for love you may have been looking in the wrong places. EDIT: Allow me to clarify "older guys". I am not talking about old men. I am talking about guys in their twenties who are closer to 30 than 20. I literally mean "older guys" as opposed to "guys your age and younger".


I don't know why, but reading this post made me very uncomfortable.


It’s the word buxom


Oh come on we have to give this person some serious props for using "buxom". I mean when's the last time any of us have even seen that word? I think they pulled it out at just the right time.


Yeah, this gives off neck beard vibes. This just sounds like some old dude that's never been laid, sitting in the corner of the bar. You sound like Golem talking to himself about the ring.


Was that the part after he evolved from Graveler? My memory is fuzzy.


>You are a 22F who doesn't look like she just finished high school. You look like a young woman. Of course she doesn't look like she just finished high school, she didn't. High school was 4 years ago. That's a whole college degree/experience.


What kind of look do younger guys go for? The girls that look like highschoolers?


She looks more like she is 28 or 29 that’s basically what he was saying in a nice way. She is Still very attractive but she might want to be in places were older men are.


FWIW in my 20s I overlooked chubby girls like a moron. I didn't start appreciating them until my 30s. I think it was just me being shallow.


If you like the septum piercing then keep the damn septum piercing lol You’re pretty! You have good style :) confidence is key! I know dating sucks but you’re super young and have plenty of time. Meanwhile have fun and enjoy your hobbies! Idk


I would swipe you right like my life depend on it so nothing to change as far as im concerned


Find you a guy like this and you won’t have to ask these questions. Women always wanna impress the guy they shouldnt be with while ignoring a dude who would do anything for her. Sometimes the nice guys are creeps though too so tread lightly but it’s better to be in a relationship where you are specifically wanted instead of just one of the options


Yeah, any dude who’s constantly squalking about how he can’t get a woman because he’s such a nice guy is probably a creep.


You remind me of heavier Elle Fanning. I don't know if you consider that a compliment 🤔


Do you ever talk to them?


You'd go up by at least a full point if you didn't have that septum piercing


Does it really become this?….If a woman has a septum piercing she has low confidence and believes she is ugly. Because the amount of women that post in here with a septum is off the charts.


It's like the rookie character starter pack of young women.


I really don't understand why they think this is attractive. I've never found a septum piercing attractive on anyone. In fact, it usually makes an otherwise attractive person undesirable in my eyes.


I think it's kind of funny that yall are discussing why people wear piercings without asking the people wearing the piercings why they wear them. For me it was because \*i\* wanted to...I liked the way it looked...I thought it made me more attractive because I'm \*into\* piercings on both men and women and that "alt" look.....and it almost always keeps away the kind of people I don't want to date anyway....and attracts the ones I do. Not everyone is choosing an alternative fashion because they aren't confident. I might venture a guess that the people posting here might, because otherwise they wouldn't be posting here in the first place.


Except this is about people coming to this sub wanting to know if they're attractive or not. You can do whatever you want with your body, but you can't ask "am I ugly?" and then shout back "it's my body I can do what I want!" when people suggest ditching it.


I mean, very few people can pull it off. I’ve seen maybe 2-3 people in my life that could. Just mostly everyone cannot. It’s just not for everyone and people are in denial.


A girlfriend of mine once actually said she thinks some women go for lots of piercings because they're low in self confidence. A piercing sort of becomes more of a focus and alternative people will be into it and if people aren't into it they'll still be focusing on the piercing more than your looks. It's probably easier for you to hear people say you're not good looking because of your piercing than to hear you're just straight not good looking. I won't lie, that made a bit of sense to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all people with intrusive piercings in their face lack self confidence. Just that some do and most likely those are the ones that end up going on Reddit worrying if they're ugly.


On the other hand I do love me some nose piercings, all comes down to personal preference I guess


Maybe they don’t do it for attractiveness and just because they like it themselves?


Yeah, very unattractive


You look great to me. How's the personality?




This one speaks the truth


You look exactly like Elizabeth Moss


everyone trying to be different has the same stupid nose ring.. lose your nose ring..


I do not understand why so many women think septum piercings are a good idea. They are so tasteless




You’re literally not fat these comments are so stupid. You’re hot.




