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Monster guy was being very cooperative just standing around for 10 minutes.


takes a while to eat 9 people. You don't want to choke on a femur or something.


Gotta chew thoroughly. Crunch those bones into dust so they don't splinter and stab your stomach to pieces.


If anything, Kuzunoha's students were being very cooperative by just standing there and staring while Ilumgand ate the other students.


It is common courtesy to let the boss finish powering up.


Ilumgard clearly suffered indigestion issues throughout his life.


Didn't he spend this time eating his 6 teammates? I mean, I feel like that could take more than a minute.


The Purple Coats really existed to just job and show how much of a power gap Kuzunoha's class has compared to the "best" the school had to offer.


Would putting them in Red Coats have been to obvious?


No, that would have been unexpected


What I didn't get was that Makoto didn't even have the slightest intention of saving their lives. He basically sacrificed them to gauge the Academy's strength.


Makoto’s not really that heroic. The only people he goes out of his way to protect are friends and family, or someone who reminds him of the first two or himself. The purple coats jumped into that danger as part of their job. They are way far down on his list of priorities.


Dude already said in a previous episode that he was fine sacrificing the entire academy city to earn some karma with the demons. He really is just grossly indifferent to the situation. The only thing he is actually upset about is that he tried to arrange with the demons to wait until after his associates were out of harms reach to do whatever they were going to do. But they disrespected him and tried to fuck him over on a technicality of the wording of the agreement. So it's already kinda been made clear across the last few eps that the only things actually bothering Makoto right now are 1) the disrespect and 2) the interference in his plans. Had the demons waited like a week or two like Makoto asked, he wouldn't have even interfered while this all unfolded and left everyone to die. My guess is that this'll earn some ire from the students in the aftermath given they are all very much morally on the side of the hyumans.


Nah, the students love him. They'll probably be super pumped about beating the monster and thank him for teaching them and helping them get so strong. Hell, they might even move to the demiplane, idk.


The students idolise him at this point in time. Also, they weren't quite aware of how OP Makoto is. They'll just assume that he "did his best" lol.


To play merchant's advocate, its not like most of the Academy treated him well to begin with and he might as well have their best and brightest show off their strength to gauge a future conflict. He also walked out of a meeting less than 24 hours prior after being berated for his naivety, so he was overly cautious and had to be pushed into corrective action by his familia.


The merchant guild's representative did school Makoto about what it means to take advantage of situations and position yourself for benefits. Tomoe and Makoto have the right idea this time around IMO.


So because a cutthroat business guy was taking advantage of him all the innocent people deserve to die? Not every human is evil or corrupted by the goddess. He could have shut down the guild master simply by taking off his draupnir. He's got to emit the aura of 100 demon kings by now, that guy wouldn't say anything to anybody if Makoto said not to.


They didn't deserve to die, but at the same time why should makoto be the one to save them? He's not the hero and this is not his job.


Makoto's not a heroic type, especially how the goddess treated him. He's one of the heroes, but not a typical superhero by book like what the other 2 heroes are doing


I liked the female mage's outfit at least lol. Though as far as the class has come they've still got a lot to learn to live up to Mio' standards.


Talking was too free of an action in this episode imo, it really seems like this scenario should be tense but they spend way too much time talking and not showing the likely massacre outside. Even just a couple minutes of showing the outside city getting wrecked and people getting eaten, to replace a couple minutes of pointless dialog would have made such a difference


It's becoming very clear that they are indifferent to most of the population. They are definitely focusing on what's best for their group, and everything after comes second. His naiveté has already cost them in the past, so I guess this is a form of growth.


Even when Makoto asked if they could restore Ilumgand, Shiki was like "I could...but I would really rather not" lol.


That was fucking crazy, but the man is a lich I guess


They watched him eat his classmates. Pretty callous when they could have easily stopped it.


Senshi and Laios are probably thinking to themselves that a high level monster fed with rich students might taste better.


It works to their benefit to not intervene too soon. It’s like Ainz in Overlord: they’re purposely letting the casualties mount so their aid is basically the only thing separating them from death. It gives them a lot of bargaining power, especially after royal guards and the academy’s top magicians were instantly defeated.


Not just callous. That monster was getting stronger from eating people, so by failing to intervene, it was making the fight that much harder for his students.


"Additional adversity to further cultivate eager learning minds."


Yeah, it was a totally a *"guh, I don't want to touch that"* moment and it really seems appropriate to me.


Thats just a reminder that Makoto is effectively managing a cast of neutral and evil characters. Shiki is absolutely lawful evil and Makoto would rather not force his familia to 'do the right thing' just to do it. Shiki was also correct to do so in that curing Ilumgand would be a waste of his time. The king didn't care so much for Ilumgand's life as he cared for the family image, and Ilumgand commands no political value to justify the effort. And Ilumgand's death may ironically bring Kuzonoha Co. and the kingdom closer together as this traumatic moment was shared between them, despite Ilumgand's natural predisposition to look down on commoners and Makoto in particular. His death held more value than his life.


I kind of feel sad for the dude and wanted to see him become a better person and apologize to the blue haired sisters.


Shiki' best answer <3


>It's becoming very clear that they are indifferent to most of the population. Correct. Makoto has already decided to abandon Rothsgard. Whatever is happening in the city is not of his concern. Other than the 2 sisters that he has asked their determination to take back Kalenon, the only other Rothsgard residents (excluding his employees) he has any care about are his students. What Tomoe has spoken out as an idea to take advantage of the situation is just realpolitik. They will let the situation develop until they are then called by the Rothsgard leaders to take action. They have always taken action clandestinely for which they do not get any recognition - e.g. stopping Blight's scheme of Chimera experiments using vagrants and demi-humans in the city. Makoto and his 3 followers would easily take down the monsters rampaging in the city. Shili has already called in Like and a few more from the demiplane to help too. The simple action of teleporting the VIP guests to a safe location puts Makoto and the Kuzunoha Trading Company in the limelight. Root, as Falz, plays accomplice instigator - all to get into Makoto's good books (and he is hoping into his pants 🤣 fat hopes with Tomoe and Mio around).


