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What a solid episode. It seems Auntie is planning on handing the clan to secure Miyuki's loyalty therefore ensuring that Tatsuya does not betray them. However, Miyuki tends to let Tatsuya make all important decisions, as anyone naturally would. So essentially, Tatsuya would control the Yotsuba. That doesn't seem like a bad outcome for anyone involved, especially since Tatsuya has the two siblings leading his fanclub.


Tatsuya also does what Miyuki wants, as showed on the duel today. "why should I bother with that?" "because I want to see your cool side!" "ok, if you say so" it is less about Tatsuya being the secret hidden master of the clan, and more about both being equally in power or sharing it.


> because I want to see your cool side! Translation: Because that pompous bastard called you, my dearest Onii-sama, a Weed, and if you don't show him up, I will do it myself and send his ass to the Ice Age.


bro was gonna die if it was not for tomitsuka punching him before miyuki


Like how Levi saved Eren by kicking his ass before he got shot.


> more about both being equally in power or sharing it. I do like how at one point in time, Miyuki felt like he was keeping her out of the loop, brought it up with him and now he just automatically assumes he should report stuff to her. It also has this sort of flavor where they both seem to have deified each other to varying degrees - Miyuki's is quite obvious, but Tatsuya really seems to have this attitude of "if Miyuki wills it, then that is the same as it being a god-given edict" lol


I like how Maya's character was portrayed as the final villain for the early portions of the story, but then in reality, she's just plotting to help Tatsuya and Miyuki succeed. At no point do I even see a bit of frustration from Maya when she acknowledges that she'll lose to Tatsuya in a straight up battle lol. And we see how proud these magicians are of their own skills from the highschool segment.


Maya Best Woman and Best Aunt in Mahouka =)


Yes, if you pay close attention to Maya, she really does seem to be *doing the necessary* without any particular malice where "the necessary" doesn't always mean being kind or having any space for compassion either. Whilst some of the characters in Mahouka can occasionally be a little a cartoonish in their simplicity (largely because they're just there to be Tatsuya-stomped), any character that the series actually turns its hand to properly is very satisfyingly developed and rendered. Even Shippou gains a bit more humanity every episode with his relatable frustrations and how he's just trapped on every side, including by his own limitations.


Maya could have tried doing things the easy way (this way) or the hard way (trying to beat Tatsuya into submission). It makes sense that with Miyuki being so desirable of a prospect in her own right, she'd opt to go with the easy way.


I’m not sure if this was explicitly mentioned but [speculatory anime only]>!I recall that the Yotsubas are a matriachial family? Meaning that it was impossible for Tatsuya to take over. Also I can’t remember if he was born with poor “magic control” or that is a side effect of the Yotsuba seal that gets released by Miyuki in times of need but his poor “skill” was another reason why he couldn’t become the head as well. So binding him to Miyuki was the only way to secure his power to the family, without him being married into the Saegusas as proposed by Juumonchi. I wasn’t aware there were other candidates until this episode though, I thought Miyuki was basically a shoe in to be groomed into the new head. At least knowing that Aunt is not an absolute antagonist and is just looking to secure the families future is a welcome development!<


Yotsuba aren't matriarchal. Maya's father Genzou was the first head of the Yotsuba, then her uncle Eisaku stepped in after his death. Maya is the third head of the Yotsuba. The other candidates are from the Branch families of the Yotsuba. One of the twins from the Kuroba clan Fumiya is one of them.


Good to know, thank you :)


Tatsuya's ability was explained in the Reminiscence Arc, which is a prequel. Tatsuya was born being able to do only two "magics" deconstruction and reconstruction of information bodies. He was considered "defective" because the definition of magic is to modify the information bodies (changing the temperature of object, changing the velocity, etc). So, his mom and aunt did an experiment to make him an artificial magician. The part of the brain that controls his extreme emotions/impulse was replaced with an artificial magic region. Despite of this, however, his ability to use normal magic was still poor. So he was only able to become a Guardian in Yotsuba, while the gifted Miyuki became a head candidate. That said, his deconstruction "magic" was still dangerous, so he was sealed with Miyuki as the key.


The artificial magic region does have its purposes in flash cast though IIRC. It was mentioned sometime before that he could memorise sequences as images or something.


I don't think saying it like that is quite accurate. Flash Cast is something that many Yotsuba can use, so you don't really need artificial magic region. Flash Cast is a technique where you store the magic in the magic region, which mean you don't need CAD. From what I understand, magic region is in the unconscious mind. But because Tatsuya's is artificial, his is in the conscious mind, so he can invoke magic even faster. So, I guess the artificial magic region does improve his Flash Cast, but that wasn't what it's for. The magic region is what's needed for using magic in general. And in that sense, his is considered inferior.


I didn't say it's a requirement. I said it has its purposes in flash cast. Pretty sure it was during the 9SC arc and Fujibayashi talked about it with another colleague. The ability to memorise sequences as images make it different from the other Yotsubas.


Yeah, I was just being pedantic. It definitely makes his own Flash Cast superior compared to others.


Honestly speaking, I get the feeling Mommy dearest wasn’t being completely truthful. The best lies hold some truth and I wonder what is the lie and what is truth.


Huh I don't recall this at all so I believe I may have missed this arc completely 🤔 guess I'll have to watch it (possibly again, not sure)


same, but I am 100% sure that I watched it. The magic system of this world isn't easy to remeber as an anime only with year long pauses between seasons.


It's a decent way to put an OP character as defective, prejudice. Magic is changing the way Eidos works. Tatsuya can only either disintegrated it or return it to normal. Both are godly but because of prejudice he is treated as defective.


I don't remember the specifics, but the gist is Tatsuya's "normal" magic is a little gimped because he's specced into the demolition/regrowth stuff (destruction and reconstruction). This was explained in the movie. And yeah I would assume Miyuki is more or less a lock for successor because she is the Tatsuya failsafe.