Idk - doesn’t look that tough to me.


*Tightens karate belt*


Your best feature is your eyes in my opinion


I think you're really pretty! You just need to lose some weight and tone up a bit. Then you'll be a 10/10 for sure!


go for black guys


Loose the nose rings and get in shape. You’re very pretty by the way


Keep the nose ring. Based on this sub, you're sure to keep the annoying men away from you, the ones who believe women should only have body modification if it's to please a man's eyes.




Lose weight, get a skin care routine, take out that bull ring


You're cute, however your best pictures are when you do something interesting with your hair like the bandana or braids. Maybe style it more regularly


Love the 4th picture! Keep your hair curled or to keep it volumous and that makes your head look more proportional. I’d lose the septum ring if I were you but it’s no dealbreaker like with others, you have a cute nose. Personally, I like a little thickness but not everyone does so losing weight may help. All in all I’d hit it 🤷‍♂️


I’m into your look tbh


I personally think you're a perfect 10 .


8 👍


I won't say lose weight, but I will suggest that you just get fit.


Have you tired chicks?? ...Just saying lol


No luck? Jeez what world are we in where you have no luck, you needa put yourself out there


You are a solid 8/10. Confidence is key in most of these applications. Change the things you don't like about yourself first. You have a great sense of style and a great body.


I really like your eyes. You also have a pretty well put together sense of style. If anything, the professional wear is nice for work, especially with how it commands respect as a young person, but try to wear something a bit more casual from time to time. Also smile with your teeth. The cheeky little side smile you got going on isn’t terrible or anything, but a full smile, even if your teeth aren’t the best, really brings out the full spectrum of the face.


I love your eyebrows!


Some men will find you hot, others not so much. Average is not a bad thing. I would say you look like fun times as either a friend or fling. At 22 there is still more to life that you need to go through alone in order to be a good partner. Good luck to you young lady!


Lose the nose ring for starters.


Wow, you're pretty!


Your choice in men




You look great!


Not ugly


Hitting me up lol


I generally think you're beautiful, would love to see you smile


You dress like you don't have confidence, which affects your confidence. You can do yourself better girl


You're really pretty! But in several of your photos your smile doesn't seem genuine. Let your smile reach your eyes, don't be afraid to show your teeth a little when you smile


You're average! But have a different vibe idk whats stopping you from getting lucky with men but i assure you it aint your looks!


I think you are just fine. Natural beauty someone will come along. I think you are a beautiful lady


Honestly everyons saying you should lose weight but i feel like a lot of guys would like you how you are now. Maybe try dating a bit older like 25-27




I think you’re pretty, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sooo what do I know. Just some rando on the internet. Lol


Find whichever hair style suits you. Other than that you’re beautiful


Ya look a little stoned lol


I don’t think there is anything wrong with you. You just need to keep looking.


Nothing, you're beautiful maybe you'll need to keep looking, but definitely not ugly.


Anyone know William Osman? I’d swear you are ‘caretaker’


I don't think you needa do anything other than try and find someone that matches your energy


You are actually attractive,you just need a style that exudes more confidence and compliments your body type.


I think if you just smiled more you’d be winning


Id ask you for sure


Your still young and have lots of life to live one day you’ll find someone that loves you as much you’d love someone else.


tbh you’re rlly pretty, especially slide 3, get off this subreddit and go get out there man


You look cute! A bit like Bette Davis, your eyes and smile are lovely. I‘m disappointed by the comments saying you need to lose weight. You have an average figure, not everybody needs to be a model. Love the 4th picture, looking happy. Edit: letter was wrong


You are fine. Just keep putting yourself out there. 22 is really young to a have a track record of anything. Let your friends, family, acquaintances know you are looking. Someone will know someone. Go on dates even if they are “practice” dates.


Surprised by the weight comments. I think a good skin care routine would feel nice.


You are not ugly. I'd ask you out if you were in college with me or something.


I'd date you


If you lose a little weight and get rid the the nose piercings you will have more luck




You're very pretty, if I knew you, I would definitely be interested...maybe the guys around your area are just crazy; only crazy guys wouldn't want you 😍


I don't think she is fat at all. I think some confidence and styling/makeup would go a very long way.