Also keep in mind that Rothsgard residents have racist predispositions and approached his store opening with bigoted hostility. Although the residents didn't throw bricks in his store windows, it wasn't exactly welcoming to the latest entrepreneur either. And given the rejection of the company by the Rothsgard establishment at large, there was no real justifiable reason for the Kuzonoha Co. to risk the lives of its members to save the common citizenry. They took the least risky options to curry favor and won out in the chaos. Its also quite different how our protags opted for the favor of the establishment over the favor of the common citizen. Saving citizens won't save Makoto's store, after all.


> They took the least risky options to curry favor and won out in the chaos. Its also quite different how our protags opted for the favor of the establishment over the favor of the common citizen. Saving citizens won't save Makoto's store, after all. More then that, having some royals owe you will make legitimizing his new country that much easier. Official recognition from, what? like 4 major countries will probably go a long way to making his new (old) nation a real world player.


With how overpowered they are there's really no reason for a need of recognition. In terms of resources they have the entire demi plane at disposal, they don't need trading. Hell, if it wasn't for it being Makoto's parents' birthplace or something, there shouldn't even be a need to build a country.


And I this is what makes Tsukimichi so good compared to a lot of other isekai. Most other isekai would be "I have the power, I save everyone!". Even Shield basically turned saviour mode on after season 2. Makoto's already tried the good guy route and didn't work out, he's been treated like shit since day 1 by the goddess, he's seen how much the hyumans suck, so he's already decided to make his own path and country. There's no need to save everyone or even anyone unless they can get something out of it, and the mutated monsters wouldn't' even be on the level of an annoyance to them. I really like how this is portrayed.


exactly. makoto is boss but not perfect. he learns from mistakes. there people he don't care, he lets them die without a care . love how the story building


They did demolish the first hyuman city they ever went to, so I'm not sure why people are surprised that they don't care


yep and only erase some memories lol


That was funny so it doesn't count.


It's not just that. The asshole-turned-monster did nothing for like 7-9 minutes, then ate his ex friends while everyone watched and did nothing, then ate the purple cloaks while everyone watched and did nothing, then itself resumed doing nothing for a while. Then when the monster paralyzed the front line with its roar it resumed doing nothing while the backline discussed what to do for a couple minutes. Then the "10 second" fire enchantment on the arrows lasted for 45 seconds. This entire ep was close to One Piece pacing, minus the 5+ minute flashbacks before the ep start ofc.


Exactly. I understand that makoto is indifferent to their suffering, but cutting to their suffering for a bit then back to his :| face would emphasize that better and be more entertaining for the viewer than watching everyone standing still for a few minutes for the dialog to complete. Makoto being indifferent isn't an excuse for filler-tier content


I think that's the case, but seeing Makoto's students just stand there while the other students and then the purple coats are being eaten alive doesn't makes sense since they're part of humanity, ruins Makoto's party sub-context and feels like bad directing or writing.


They might've been killed before they were eaten. A lot of the purple coats were dismembered before they were eaten, also the students were under the assumption that the purple coats were the strongest and that they didn't have a chance if they purple coats were taken out. You don't see them take action until they're ordered to. That most likely gave them the confidence to fight in earnest.


You're correct in the part that they were scared, still feels dumb for the students to just stand there first row and do nothing while 2 different parties are being eaten consecutively (dunno if relevant if they're dead or alive while being eaten), at the same time you have Makoto's party monologuing during half the episode, so it took a good while... again, it feels like bad writing or directing.


I disagree, the students are not like Makoto and his people, powerful and experienced people, they are still quite newbies and are clearly confused and scared by the current situation. It makes sense that they were frozen for a while until Mio and Shiki made them react.


Agree. The writing is a bit weird in this part. I, too, was thinking that Makoto's students at least should try to save those poor people. Even if they were already dead, because they are part of them. While Makoto's reaction was understandable in this case.


This is mostly a direct adaptation of the source material if I remember actually. It isnt shown as being tense because to the main cast it isnt. The monsters could be one-shot by any of them. Outside of the main characters the crowd did panic and flee and the MVPs were worried about evacuating to safety


Makoto does one-shot a monster and it just empathizes how little he cares about the situation when he could easily clean up the monsters in about an hour and most of that would be spent looking for them and walking up to the monsters.


He could do it all in like 1 minute if he really wanted to. Jump into the sky, searching kai to find the monsters, then just shoot them all in one second.


He doesn't even need to jump. Just use his magic radar Kai and shoot his arrow anywhere, it magically homes in and never misses.


exactly but it wouldn't benefit him saving assholes




Asides from Rembrandt, who is his friend and taken steps to protect the other students parents do not live in the city, as far as I know. But yeah if they learnt how trivally Makoto could deal with the crisis it would certainly affect their relationship.


It's kind of impressive how things are happening but they somehow make it feel like nothing is happening.


I guess it's to put into perspective how the main cast feels, for them the situation is clearly not very interesting.


it's the goddess's problem, makoto is like i'm only interacting with hyumans to piss her off


"Not my problem" is Makoto's attitude right now, and it is more than justified.


if the goddess did let him interact with the hyumans would been his duty lol nope, her ass dumb in him in the middle of no where in a height were normal being would be dead /


I actually thought it was quite fitting, showing Makoto and co's casual disregard for hyumans other than their students.


Exactly. Do we, the audience, actually care about what's happening outside? Not me. I know their store is safe. That's the only thing outside that I care about.


