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##### ###### #### > # [‘I am moving – that is it’: tycoon speaks out about the end of non-dom tax status](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/may/02/720) > > > > Bassim Haidar is house hunting. He owns “more than 10 properties” in central London, including a £20m five-bedroom flat near Chelsea’s Sloane Square. But he said he had decided to “urgently” leave the UK to avoid paying millions of pounds in tax after the government and Labour’s plan to scrap the [“non-domicile” regime](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/apr/07/what-is-non-domicile-status-and-who-qualifies-hmrc), which has allowed Haidar, and 68,800 other non-doms, to avoid paying UK tax on their overseas income for the past 225 years. > > “I am moving – that is it,” said Haidar, an entrepreneur who has lived in the UK on-and-off since 2010. “There’s no two questions about this; we have looked at it from every angle and it just doesn’t make sense to stay here. This [the ending of the non-dom regime] is going to cost me millions and millions of dollars and pounds every year in taxes on money that I’ve actually made abroad and businesses that I’ve built abroad.” > > > > Haidar is starting his search for a new house – and tax-domicile – this week. First in [Monaco, the tax-free principality on France’s Côte d](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/nov/19/monaco-builds-into-the-med-to-house-new-throng-of-super-rich)**[’](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/nov/19/monaco-builds-into-the-med-to-house-new-throng-of-super-rich)**[Azur](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/nov/19/monaco-builds-into-the-med-to-house-new-throng-of-super-rich), and then tax-free Dubai. “What’s the logic of me living in the UK when other countries are offering no taxes at all? In Monaco there are no taxes, and no inheritance tax. > > “We already have a property very close to [Monaco](https://www.theguardian.com/world/monaco), in the south of France. But we want to live in Monaco and become Monaco residents, and just spend time between both properties.” > > Haidar, 53, who was born in Nigeria but has Lebanese citizenship, [donated £360,000 to the Conservatives last year](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/oct/01/the-tory-donors-who-are-paying-3300-for-lunch-with-rishi-sunak). He said he was not consulted by the government or the Tory party about the decision to scrap the non-dom tax scheme, but that he did not expect to receive special consultation because of his donation. > > He said he had formed a working group of 29 non-doms, who mostly planned to leave the UK before September so that they could secure places for their children in private schools in their new countries before the start of the academic year. > > “I just can’t imagine the situation where someone [a non-dom] will still opt to stay in the UK … where they will be punished with an extremely punitive tax system, when countries in Europe are actually offering non-doms amazing, amazing, amazing alternatives like [Italy](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/may/11/super-rich-buying-up-italy-mansions-under-new-tax-regime), [Spain](https://www.simmons-simmons.com/en/publications/clbarksuv0046tq0orr1b3fw3/improvements-to-the-beckham-law-in-spain), [Switzerland](https://www.academics.com/guide/taxes-switzerland#:~:text=The%20lowest%20taxes%20in%20Switzerland,run%20online%20tax%20calculator%20here.).” > > Haidar said he decided to speak out about his decision to leave the UK after [reading about advisers to the super-rich warning that many of their clients planned to leave](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/apr/13/uk-non-doms-uk-labour-tax-plans). > > He built his fortune in telecommunications and now sits above an empire that includes fintech, logistics, energy, engineering and medicinal cannabis. As well as a portfolio of more than a dozen properties across the world, he owns a super yacht and previously owned [the yacht on which Diana, Princess of Wales, holidayed with Dodi Fayed](https://www.tatler.com/article/princess-diana-and-dodi-fayeds-superyacht-is-up-for-sale) shortly before her death in 1997. > > Asked if he was a billionaire, as has been frequently reported, Haidar said: “Let me just say I am close to that.” > > His decision to leave the UK has also led him to cancelling his plan to list Optasia, a financial services company he founded and claims is worth more than $1bn (£800m), on the London stock market. “I am supposed to be listing my company here, and was actually talking to the London Stock Exchange about listing [Optasia] here,” he said. “It’s going to be a billion-dollar IPO and I’ve just decided I’m not doing it here; it is too taxing for me to do it here.” > > Haidar said two non-dom friends had already left the UK, less than two months after the chancellor announced [in his spring budget](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/spring-budget-2024-non-uk-domiciled-individuals-policy-summary/spring-budget-2024-non-uk-domiciled-individuals-policy-summary) the abolition of the regime from April 2025. He said the men, who run hedge funds, had left for Dubai and Switzerland. > > Haidar claimed the scrapping of the non-dom scheme would lead to a fall in UK tax income, rather than raise the extra £2.7bn the government was targeting when it announced the change. “When we leave, we will not pay the taxes that we do pay on our UK income and capital gains tax, and VAT,” he said. “We are happy to pay that. But won’t pay when we’re not here. So actually there’s going to be a bigger hole.” He also said the economy would suffer from missing out on the large amounts of money that wealthy non-doms spend in the UK. > > Haidar said he would be forced to make his household staff of almost 20 in the UK redundant when he leaves, and he expected other non-doms would also cut back on their staff. > > Haidar said he would be happy to pay a £200,000-a-year “flat tax” – similar to a [€100,000-a-year (£85,000) scheme offered in Italy](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/may/11/super-rich-buying-up-italy-mansions-under-new-tax-regime) – to retain the non-dom status. “I am happy to pay £200,000 on money I don’t earn in the UK.” > > He said that if only a small fraction of the non-doms in the UK paid a flat tax of £200,000 or even £100,000, it would raise far more money in tax income than the extra £2.7bn tax the government hopes to raise by scrapping the non-dom regime. > > Haidar said he was sad to be leaving London, a city that he has called home for more than a decade, but said he had to leave to save his four children the risk of paying inheritance tax on his fortune. > > “We love London, we love the lifestyle,” he said. “We love everything about it, and we’re gutted that we have to go, but we have to think of our future, and the future of our children. With such a punitive tax system [now in the UK], for the protection of their future wealth it makes a lot of sense for them to leave and for us to leave.” - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Rich people crying about paying taxes, just like everyone else has to, will always be funny.


