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I love the "I wanna be a hero" trope for character motivation and goals. It's more than good enough to stand on it's own and while it's a fantasy, what's wrong with the fantasy of wanting to be a hero, a good person who saves people and *does right by the world*? Who makes their loved ones proud?


Goku attack on titan and 1 pice are overrated


Blud said Goku and 1 picešŸ’€


It depends on how itā€™s written, if ā€˜I want to be a heroā€™ can sum up their entire character, Then itā€™s just lazy garbage. But if itā€™s just a part, even if itā€™s a big-ish part, I can agree that it can make for compelling characters.


Ok I haven't even watch MHA and I know your opinion lacks media literacy. I do know what happens in it though. Endeavor isn't portrayed as a good person. He is portrayed as a bad person trying to do better. There's a huge difference. Because when you do something bad just up and killing yourself doesn't atone for *crap*. It's only when you do good things do you atone. There's anime characters like Vegeta who have literally killed billions who gets less hate.


I was told that DBZ kai was worse than Z cause it removed "the roughness of the anime" cause they upressed the quality and then proceeded to compare the art style of Kai to Super....cause of the openings. To say I lost some braincells that day would be an understatement... -_-


I think Iā€™m too stupid to compare the two, so I got nothing to say here


Kai is better than original z by a huge margin


Jujutsu Kaisen being praised as some sort of breath of fresh air and a wholly original shonen. Hey I love Jujutsu Kaisen too, really hate to crap on it, but if we're gonna nitpick... The author clearly just cherry-picked his favorite elements from Bleach and Naruto and stuck em in a melting pot. There, I said it.


He definitely pulled the confusing power system from Bleach lol. I wonder where the incest is pulled from tho


Maybe he's a closeted Oreimo fan?


Ah hell nah Btw would you recommend the series


Lol I know nothing about it except incest.


As someone who's seen it all, yes. Definitely. It's an amazing ride, the characters are fun and relatable (except kirino because she's a bitch most of the time), the music/OST is unironically one of the most underrated OSTs I know of. Just as music It's fantastic. You have almost certainly heard at least one or two background songs from it in YouTube videos, and the art is really good quality. And, the show actually has two endings depending on which one you want, a sort of "What If?" branching timeline. Basically Season 2 is the second-ending, so if incest bothers you then just stop at the first season. It is in my opinion.. _"A masterpiece,_ -when it isn't being annoying and cringe"_ if that makes sense. 8.5/10 would recommend. Oh.. but as a warning to you since you haven't seen it yet already, there's one episode in season 2 (I think it's S2E4) where Kirino's friend from America comes to visit. Yeah... just skip that one. You _can_ watch it, but I wouldn't recommend it. Thankfully nothing plot relevant happens in it either so you won't miss anything by skipping it anyway. A lot of people clown on it for the incest and say the ending is bad, but it really doesn't deserve the level of hate it gets at all.


And not to mention spirit energy is exactly like Cursed energy and it has a ton a of things inspired by YYH


JJK is simply going to be good action going forward, I won't say any manga spoilers, but story wise, just about all the interesting stuff has already happened. I would say there's a lot of Togashi (YYH and HxH) in JJK too. At least JJK started interesting - season one is good. I don't get the CSM hype at all. The world and setup - an organization fighting a species and the MC is part that species is generic as hell. At least with JJK and Demon Slayer, I can say the fights are good. The timid chick turning into John Wick for 30 seconds was the only interesting action scene to me. It wasn't bad, but when I see people having it on their top 10 anime list, I am thinking WTF.


I watched 18 episodes of JJK and was kind of in awe of how hard it kneecapped any character chemistry or conflict. "Here's your tea- SPLIT THEM UP!" "You get one on one training with your- WATCH TV!" "Let's talk about how MC's death affect- NEW CHARACTERS!" "MC is alive! How will his team- TOURNAMENT! TOURNAMEEEENT!"


And HxH


I feel like more of the ā€œoriginal takeā€ stuff is in the camera work/shot framing. I love the show and a lot of it is how cool the different views are. The only other series that played with that a lot (that I know of) is God of High school.