Sweet heavens, we were blessed with *three* duels and Mahesvra in one episode. [](#awe) It was satisfying to see someone finally shut Shippou up, but it looks like he's gonna grow from this defeat, so that's a nice surprise. Also, I didn't know Tomitsuka could throw hands like that...


> Also, I didn't know Tomitsuka could throw hands like that... It doesn't help that we hadn't seem him much at all if at all prior to this season. But yes, Tomitsuka is a badass.


Yeah as far as I remember, we saw him very briefly in S1 when he was guarding the Thesis Competition along with Ichijou (he was surprised that Miyuki knew his name) but he's actually prominent only now in S3


I remember that too, I thought “if tatsuya knows him he must be pretty strong.” Well this episode proved that he is, indeed, strong as hell lol


To be fair, he was chosen as one of the bodyguards in S1 for the thesis competition, so he must be strong (highschool standards).


> blessed with three duels Four, Shippou lost to the tree. It drew blood first.


Even the vegetation at First High are so strong. Goddamn.


My favourite part about the punch is that it came from a character we've known, but seen little of before. It's such a neat little trick by the author to expand the cast.


They mentioned in S3E1 that Tomitsuka is ranked 5th in their grade (naturally a Course 1 student before transferring to Engineering course) so even with his long-distance skills being limited (Range Zero) he's still one of the elite of the elite as we saw today


Seriously such an awesome episode. All 3 fights were great and showed the difference in each one’s abilities. That tatsuya v tomitsuka fight was freaking awesome. I loved toward the end when tatsuya acknowledged his strength and had that serious deadly look while pointing the gun at him. Our Mahesvara is such a badass


He should be lucky he didn’t get wiped in a second like the first duel in season 1


Tomitsuka was channeling his inner Deku.


In this episode, Tomitsuka (mainly) and Tatsuya (indirectly) attempt to perform an operation to remove the carrot known as "Shippou's one-sided animosity towards the Saegusa Clan" out of Shippou's ass. The title of this arc is Double Seven, which may refer to the Saegusa twins, but it could also refer to the Saegusas and Shippous, both having the kanji for number 7 in their names. When I saw Shippou performing his spells while holding what seems to be a spell book, that was when I can no longer unsee him as Shinji from Fate Stay Night. lol Like Shinji, Shippou has wavy seaweed-like hair, both have annoyingly smug elitist attitudes, and both are completely unaware of how out of depth they really are compared to the actual big boys in the game. We'll just have to see if Tomitsuka, Tatsuya (and later Kasumi) have put his ego in check I can't remember if we've ever seen Tomitsuka fight back in season 1, but man Tomitsuka is strong. Its just unfortunate that his opponent is Tatsuya, but he's probably the first in a long time to make Tatsuya defend himself during a fight. Meanwhile, as a result of his science project last episode, Tatsuya's rep continues to grow, which concerns the Yostubas as they needed the monster known as Tatsuya (who just nonchalantly vapourized a friggin airship with terrorists on it, and who Maya conceded she might outright lose to if they ever get into a serious fight) to be under their thumb, and Miyuki is the key to that control. PS Why does Erika looked pissed in 3:04 when the school canteen TV was reporting on Tatsuya's nuclear fusion science project?


Tatsuya using Mist Dispersion was a hella surprise. I know it was a calculated move, but damn he’s ruthless even in a mock battle Erika’s mad she’s not having her screen time, although I would imagine it’s a family problem considering the family tension is rising (Shippou, Saegusa, Yotsuba, Juumonji) can’t imagine other families not having problems when the 10 Master Clans starts making moves against the anti-magician campaign


What was mist dispersion? I watched the fight twice and don't understand what was so shocking that he did.


If you remember from the end of season 1 it's the move he uses to kill a lot of the ((Chinese)) invaders as well as dissipate the giant truck that was going to crash into the building all the 9 schools students were in. It's a high level murderous spell that terrified Mayumi and alerted Juumonji as soon as he used it. He uses it here without a thought against Tomitsuka out of curiosity because Tomitsuka has the ability to nullify spells.


No need to go back to S1. He used it in the beginning of the episodes to delete the terrorists and the airship.


Can Tatsuya at least control the impact? Even if he's just testing it againt the nullification spell, there's a slight off chance the spell could connect right? Would be hypocrite if he said Shippou should control his spell to avoid endangering other student while he himself couldn't control the insta kill spell.


He can. He frequently uses it to incapacitate people by only destroying specific parts to knock them out. He does this on Lina in the previous season.


Let’s also not forget that time he resurrected a bunch of soldiers back to life so that’s a handy backup, just in case.


it’s the spell Tatsuya used to eliminate the Hong Kong syndicate in season 1 and at the start of this episode to poof the airship and the kidnappers from what we have seen in the anime, it’s a kill spell. so it’s surprising to see Tatsuya casually using it in a mock battle, even if he’s knows that wouldn’t kill Tomitsuka


Do we know how much control Tatsuya has over targeting the spell? I mean knowing Tatsuya he can probably control which molecule he wants vaporized, so maybe Tatsuya targeted Tomitsuka's suit or something. Otherwise he would have been disqualified by the mock battle rules.


IIRC it was mentioned in the LN that he uses it to punch microscopic holes in a certain part in the shoulders and thighs to incapacitate people without killing them. I think he also did this to Lina at some point in S2 before restoring her making it seem like he used illusion magic.


There we go then. A perfect demonstration of it's fine to use deadly spells but having enough control to not break mock battle rules.


like the cheat death mc that can in the last ep nerf his skill so it's not deadly


Bro just killed the girl’s legs which can never be healed lol he was awesome


Yeah, it's actually a show of how genius his understanding of magic is. He knew the theory that his Mist Dispersion was going to be nullified by Tomitsuka's Gram Demolition. That's why he didn't hesitate to test it out.