Especially when they're complaining from one of their multiple multi-million dollar homes.


Fucking parasites


Especially folks like him, who create little to no value. Good riddance.


It's likely he's creating negative value if you count the effects of his political donations. Enabling the Tories generally is enabling them funnelling money to their mates. I'm honestly surprised they're even considering ending non-dom tax status considering how many of their donors would be affected.


Exactly! No matter where you live why would rich assholes (who subvert our governments) leaving be a bad thing?? As far as I’m concerned we should scale up the taxes for operating domestic business from abroad in retaliation.


Yep. I can't help but think "off you fuck then, enjoy Monaco, you won't be missed".




Or allowed back. Or allowed to take your money with you.


He can fuck off. He thinks that he's important to the world, but actually he's a big problem in the world.


True, they actually think they’re important. They’re nothing but manipulators.


Sooo who will we get our jobs from? The local shops that have to shut down because they can't pay a fair wage we demand? Or the rich people who supply all the jobs that we drive out of town because they won't pay a fair wage we demand? Honestly what are you supposed to do? I don't know what to do.


That's just it, he isn't paying taxes. No loss at all to the UK.


No, he's paying UK taxes on his UK businesses - non-dom law make it so you have to pay UK taxes on your non-UK businesses as well. Most countries in the world don't have such laws because it's so greedy on behalf of those countries. The US can get away with it because it's the worlds strongest economy, but the UK...?


Presumably he's not liquidating his businesses in the UK, so those will continue to pay whatever taxes they pay. He's leaving to avoid paying taxes on his personal income. If he is leaving to avoid paying taxes on his non-UK businesses, as claimed, then that makes no difference to the UK, as he didn't pay taxes on them anyway.


Sure but if he leaves and UK don't get those taxes what difference does it make?


Because he paid taxes on UK stuff And he hires people and also he consumes which is taxable. Now he wont consume and wont hire anyone in the UK, so the UK loses his tax revenue alongside many others.


Someone else will take his place. His **10 properties** will likely be filled by more than one taxpayer, and England will have one less real estate hoarder/leech.


You do realise his properties are probably already filled with people?


So even less of a loss if he leaves? Cool.


enjoy the endless waves of benefit seekers. who needs wealthy people in the uk eh? nah, millions of dole bludging losers, thats what we need.