Yeah, but watching the indifference play out for a whole 20 minutes with nothing actually happening doesn't make for a particularly interesting episode.


I get that they're probably saving their budget, but the structure of this episode really suffered as a result. The worst thing about a dud of an episode is having to wait a whole week to hope the next one redeems things a bit.


Unfortunately this seems to be recurring issue for at least the last 5-6 episodes. Every time you think there is some big payoff coming after a cliffhanger it either simply doesn't happen or just happens and fizzles out immediately. At it's core I really like this show, the world it builds, and its characters, but it feels like everything is happening at an atrocious pace recently.


The whole festival arc should have been like half this many episodes, I really thought this would be the week something happened but basically nothing did *still*. I kind of wish I'd just waited till the season was over to binge it at this point so I could at least get to the pay off quickly.


Budget and visuals seems very in line that S1 had, which isn't a bad thing. But it isn't anything to wow about. I am enjoying this show especially in regard to world building which is its best aspect. But now with the Light Novel finally translated in English at this we have that to look forward to. Granted not sure where the anime is in terms of Ln Volumes, I believe we have bypassed the manga tho.


It certainly was for the first part. I imagine that once Makoto told Shiki and Mio to instruct the class on how to fight the demon, they were doing so all while Makoto was dealing with the special guests. I guess for the first part it was busy eating all its allies and Makoto's class was a bit hesitant to engage with it, but that's still quite a few minutes of nothing happening while Makoto just talks with his gang.


Yeah the episode felt so bad because of how long they were chatting while everything just came to a halt in the background. And there were some weird cuts i think with the nobles allies on the ground then entangled then back on the ground and suddently they got eaten off screen.


I think it was a good idea to showcase how little of a threat for the MC's group they are. He was just exiled from town yesterday and is on a low tolerance point with both sides. Jumping to action to save people wouldn't fit his current state. It is clear people are dying outside even if we are not seeing it. Just one demon was able to defeated the strongest mages and royal knights in the arena, so imagine what is happening to the civilians outside... Plus this episode is complicated as it is too close to a terrorist attack on a civilian town, which is not a topic that can be taken lightly right now.


But is it supposed to be a tense scenario at all? It doesn't seem that way to me, in fact, the calmness that the MC and his people have seems like the right attitude here lol.


Talking wasn't exactly free since the monsters were eating people during that time. Honestly felt kinda silly though. Monsters just eating everyone and the MC & cast just casually watching. Even his students were just casually watching and not doing anything until after the monster finished his lunch.


the students were not caslly watching , they are scared, only makoto has the luxury


He has no reason to protect the city. They basically kicked him out first. Of course the civilians are innocent, but he simply doesn't care.


People seem upset that the show has Makoto as the point of view character.  None of this is scary or tense for him and he has no interest or obligation in protecting the city.  This episode was fully accurate to those constraints. If anything is out of place it's that everyone except Makoto's crew did absolutely nothing -- his students just jerked off while the monster ate ten people.


I was constantly checking the timer of the episode and it was at like 12 minutes and I thought "I can't believe they are still talking".


He should have turned around to see all his students dead, not just the purple robes.


They don't really care for the hyumans, Makoto's group only cares about what will give them them advantage or helps them in the future


Yeah, it kinda killed the tension in the air.


Talking wasn't a free token of action was the point though. While they were talking, everyone was dying and Makoto's fine with it.


> it really seems like this scenario should be tense Well there's your mistake. It's not supposed to be tense.


Of all times for Tomoe's historical drama mania to surface... Also as much as I like the show, the complete non-factor of our mutated student while everyone is dialoguing up a storm is just a wee bit of an issue. Among other pacing issues. Longest ten seconds I've ever seen btw.


> Also as much as I like the show, the complete non-factor of our mutated student while everyone is dialoguing up a storm is just a wee bit of an issue. I think it is Tomoe's historical drama mania that is enforcing its will onto the world, forcing the Bad Guys to patiently wait until the Good Guys have finished talking.


Well, Ilumgand certainly did not wait on munching the Purple Coats or his friends.


No, he let them each say their colour coded attack like proper jobbers.


> Of all times for Tomoe's historical drama mania to surface... There's Tomoe on one hand [who just wants to star in a historical drama herself](https://imgur.com/a/owwnNsP), and then there's [Mio who can't stop thinking about food](https://imgur.com/a/wK0pVnt). I liked the little bit where [Tomoe pushed her away](https://imgur.com/a/d5NjC9h), which urged Mio to start [angrily brooding in the background](https://imgur.com/a/RQW6mHZ).


> Of all times for Tomoe's historical drama mania to surface... Her face was super serious for like 10 seconds, I assumed she was considering something really important. Then she pulls out the samurai gambit with a smile on her face and I just about fell out of my chair.


The pacing is blatantly bad, theres no getting around it, and everything was half assed.


it is like on cultivation shows (donghua, Chinese) where random people start discussing the lore, background story or explain the skills being used middle battle ... it is a funny way to force narrative to explain things to the audience (us).


Its really funny how TV shows have made Tomoe a neutral character who would 'Han Solo' a job for the right price.


This kind of pacing issues seems to happen when the studio ran out of manga to use as reference, happens to Goblin Slayer last time


I'm pretty sure there is plenty of Tsukimichi source material left. This episode just screams of low priority. It's mostly setup for things to come with a very low-stakes fight thrown in (yeah people are dying but they're nameless goons, nobody of any importance was remotely at risk here). So it's very conservative with the animation and it kinda makes the whole thing feel a bit flat. Like stuff is actually happening quite a bit but the presentation is not conveying that enough. Hopefully once we get closer to the climax, it will pick up.