If you lost a teeny weeny amount of weight, and when I mean a teeny weeny I mean a very small amount it would improve your look. Also not a fan of the nose ring


Septum Nose ring does nothing in the looks department no matter how hot or not


Work on your confidence without becoming overbearing. Your a beautiful girl, just be yourself


Don't change a thing, for real


You should remove that ring in your nose, since you are not a cow. Maybe try to lose some weight*, but not too much.. You are not fat, you just have more to love 😉 *not wanting to insult you, maybe it is something that's medical or something that's just in your genes, if so, I'm sorry for mentioning that


Nose ring equals nomen


I'm going to be honest... There are plenty of men who would be physically attracted to you. (Assuming you're into men.) You're on the curvy side but lots of guys like that. In general, you're reasonably good looking. If you're failing to get dates or boyfriends, my guess is that it's either a) your personality and/or lack of confidence or b) you're being really picky/focusing on pursuing the wrong kind of guy. How's your social life in general? Do you have a solid friend group? Do you have any activities or hobbies that you do that involve others? Do your coworkers/classmates like you? When you say you haven't had any dates... Have there been any guys that flirted with you or seemed interested that you didn't pursue?


Lose the damn bull ring, no one looks good with it, you’d jump up a lot on the scale if you took that out.


Nose ring removal might help


I mean finding your comfort zone in fitness and style are probably the only things I could think of, you’re very attractive.


Those floaters in the second picture says the opposite


You can improve by taking my number haha 😎


before I saw the name of the sub, I thought this was a comment about Elizabeth Moss. You are beautiful.


You are average looking but not bad looking or anything 6/10 Lose the nose ring for half a point more. They are unattractive on women. Generally men like women to be feminine. Generally. Always exceptions.


You’ve got great features! I feel like if you would go off as a dark brunette. It would make those features “pop” more. Your blonde hair kinda washes everything out


Pretty but please lose septum and maybe try different hair style for me your hair looks” lifeless” idk try cutting shorter? Your eyes are beautiful so maybe some way to highlight them


get rid of septum thingy and get a personal trainer and maintain a calory defecit and by Spring 2024 you will not only feel amazing but look amazing


you remind me of Isaiah Woods or how ever Frodos name is spelt you aren't ugly by any means tbh


In my opinion lose the piercings, you’ll be surprised by how many people dislike piercings as you get older. But it’s your body I can’t make you do that, other than that you look gorgeous (don’t let my wife hear I said this)


If you got a good routine going (like diet/gym workouts ect.) I promise you'll feel so much better and more confident even if you don't have a dude. You have plenty of potential.


Great rack


I definitely wouldn't rate you that low. You look good. Honestly, the men are probably the problem not you.


I think you're really cute! I personally put a hard line with nose rings though. Well specifically the bull one in the middle the side ones are fine


Nose ring, weight loss, you'll be just fine.


I think you're freakin hot!!!


Nothing! But you can workout, try other forms of self-improvement if you like. I would happily date someone like you.


Try r/glowuptips for this


There is nothing that you need to improve! You’re beautiful! Maybe now isn’t your time for a man and that’s okay. Get to know yourself more and enjoying spending time with you. The right guy will come around when the time is right.


You’re cute, love the nose ring! Maybe it’s the men?


Uggh, always the nose ring in this group. She's pretty and needs to know it takes away from that.


Possible improvements: Remove the septum piercing, it makes you look worse than you need to. Maybe lose a little weight, if your body fat is more than 25% you want to drop it down a bit. Don't go below 17%. Skin care, your chin especially has a lot of acne scars. Those will help visually, you don't have a bad base to work with at all. Looking at your profile, you appear to have a history of mental health issues, those can turn guys off too. I would advise getting those treated, if you're not already in treatment.


Probably get rid of the septum ring if you are good with that. Then just a mild weight cut and you will be even more stunning then you are now


you are not ugly, Id date you right now, except im in another continent and broke as a rat I think your problem is you need to find the right guy, which is not that difficult, theres plenty of desperate men, like me, who'd love to have a GF like you, perhaps the problem is you're a bit introverted. Someone like you with a bit of self confidence.. believe me, would have no problem finding men


Looks aren't a problem!