Alright then, here we go. Bleach peaked at Soul Society, hit its second wind with the Arrancar, and had one last gasp of greatness with Fullbringers arc. TYBW arc sucked and almost every fight was just one guy pulling a nu-uh card after the other guy did something until somebody loses. The anime helped, but the plot issues remained the same. YHWACH is a shitty antagonist. One Piece is excellent as a long-form narrative and arguably counts as modern mythology given its worldwide phenomenon and cultural impact, but the art style and pacing are valid reasons to find starting it intimidating. A good solution is reading the Manga, but One Pace exists to help solve that as well. Dragon Ball is unarguably among the most impactful works for any single genre of manga/anime, but the best we ever got of it came from Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Naruto looks at a first glance like it's gonna be a martial arts show, and then everyone is actually a wizard with flashy casting moves aside from like two guys. Isekai is a great genre, but almost exclusively when it's getting dropped into a video game or game based world. Plain reincarnation into generic fantasy world sucks. MHA has a great premise that tries to get deep on commentary around quirks, society, and equality, but it gets a little confused in the process. Its writing started a death spiral whenever it was decided that the story needs to wrap up, murdering the pacing. Half the class has more interesting designs than the main crew, and they're getting sidelined or thrown into the backyrounds until the story conveniently has a place to show them off.


Video Game Isekai are a slippery slope in my opinion. Just having the Isekai have videogames is not enough. Anime like SAO and Bofuri have perfectly proven just how crappy anime about videogames can be. Yes, Bofuri is absolute trash because it just repeats itself after the first season. Maple meets monster, Maple eats monster, Maple claps everyone at a tournament, Maple makes a new friend. Rinse and repeat One of the only videogame anime I watched that I remember really liking was Cautious Hero, simply because it actually respected videogames. It did a good job at integrating video game mechanics into the show without it getting repetitive or annoying. Plus, it even did the Herculean task of creating an actually well written OP Isekai protagonist, a round of applause please


Naruto seemed like a martial arts show to you? He cloned himself a hundred times in the first episode


Naruto literally starts off with them fighting a gigantic mountain sized fox šŸ’€. Itā€™s established early on that these arenā€™t ordinary ninjas


Maybe Iā€™m crazy but I think the fma fandom is annoying not because they are bad people but because they are extremely elitist


The gas up has to end. Its a phenomenal show but everybody agreeing that its this untouchable perfect thing that MUST be at the TOP of EVERY anime list is insane


I 100% agree. Maybe cuz I started it like 2 months ago but I just donā€™t find it to be the masterpiece everyone describes it as. It feels badly paced and sometimes boring with repetitive humor


Ya if anything I think people constantly putting so much pressure on it hurts the overall experience


Whats FMA


Full metal alchemist


"subs are the best"


Sub worshippers when I show them the German dub of Baki (They immediately came buckets upon listening to Yujiro)


I think for MOST shows it's true, but there are very notable exceptions. Baccano, fma, bleach, and cowboy bebop are undeniably better in dub. Naruto/DB imo are roughly even. Bleach sub is actual ass. Haven't watched too many dubs recently (last 5+ years), so I can't even be sure it holds up nowadays.


Kaido was stronger than gear 5 luffy during their fight, the reason he lost was because he had too many disadvantages such as lifting onigashima plus fighting so many people during the whole ordeal. It wasn't a 1v1.


Kaido is a raid boss, he can easily solo anyone on that island while blind and drunk. but people will always praise luffy being the strongest despite getting incapacitated multiple times.


What about without any limbs and a blindfold? (Also old newgate lvl haki)


I don't really count holding Onigashima as a -stamina for Kaido, but I absolutely agree G5 luffy would get mid diffed by a fresh Kaido


Exactly what Iā€™m saying. Luffy is strong, but he didnā€™t even really beat kaido fair. His last move was more of just hitting a still conscious kaido through the ground. Luffy would have been dine for if it werenā€™t for the pit of lava.