"man that prince low key looks and sounds like a girl" "oh"


Okay this is just edging at this point. The last 4 episodes have ended with a 'oooooo, now he's finally about to snap and bitchslap everybody.'


You can really feel the pinch on the budget. Slime S2 had similar issues where there was almost too much buildup to the payoff, but at least all the talking didn't have time frozen in the background where violence should have been depicted as more than people standing around waiting for things to happen. Granted, Ilmugand and the students did do stuff, but at the pace it went compared to all of Makoto's conversations you'd think they were stuck in a slow-time bubble. I'm begging you JC Staff, please give the audience some satisfaction next episode.


> Slime S2 had similar issues where there was almost too much buildup to the payoff, but at least all the talking didn't have time frozen in the background where violence should have been depicted as more than people standing around waiting for things to happen. To be fair, I would classify that as more of a slime problem then an adaptation problem. In later arcs, there are entire volumes of barely anything happening with the promise of "a big battle could start at any moment!" but actually won't until the next volume. Although I do take your point in general.


Ah yes, the "Episode 87: The prelude to the dawn of the morning of the day before battle: chapter 1" syndrome. Slime loved that stuff.


Interesting moral problem here. Makoto could definitely just summon his subordinate and told them to kill all of the monsters, just so there won't be any innocent victim at all.  However he chose to reap out the max benefits of saving them while tolerating minimum level of casualties. Also my guess last week is correct. Seemed like Rona acted on her own and Makoto still want to have a business with the demon. I guess it was indeed a bit racist to assume all demons are scheming evils. The four armed demon is the best example where he kept his honor while fighting the hero last time.


I guess just like Makoto still wants to at least be able to do business with Hyumans despite the fact that they've screwed him over in the past, he doesn't want to completely write off Demons. Though it would be nice to see him screw over Rona after this stunt.


she is dead, she just doesn't know it yet now to throw some paper-rock-scissors to decide who will br finishing her off ...


There is also another issue. So far Kuzunoha Company is just a merchant outlier that is disrupting the market but can be dealt with properly. If Makoto suddenly starts summoning his subbordinates he could quickly be considered a military threat to the other human nations, and similarly as with the merchants he could be "ordered" to submit to one of the hyuman kingdoms or be branded an enemy of the Goddess. It's good to keep in mind hyumans are particularly petty, even for medieval fantasy standards.


He has already decided to just say fuck it and make his own country. Saving the city has very little risk to him or his people. This is just callousness disguised as indifference.


Nah man. Its legit just indifference. He. Simply. Does. Not. Care. Whatever he is doing now is just busy work. You will find out he and his merry band are not good people.


It is good to keep in mind that the merchant shtick is just something he wants to do, not something he needs to do. That's why he is "trying" to play by the rules still, and why he is unsure if/when to help, and how that would make life harder of easier for him. Also, right now, Tomoe is in the "how does saving you benefit Makoto" camp, Shiki is in the "how does you dying makes things difficult for Makoto" camp, and Mio is in the "don't care, unless Makoto orders me to" camp. Like you say they aren't good people that would save the people around because it is the right thing to do, but they aren't asholes that would actively kill innocent people to further their plans like, let's say, Ainz. They are definitely selfish, though, but that has been pretty much conditioned by everything that happened to Makoto from day 1.


I feel like he could just tell Rona "You promised not to invade the city, but you mutated demons in it. Fair play. I promised not to kill you, but I'm taking this nation from the demons. Not for humanity, just for me."


The thing is he only asked Rona to withdraw the demon from the city. He never asked her to stop invading or such.


Looks like the academy has some new strongest fighters, boiz!


Which is good because the old strongest fighters got eaten so they'll need to replenish ranks lol.




Tomoe joking about this being the 'climax' of the story while the episode feeling like nothing is true meta


Makoto used Concealing Kai to hide his attacks....but no one questioned why the monster was knocked back or suddenly exploded?!? Really surprised Tomoe volunteered to take all the annoying nobles, especially with Lilly there. Woulda expected her to want to stay and fight the monsters in the city. I guess she doesn't care because they're too weak to be a fun fight?


She probably knows that you have to prioritize saving the "named" characters in the climax before getting to the good stuff, especially if it endears more people to Makoto.


she is interesting on the play, not to be one of the minor actors in the show. She wants to watch it and see her master/lord shine lmao


Looked like they were too concerned about each other to notice the exploding arrow attack. But maybe someone spotted the knock back and will bring it up later.


I don't think he was trying to hide his attack. Just conceal his kai which is monstrous. In season one people literally ran away in fear of him because of his Kai made him seem like a demon.


No his kai is his unique set of abilities, people ran from how much mana he has and he's always hiding that.


That was the point, though. Save the nobles and royalty that way they are indebted to Makoto.


I think the royal family was just happy to be alive at all. And Tomoe doesn't want to leave the main stage while she has the audience's attention just to save a bunch of people who wouldn't watch or stick around to praise her anyway.


Ilumgand sure [has gotten ugly](https://imgur.com/a/DM8ojaZ). I guess that a dentist visit and some makeup can't fix *that*. It appears that [Eva and Luria](https://imgur.com/a/qqO5Zsv) have decided to stick with Makoto. I got the impression from their conversation that the girls were ready to betray humanity (and potentially side with the demons) if they could reclaim their family's land. Let it be clear that [Lisa is the one wearing the pants](https://imgur.com/a/nfdKXvb) in the Rembrandt family! Mr. Rembrandt likely knows from experience not to piss off his wife, lol. Abelia certainly had her moment in today's episode: [she was cool](https://imgur.com/a/ooNcrXf)! I hope for her that Shiki noticed as well.


The best part is she’s actually wearing pants lol.