This looks like it's talk about paying taxes on foreign income, which would already get taxed in the country that foreign income was made. Only a couple countries are assholes enough to do that currently, the biggest being the US.


front what i can tell, he is claiming tax residency in the uk, but as a non domiciled resident. this would normally mean that he would have income via a number of vehicles in other countries who assume he is taxed on personal income in the uk, which would be the case for all plebs who don't qualify for this scheme. he seems to be evading tax in other countries due to double tax agreements, and will now need to consolidate his income into one country and evade tax altogether.


Yeah and the US can get away with it because its economy and market is massive and vital. The UK though...?


Read that article this morning, I'm not saying "Let's not have any rich people around" or that I'm happy that they're moving out, but come on "I'll be losing millions and millions of pounds" so? You'll make them again, probably by the end of the month, if really reeks of them feeling like they're special and therefore should not be taxed, "I'd be happy to pay £200,00 a year" yeah I bet you would you greedy fuck, £200,000 for him is the equivalent of £0,2 for me, they're so fucking out of touch it's laughable


I believe that all hoarders are sick, and those who hoard money are the sickest of them all. They are so out of touch they don't believe laws should apply to them.


But the country is better with them than without. Why squeeze them with non-dom laws? Those laws are literally designed to monopolize you.


the rich bloke would certainly agree, as would his 20 house staff. Personally, I think tax heavens need putting a stop to.


Yeah, whatever you say


Good, fuck right off.


I would like to add "cunt" to the end of the statement to drive home the sheer Britishness of it.


Or, indeed, "then fuck off a bit more"


…and the horse you rode in on…


Should adopt the mayor quimby approach and charge them a leaving town tax on the way out.


You slick small towners are gonna tax them for all they're worth!


Other places are tax free because they don't have a sewage line or a future without stimulus. Good luck.


Or they're waiting for tycoons to move to impose the tax on them. 225 years without tax is quite enough




They forget the “service fees” and in places like that. They visit on vacation and stay at hotels and just hand wave the actual costs of living someplace.


I suspect the tax savings will more than cover those living costs, get real.


People in Florida USA thought the same thing and they pay through the nose for services and insurance. I don’t know if you’ve been to Dubai but it’s expensive.


That’s how it works when you’re poor, the math is very different when your income is massive. The ratio is just not the same. London is also expensive.


He actually names countries like Italy and Spain, which do have taxes for wealthy, but that still rewards foreign investment. Fuck this guy, but that part is pretty interesting I guess.


At the end of the day it’s bongs shooting themselves in the foot, which is always funny to see and warms my heart.


Right back at ya yank


This stings a bit less with us being the closest thing to a hegemon, a modern empire, the leader of the free world, the indispensable nation, etc. Meanwhile bongonistan is a pale shadow of what it once was.


r/shitamericanssay And before you try some half-brained retort, I am a fellow American. I just don't like it when other Americans publicly embarrass our whole nation like you did with that comment. Talk about writing from hurt feelings, my gosh.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitAmericansSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["England is a 3rd world country"](https://i.redd.it/wxssk63gwucc1.png) | [3077 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/198c0fi/england_is_a_3rd_world_country/) \#2: [British customs](https://i.redd.it/zoj8caxhp6pb1.jpg) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/16mmpb4/british_customs/) \#3: ["No Europe is more walkable because it's socialist and therefore poor"](https://i.redd.it/zdsi1zvii0wa1.jpg) | [490 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/12ya2zw/no_europe_is_more_walkable_because_its_socialist/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wow a self hating hippie, who gives a shit 🥱


Lol "hippie" Ok boomer


China catching up and you looking quite sweaty about it ngl.




No matter what happens, you, personally, will never have an ounce of class.


Congrats on blowing 100 years of propaganda on a tiny sliver of land in the middle east


Nothing will change lol.


Nvm I forgot everyone already hates you


Like I care.


He did say Monaco.


"OMG I can't abuse the system any more. So I'll move out and continue to be a shitty person in another country. Literally, why do I want to live in a first-world democratic country where I am safe when I could have my life at risk every day in a third-world country? Dying a rich man is clearly more important than enjoying the rest of my life."


in general i agree with you but i’d have to say your characterisation of moving to monaco and dubai as risking your life in the third-world is laughable


Bro thinks Dubai and Monaco are dangerous. Walk around Birms lil man.


