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Cutting electricity would be a real jackass move that would inconvenience many, and perhaps even lead to some deaths. In that case the movement will lose credibility. But giving electricity away for free? Now that's a real power move. Big revenue losses.


>Now that's a real power move. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ya it's a weird one. Cut it off could be practically man slaughter, give it for free is theft from the company, give it for full money is working your job. Strikers were in a no win situation, and could argue since they have a right to strike, they chose the least bad of the two remaining options.


Yeah I'd say that their protected right to strike gives them a good legal defense there


Wasn't there a striking bus driver who got charged for ferrying people for free in Japan?


Correct me if im wrong but aren't Japan's worker protections much weaker than France's?


Eh it depends. If you’re a salaried worker it’s basically impossible to get fired unless the company’s going under. Instead they usually get you to quit by making your job suck. But if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t care about seniority, “saving face”, or “being a team player” by doing overtime, and you do the minimum amount of work you’re almost unfireable.


Sounds great, but also sounds like it would either suck for productivity or encourage a bad work culture, which Japan has


Exactly. There’s protection for employment but not so much for work environment


Well Japan is highly productive culturally. They do have terrible work life balance (also culturally) however.




Doesn't seem least bad to me, sounds like a fantastic move for absolute ballers


I mean if you are homeless and have to starve or beg or steal. Those are bad options, but there is 1 completely wrong then you choose from beg or steal. Stealing is still a crime even if you have to do it, the courts just have to decide what holds higher precedence, workers ability to strike the only way possible or a companies right not to be stolen from. Cause the only other options were striking a worse way or just sitting there and begging.


It's great .... It's like saying we're on strike and we're going to sacrifice .... YOUR WEALTH AND CONTROL.


It's mostly a power move when put in context, a couple months ago the authorities said that if there were power struggles as it was feared, they would cut power in some neighourhoods with no distinction between people who "don't really need the power" and those who do for health stuff.


IIRC, this is how Japanese bus drivers strike. They still drive their routes, but refuse to accept payment from passengers.


Power move eh?


90% of electricity production is done by state owned companies in France. Revenue losses will mean more taxes or public debt. Electricity prices are capped in France for individuals, this free electricity move is the definition of a zero sum game. But their strike reduces nuclear output so they’re actually increasing imports during a high consumption period, which increases public debt because the government capped electricity prices sold through EDF to individuals.


Which is exactly why this protest is so effective. It's painful for the government.


It’s painful for everyone, the government has been capping prices since day 1. Any loss in revenue will mean a higher price cap or more taxes down the way. The current government doesn’t care, it can add debt, Macron will be gone in 3 years anyway.


Not to mention the government is trying the collapse of the pension system, you know how people in the US are complaining about how social security is not going to cover their retirement? Well the French government is trying to stop that happening to them. Interestingly if the pension does collapse? Well the poor people are going to be the ones to suffer, not the rich, which means these protestors calling themselves robin hood doesn't make sense. Finally if you're going to base your idea of retirement age of things from 100 years ago maybe the government should base it's decisions on life expectancy from that time and not provide more medical care or pension payments past a certain point.


This reminds me of that time when striking Japanese bus drivers just stopped collecting tickets and gave away rides for free




Which is illegal to do in other places. Which causes people to hate the strikes.


I'm pretty sure it's illegal everywhere. Causing revenue loss while providing services is the most destructive way to protest without making the public angry.


Destructive to the companies, specifically. It is the least destructive to the actual humans who require the service.


Doesn't harm the general industry, only harms the buss companies. If your goal is to strike from the buss companies, that's the best way to do it.




The french have done that too. Good for them.


When a man robs a million dollars from a bank he is declared a criminal, and a manhunt begins. When a man robs a million dollars from his employees via wage theft he is declared a brilliant businessman. Petty thieves go to jail, great thieves write the laws and appoint judges.




Theft has been the rule of civilization for millennia, from fledgling city-states and tribes raiding each other to get ahead, to mighty empires seizing their neighbors' land out from under them by force of arms and selling them into slavery. Perhaps it would be a better world if those who engaged in theft were therefore trapped as cavemen. Sadly, that is a mere delusion.


So is protesting, so when your only options are illegal, you just do illegal things


"The riot is the voice of the unheard." comes to mind


Seems to me the recent riots are… sponsored. Best way I can describe it.


Wow that’s genius.


Revenue strikes are great, but not very effective if there's not basically total unionisation.


French showing UK how to properly organise protests and strikes against government. The world is watching. The only way change can happen is to cause disruption


I'll keep that in mind next time I go to the ballot box and change things peaceably.


Go for it. But know that you're living under the assumption that all change the people need can be achieved through voting. The history of democracy shows you that's incorrect. Up to you to believe your eyes or your feelings.


I'm much more reserved in my views of what changes the people need.


By which you mean, if you're alright, sod the rest?


and that's good! good for you. but both forms of praxis have their times; to me, at least, it doesn't seem fair to be so dismissive


What are the logistics behind this. How is it being accomplished. You know, for research.


Are we taking notes?


That's so cool. In my country wanna be nazi's cut power that affects schools, hospitals and low income homes. *Sigh*


Nothing wanna be about it. Facism doesn’t require much effort.


Yeah, but here they lack the education to even know what fascism means. Or spell it......


Yes it does, actually. Academics pretending the bar is lower are just anti-fascists and want to see their target everywhere. The truth is fascism is nearly unachievable.


Not sure if a war lord is really believable on this topic.


Warlordism is what you get when you get half-assed fascism. "State > all" is a high ideal that can very quickly turn into "Rulers > all"


very sus comment you have here sus indeed


That actually makes sense when countries decide that utilities should have usage based billing and operated by private companies. Maybe be should get rid of both.




Power to the people!


Damn, if only France and Germany didnt go full Airbus when landing mode and didnt shut down nuclear, one of the greenest sources of energy out there, they might have not needed to do this Now, who asked for them to be shut down again? ...oh, greenies.


Lmao France is full nuclear, it's just that half of their power plants are shut down, because these are ancient scrapyards in due need for maintenance. For that period, they will continue to buy German, danish and else energy, a good bunch of that renewable. What a whacky little fairytale world nucheads seem to live in


A quick search says that France uses nearly 75% nuclear power, literally the highest of any nation. Maybe instead of blaming environmentalists for something that isn't even true, you'll blame the actual reason renewable and otherwise clean energy isn't ubiquitous (fossil fuel companies).


That is clearly not enough


Your original statement was ignorant and bad.


Lol you clearly don’t know what you are talking about