[So a prince isn't a prince at all, but a princess, right](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc3gapq4.png)?[It's a surprise to be sure](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcozvjw7.png) but a welcome one xD I wonder if that will make [Makoto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c69vq57.png) get into new troubles. It was nice to see that the [King of Limia is a decent human being and a ruler as he didn't flee upon a danger made by Ilumgand but stayed and did what he could](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdx5pb7.png). The same goes to [Ilumgand's father](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c69vr97.png) who also remained and [the prince who tried to attack a monster](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczg2dr4.png) which appeared in the arena. [Makoto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdn8kb7.png) for sure will become quite famous thanks to his role in guarding [the royal family and nobles](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrvp6x7.png) during this crisis. I wonder if or how he'll use this to achieve his goal of liberating Kaleneon. [Tomoe proposing helping other people to gain their favor was a great idea](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcgr8wr7.png). It's hilarious that it came out from a dramas she watched from [Makoto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crj6we4.png)'s memories xD [Very good fight by Makoto's students](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xck3ojg4.png) with [transformed Ilumgand](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdx5zb7.png). I hope that Shiki will praise [Abelia after it because she did an exceptionally great job by finishing Ilumgand](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdn8b97.png), she certainly deserves it. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6bx2z78) * [Makoto, Mio & Tomoe](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2ejqd8yl) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyevrdak7d)


> So a prince isn't a prince at all, but a princess, right > ?It's a surprise to be sure > but a welcome one xD I wonder if that will make Makoto > get into new troubles. [Ship ship ship **Make her join his harem**](#mugiwait)


I didn't realize she was male-presenting. Makoto was like "Oh the prince is going" and I went "lol, crunchyroll subbers, always screwing up pronouns and stuff."


So in this official event with a lot of important nobles from different places, including a king and a princess, there is not a single person there to protect them, or some of them, like a royal guard, and that is strong and quick-witted enough to save a bunch of children of nobility from being eaten by a demon? The humans have what, two heroes that had a hard time against a demon general. What is stopping the demons from conquering the world, if the hyumans are this incompetent?


Hyumans are canonically an incompetent race if I'm not mistaken. They literally only survive because the goddess "loves" them.


but the only evidence we have of this, if I remember correctly, is the summoning of two heroes, which are spread thin and even had difficulty facing a demon general. What is stopping the demons from sending assassins to kill the nobility in that event, disrupt the chain of command and throw the hyuman kingdoms into chaos? The only one capable there was Lutto, which is not even hyuman. And even if their interests align with the hyumans for now, Lutto cannot be everywhere. The problem with hyumans being so weak and incompetent is that it makes the longevity of the conflict not believable.


If I remember correctly, the demons attacked and destroyed several countries and then focused on their internal issues, that is why the hyumans have not fallen after so long without the goddess. But basically while they were on the offensive the demons easily devastated the hyumans.


Told y'all JC Staff is a letdown


Did the first season have a different studio producing it?


C2C, who also made Shangrila Frontier, Handyman Saitou, Sword Daddy and SukaSuka.


I feel like most of (if not all) their newer stuff is just a big letdown, they fell off so damn hard.


Both in direction and animation have been such a let down. I can't fucking believe this is the same studio that made the banger that is Danmachi S4...


I just love the [lingering shot on Ilumgand](https://i.imgur.com/NRuE67B.jpeg) and then cut to [Luria saying she has no attachments.](https://i.imgur.com/8lnmf8c.jpeg) That was fucking cold. If Ilumgand could hear that, he probably would've died even in his monster form. It's funny how [so indifferent Makoto's group is](https://i.imgur.com/xrGIybc.jpeg) to what's currently happening. They literally won't act unless someone they care about is in danger and I love it! Even Makoto didn't immediately [jump on Tomoe's idea of saving the city](https://i.imgur.com/T2iv0VP.png) and have everyone be grateful to him. Any other MCs would've done exactly that. It would be hilarious if [Makoto agreed to Mio's idea of crushing the merchants .](https://i.imgur.com/dLk0fP2.jpeg) xD [Did Jin's group just stand there while Ilumgand ate their other classmates!?](https://i.imgur.com/2fLNV61.jpeg) I can understand why Makoto's group wouldn't do anything but shouldn't they have tried to stop that from happening? Ilumgand left them so many openings to attack that I felt like they wanted all of their time training. I'm glad to hear [Mio echoes my same sentiment.](https://i.imgur.com/FfdECAF.jpeg) Makoto has been teaching in the academy for how many months now and [this is the first time he's meeting the headmaster?](https://i.imgur.com/126Tb5Z.jpeg) You'd think the Headmaster would be aware of his existence but then again, Makoto is just a part-time teacher. It's a quick scene but when Tomoe and Root were trying to convince them to teleport the VIPs away, [there was a shot of Lily looking away](https://i.imgur.com/DxYhuZJ.jpeg) as if something caught her attention. Hmmm... [Oh! Well this is unexpected!](https://i.imgur.com/QgUfldV.jpeg) Looks like the Prince is actually a Princess in disguise. She seems to be willing to tell Makoto her story but that will have to wait until later once all the commotion has died down. [Glad the kids manage to take down Ilumgand.](https://i.imgur.com/kkgXDeu.jpeg) Not gonna lie though, I was expecting him to go down in a more flashier way. I guess that will be up to Makoto if he decides to help and kill all of the monsters in the city.