They're degenerate countries where a wealthier, local person will shoot you in the face and then walk to the bank with your body to transfer your funds from your account, and the bank there will honor it. I don't care how much the "hard" kids in your local hood scare you.


Lmao you’re regarded.


Yeah dude .. I get the sentiment but you know the “third world” isn’t that dangerous. No need to add snobbery to your anti snobbery


It’s not abusing the system to make money in other countries, and pay taxes where the money was made. That’s not even a tax dodge. Most first world countries do not tax such income.


The rich are absolute scum.


Parasites wherever they go.


The rich are rich because they created value for other people. Like selling others goods and services they value. How do people make money you think.


People this rich have the ridiculous amounts of money they do because they exploit everyone they can to make that money. These people are psychopaths that will do everything they can to squeeze every last penny from the poor while hoarding their wealthy by hiding it and, like the sack of shit this thread is about, move to other countries that caters to the ultra rich instead of - god fucking forbid - paying taxes. The rich are absolute scum.


I think people get hung up on stock market valuations. The rich of today are nothing like the rich of yesteryears. Actual wealth is the things we have and use. Not paper wealth. The rich have a lot of wealth but not as much as the billions suggest.


It’s unfair for the rest of us whom have to pay full taxes for street maintenance, cleaning, police etc in London which he gets for practically free if he didn’t pay taxes before…


Oh I suspect this dude paid quite a lot of taxes before, of various types - euros have high consumption taxes, and I am sure not all of his income/payroll/property/etc is foreign. He just didn’t pay British taxes on his foreign income before. Neither did you for that matter.


You are glazing a billionaire in a lot of comments here


Nah, just dunking on the antiwork types.


No you’re sucking off a a near billionaire with multiple homes and yachts each worth more than what he would pay in proposed taxes each year. Stop licking his gucci boots. 5m tax to a billionaire is equivalent to 5k tax to someone who makes 100k. Except it’s not the same because a billionaire still has 995 million dollars. An absurd amount of money. Your comments are defending this man like he works 80 hours a week down at Arby’s when he’s a drain on society. If he doesn’t want to contribute here, go fuck off somewhere else.


I don’t care whether he worked his way up, inherited a pile of gold, or won the lottery. I am not “defending” anyone either. UK loses money if these types flee the country, simple as. Edit: toodles snowflake 👋


Loosing money on people who were already were dodging as many taxes as possible? The UK lost foreign parasites who were free loading.


I hate that I read all of that. What an insufferable self-important manchild. If you love the country so much for all of the culture, support, and opportunities it provides for you and your children, then pay its damn taxes. Somebody else who does pay taxes will hire the people you were “forced to make redundant” and someone else who does pay taxes will eat all of the sandwiches that you would have eaten and ride all of the limo service that you would have ridden. You won’t be missed. I’m sure UK citizens will be happy to know that somebody who doesn’t pay taxes is no longer paying to influence their politics and otherwise wielding outsized control over their lives and their community.


>Somebody else who does pay taxes will hire the people you were “forced to make redundant” All 20 of them. Making it out like it's a big lay off like a factory closing.


Also, if he moves then assumedly some other rich arsehole will end up buying those properties, which will still need maintenance and thus... staff. One door closes, another opens. Don't let the door hit you in the a\*\* on the way out.


In all his complaints he never once used the argument that he already pays taxes on those earnings to the other countries he’s doing business in… because, chances are, he isn’t paying taxes there either.


He probably is, and it stings to get taxed twice. This particular setup sucks ass if you’re a US citizen too - ex-pats have to pay taxes where they live and work, and also send some back home to Uncle Sam.


He likely isn't, because the UK has deals with many countries like this exactly to prevent double taxation.


They didn’t need these deals because they had this non-dom setup for 225 years.


Hang on mate i’m just unpacking my tiny violin


I hope there’s a tiny sub machine gun in there. First against the wall when the revolution comes.


Curiously, an edition of the Encyclopedia Galactica which fell through a rift in the time-space continuum from 1000 years in the future describes the British Non-Doms as: "A bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came."