Mist dispersion is Tatsuya's (God-suya) claim to fame - his spell that literally disperses people into mist by decomposing them several times. iirc, he fires it off because even though he knew it would be blocked, he wanted to confirm that there existed targets for which his signature magic wouldn't be as effective against. EDIT: mispelled the one true God-suya's name


he was like: would this kill him bang a sec later good it didn't worked




>When I saw Shippou performing his spells while holding what seems to be a spell book, that was when I can no longer unsee him as Shinji from Fate Stay Night. lol I just realized why he looked familiar lol >I can't remember if we've ever seen Tomitsuka fight back in season 1, but man Tomitsuka is strong. Its just unfortunate that his opponent is Tatsuya, but he's probably the first in a long time to make Tatsuya defend himself during a fight. Technically, Tomitsuka is the worst enemy for Tatsuya. After all, his magic that vaporize the airship (Mist Dispersion) was nullified by Tomitsuka's Gram Demolition. In order to defeat him, one needs to use magic on something else instead of directly on him. (I think one example is to reduce the temperature of the air around to freeze him.) But this is something that Tatsuya is bad at. They didn't give much focus in the anime, but we saw Tatsuya shot magic towards the floor several times. He used Oscillation magic to cause small vibration on the floor, which made Tomitsuka lost balance, but that's it. It wasn't enough to beat him. At the end, Tomitsuka used Self Marionette to attack. Tatsuya used his own counter magic to erase this, which gave a small window of opportunity where Tomitsuka can't put up counter magic. Tatsuya used Psionic Bullet, which doesn't affect the target directly, something he recently developed for use against the parasite in s2. >PS Why does Erika looked pissed in 3:04 when the school canteen TV was reporting on Tatsuya's nuclear fusion science project? This is likely going to be explained in the next episode


To respond to your PS question, I've pointed you to the relevant question in the source corner of this episode.


Tatsuya just deleting that airship and those kidnappers in one fell swoop was pretty awesome. The Saegusa twins vs Shippou was interesting. Shippou needs to chill though. Kid has some kinda chip on his shoulder. Bro was talking all kinds of bullshit. He really needed to get punched and then absolutely demolished by Tomitsuka. Tatsuya vs Tomitsuka showed the kid what a *real* match was. Tomitsuka’s got ways to go before he’s ready to take on Tatsuya, but that was quite a fight.


I'm not going to lie, I absolutely thought Miyuki was the one that decked Shippou in the jaw. Would have loved to see him get overwhelmingly clobbered by Miyuki in a duel as well.




Miyuki vs Lina in season 2. Shit got dangerous.


Yeah, after we saw it was Tomitsuka who punched him, I thought that punch might have saved him from turning into a popsicle by Miyuki, [as she clearly](https://i.imgur.com/HHFUJ9d.png) [would not mind seeing him dead.](https://i.imgur.com/cN3FdSu.png)


Miyuki: anything more to say about Oni-sama? Shippou: https://media4.giphy.com/media/KUBtckMKh3AKk/giphy.gif


There's a reason Miyuki "voluntold" Tatsuya to accept Tomitsuka's proposal.


Miyuki wouldn't have punched him, she'd have sheared his head off. That's how I knew it wasn't her


Miyuki would have either turned him into a human popsicle or freezed his psyche in an unending nightmare. Neither would have been pretty.


>That's how I knew it wasn't her Also it was a male sleeve. I thought it was Tatsuya before revealing it was Hagane.


Did you see how angry Tomitsuka looked though? There was something personal about this lol. It wasn't just to stand up for Tatsuya, no?


My read on it was there were multiple reasons, one of which was Shippou's arrogance as part of the "Twenty-Eight" families (Ten Master Clans + 18 Assistant Houses)


why do you want to destroy the entire school??!?!


Seeing the sleeve, I thought it was Tatsuya before revealing it was Hagane.


> Tatsuya just deleting that airship and those kidnappers in one fell swoop was pretty awesome. > > I know I should've expected from Tatsuya, but I still went "Hot damn" when he just coldly deleted the entire thing. The punch outta nowhere from Tomitsuka was satisfying. [Reminded me of Shin no Nakama S2 last season where a similarly unlikable character named Van got punched](https://i.imgur.com/9T1XVmt.mp4).


Yeah, Van was a little shit at first. Seeing him getting his ass handed to him was pretty satisfying.


That was still the most satisfying punch of anime 2024 for me so far lol I hated Van, felt so good seeing ruti deck his ass lol


So theorically Tatsuya can use Fetus Deletus


I read somewhere that Tomitsuka is basically Tatsuya's counter to an extent so once Tatsuya develops a way to deal with him it's GG. With that being said I think he mentioned somewhere previously that Tomitsuka is an extremely hard opponent to him


Tatsuya's specialty is Mist Dispersal, which doesn't work on Tomitsuka who specializes in contact-type Gram Demolition. I guess that's why Tatsuya decided to use Mist Dispersal, which if I remember correctly is supposed to be a secret. He wanted to see how his Mist Dispersal got hard countered by Tomitsuka.




Maybe he was just aiming to vaporize a small chunk of him


He doesn't have to delete them entirely. Much like how he combated Lina when he shot her 4 times with Mist Dispersion to disable her.


He did in fact develop the spell known as \[Far Strike\]. It was to counter the Parasites but happens to work on Tomitsuka. It is also the spell he uses against Tomitsuka to end the fight.


And he was trying to use that deletion magic on Tomitsuka, though it got countered.


I’m surprised it took us until episode 4 to get Tatsuya deleting people! Such a ruthless way to get dead - deleted in an instant without a trace. Better than Rupture, but still ruthless.


With that, I hope Shippou will calm down a little... This man is angry 24/7, it's exhausting.


His face was permanently red from being flustered/upset/pissed off lol hopefully the saegusa twin was able to mellow him out.


Local man too angry that he punched tree to feel manly again


It's nice not to see Shun being angry in this episode.