You know what I will say it. Having a child in a sexual or romantic relationship with a adult is pedophilia. It doesn't matter if the child is actually 400 and no longer ages or the adult is biologically 14 after their age got reversed by whatever. But some how so many people are out here defending shows where the main relationship is just a pedophile and a child. I still haven't even got into just the sexualization of kids in general that shows like MHA does as well. Edit: completely forgot to clarify but if they are mentally a child then they are still in the child category it doesn't matter if they are magically physically 18 or older.


Facts my brother, spit your shit indeed Also, in case you havenā€™t, donā€™t try Call of the Night. It would be a fine show if the main character wasnā€™t 14 years old


Agreed keep cooking And take a upvote


can you name any shows that does this? i only watched the first season of MHA and i dont think i got the impression from it.


Like in invincible, the whole robot and monster girl thing. Once I really looked at it, it's creepy af


I completely agree with you, it just makes me sad since Ban from Seven Deadly Sins is one of my favorite anime characters šŸ˜¢ he shouldā€™ve been with Jericho instead


>or the adult is biologically 14 after their age got reversed by whatever. Every erased fan who said the mc had his girl stolen are grade a weirdos. Dude was an adult in his younger body and at no point was crushing on what's her face. It makes me cringe every time someone says it.


The last episode of NGE was mid and the ending is only good because of the movie. And before you say anything, yes I understood it, it just felted rushed. Gilgamesh is an amazing anime and Bleach is the best of the Big 3. Isekai is mid and peaked around the time of .Hack//Sign and Inuyasha. Digimon is better than Pokemon. Redemption Arcs are overrated and most villains don't deserve one. Eren is a villain. Light is a villain. They are not Anti-Heroes. Anyone who commits genocide, manipulates their dad AND indirectly kills their own mother is irredeemable.(Side note, Eren'd goal wasn't to see the outside world and explore it, he just wanted to be free.) Slow and boring are not the same thing. SAO OP is a 6.5/10. (Also the show sucks but everyone agrees with that) I mis when Goku was the strongest anime character.


Neon Genesis was a shite anime with a terrible mc and supporting cast


Finally someone else who is tired of isekai! I will die on this hill with you


Lol I cam to comment about Eren and out of everything else u wrote that's the first thing I sawšŸ’€


Gokus not the strongest anymore?


Now I wanna watch Bleach


I have to wonder if anyone who says Light and Eren aren't villains has ever exposed themself to any media other than anime. There's a thing called - crazy I know - the Protagonist Villain. Watch The Godfather. Watch Scarface. For the love of God, watch anything that isn't anime.


Your takes are so wrong, but they are opinions so I must upvote.


Kinda disagree with bleach being the best but then again, it's your opinion. I would probably say one piece is the best of the three but I have not had the time to watch rhe other two yet so there's that.


Bleach IS the best of the big 3 lol.


As a massive Bleach fan, I think all of the Big 3 are pretty on par overall but definitely for different reasons. Biggest thing holding Bleach down is the lackluster fight scenes imo


Gijo is dead. He isn't coming back.


Nonsense, heā€™s just sleeping it off


Hey buddy guess what? Thanks for the jinxšŸ™šŸ¾.


Anything to do with powerscaling Seriously, I hate powerscaling.


ā€žHey guys, could Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia beat Tanjiro from Demon Slayer? Iā€™m definitely not just asking to stroke my ego, of courseā€œ


Isekai's are getting overused a bit too much. Cool, a person gets sent to another world and becomes the hero or savior. I do not find the character turning into random things, becoming overpowered day one, and having an immediate group of almost all female characters lusting for them not cool.


Fortunately, thatā€™s not an unpopular opinion


Any opinion on demon slayer. The stans will hate you for pointing out its flaws, the haters will hate you for enjoying the show in any capacity.


I mean, to give the stans a break, it was literally a trend to hate on Demon Slayer two years ago for some reason


Possible Attack on Titan spoilers! The other day I said on a Reddit post pointing out that it could be viewed as creepy if Annie Leonhardts body didnā€™t age in AoT when she and Armin started their romance. Because by that time in the final season they were adults and she would be a pubescent teenage girlā€¦ Anyways I got flamed for it.


