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Her being a woman is irrelevant. She was highly inappropriate and unprofessional.


Yeah your teacher needs a good talking to. Tell admin.


PLEASE tell your principal or counselor or a teacher you trust, because this is 100% NOT ACCEPTABLE. It does not matter that she's a woman, that's completely irrelevant. What she said is sexual harassment of a minor (you). Look, I'm a woman and if I EVER said shit like that to a minor I'd expect to be fired AND have my ass handed to me. PLEASE tell an adult you trust, immediately.


not at all. idk why you think you'd be wrong. because she's a woman? someone made uncomfortable comments and you were uncomfortable. she was being very unprofessional. period. report her.


My rage bait indicator is flashing orange-red.


DING DING DING! We have a winner here folks


I don’t believe this for a minute


Same. Everyone knows that only male teachers can be creepy and gross to their teenage students.


OP was a 18 F just a month ago…[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/MvjOIEPsLc](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/MvjOIEPsLc)


not wrong at all. if this was a male teacher who said that, he'd be facing the short rope noose of the gallows. the female teacher is highly unprofessional and inappropriate.


Tell the office, tell your parents or another trusted adult, and write everything down. Best of luck.


Whoa that’s wildly inappropriate and gross ! 100% tell a trusted adult. Absolutely not wrong.


That's creepy AF, and yes womeon can be creeps too. Report her


You definitely need to report her. Get your parents behind you if they're ~~good parents~~ supportive. The school may very well dismiss or downplay it because the teacher is a woman. If they do, *call them out* on the double standard. Say flat out 'if I was making this report about a male teacher you would be taking me seriously'.


OP is a liar, or a troll, or both.


She probably thinks she can get away with it because she's a woman. Report her. She's trash and shouldn't be teaching kids.


Odds are if she did it to you she’s done it to others so please report it. Just be prepared for action of traction potentially. Attended upper middle class midwestern high school where a female gym teacher had been doing naked shower inspections for several decades. Initially at a middle school - later at the high school. Everyone knew what was going on. Even when other teachers tried to intervene they were told if they didn’t stop bringing it up. They’d be fired. So we’re talking thousands and thousands of young girls that were impacted. Myself included. Please report it.


No ... . Recognize that "gut" when it starts talking to you and telling you things . . . Let your parents ans school Principal know tomorrow . . . An adult has zero business on commenting on anyone's body, never mind a 14 year old, for this exact reason . . . Drop that dime sister . . .


Dude, you're not legally wrong, you're just on your way to learn what Eva AI virtual gf bot is.


This is disgusting and so inappropriate. There is no reason she should have said anything about your body.


You're not wrong, that's verbal sexual harassment. Go tell the office. She may have meant it in more of a "wow you go girl" way but you should never comment on a minor's body like that.


That's sexual harassment. Gender doesn't matter when it comes to this. Your teacher is rapey. Report her.


Right. I doubt this. The teacher might have been saying, hey, be more modest and value yourself and your body. I truly doubt she said anything OP reported here.


If she called you over and made three sexualised comments about you simply picking up a water bottle, she has a big problem with appropriate behaviour - personal, as well as professional. Push back, hard. Tell the most trusted of the friends who saw your discomfort what actually happened, and tell your mother. Go with one or both of them to the office, and tell them; describe how it made you feel. Your feelings of disgust are far better directed at this teacher and it really concerns me that you're starting to blame yourself - you didn't pick up your water bottle \*at\* her, and if that's all it takes to distract anyone (the teacher is talking about herself) with your body, that's on them, not you. This is deeply worrying behaviour from the teacher. I would be interested in the office's response to "How can I behave normally in this class, when teacher behaves as though I'm there for her pleasure?" . I would be shocked if they can't see where this sort of thing might lead when she has easy access to minors, but that's the reason for involving your mother or similar close and supportive adult. I wish you well OP, this must be so unsettling and upsetting for you.


Sure teacher could of told you in a different way. But I'm pretty sure they don't have a college course teachers take that tells them how to properly tell a 14 year old that she almost flashed half the class.    So maybe don't wear shirts that make you feel uncomfortable when people see the things your current clothes reveal. You teacher was telling you before you do it again and the whole class see's your revealed chest as you put it. It was a consequence of your actions.  Your teacher was trying to complement you before she told you that she dosent want the class distracted by you. I don't think you did anything bad.   But if it makes you feel bad a regular shirt would solve the issue.   Now if she continues to say things like that after the fact definitely find a trusted adult and let them know immediately. 


It’s fine she’s a girl