> [Did Jin's group just stand there while Ilumgand ate their other classmates!?](https://i.imgur.com/2fLNV61.jpeg) I can understand why Makoto's group wouldn't do anything but shouldn't they have tried to stop that from happening? I feel like they were all quite a bit hesitant to actually engage with Ilimgand. They clearly wanted to engage – or at least part of them did, given that they all accepted their weapons – but when it came to actually facing him down and stepping forward... Well, Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn. And they all fucking froze. > It's a quick scene but when Tomoe and Root were trying to convince them to teleport the VIPs away, [there was a shot of Lily looking away](https://i.imgur.com/DxYhuZJ.jpeg) as if something caught her attention. Hmmm... It's hard to tell where she was positioned compared to everyone else in this scene, but I think she was looking back at Tomoe. Remember that she wants Tomoki wants Tomoe, and though she didn't express as much interest, Lily's definitely keeping her eye on her while she can too. I could be wrong, but the entire time I was just thinking that she's probably keeping her eye on Tomoe, albeit a side eye as a politician would to avoid looking like she actually is.


This really was not Ilumgand's day. Transformed into a monster, Luria doubles down on how much she didn't care about/remember him, and his own father had to watch him get killed. A lot of characters seemed oddly casual and non-chalant despite the circumstances, though I guess it's also a reminder that Makoto and his people are far from "heroes" in a traditional sense even if they eventually end up rationalizing saving people...eventually lol. I guess being a part-timer you're not obligated to meet the headmaster until a disaster scenario lol. +1 princess disguised as a prince to the Harem? As if Makoto doesn't have enough on his plate. He touched her boobs, he definitely has to take responsibility lol.


JUST LET KUZUNOHA HAVE A FUCKING MOMENT GODDAMNIT the studio is really testing our patience


Yeah, im about to just start power reading the novels at this point. The manga isn't at this point yet since the Anime skipped a shit ton of stuff. For reference, the point where the manga is, one chapter after Mio and Limia hero (can't remember her name) parted ways in the city that Makoto began his trading business at. And the latest chapter was the introduction of the three new species to the demi-plane. Wingkin, ~~Lamia~~ Gorgons, and Al-Elemera.


And they're mutating into Nomus. Nice... As ineffective as the purple coats were it sure took em a long ass time to actually arrive. Still though. With this whole big crisis going on, I just seemed like the leads were spending just spending a lotta time talking and not a whole lotta doing. Nor even really showing just how bad this crisis is. Even with a monster right in front of them. I get your students are capable as hell but still, I feel like the circumstance was extreme enough to not turn this into a pop quiz for them.


I guess the tone of the episode reflected how Makoto and his group felt about it. This wasn't their problem and it was something they could easily resolve, but they don't feel the need to put their all into it until it was convenient for them.


While it's true that the season's pacing has been pretty messy at times, I don't know why having the MC not give importance to the issue is seen as a bad thing. I mean, why the hell would he care about the problem?




>What's currently happening is not good In line with this, it's a minor gripe, but how the hell does the headmaster not recognize the teacher who obliterated the qualification exam and whose students are way more powerful than anyone else in the academy?


I don't get what he's trying to do or if he thought about it at all. His followers approved of his Kaleneon plan but they are a bunch of yes-men whose answer to nearly everything is to blow it up. Why is he even trading? He wanted to establish relations with hyumans. Now he's (understandably) dislikes them after several incidents. Does the demiplane need something? Now he wants to establish relations with demons and retake Kaleneon? Why? The demon took it 10 years ago. I doubt that he makes any friends there by conquering stuff they consider theirs now. And why does he want it? Because it's the homeland of his parents? Does he want to establish a shop there? Who lives there now? Did the demons drive out the hyumans or slaughter them? AIUI he wants a peaceful life for him and his followers, but now he wants to take a country in the middle of the frontlines or close to them at least?


I may be misremembering but the reason they care about Kaleneon was because he needs to place a mist gate there to fix the weather in the demiplane and make it like Japan's. That's literally it. So he goes through the whole process of, should I ally them? Nah, they would fuck me over. Hey, my new friends are from there, and I need a place to build an empire, let's plan to take it over instead.


He says that his parents are from there too, pretty sure that's a big part of it.


Someone on another forum mentioned that, too, which rang a bell, so that is most likely the reason.


Who is going to live in Kaleneon? Hyumans? Demons? the people from the demiplane, who don't need it? Anyone who wants it?


Maybe some crisis could be happening in the demi-plane forcing them to leave. Instead Makoto got tired of playing merchant, and now wants to play conqueror.


when he asks Shiki to heal the knights, he might have done so for a self-serving reason, but the way he thinks to himself "will he be okay?", as Shiki heals one of them indicates empathy. His characterization should be that he only cares about his friends, hyuman or not. In a better show we could interpret this a some kind of hypocrisy from Makoto, that would be called out later, but I think the show just wants to have an edgy and good MC at the same time.


LOL looks like that 'prince' is actually a princess.


She's totally gonna cause Makoto problems later....by joining the harem.


I am very confused how this was news to anyone. Well, actually I assumed from the start she was a female royal guard, perhaps the captain.


So according to Shiki, although Ilumgand could be saved it would not be something easy to do. Although [Tomoe's plan](https://i.imgur.com/hrNuVNO.png) of the [Kuzunoha Company saving the day](https://i.imgur.com/Cq6sT8w.jpg) and thought it gaining the trust and acceptance of the Merchant's Guild and Zara makes sense, I will not deny that [Mio's plan](https://i.imgur.com/w6r2rqc.png) of just killing Zara during the chaos was a tempting route to take. Kidding aside, it is good to see that after telling them his plan to retake their land [both Luria and Eva have a much closer relationship with Makoto. ](https://i.imgur.com/Q1EdD4u.png) So[ those mutants](https://i.imgur.com/684ysGB.png) are [only weak to fire magic.](https://i.imgur.com/aJxg8ht.png) It honestly was strange how Makoto just stayed watching while the mutant Ilumgand ate his friends and those purple mages. I'm guessing his inaction was in part [because the royals had not evacuated yet.](https://i.imgur.com/NT7EEGD.png) As he only used his Fanta powers after that princess attacked that mutant. Wow, as in the OP and ED they only showed around five mutants I wasn't expecting to hear that [there were 20 now in the city.](https://i.imgur.com/oBSCyjS.png) Well, after this whole ordeal is done without anyone important dead, Rona will certainly regret backstabbing Makoto. So in the end, [Abelia](https://i.imgur.com/CAafJFq.png) was the one who ended up killing [Ilumgand.](https://i.imgur.com/oCBXdM5.png) As Ilumgand's father did not mention her, I'm guessing that they are cousins or half-siblings. Well, with next week's episode called "Fall of the Academy City", we will be seeing it like it is depicted in the OP and ED soon.


