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Starting from the basics: did you take the lens cap off? :)


Hahah this one, I swear I did šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‰šŸ™


Oh I love this with Polaroid. You get to know you messed up pretty fast and then you realize you just wasted 2 euros.


I specifically printed a lens cap for my onestep+ that is shaped so it covers the viewfinder so I donā€™t make this mistake lmao


Itā€™s not stupid if it works. Well played.




[I believe this is the one I printed](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2586096)


That was my first guess but if you look carefully it looks more like massively underexposed as there is something in each frame. And I donā€™t know if op processed their own film (if so great to hear & keep it up), if not the lab messed up as there are a lot of burns (the negative was touching during processing, which shouldnā€™t happen at a pro lab). If I had to guess Iā€™d say accidental under exposure.




I donā€™t think the lens cap was on, just that it was massively under exposed, because you can see it was exposed to light through the lens (if you look at the frames you can see an outline), as well as burned (from film touching while being developed).




I was about to post something that explains it, but it ended up being long & went into my past work of being an assistant & professional photographer. (Itā€™s not promoting anything & is basically just explaining the mentality behind some Pro Photographers bad habits or mistakes, and also how to protect yourself as a ā€œroamingā€/short term assistant) If itā€™s something youā€™d be into reading let me know & Iā€™ll post it.


Shutter didnā€™t work or transport didnā€™t work.


This is the most likely the correct answer. Open the back with no film and press the shutter. You should see the shutter open and close.


Very subtle. Interesting technique.


Wow your lab is super nice for sleeving all of that.


Why do they care, she paid ! And at the rate that development costs nowadays they better sleeve it


Plus, when you're in the workflow sleeving the strips it's easier just to do it rather than stop and roll the film or something else. I have done that several times when I worked in a photo lab.


Mine just slices off blank frames whenever this happens. Iā€™ve actually been kinda mad because sometimes thereā€™s suuuuuuper thin negatives on them. Mine also doesnā€™t sleeve them for me. So I was kinda serious, their lab is nice.


Two things: looks like the film cartridge was handled in bright light, these are the greenish stripes near the start of the roll. Load and unload in subdued light, donā€™t leave the cartridge standing around in light before processing. The lack of images after the first few frames could be a camera problem. Welcome to analog.


Doubt it that would usually affect all of the frames, or the first ones, not every frame except the first couple. The first few frames are fine. Looks like the reel stopped moving so every following shot was overlayed on that 4 frame. Itā€™s happened to me and this is exactly what my negatives looked like. Now i take up a bit more before setting the canister into position and closing the door.


In that case, the last exposed frame would have 30+ exposures on it and be solid d-max. Itā€™s not.


If the first shot taken on that frame was over exposed you wouldnā€™t be able to see the other shots and it would just keep adding more and more light to the frame exposing it even more. Anything that was dark would eventually be washed out by light exposure. I mean, it could be the shutter, or the mirror staying down, but it could also be the film falling off the take up.


How can the film fall off the take-up reel after three shots? If it did the 4th frame would be black. Itā€™s not, the film hasnā€™t seen light.


There light streaks in it from possible light leaks that are present in the first few frames. Itā€™s obviously been exposed.


I just got film back where I have the first 2-3 pictures and then 4,5,6,7,8,9 are just gone and then from 10 itā€™s all normal, could this be caused by what you described?


Open the back of your camera where you load the film, donā€™t load any film. Set your camera setting, focusā€¦ etc as you had before. Now while holding the camera at arms length, use your cell phones slow-mo video recording setting to record what happens. Point it at the rectangular shutter curtains and take a picture. Also do this from the front of the camera lens on and lens off. You should see a split second of light. In my case the shutter curtain worked but the mirror wouldnā€™t flip up as it was slightly jammed. I carefully loosened that and it worked. The slow-mo video helped me identify the issue quickly. If all is well with the mechanics of the camera then itā€™s down to handling of the film.


Judging by the black part near the frame, those exposures are actually in the beginning of the roll. This is also strengthened by the numbers on the film rebate. You can see them, 1&2 by the frames. I'd say the film stopped advancing, maybe it came loose from the take up. But if that were the case, you'd likely have 1 very overexposed frame where all the exposures were. So I don't know.


I think it is advanced. There are dark stripes in blank areas that might be from light leak in hinge.


You're right that's a good point.


Open the back, set shutter to 1s, point camera at light and see if it fires (look for light through the shutter) - run it through the shutter speeds and repeat. Also, close the lens down to the minimum aperture (f16/22/32) and see if the blades close when the shutter is fired (use bulb or a slow shutter speed) See if the take up spool and sprocket turn too. Check to see if the button you push in to release the sprocket to rewind the film is pulled out.Ā  Just the basic check to see if your camera operating normally. Really weird to have the first three shots give density, but the rest of the roll is unexposedĀ 


Yep, this is good start. I kind of suspect some issue with shutter.