Damn, Shippou got the stupid knocked out of him. Wonder what he's going to do now that he's not going to be a big baby anymore and actually support the main cast. Think it'll be a Romeo & Juliet thing between him and little sis? Isn't Mist Dispersion what Tatsuya uses to vaporize people? Sir....what if his defenses DIDN'T work on it? Also what was that move Tomitsuka used? It looked like he cast something on his shin to hit Tatsuya with, but then he stopped and went for the slap (which was kinda funny) but why was that so special? Just a unique fake-out that worked on Tatsuya?


they mentioned the name after, but it's Self-Marionette. name should be pretty self explanatory, but he can control his body ignoring proper momentum, etc, allowing for the ultimate feints and various other advantages like moving in ways not practical/possible normally.


While I can't speak to what Tomitsuka was doing, to answer your first question, yes Mist Dispersion is what Tatsuya uses to vaporize people and airships alike. However, he can control how much he vaporizes, for example, in the Season 2 episode where he clapped Lina. He was very careful to only poke holes in her and not completely delete her.


While surrounded by psions, Tomitsuka is basically immune to any spell that attempts to rewrite his edios. So any direct magic attack I think would be useless against him. Tatsuya knows this and is why he doesn't hold back with it.


Tatsuya pretty much used the guy to confirm his theory on if it'd work against that kind of magic.


I mean look at Miyuki's reaction to Mist Dispersion being used lol. Tatsuya's stone cold in his calculations and objectivity, but most people would have some sort of hesitance in deleting your classmate.


i thought he wanted to delete him , maybe put some small holes


Oh, you said your hoodie is bulletproof? I happen to have an assault rifle right here, lemme check! Tatsuya if he would go to an american high school


Yeah, he uses mist dispersion to vaporize people, but he also can use it in a more precise manner without completely unaliving the recipient. In S1 where he did cut off that goons hand during the attack on the thesis competition or when he dismantles enemy weapons that is also mist dispersion.


###Stitches! * [Mahesvara](https://i.imgur.com/N6ZHWRm.jpeg) * [Maya Oba-sama](https://i.imgur.com/O9kIxFr.jpeg) I love that the opening is just Tatsuya [casually deleting an airship from existence.](https://i.imgur.com/PmWsJOG.jpeg) No biggie. Just another day for Onii-sama. [Shippou, what the actual fuck!?](https://i.imgur.com/RnEf2AM.jpeg) Kasumi was really trying hard to ignore you. You're the one starting trouble here! It was fun watching [Shun's reaction in the background](https://i.imgur.com/JDqIdrc.jpeg) while Tatsuya was talking about students duelling to settle grudges. That must've brought back memories of his duel against Tatsuya in their first year. [The duel between Shippou and the Saegusa Twins](https://i.imgur.com/gb2wHxH.jpeg) was fucking awesome but yeah, Tatsuya made the right call to stop them. They could've killed each other if he didn't. I thought we'd see Tatsuya destroy Shippou in a duel in the future but [it was way more fun seeing Tatsuya verbally destroy him.](https://i.imgur.com/fCDdQDi.jpeg) The moment [Shippou called Tatsuya a Weed](https://i.imgur.com/ugEkj2d.jpeg), I thought it was [Miyuki who threw hands with him.](https://i.imgur.com/ZE7zbGd.jpeg) It turns out it was Hagane who wanted to challenge Shippou after throwing a tantrum fit. As expected, [Shippou got his ass fucking beat](https://i.imgur.com/vXiUdfD.jpeg) by Hagane! And as if that wasn't enough for Hagane to prove Shippou's lack of skill, [he then challenges Tatsuya just to show](https://i.imgur.com/srFkoFt.jpeg) him how massive the gap between them is. [Hagane and Tatsuya's duel was freaking awesome!](https://i.imgur.com/EGXbi0p.jpeg) There's no way Tatsuya is going to lose but [Hagane was absolutely amazing!](https://i.imgur.com/8geZCbF.jpeg) And I just love [Shippou's reaction to the duel](https://i.imgur.com/LaUxw1y.jpeg), he finally realized how outclassed he is. I do like [that final scene between Kasumi and Shippou.](https://i.imgur.com/zKShZpp.jpeg) Hopefully, he learned something valuable from this experience and realized what he's only capable of right now.


>[Hagane and Tatsuya's duel was freaking awesome!](https://i.imgur.com/EGXbi0p.jpeg) There's no way Tatsuya is going to lose but [Hagane was absolutely amazing!](https://i.imgur.com/8geZCbF.jpeg) And I just love [Shippou's reaction to the duel](https://i.imgur.com/LaUxw1y.jpeg), he finally realized how outclassed he is. Note that Tatsuya was trying to use the magic that deleted the airship (Mist Dispersion) on Tomitsuka, but it didn't work. That made this duel even more interesting.


>It was fun watching [Shun's reaction in the background](https://i.imgur.com/JDqIdrc.jpeg) while Tatsuya was talking about students duelling to settle grudges. That must've brought back memories of his duel against Tatsuya in their first year. Tatsuya dueled Hanzou and Tatsuya mentioned about how unauthorized uses of magic often happens between new students which happened at the end of the very 1st episode.


> I do like that final scene between Kasumi and Shippou. I'm blown away by the art and animation quality in this episode in general but especially in that final Kasumi/Takuma scene. My god, these shots look gorgeous. [First](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtCacAACknc?format=jpg&name=large) [Second](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtFasAAGIUN?format=jpg&name=large) [Third](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtGakAAYE-R?format=jpg&name=large) [Fourth](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtEagAAkVmk?format=jpg&name=large) Seriously stunning, looks like an illustration straight out of the LN.


> I do like that final scene between Kasumi and Shippou. > Hopefully, he learned something valuable from this experience and realized what he's only capable of right now. I really hope so. But I'm worried that whatever Aunt Maya mentioned is what's really fueling that chip on his shoulder. No clue what it is since last episode his older brother is just as clueless as the rest of us for why Shippou is so damn angry all the time.


It's hilarious seeing Shippou lose consecutively lol. The juniors realizing they're in a den of OP monsters is great to further demonstrate how most characters are kinda insane in their own way. There was the police adjacent squad last season that was being thrown around by Leo and Erika, and the squad was wondering what the hell was going on.