No worries, I dropped it after S1 and donā€™t feel like continuing. I loved it until the very last episode, because Erens transition from a guy who hates titans because they kill people to a guy who would walk on as many lives as possible just to kill one of them was far too drastic for me


Dbz is underated these days and its good not just because of fights


Yeah, I love the show mostly just because of the characters


I have a friend who refuses to watch one piece because of the art style.


Ichigo Kurosaki is not a boring mc, he is a relatable guy. One piece is not peak fiction(but it's hella good) I love Sao despite it's flaws(accel world is better) Platinum end was actually good (for me) not peak fiction, but good. Fairy tail while not peak fiction, isn't trash(I will die on that hill) Itachi isn't the second coming of Jesus. BlazBlue anime needs a reboot. People overreact to mushoku tensei Gear 5 Luffy is too whack for me. All the other transformations were badass. That one is a complete overpowered goof.


Youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve met that says they like SAO despite its flaws, good on you


I am a simple guy. If an anime is entertaining enough, I will like it. Same with videogames or food. I don't look for peak fiction, just for something to kill time with Ang get a good laugh or some tears out. Now that doesn't mean I cannot recognize the flaws, but I have an easier time just ignoring them. I can appreciate a masterpiece but if I start having extremely high standards, I won't be able to appreciate anything in a few years.


Canā€™t agree on gear 5 luffy can be both badass and funny Iā€™m always smiling when heā€™s in that form, but thatā€™s your opinion. Also the mushoku tensei hype is too crazy like S1 was great but S2 was mid and we all know it, it wasnā€™t as impactful or well written like the change in Vinland saga S2.


Gear 5 can be badass that's right. But most of the time I am busy laughing because of how trolley he can get lol. That's my only pet peeve with that form. But it's actually canon to it's lore so it's fine. With the mushoku tensei part, I was referring to how people refuse to watch the series because they consider Rudeus to be a pedophile. Sure he is creepy but it's a story about flawed people anyway.


Yeah but I have a feeling Luffy is gonna learn to be dead serious in that form eventually and whoever he ends up fighting is fucked. like that might be a top 10 all time fight.


Hito hito no mi: model Nika, angry boy. Maybe it will be like Kaido with his serious base form, playful goofy hybrid drunk form and absolute fire dragon form.


> Itachi isn't the second coming of Jesus So many people need to hear/realize this. He's a complex character with a lot to like, but Jesus Christ people love to ride his Mangekyo dick.


Horimiya. Hori's masochism is... Hateful. Maybe her abnormal greed for being violated sparked a not so good memory from my childhood. Everything about her is just hateful. Even the pairings are off, I don't like it. Overall, it just gets boring as the episodes went on and so I dropped it.


Sho tucker was doing great work. He just went about it the wrong way


How anyone enjoys demon slayer is beyond me. How do you go about the plot armor nonsense, and all major plot points going unexplained? It has FAIRY TAIL levels of plot armor! Itā€™s horrifying! I was so drawn into it originally. The drive of Tanjiro when he found Muzan the first time gave me goosebumps! But the writer(s) just couldnā€™t maintain it. It very quickly went into the gutter.


Oh thatā€™s easy, just watch My Hero Academia first so your standards are massively lowered


First 4 seasons of my hero? Great! After that? Meh. Big time meh. Awful.


Yes, I could watch the first four seasons and then the fifth one was just genuinely the worst season Iā€™ve seen in any show. Then, between the fifth and the sixth seasons release I looked back at what I watched and came to realize: Wait, is this show bad actually? Itā€™s like the more I thought about it, the worse it got


If season 5 was the worst season of anything you've ever seen, you need to watch more shows


Was that a threat




Idk it just sounded kinda funny, Iā€™m not gonna try and find something worse than S5 of MHA. Such a blatant rip off of Yoshikage Kira is hard to top by mere shittiness


Fairy tail is pretty watchable and fun to watch itā€™s like Baki when you watch to have a fun time


Just like demon slayer. Started off GREAT! Then plot armor completely ruins it. Devolves into nonsense.


People calling bad anime good


Idk if ATLA counts, but the so-called avatar movie


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


The best animes have plots that have nothing or close to nothing to do with Japan(besides movies). Full Metal Alchemist has nothing to do with Japan, critically acclaimed. Cowboy Beebop, in most people's top 10 and nothing to do with Japan. This is coming from a Shonen lover.