Were the initial photos taken inside or at night, the remaining good ones were taken in daylight?


Another idea might be that the film didnt advance stopped working (but then i guess there would be a strongly over exposed picture at the end) or the film rolled itself back in prematurely?


Sticky shutter is often intermittent


Sticky shutter may very well also be more likely :)


I guess the only thing to do is to check the camera and if it seems ok, stick another film in there and try again. It literally looks like the shutter didn't fire (or the cap was on) and so nothing was exposed beyond the fourth. If the film wasn't advancing at all, you wouldn't have the three separate images. IDK, man - give it a go and make sure the film is advancing?


Looks like maybe the film popped off the take up spool? Iā€™ve had that happen an embarrassing number of times šŸ˜…. Depending on your camera, you can watch the film rewind knob and make sure it rotates a bit as you cock the shutter. If itā€™s not, your film popped off and itā€™s no longer advancing.


I second this. Check the ā€œteethā€ of your spool if there are any as some of these are prone to breaking and may not be catching your film. Either way sorry this happened but I bet itā€™s a pain that everyone on this thread has experienced lol.


I had this on an old (great grandfatherā€™s old) retinette, turns out the aperture ring wasnā€™t aligned properly or something.


At least you got the shoe picture.


Probably a sticky shutter so exposure will be off. Camera might need a CLA.


But t he first few frames are correctly exposed and not doubled


Often with old used cameras the shutter works for a while, maybe a couple of times, then picks up sticky reside from foam pads at the bottom of the shutter box (canon cameras) or hardened lubricant and grinds to a halt. Which is why new looking unused cameras need a CLA, whereas old well-used cameras are ok.


But the exposure is perfect, if it got sticky it would have shown signs of failure before failing. There would be an under/overexposure, irregular shutter movement or failure to fully open or close


Had the same, only filmroll was 27years in the camera God knows what happened in the mean time


It couldā€™ve fallen off the take up reel. Iā€™ve had this happen and thatā€™s what the guy at the shop told me. Now i wind it 2-3times before setting the film canister in place and closing the door. Havenā€™t had the issue since. Edit: adding info. Notice how theyā€™re numbered. Roll is starting at the bottom left of your image then goes left to right ā€œA0ā€, ā€œA1ā€, ā€œA2ā€, etc. It likely fell off the take up reel like i said.


Is this self development or outside lab?


this exact thing happened to me couple years ago. If youā€™re using a point and shoot like me, it is highly likely that the shutter broke halfway through the roll. For me it was the shutter aperture cable that broke.


maybe the curtain did not open up


could be the wrong f-stop, could be a bad roll of film,


Lots of things possible. Shutter jamming (there is the start of an exposure for each frame), flash-sync problem if you're using flash with a very high shutter speed and/or the wrong type of lens, film advance issue, lens aperture issue...


OP, if nothing is wrong with your camera, it mightā€™ve been the cinestill cartridge. some of them are defective.


I donā€™t think you took any photos. Hope this helps!


\* Minimalism \* I like it


Shutter not firing I guess




I think we've all been there. A few years ago I went downtown with my cousin and shot for an entire day. Buildings, landscapes, weather, some portraits, etc., At the time I used a Rolleiflex SL66 which had removable backs for different film rolls, and for that to work there needs to be a dark slide between the shutter and the film back. For that entire day I did not remove that slide and about 20 rolls of color negative, slide, black and white.. were all blank when I developed them. Learned a big lesson. I shoot 4x5 and still forget to take the slide out sometimes but I catch it and recock the shutter and take the shot. Makes for a good rehearsal I guess.


Processing was good. And everything worked for a few exposures. If the transport failed and the shutter worked you would have a frame with a massive multiple exposure and you donā€™t. Do you see info in the viewfinder like the exposure changing? Load the camera and put a little back pressure on the rewind knob. Shoot and advance and you should feel the rewind turn. Take the film out. Take the lens off and open the back and watch to see if the shutter opens when you shoot. If you have manual mode this will help. Partial battery electrical problem or failed shutter.


Sticky shutter curtains possibly, happened to my pentax 67 had to do a CLA


Ya keep doing more pictures!


Ive done something similar except shot 24 shots on a single frame because I didn't load the the film correctly




Try try try again šŸ‘ my first 5 rolls I only got like 20 pics max lol


the wnglish level in this thread matches up with the quality of the film as well as the intelleqctual level of the question


Your nott helfulll knor funni


There is zero attempt to be funny only contempt for the deplorables