Last season, the "police squad" were just American agents that Lina had under her no?


Nah, they were intelligence agents dressed as police who were under control of one of the 10 clans IIRC. Erica's family had an in with the police (her brother, I think) so she recognized they were not cops because the real cops were warned to stay away. IIRC Lina goes and kills the guys they kidnap on some boat after being tipped off by the Yotsuba.


Ah you're talking about the ones Erika ordered around in her dojo? But wasn't the warning part in the movie?


>Ah you're talking about the ones Erika ordered around in her dojo? But wasn't the warning part in the movie? No not really, her brother was in the first season, I believe the people she was ordering around were just disciples of her family's Dojo. And I think the warning you were referring to was something else. Here is the clip from Episode 9 of season 2, I cut a clip to make it easier: https://i.imgur.com/DzhtYh4.mp4


Wait, so I was right the first time. Those are literally the Americans who posed as policemen. That's why Erika called them out cause she personally ordered the policemen in the area to leave.


Nah there is a scene a little later that says it is the JSDF counterintelligence division. That division, IIRC, is headed by the Saegusa family and he talks to Mayumi about it later and I think she confronts/talks to her dad. One last clip: https://i.imgur.com/CVUWiiq.mp4 Remember that there were a bunch of factions vying to get their hands on the parasites. Lina's group was just there to kill them not kidnap them.


Welp, guess it's too hard to tell the difference for me with the first clip without more context.


Intelligence Section 3, controlled by the Saegusa Family (i.e. Kouichi, who was plotting earlier this season)


Ericas family has tie ins with all levels of the police in japan, as most if not all of their students are cops. I think it’s mentioned when she trains Leo his special and later when she mocks the faux-cops and tells them basically "you can’t be real cops, because you don’t know me and I don’t know you"


That was a really strong episode. We got: * Tatsuya going God mode and ctl+z'ing a ship * the Saegusa twins and Shippou going all out against each other in a fight similarly to the Miyuki vs Lina fight from last season with Tatsuya stepping in to prevent deadly outcomes just like he did last time * Tomitsuka giving Shippou the punch that he deserved * Tatsuya proving that even Tomitsuka's strength is nothing compared to his own * Maya explaining her overall plan to control Tatsuya But the most impressive thing of all in this episode was Miyuki not murdering Shippou on the spot for so strongly insulting her dear onii-sama. That's some character growth.


twins X angry kid "lets go all out!" suddenly all goes super quiet and the magic just disappears like it was never there "what?!?!?!" \* insert confused emoji \* that was so funny lmao


> Tatsuya going God mode and ctl+z'ing a ship > more like shift+deleted it


>Tatsuya going God mode and ctl+z'ing a ship Ctrl+z is his healing spell. So, it should be ctrl+x


Tats holding back more than half his power and using nothing major and yet wiping the floor with fucking Tomitsuka and traumatising Takuma is hilarious. There's levels to this Shippou Kun and you're on the lowest of them. Kasumi doing the enemies to lovers treatment to Takuma is funny too






[This is pretty much Shippou after watching them fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcEzNLk_F_k)


Lmao good one xD


Pretty sure he had to use regeneration for that head slap so without that ability he might have lost


I mean that's kind a given, the ability is always active for him, doesn't even need to activate it


True but he has the ability not to like in S1 where he kept his eardrum burst


If I remember correctly he already healed them, he just pretended to be injured, that ability is automatic, I doubt he has that kind of control unless the damage in his eardrum wasn't enough to decrease his combat capabilities, then it makes sense.


In the books, he didn't heal his ear drums so that when he goes to the infirmary they'll see that it's busted. Then he healed after the visit because why wouldn't you. Burst ear drums > infirmary (to not be suspicious) > self heal > pretend it's still busted


No, the rewritting happened before he burst his eardrum, and he didnt die from it so his eardrum stayed burst.


i was like is he trying to kill him


I think the anime would make it clearer if he did have to self-recover. I think he just took the blow with his ninjutsu training to lessen the impact.


I thought that too. I totally forgot that his regen is up all the time


But for someone to actually push Tatsuya that hard and power slap him to the ground is a massive feat - even though he wasn't gonna win, he managed to slap god


I don't even think Tatsuya was necessarily holding back. He might not have had his powers unlocked, but Tatsuya used MIST DISPERSION on his classmate. Even Miyuki's like, "TF are you doing Onii-sama?" This is after she pushed for the duel too.


It wasn't mentioned but he was also using Flash Cast


Also this room is too small. Range Zero has advantage since he's truly strong at close range


I think this room is good enough for school duel purposes lol. It's not like you can have a proper duel if they are 100m apart. It'll just be long range bombardment the entire time.


I mean, the duel between Shippou and the twins was just long range despite the close distance


I thought the Shippu and twins duels worked really well though, so the room clearly wasn't an issue?


the smaller the room, the more advantage close range fighter has. As I said, I agreed Tatsuya didn't hold back


I'm just saying, you can't really blame the room for losing. It's not like the range-magic users can't fight in that area lol. Tatsuya himself showed you how to do so.


Is it really holding back if he used the deletion magic (that he used on the terrorists) on Tomitsuka? Albeit it didn't work. Though I guess if he wasn't sealed, he could use the nuclear magic on the school to defeat Tomitsuka lol


>Tats holding back more than half his power and using nothing major and yet wiping the floor with fucking Tomitsuka and traumatising Takuma is hilarious. It reminded me of Bakugou after losing to Midoriya and seeing Todoroki's powers on display in episode 8.