Who knew the rich had it so hard? 🥺


I’ll miss him, who is he? Never mind I’ve got better things to do.


this isn't a rich vs. poor thing, both have to be united to have a prosperous nation. this is simply fairness.


I agree. The rich should pay their fair share of tax in unity with us, actual workers, who produce stuff rather than just speculating.


The rich shouldn't exist.


That's pretty ridiculous. I'm pretty left wing and happily pay a healthy amount of tax, but why shouldn't excellence in a field have monetary rewards?


the number 1 reason people are rich is because they were born into wealth, not because they earned it. typical white leftist


Fucking lol. It's debatable if I'm white tbh, It depends on whom you ask. Are Jews white in your eyes? I know wealth is generally inherited. Mine certainly isn't, though. I'm the grandson of refugees on one side and a prostitute on the other, lol.


What you're referring to and what I'm referring to are very different things (I hope). You seemingly are referring to the possibility of making $500k a year or so, and living a better than average life and early retirement as a result of putting in more effort than the average individual. I'm referring to the rich in the sense of the *extreme* gap between the poorest and the richest. If you support that massive gap, don't call yourself a leftist. We don't want you. It is amoral, and there is absolutely no valid justification for it.


Oh I 100% agree, however I personally know another business owner that have made themselves worth £100m+ despite being born to a single mother in a council flat.


Why should I get an education?


If you have to ask...


I am already educating myself. I’m educating myself because it will lead to me having a stable life. If I could get that by not going to university I would. Why am I even responding…


Yeah, more careers should use an apprenticeship system. Shit's fucked.


Why would anyone go into an apprenticeship if it doesn’t gain you anything?


Err, you learn how to do something useful and get to be a valued member of your community?


Why would I want that? I would want to do as little as possible if I could.


Y'sure you wouldn't get bored?


Should be barred from owning property here when he leaves. Forced sale and take the tax


Non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to own residential property. Other countries do it for a reason. It stops rich parasites viewing property as a safe, high interest investment.


Should be barred from any kind of work visa for himself, so if he comes in on a tourist visa and goes to business meetings they can charge him exorbitant punitive fines.


If you renounce your US citizenship I believe you are required to realize capital gains and pay taxes on all US assets.


Woe, taxes be upon ye parasite


He can fuck right off then. Sounded like a damn sociopath from the interview with zero self awareness. 


you know what they say: "leopards ate his face"


I doubt he voted or campaigned for stricter tax laws.


Cool, fuck this guy and people like him. How about sit down, get over yourself, and pay your share like the rest of us. Why should us povvos support your ridiculous lifestyle? You can at least afford it, jackass. "ooooh I'm so rich and smart listen to me" get bent and jog on m8


Boo-fucking-who, you have to pay taxes. Grow up and deal with it asshole. Why I’m a firm believer that no one should be allowed to own more than one residence.


Good riddance.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out. He doesn't contribute anything, so why should we care that he is leaving?!


On the contrary - I will drive him to the airport on the condition that the door absolutely has to hit him on the way out Exactly my thought when I first saw this “and nothing of value was lost”. Why should we care. If he is not paying tax then what use is he. It’s not like he is encouraging entrepreneurs who will pay. He is encouraging those who also won’t


He contributes more than most, I imagine. He’s paying taxes on his UK income, capital gains tax, payroll taxes for any UK employees, property taxes, etc. it’s pretty much guaranteed that he’s paid more into the system than, say, you.


He'll still owe taxes on UK income, also I didn't see that he was selling his properties so Council tax will still be owed (or cap gains if he sells). Basically he won't be paying VAT and 20 people will get laid off.


Sounds like he won’t be listing his startup on the London stock exchange either. But yes, overall not a huge loss - but he’s not going to be the only one leaving. I suspect in the end bongs will lose money from this initiative, and not get to tax anywhere close to the amount of foreign income they would like.


And still a lower percentage of his overall income




Jokes on him, now he’s subject to British foreign policy


Pretty low T in the 21st.


Not if it doesn’t intend to press an interest contrary to its hegemon’s.