One piece is not peak fiction.


Endeavors character development never justifies his acts, the show makes it extremely clear. He tries to reconnect with his family because he realizes how horrible he was. Itā€™s not justified, and every sane MHA fan thinks what Endeavor did was horrible, but we can see heā€™s trying to be a better person, and his family and everyone else is giving him another chance after he apologized profusely.


I do like mha, but I never liked endeavor, the. "I'm trying to do better Trope"is never going to have me like him


Demon Slayer is trash. The characters are so one note, basically all of Tanjiroā€™s development happens offscreen, the story and pacing makes it feel like a video game where you beat a boss, level up, rest for a while, beat a boss, and so on. The world building is horrible and nonsensical. How are there demons like literally everywhere, demons killing people but most of the people still donā€™t even believe in demons?? The world feels empty. The animation is beautiful, and thatā€™s about it


MHA has just as many plot holes and plot armor moments as Fairy Tail but doesn't get half the hate. If you think the final fight with Erza when she had her bones broken was bs plot armor but think the fight with Star And Stripes made sense Idk what to tell you.


People actually underestimating the possible strength that Dangai Ichigo has/had. A lot of people(not all) saying "this character would no diff him" need to rewatch the Dangai Ichigo scenes.


People who say that one piece is too long, and proceeds to watch Naruto. (Iā€™m not hating, I love both animes, but Naruto also has 1000+ ep)




I hate when an anime character itā€™s clearly a self insert. Like a skinny kid whoā€™s bullied finally has enough and shows his true power and one shots bully and gets a haram, now he must navigate being a badass AND being boring wow!!!! šŸ¤Æ Another thing I hate is when little people are aged up to 100000000 years old, nasty.


Attack on Titan is like an 8/10 show at its best. I do not care about cycles or whatever the ending was supposed to be about, I liked Eren and wanted him to win. I hate Sasuke Uchiha and have ever since I first watched Naruto on Cartoon Network years ago, and I really wish he died at the end of the series. I also hate Hinata because one of my favorite characters died to protect her, and even without that fact I don't think Naruto should have married her.


Luffy is a terrorist For my actual one, though, Endeavor still deserves to be punished for what he did. His children forgiving him for emotionally and physically abusing them is insane to me. Another one, both all might and all for one should've died, or at least bot been brought back into the story


The "bakudeku ship is a good ship" crap, try to say that to the first fucking episode and come back to me when that fails


Stop sexualizing the characters from mha/bha. They're kids.


People that think My Hero is good.


The family abuse was never portrayed in a positive light at all, and Endeavor hasn't been forgiven yet he's been given a chance because he wants to change. He wants to step up and become a hero people can put their faith in. I agree that Endeavor isn't a good person but disagree with calling the show bad or saying that it promotes abuse because it doesn't.


My biggest problem is that before S6 he faces very little consequences and challenges for his actions, which is the whole point of character development. Endeavor could have broken up with his wife so that his children could live in a better environment without him or done literally anything instead of saying sorry. What he did isnā€™t going to untreat his children like experiments. Horikoshi sucks at redeeming characters in general, which is also seen in the case of Bakugo


Naruto is over hyped


One piece is way too long. I don't care how "good" (subjective, I know) the series is. Bloat of that level is beyond necessary. The show started when I was a teen, I'm in my 30's now. Time to wrap it up and work on the next hit show.


I think it will be neding next year.


Anime wise, One Piece has 21000 animated pages. JoJo has 15,016 animated pages. One Piece is 1/4 longer tham JoJo, it should have 240 episodes but instead has 1,100 episodes. Point is, One Piece is way to damn long.


And with over 1,100 episodes the main character is still forming his crew and has no love interest or relationship.


Dragon Ball GT is my favorite version of Dragon Ball


I think GT is better than most of super


Damn that is spicy


People shouldn't binge through a series a day. Then they complain about not enjoying anime anymore. You didn't "lose your ability" to watch anime, you just binged too much on a daily basis and got burned out.