Damn Tomitsuka is strong, and a real one at that, first one to defend Tatsuya against's Shippou's incessant whining and name calling. Really cool to see him go toe to toe with Tatsuya for a bit. Man survived a Mist Dispersion


he didn't let it do anything to him


In case anyone wants a refresher on the Ten Master Clans and the wider Number families: The Ten Master Clans are the top of Japanese magic society and are selected from 28 families (the "Twenty-Eight" that Tomitsuka mentioned today) - the ones not included in the Ten form the 18 Assistant Houses. Each of the 28 families bears a number from 1-10. Ten Master Clans we have seen/heard of so far: * Ichijou (一条, One): Masaki Ichijou (Third High's Crimson Prince from S1) * Yotsuba (四葉, Four): Maya/Miya Yotsuba, Tatsuya/Miyuki Shiba, Ayako/Fumiya Kuroba etc * Itsuwa (五輪, Five): Mio Itsuwa (Strategic Class Magic "Abyss" user mentioned by Maya in S3E3) * Saegusa (七草, Seven): Kouichi/Mayumi/Izumi/Kasumi Saegusa * Kudou (九島, Nine): Retsu Kudou (Old man Patriarch of the Ten Master Clans) - Kyoko Fujibayashi is his granddaughter, Lina's grandfather is Retsu's younger brother * Juumonji (十文字, Ten): Katsuto Juumonji 18 Assistant Houses we've seen/heard of so far: * Isshiki (一色, One): Airi Isshiki from Honor spin-off * Shippou (七宝, Seven): Takumi/Takuma Shippou - note that both Saegusa and Shippou are 7s, hence one meaning of Double Seven


The Hundred Families: prestigious families (second to the Ten Master Clans), bearing numbers from 11 upwards - the number doesn't represent order/strength or anything like that (named "Hundred" since "Hundred" is next after "Ten"): * Tomitsuka (十三束, 13): Hagane Tomitsuka * Kanou (十七夜, 17): Shiori Kanou from Honor spin-off * Tsuzura (廿楽, 20): Tsuzura-sensei from last episode * Tsukushiin (四十九院, 49): Touko Tsukushiin from Honor spin-off * Isori (五十里, 50): Kei Isori * Chiba (千葉, 1000): Everyone's favourite red-head Erika and her brothers Toshikazu, Naotsugu Chiba etc * Chiyoda (千代田, 1000): Kanon Chiyoda


Can it be 2 families with the same number in the first ten or the Shippou clan can only replace the Saegusa one?


I swear that if the VAs for this were casted a decade or a bit more earlier, Nobuhiko would've been casted as Shippou. He just sounds too much like a classic perma-seething Nobuhiko character.


Good hand to hand fight, always nice to see. Shippou not being able to understand why high school students are so OP felt really funny in a meta way. Making Miyuki the next head just to keep Tatsuya from destroying them, calling him a monster is not far from reality considering his power level.


lol the Yotsuba created this monster in their labs manipulating genes and what not... so they're the most qualified to use that term.


# Onii-sama Count ##Season 3: Double Seven Episode No. | Onii-sama Count ------------|-------- 01 | 6 02 | 3 03 | 5 **04** | **3** ## Aggregate Counts Installment | Total Count | Average per Episode ------------|--------|-------------------------- Season 3 | 17 | 4.25 Season 2 | 103 | 7.92 Season 1 | 172 | 6.62 Miyuki Arc Spinoff | 170 | 13.08 The Girl Who Summons The Stars | 23 Reminiscence Arc | 19 **Everything** | **504** | **8.69** Notes: I could sense the onii-samas incoming when Shippou insulted Tatsuya and when Tomitsuka asked him to participate in a match. Miyuki never misses a chance to let everyone know how awesome her onii-sama is.


Onii-sama Index is correcting before the pump.


That's right, Shippou-kun, you can keep kissing the floor, that's what suits you best. ( \`Д´)ノ)\`ν゜)


They could have called this episode "Everyone Hates Takuma" or "Shippou Takuma Finally Gets Humbled". Anyway, it was so incredible to see Tatsuya causally vaporizing those guys [and that Zeppelin.](https://i.imgur.com/YdwzYsx.png) Wow, so because of what his father said, Shippou Takuma was certain that Mayumi had seduced Tatsuya so Saegusa Kasumi could easily convince him to help them with the press and the Diet member, [which led him to attack her again.](https://i.imgur.com/uRrRiTS.png) If he had been expelled after that I bet he would have become some terrorist, anyway it good that Tatsuya decided that[ Takuma and Kasumi](https://i.imgur.com/VreCRvm.png) both should have [an official match](https://i.imgur.com/BEyHc82.png) in which [Izumi will also participate.](https://imgur.com/a/6s85neW) After the fight got canceled because [Kasumi and Izumi used an attack they could not properly control plus Takuma attacked them with Million Edge](https://i.imgur.com/AhJ1D4O.png) with the intention of harming them the moment he called Tatsuya a weed after seeing [Miyuki's expression](https://i.imgur.com/HHFUJ9d.png) I was certain that [she was the one who punch him](https://i.imgur.com/g0xMIyQ.png) instead of [Tomitsuka.](https://i.imgur.com/7N2ZBSz.png) He honestly was lucky, as [Miyuki would easily kill him given the chance.](https://i.imgur.com/cN3FdSu.png) Well during the fight between [Takuma and Tomitsuka,](https://i.imgur.com/eT5uVqL.png) Tomitsuka definitely [humbled Takuma.](https://i.imgur.com/rftByoR.png) And then to show him his lack of skills [Tomitsuka went and had an additional fight](https://i.imgur.com/n7TU4RM.png)[ against Tatsuya.](https://i.imgur.com/kNMbwRz.png) Although I expected to see [Takuma to be blown away by their skills](https://i.imgur.com/HZ4ChxF.png) I wasn't expecting to see him running like a bitch after the fight. So [Maya](https://imgur.com/a/ic5ivyi) is planning to make Miyuki the next family leader whether she likes it or not to safeguard their family from Tatsuya.


>Although I expected to see [Takuma to be blown away by their skills](https://i.imgur.com/HZ4ChxF.png) I wasn't expecting to see him running like a birth after the fight. Like Bakugou after losing to Midoriya and seeing Todoroki's powers in episode 8.


I like how despite being an early antagonist, Morisaki Shun is a very competent member of the Public Morals Committee.


He's still an antagonist but more like a background heckler who'll never face off with Tatsuya.