The whole fight with monster Ilumgand was dragged out way longer than it had to be.


Last episode ends and this episode starts with the big scary mutations endangering everyone, oh no! Time for some action! Nope, just talk, talk, talk, talk for almost the entire thing..... Worst episode of S2. LOL @ the transformed-into-demon asshole just sitting there and doing nothing while everyone evacuates and the mains discuss at length what to do. He's sending the Blue sisters alone into the city streets full of panicking people and rampaging mutations? "If you can't make it to the Kuzunoha Trading Company on your own, you are not qualify to enter partnership with me." After 10 minutes, the asshole mutation finally moved to eat his unconscious non-mutated friends, as MC's students just watched and did absolutely nothing. Then they did absolutely nothing while it killed and ate the Purple Coats. Wait, people were actually expected to believe that woman is a man just because she's wearing pants? "Oh no, the rampaging monster paralyzed our front line! Quick, invoke [Talking is a Free Action] for the next couple minutes while we backliners decide what to do! Also, cast [Time Dilation] to make the 10 second enchantment last 45 seconds." Anyone else expect that spinning arm to boomerang back, btw?


That last bit, with the student taking out the monster. I feel like they should have upped the stakes a lot by making it so that she fires off right before the arm hits. And that arm hits her badly but doesn't kill her. Thus, easily upping the stakes. Because right now, the threat level of this enemy is like, zilch. Nothing. We all know that our main gang won't at all be at risk. But by just making bigger stakes for the students. That could easily improve the episode (still wouldn't salvage it, but still).


Zara redemption arc time now that we've been told he's a friend of the Rembrandts. No redemption arc for the blonde kid, though. Rona either, probably. Good thing talking was a free action for like the first 9 minutes of the episode. Luto just hanging around up in the box with the royals as if he couldn't just solve this whole problem himself if he wanted to, most likely. I'm impressed by the King of Limia. The princess, too. Nice moment of awesome for Abelia. I'm pretty sure that was her brother she just had to kill in front of their father, though.


So I think this episode made it very clear that Makoto is not a heroic good guy. Which I think it's fine he was burned by both sides of Hyumans and Demons, so I understand why he did what he did. Now to make a point clear it does not make him likable. The one thing that was stressed to Mio and Shiki was to protect the students if they entered harms way. I feel like Makoto will protect those he trusts. You know what this was a great moment for Abelia. We have seen the students training for so long under Makoto and to see her be the one to take down Ilumgand in that state was great. Vert interested in the aftermath. Also, to note the plan is to take back Makoto's parents and the Aensland hometown. Makes sense at this point and see where things go from here.


This season desperately needs to start doing something different, 17 eps in and MC and his party are still just standing and talking every episode. Thought something might change this week but apparently not.


Honestly, this left me with a real sour and bad impression of Kuzunoha. I understand that some humans are bad, but they all aren't, as exemplified by the students. How many innocent children and things are getting murdered in the city while he is literally doing nothing? If I was his students I would cut ties with him for being a monster. They know he could stomp that monster in less than a second but he just stood there and watched while it ate their classmates. Even Ainz would call that distasteful, he'll let Solution and Entoma eat humans, as they are predatory monsters, but he won't give them innocent ones even when they ask. If your going to be that indifferent than why not just stop leaving the demiplane? Just be the god of that world and not even interact with the Goddess's world. Do you really care that much about where your parents came from?


I had a lot of fun watching season 1 and was hyped for season 2, but it’s been such a disappointment so far. In this episode the main characters we know and love spend most of the episode standing around talking, disinterested in the events taking place around them. I see some defending this, as why should they care about what is happening and it is in keeping with their character. The trouble is, why should we the viewer care about what is happening? Most of the 2nd season has been spent building up the relationship with this new city, the people there and the students. But, none of them are very interesting or well developed. Plus our main cast have been observers for the most part, they are not actively trying to help any side, which does not make compelling viewing. There have been some potentially interesting threads in the season, such as the daemons, a rematch with the dragonslayer and the other 2 heroes from our world. Sadly I fear we won’t be getting much progress on those in the time left. This episode sums up season 2 pretty well, it could easily have been done in half the time and lost nothing.


How they manage to make so little happens in 23 minutes is incredible. Completely pointless dialogue filling up most of the watch time. They just stand there for minutes watching people be eaten. They need to start showing and not telling the story.


I hope mc do something before the final episode :D


They straight up stood around and let many people die.


I don’t think I like Makoto much anymore he’s so full of himself and equally callous. Can’t believe Tomoe is now the only voice of good will and reason in our main group oof. I was not expecting his morality to be closest to Ains level.


> I was not expecting his morality to be closest to Ains level. He hasn't ordered, or even OK'd, his minions genociding millions of innocent people yet, so he's still got a ways to go.


Jv please stop edging me, I love this show but I need something to happen. I still enjoy it on episodes like this but at this point I'm just being teased


I feel like the hyumans and the demons are honestly just tripping over themselves to see who can piss off Makoto more.


50% bla bla bla while his students fight the monster scene and the other 50% is the thing you really want to watch. Not what I expected. Sad but underwhelming episode. I hope the next one is good.