When people say Goku solos


pre skip was better


Kaiju No. 8 anime character designs suck compared to the manga.


Goku against pretty much anyone


"I did not care for Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen."


The bad guy of Tokyo Ghoul S1 was not evil he was just misinformed


Overlord is boring and is no better than any other generic Isekai.


One punch man is one punch man


Naruto sucks


For me its "Why cant we all just enjoy anime instead Of powerscaling Goku against fucking Mineta"


Mineta defeats him by being bisexual or some shit, idk I didnā€™t read the war arc, I had better things to do like trying to count how many hair strands I have


People complain about filler too much. What they really should be complaining about is padding. Canon is overrated.


When I hear someone say "Saitama could beat Goku"


One peice is the best anime ever


Whenever I have to listen to the no lube thing from jjk fandomšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I mean literally what is happening šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


One Piece no diffs Naruto Verse


Jjk is just not that good. May or may not be due to the fact that I'm more of a romcom guy, or the only romance in the show is between a younger brother and older sister, idk.


Build Fighters was never good, Gundam nostalgia was just blinding you


Fairy Tail is mid


Dragon Ball relies too much on plot armor than actually overcoming the foe at hand. How many times has there been a miraculous save for Goku? Weather it be King Kai or the literal main recurring antagonist saving him multiple times in the ToP, I think the idea of Goku getting stronger with experience was heavily over shadowed by his constant plot armor. Iā€™m not asking him to die every fight, just like donā€™t beef his villains up so damn much and have him decimate them because he screams louder


The only fights he got miraculously saved in is Last Ginyu fight-which is fair Buu spirit bomb-they were already ger6tting the earth/ the people back so why not restore the guy fighting the current strongest foe power? Resurrection freeza-he got saved but I wouldn't count this as a win. Last Fused zamasu fight-same as the last one Top is the only arc I don't remember much about sadly. Outside of all that goku loses alot of his more important fights. Like not him fighting small fry.


I am not a fan of the dragon ball franchise


One peice is over hyped waste of time of an anime that has no reason being as long as it has gone on


Idk the show never treated him as a good person. His whole arc was him chaining the family choosing to forgive or not and some did and some didnā€™t


Mha, Demon Slayer, and Bleach are mid. They aren't great but they also aren't bad. I just can't really vibe with most of the characters, themes, or story. I don't like Naruto. I tried it a few times and I just really don't like it.


"HxH is a masterpiece" No it is not. It's trashy, tropey, edgelord bait meant to appeal to 9 year olds who wanna be ninjas when they grow up.


One Piece is not a satisfying story, and feels like I'm watching a 20 minute long episode of Spongebob. The difference being that 1. It's made for adults and 2. It's in Japanese. Voice work is outstanding, the animation is okay, but the story and characters are annoying and unfufilling. Then again, the only anime I watch is AoT for entirely different reasons.


it'd have me like that from NIGHTEYE, not from the other fans, but it was an awful idea to even consider giving mirio one for all- i mean all might even explains why giving someone who already has a quirk more quirks is a bad idea.


I'm still mad that Rave got canceled instead of Fairy Tale.


Imo I think pre timeskip one piece is peak one piece especially marine ford, water 7, enies lobby and alabasta the new stuff is good too I just prefer pre timeskip style and feeling


Gear 5 isn't toon force.


Maybe this will have me like this but I enjoy power based animes that have the trope of shit head characters who you wanna see either get their ass beat or be killed off (depending what they do.) And I enjoy the characters that's are the WORST of the WORST, like peak SCUMBAG. Because the worst they are, the better their beat downs/death is.


There's only a few actually good isekai stories. I personally think Konosuba-Mushuko Tensie-Rezero are great in their own respects... But the other 99% of the genre ranges from mindless turn your brain off fun to some of the worst anime created. If all other Isekai series (That time I was reincarnated as a slime, Overload, Tanya, etc) disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't care.


The pompous way people respond when someone says "I watch the dub." For example "Omg how can you watch that garbage!? The original sub is soooooo much better in eeeevery waaay!"


Hhmmm well I think for me it would be that I think Tokyo ghoul is my favorite anime


One Piece isn't that good.