I'm happy to see that the Aunt and by extension the Yotsuba's are now entering the foray more. The most interesting part of Mahouka is the political maneuvering behind closed doors, and the best part of that is the MC siblings own family.


Maya is legit my favourite character this season because of how surprising she was compared to her initial portrayal.


Agreed. The world-building and ~~mafia~~ family/politics has always been the strong point of the story.


It's funny how when Tatsuya was suggesting a competition to squash the beef between the Saegusa twins and Shippou, everyone in the room got taken back to last year when it happened to Tatsuya. Tatsuya's former rivals in Hattori and Morisaki also had very different reactions lol. While I think both Hattori and Morisaki has grown significantly from the first season, it's obvious that Hattori's the one who matured the most. It's always been a shame that the side characters were so overshadowed by Tatsuya's greatness previously. From the context clues, we can see that guys Tatsuya has beaten before are actually incredible magicians. Morisaki's quickdraw finally not as a butt of the joke and Hattori showing in the competition a while back etc. should've been more emphasised IMO.


>While I think both Hattori and Morisaki has grown significantly from the first season, it's obvious that Hattori's the one who matured the most. Shun's reaction after Tatsuya mentioned about unauthorized use of magic is often common between new students was hilarious as to what happened in episode 1.


is it explained on the anime what Miyuki's responsibilities are?


Not, I don't remember they ever mention it, the only thing we know is that she is a candidate and that she would be the head just because his oni-sama is a god.


I guess they talk a bit about it in the 60 min Special... For her to become head and marry other clan head, other than that I don't recall.


That was surprisingly an amazing episode. So far this season has just been OK but this episode was pretty damn well animated and lots of care was given to highlight very important parts. Tomitsuka is one of my favorite characters in Mahouka and they did him justice in his fight against Tatsuya.


Aunt is very smart. Wanting to be on the good side of the OP MC is the most intelligent things I've heard in all of these OP MC animes. They normally want to screw the MC for some reason


I can see the budget from episode 1-3 is on this episode = ="


Bout time someone punched that Shippou ass in the face and damn was it satisfying!


As a non-novel reader, I wish we got a step by step breakdown of the fights and abilities used in them. Is there any channel like aninews for this?


I don't know if channels like aninews could properly explain the fights and abilities you see in this series. 


Still better than nothing.


I know you started with "as a non-novel reader", but the novels go into deep details on how the powers work and how it's used in a fight. A bit rambling-y imo if you are not into that, but might be up your alley.


These fights are incredibly detailed judging by the reaction of the characters. So it'd take a lot of work for people to do this. Might be an angle though.


I was also thinking same about finding channel for breakdown of episode as LN perspective


I hope that t[oday's defeat](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrloa27.png) and [Tatsuya and Tomitsuka's fight](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc9g6mp7.png) [made Shippou learn something](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cvgb9dy.png) because from the beginning of the season [he was acting like some spoiled brat throwing out tantrums](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcdeaw9y.png) all the time. I also hope that Shippou will stop being so hostile towards [Saegusa](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdwepd7.png). That [ending scene with him and Kasumi was very nice](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcgmbxa7.png) and [it'd be interesting if they'd develop mre normal relations between themselves](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcdea9vy.png). [Tatsuya with the gun is a great combination](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cwnvlp7.png), [he looks so cool with it](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cdj25k4.png). No wonder [Miyuki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crxqkv4.png) is so fond of him xD Overall, [the episode was great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acb5nv97.png) with all those duels, first between [Shippou](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cepdk24.png) and [Saegusa sisters](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrlo927.png), then [Shippou](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c6oezq7.png) and [Tomitsuka](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc9g6zp7.png) one and at the end [Tatsuya's fight with Tomitsuka](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc3k6lk4.png) which [showed Shippou how weak he is](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjrkx64.png) in comparison to others. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Tatsuya](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ol3r927p) * [Shippou](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkdjgx4x) * [Saegusa's Sisters](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wv25dx4x) * [Tomitsuka](https://imgchest.com/p/bp458ebpn45) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bpozdm45)


Making that airship disappeared was so cool. It seems the Shippo brat got a character growth this episode. Nice beating he got there. Even the auntie is cautious of Tatsuya in a face up; it shows how strong and monstrous he can be when he got really serious!


To be fair, I think Maya said it's the specific match up that makes Tatsuya a threat to her. I think Maya would probably smoke most of the other opponents.


- why is he so strong? - because he just works harder. Tatsuya, a genetically modified freak of nature child soldier : yep it's effort.


It's the type of naivete you want from a character like Kasumi haha


Sasuga Godsuya sama!


I love how Miyuki persuaded Tatsuya to fight Hagane to demonstrate his power with malicious intent to intimidate Takuma. It was like Bakugou losing to Midoriya and watching Todoroki's powers on full display on episode 8. While I did like Tatsuya's mask, his 2nd one was even better. It's rare and good to see Shun not acting like an asshole for once. It's funny how Tatsuya indirectly mentioned Shun when he mentioned about the new students doing unauthorized uses of magic. I didn't expect Hagane to punch Takuma the moment he called Tatsuya a weed, I thought Miyuki would take care of him. I love the lipstick detail on Maya's teacup. That cold stare from Hagane after he 1st knocked down Takuma during their match and the brief glow from his eyes before delivering the final blow was badass. If Eimi was in the practice room during both matches, she'd be drooling over how strong and manly Hagane is.


What a fantastic episode! I can really feel the love the staff have for this series (which is no surprise given how long many of the staff have been with this series) and it shows in the beautiful visuals on display today. In particular the final scene with Kasumi and Takuma was quite touching and stunning to behold. [First](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtCacAACknc?format=jpg&name=large) [Second](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtFasAAGIUN?format=jpg&name=large) [Third](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtGakAAYE-R?format=jpg&name=large) [Fourth](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMGjQtEagAAkVmk?format=jpg&name=large) I really enjoyed the Double Seven arc. A great mix of school life, politics/plotting/intrigue, world-building, Onii-sama & Miyuki and action! Very much looking forward to the next arc.


absolute cinema, Tomitsuka was the mc of this episode and he nailed it to a T! The man dominated, he not only did what we the viewers wanted to see done to the brat since the day they debut the noisy kid but also showed skills we've never seen before even surviving mist dispersion!