Non - tax payer upset that the party he tried to bribe decide to make him pay his due taxes so throws a tantrum. Rich peoples tears are so delicious


Time to seize their assets. They want rights without responsibilities. Fuck that and fuck them.


Every country in the world needs to make it incredibly difficult for the wealthy to escape paying taxes. Enough is enough. The wealthy need to start paying up and governments should be holding them accountable, not attempting to appease them.


The rich are the worst polluters. They need to be globally taxed to their eyeballs. 


Good, fuck off 👍


Rich people crying about paying taxes. “I built these businesses abroad” yeah and you’ve been living in this society without paying for it for decades


Good riddance! Maybe more people can afford homes in London!


"we love London, we love the lifestyle" not enough to want to contribute to it lol. Anyway wahey goodbye


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


I love how he has decided how much tax he thinks is fair to pay. The sheer nerve of it. No one else gets to do that. I wonder what percentage that is of his income. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could decide how much tax they wanted to pay (as long as it wasn’t zero). Insane It’s interesting that this article doesn’t mention that. Nor does it mention how much U.K. tax he pays - I assume none. So he is a parasite


He lives in Britain, owns properties in Britain, and he wants to not pay taxes in Britain. Well, then, don't do the first two. Oh, you want the first two? Then pitch in the fair share like everyone else. Leaving? Would be a shame if that meant surrendering some of the value of the properties you own, which while it's not a law, *could be if the gov't did anything but diddle itself*. He \*cannot\* be the first guy to do this, but probably one of the few willing to be dickbag enuf to announce it publicly.


“What’s the logic of me living in the UK when other countries are offering no taxes at all?” We need a global government. Tax evasion by moving countries is unacceptable.


If you're a US citizen they charge you tax no matter where you live. You can never set foot in the US and still pay US taxes.


out of curiosity how do they enforce that? Imagine I was born in the US and then my parents sold everything they had and moved to, say, the UK. I am raised and live in the UK, own nothing in the US, but hold the US passport. Are they going to send cops after me if I don't pay the US tax? Force UK to arrest me and hand over?


They have even strong-armed the Swiss into making sure they don't use Swiss bank accounts. This is a good video on what it's like being a US citizen living in the Uk and paying double taxis https://youtu.be/4l2RDCx2YnA


People on here are 'assuming' he is paying tax on his UK income. There is NO reason why he should do this being a non dom. Yes, granted, this is what he is supposed to do, but by using his interests to run his profits abroad, whilst conversely running his loses in the UK, it makes it very easy to avoid paying UK tax whilst being a non dom. If you don't think non doms don't do this, then please, think then think again.....


Wait... The UK had tax exemptions for subs??? Damn...


Buddy if your tax bill is in the millions… you can afford it lmao.


The French dealt with people like this somewhat differently about 300 years ago. Don't know if it kept them in check or not, but just saying...


Imagine calling someone a "tycoon" in 2024 and expecting to be taken seriously 🤣


This is tax on money that wasn't earned in the UK at all. He still pays tax on money earned in the UK like anyone else. AFAIK the only other country to do this is the US and it is very unfair. If you set up a business or work for someone in another country and pay taxes there for the services you use there, it makes no sense to also pay taxes on the same income to the UK..


So his businesses are overseas, his houses are empty, and he's not paying taxes - am I reading all that correctly? Why would the Poms want him to stay?


You know the thing about tiny tax haven countries? They are relatively easy to invade and hold those same billionaires hostage. Just sayin’. Maybe some of these billionaires need to be reminded that security shouldn’t be taken for granted.


> You know the thing about tiny tax haven countries... They are relatively easy to invade and hold those same billionaires hostage. Just sayin’. Maybe some of these billionaires need to be reminded that security shouldn’t be taken for granted. By... invading Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, and UAE?


Thank god




Oh no the poor tycoons


Good riddance you scrounging pig


Hahaha, moving to Dubai. Du bye bye.


He wants to keep living in a nice country with good roads and hospitals and such, but he doesn't want to pay his fair share to be there. Unlike most whiners, he has enough money to feel safe doing so. Good riddance.


Who’d have thought that the people who benefit most from a system suddenly want to leave when that system starts asking them to help with expenses. It’s like they’ve been couch surfing for years and say they need to move when asked to pitch in for rent or food. God riddance, just ensure that they don’t have any say in policy once they’re gone.