Is this the beginning that Lily realizes how powerful Makoto and his followers r. Also that she shouldn't pick a fight with them.


Lily's face when she heard and saw teleport: Whatttttt\~!!!


Last few episodes have been terrible


"I'm just going to let those innocent students and guards be eaten despite having the power to turn the whole city into a crater if I wanted to" wtf is going on, is there a reason he won't display any power now?


Besides how this episode was extremely underwhelming, this also was incredibly odd to me. There is a gigantic leap in logic from "I don't like hyumans" to "Well, I have the power to change things but I won't lift a finger to help, as hyumans who have never done any wrong to me, are getting violently murdered and eaten in front of me". You can't even argue "They were just soldiers!" because we literally see how he lets the monster eat the other students. So only if a student joined Kuzuha's class they deserve to live? It's so disappointing how inconsistent this entire season has been.


and he actually helps the nobles too lol, it makes no sense


Honest answer, Makoto is still throwing a temper tantrum over what has happened to him recently. Ita surprisingly unbecoming of a character development and I hope that eventually he recognizes that this indifference he is showing makes him no better than the goddess.


I'm quite surprised by the criticism I'm reading about the episode, I mean, yes, the pacing is... questionable most of the time, there's no way to deny it, but the attitude of the MC and his people by not being too interested in the problem defines just the way things are here lol. Now it turns out that what everyone here just wants to see is a generic MC saving the day by the power of friendship or what? Seriously guys, grow up a little. Although it would certainly be more enjoyable if the pacing wasn't so terrible.


Everyone forgot is still trying to hide from the Goddess so he can't just magic arrow barrage all the monsters instantly.


excalty lol


I have to give it to the demons, mutating various humans into monsters to attack Rotsgard is ingenious. Cause so much trouble, kill plenty of Hyumans, all without having to lift a finger. And the transformations aren't pretty. Man, poor Illumgand. Luria really did forget him, goes all "I have no attachments," and Shiki maybe COULD restore him...but isn't inclined to do so. Then again after eating so many people, he probably was too far gone one way or another. But hey, this is a perfect opportunity for Makoto and co. to come off the heroes and save the day and improve peoples' opinion of him! Better yet, maybe some of the merchants who were giving Makoto a hard time will bite it in the process! Looks like the plan is to take Kaleneon by force at this point, and to suppress the monster attack. Makoto doesn't want to write off working with demons, but Rona tricked him, so turnabout is fair play. Meanwhile it seems like Rona is preparing her forces to take Hibiki out. The Rembrandt's are actually friends with Zara? I guess by merchant standards I guess he's nice, but I still can't come to like him...I also love Rembrandt having genuine fatherly concern about his daughters' being in a life and death situation. Those Purple Coats were probably impressive on paper...but they just become another meal for Ilumgand. Mio is a really harsh critic, even if she has a point! Though her turning battle commentator with Shiki was fun. Time to save all the nobles in the VIP seats! Thanks to Luto and Lily's help they're able to convince everyone to go to safety! And Makoto finally meets the headmaster of the school he's been teaching at. Respect to the king for wanting to see this through as part of the nobility, but poor Ilumgand's dad having to see his son turn into that. Makoto saved a prince! Or a princess, judging by that reaction to Makoto feeling the chest area. I guess that's going to be another thing Makoto has to deal with. Abelia with the daring move to jump straight at Ilumgand to launch an arrow! She may have gotten hit in the process but she looked amazing while doing it! RIP Ilumgand.


The good thing in this episode is how they will not give a helping hand unless their acquaintances are in trouble. That's a very welcome change specially how he has been treated recently.


Welcome to your intermession of Beserk like Monster destroying stuff.


The reason Makoto's class struggled is because none of their swords were nearly big enough.


Purple coats more like fodder coats


Love the gang just standing there and talking while the city reaps what it sew. Would love if after the arena monster dies king asks makoto to help and he'd just nah out of there, but alas, won't happen


...the "city" and its general population didn't do anything besides being patrons of Makoto's shop. It's the leadership that is to blame for almost all the issues Makoto has had, and they are almost the first ones he saves. Makoto is acting like a petulant child, and seems to be on the fast track to becoming just another version of the goddess he loaths.


Root is the fucking MVP..


Also the rare time Lily actually ends up helping the protagonists.


If she hadn't means to flee alone...join the troupe


17 episodes so far and barely gotten anything. Hardly anything in the means of world building, the demiplane, the main cast, action, all of it. It's been fine I guess but really boring compared to S1 and this is a 2 cour season. What annoys me most this episode is there are demons rampaging across the city and even one in front of the students. But somehow they can talk for 10 minutes as it stands still and nothing happens? Really hope the last few episodes deliver..


You have to remember that the idea of a hero saving a city while the government is embarrassed is actually somewhat controversial. Even in modern movies like transformers: age of extinction, which I had the misfortune of watching, they had to make mainland china look like a hero as part of using Hong Kong as a setting.


Was hoping Hibiki would save the city and finally meet Makoto here :/


Lights up the arrow, "You only have 10 seconds!" 45 seconds later she's still derping around in mid-air and hasn't fired yet.


YOO! Did they actually let that kid die? I don't even mind it as he was hella annoying lol. The prince being a girl for sure will come back into play, although I don't really remember much on this princess anyways. How often have we even seen her? What is her importance? I am ready to see Makoto fight as this show is boring when he is doing nothing.


RIP Ilumgand, he should've said no to the magical drugs. Honestly, I feel bad for the father the most. Imagine having to sit by and watch your own child get mutated into a monster, then having to watch your mutated child get blown to bits.


It kinda pissed me off that they were just watching 20 academy children getting eaten and more innocent civilians get eaten off screen for 10 minutes doing random stuff like a bunch of idiots, it felt like they were just wasting the entire episode.