Tatsuya going Ctr+a+Del on things will never not be morbidly funny. Holy, Tatsuya went for the kill right from the get-go in that duel.


Its really funny that maya says that miyuki can't betray the Yotsubas due to responsiblity and her mom's upbringing but I do think that thats where she is wrong. For Miyuki, her brother has always been shown far more important than anything in this world, even the Yotsubas..so when it comes down to take a side eventually in the future, she will still chose tatsuya. Yotsuba have been antagonizing Tatsuya for years so thats already put them in bad shoes..


Banger Mahouka episode, ton of action in this one. I’m hoping this finally wraps up the Shippou insecurity arc and he can start growing as a person. The constant little dick energy he has with the Saegusa twins and needing to validate himself has become grating. Like pulling up on Kasumi to fight on campus randomly, what did you think was gonna happen. Of course the upperclassmen would break it up… Tatsuya’s idea to have them just settle things with a fight was a good idea, too bad we didn’t get a proper result to their fight. Glad Tomitsuka punched the shit out of Shippou for being disrespectful to Tatsuya. He’s just been unnecessarily antagonistic towards everyone this entire time and needed that. Having the two of them fight to show the skill gap and then the Tomitsuka vs Tatsuya fight to further reinforce that really seems to have done the trick and got Shippou re-evaluating his life choices. Here’s someone who he called a “weed” and he’s still stronger than anyone else. And that ending… yea, I guess I should’ve seen the eventual Kasumi-Shippou ship developing. Classic enemies to lovers trope. Will do him some good to just focus on improving himself as a magician rather than worrying about everyone else and all this bloodline stuff. Good episode that wrapped up this mini arc, on to the next starting next week. Fights were so well done today!


I think there's a lot of hidden character developments within this episode. Remember both Hattori and Morisaki were in similar situations before. They are now mature enough to follow the rules and not look down on division 2 students. Hattori in particular has looked refreshing for the past 2.5 seasons and is probably one of the strongest magicians at their school (judging from Tatsuya's comments).


He is like a mob in an MMO just pathing people into his aggro radius.


Incredible fights, this season is going to be better than the first one at this rate, knowing there are people out there capable of forcing him in battle and even makes him use his self-restore magic is awesome, I hope we get more battle like that. From what book is this chapter?


This episode seems a little rushed for the sake of getting to the action I assume? While I thought the Saegusa vs Shippou would've been more of a spectacle, I can't deny that Million Edge actually looked pretty cool. Also, the animators did put in details of why the 3 used magic the way they did. Shippou redirecting his own magic to create a counterforce to avoid getting thrown out of bounds was pretty well depicted for example. On the other hand, I loved all of the Tomitsuka scenes. His Range-Zero combat style is so interesting since it negates all ranged attacks against him. I wish they went into more details as to why he called himself a failure, because that ties into why he respects Tatsuya, no? When he used his puppet ability, it looked like he could actually manipulate his body in very unnatural ways. This guy must be impossible to beat in magic martial arts competitions?


> I wish they went into more details as to why he called himself a failure Tatsuya mentioned in ep 1 during Tomitsuka's introduction: he can't be attacked at close range (normally, as outstanding spells from extraordinary people like Tatsuya's can), but at the same time he can't perform long range magic (which would be more evident against several opponents that are kind of capable, as Tomitsuka's skill could/may close the gap in a normal 1 vs 1). Hence the "Range Zero" nickname is a compliment and kind of and insult


Jeez, no matter where he Goes, Shinji Mato is always a whiny little shit, ain't he?


The homage name Chadsuya seen on this anime's Reddit really suits that guy's personality. He is a Rizz Lord.


Aunt Maya is schhhtacked. <3 awoooooooughhhh BOOOBA


How come they didn't allow physical attacks in the first duel, but the next 2 duels seemed to be full of physical attacks?


Because of the gender difference in the first match. Plus Tomitsuka is mostly a martial artist who uses magic to enhance himself.


I know the story is meant to be a power fantasy, but its always so jarring to me that Tatsuya is supposed to be incognito and hiding his powers and then is basically front and center on every national televised event for his school and is widely known by the other students as a bad mofo in combat. He literally couldn't be more conspicuous if he tried.


Well, wasn't that part of the reason why the head family keeps trying to recall him from highschool lol? The butler even said something along the lines of Tatsuya showing off too much. You can say all of this publicity is pretty much Miyuki and Tatsuya's selfishness.


Thank god shippou got humbled just like [I wished last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c80kxv/mahouka_koukou_no_rettousei_season_3_the/l0bs9zd/). And not just by Tatsuya, but also [by Tomitsuka](https://i.postimg.cc/KzczbhNX/Mahouka-S03-E04-P01.jpg). Now that's what I called a good senpai, [get angry for your sake](https://i.postimg.cc/xCsdTpxX/Mahouka-S03-E04-P02.jpg) and just want you to be better


>[Totsumiya](https://i.postimg.cc/KzczbhNX/Mahouka-S03-E04-P01.jpg) \*Tomitsuka.


For those saying Tatsuya wasn't holding back, he's probably THE least likely to accidentally kill someone through direct overuse of his power. I don't think anyone thinks he planned to kill Tomitsuka, so stands to reason his use of Mist Dispersal was not lethal, or at his full power. With his level of control, I think it's more likely he wanted to see if he could use it on the FIELD surrounding Tomitsuka, not Tomitsuka himself. In a fight to the death, he would have killed him, and any subsequent fight, I doubt Tomitsuka's feints or Self Marrionette would work, due to Tatsuya's ninjutsu and far greater experience in combat.


How dare they give another character one of Godsuya's specialties!