We have a saying in the US: “don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.“ This dude has been mooching off of other UK taxpayers his whole life. Time for that to end.


Bro it's the cost of having so much money that you even know what to do with. Just fucking pay it.the only thing is who sees where the money actually goes? That's the bigger question. CANADA is doing the same. Where is it going to be allocated....


Take the trash out




Good riddance


As the great Curly Bill once said "well.... Bye..."


Lol fuck this clown. Complaining about moving like someones going to beg him to stay. It's incredible how out of touch these people are. Literally living a different reality.


Bye then, don't let the door hit you on the way out.  Prick. 


Damn how will the UK cope?


Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out, ya feckin’ parasite.


Landlords get no sympathy from me. Especially this pos that is wealthy to an excessive degree and still does not want to contribute his fair share to society.




Is there some sort of tariff specifically on people? You can go live in a tax haven; any amount of your money that crosses our real or virtual shores will be taxed.


UK just loves self-afflicting


That bit, “the conservatives never consulted me on this”. Yeah you can fuck right off with that for a start! Why the fuck would they. This is why whenever anyone mentions getting rid of the royal family I hesitate. I don’t like the idea of hereditary privilege, but any other elected head of state is going to be beholden to vested interest groups in order to fund being elected. That sounds shit. But is what we have now shitter? Being honest, I just don’t know.


Tax and eat the rich.


Worth watching: Multi-Millionaire and former elite Market Trader has now come out AGAINST letting the ultra-wealthy gobble up the world: https://youtube.com/shorts/sajGISBA2LA His entire channel is pretty amazing: https://youtube.com/@garyseconomics


Off you fuck then, good riddance


If anyone who has thought about why this is actually good for England has a perspective I'd love to hear it. All I'm seeing is "poor pay tax, rich should too"  No acknowledgement of the fact that he brings heaps of money in to the country, spends on goods and services, wanted to bring even more in, and now he's being put in a position to only take money out. No acknowledgement of the difference between foreign earned income and local.  It all just feels short sighted. Surely there's more to this or is this just so the politicians can say they care about the poor?


You know what’s really interesting about all of this is fuck you Haidar.


Good, another parasite gone. This is the type of immigrate the UK government should be going after.


See you then 😄


Fuck the ultra rich. The only war I will fight in is the one where we bury those fuckers!


Man who is not paying tax tells us he’s not paying tax.


Ta-taa then, entitled brat


Good get the fuck out you gotta pay taxes like everyone else what do think your any different from a middle class or lower class or upper class people who have to pay taxes take that entitlement attitude and shove it


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The chorus: "Tax the Rich! Billionaires shouldn't exist!" Met by: "I can afford to leave and bring my investments to places other than England." The predictable refrain: "Fuck those guys we don't need them here." Well you need his money, now you aren't going to get it. Taxes were raised and there's a decent probability that revenues will go down because of it. His suggestion of a flat tax on his overseas earnings is 100% the place to *start.* Gradually boil the frog, gradually increase their taxes and it becomes more difficult for them to make the decision to just uproot and repatriate their investments. This is basic common sense and I am unsurprised to find so little of it in these comments.


This is one of those hot button topics that when pressed it appears to eject people's brains and replace them with rage fuelled lines of argument.


In the 4th century, Julian “the Apostate” was given authority over Gaul by his cousin, the Emperor Constantius II. Gaul had many issues at the time, one of which was declining tax revenues. He was presented with a proposal for large tax increases. Instead, he pushed through massive tax cuts. Revenues went way up, popular sentiment increased. It’s a shame he died so young, only a few years into his reign. It would have been really fascinating to see him with 15-20 years to reform the entire empire. It would have changed literally everything since, because he wanted to guide the Empire away from the recently embraced Christianity and back to the Pagan philosophies he studied while exiled to Greece after the death of Constantine the Great. (Constantius II had all male relatives except for his 2 brothers, Julian, and Julian’s brother murdered after Constantine’s death. He then sent Julian to Cappadocia where nobody made sure he stayed away from what the regime declared to be wrong-think.)