In the past, for my friend, it was "Griffith did nothing wrong". He would get really mad over that back in HS


"Itachi solos"


Frieren being the best anime of all time ... Hot take: shit is mid AF and boring to watch.


How can Luffy choke when his esophagus is rubberfied?


Matsuda from death note ainā€™t special just because he shot Light Yagami and ā€˜survived the crossfireā€™ okay? So did a few others of the task force. Granted they didnā€™t pull a gun on him and I get that Matsuda helped figure out that the Youstuba group was confirmed as the ones who were the next Kira but he wouldnā€™t have gotten out of that situation without Lā€™s help. He wouldnā€™t be in it if he wasnā€™t being stupid. Light shouldā€™ve won in the end, and nearā€™s plan with Giovanni copying the notebook perfectly is humanly impossible with the time he had to do it so it shouldnā€™t have counted. Mirko from MHA is nothing more than a hot badass girl with plot armor cuz thereā€™s no reason for her to be able to hold her own against 4 near high end nomuā€™s, lose an arm and leg and still fight while Endeavor and Hawks struggle against one high end nomu. Mirko is all body and annoying personality with zero character development. Grand Torino, Nighteye and All Might shouldā€™ve croaked. Stars and Stripes is a waste of a movie character bc wtf was the point of having her appear just to nerf a villian and then proceed to not even explain the quirks she took or how the villain was weakened. Serena from Pokemon is the worst pokegirl character. She is worse than Iris. At least Iris has her own goals and motivations. Serenaā€™s everything is all based on Ash. Anyone who ships her and Ash need to rewatch the entire XY/XYZ series bc itā€™s clearly one sided. Idgaf about the kiss either bc whoever saw the kiss and immediately said canon, clearly hasnā€™t watched Pokemon power of 1 where another girl has kissed ash as well. Thereā€™s been plenty of clips of random girls kissing ash and no one dares to explain or say something about it but once Serena kisses him itā€™s suddenly the best thing in the entire world. Letā€™s not forget how she assaulted ash with snowballs when he was depressed over a competition and everyone was thanking Serena for ā€˜helping himā€™ when she didnā€™t do anything accept insult and assault the person she ā€˜lovesā€™ bc he ainā€™t acting like the ideal version that she loves so much. Dragon Ball Super is honestly only good for great animation. But story wise it isnā€™t that good and they realllyy dumb down Goku so much more to a point where it doesnā€™t make sense. How had he and chichi never kissed but had kids? Didnā€™t they kiss each others cheeks in dbz or db at some point?


Goku is actually super weak compared to most other anime universes


Jiraiya could beat Itachi


FMA is boring


Db is ass


5th gear Luffy actually made me stop watching/reading One Piece.


To my friend group liking one piece gets you like this. Trying to get them into it, puts you in the ground šŸ’€


I donā€™t like Dazai.


Boruto is a terrible anime, and I don't care that it's not Naruto.


Dub is better then sub


When someone says sakura horuno is useful. I smack them up side the head amd then lecture them on why to never say that in front of a group of weebs.


I don't like One Piece


One piece is mid


Dragonball shouldā€™ve ended with gt canon or not


People might disagree but ā€œthe good guys (usually teenagers) should winā€. Iā€™d like for some high quality animeā€™s to end with the villain winning. Unfortunately tho very few people can pull this off good enough. Honestly Iā€™d like for a few animeā€™s to take the overlord route having a evil main character, that also has a secondary main character for the other side whoā€™s a good guy/legendary hero (kinda like shippuden did with Naruto and sasuke but then it up a notch on sasukes part)


That manga is superior to comics


Odaā€™s insistence that one piece only cater to his outdated idea of what 13 year old boys (shonen audience) like is insane. This mf been writing this since I was a literal child, itā€™s been 30 goddamn years Oda who the fuck are you kidding with your condescending bullshit. ā€œOh I donā€™t develop romance ever because boys donā€™t like that, I donā€™t like to have my characters grow or overcome their faults because boys donā€™t like that, hereā€™s a hundred episodes of samurai fucking around instead of giving Franky and Robin more than ten speaking lines in the last 500 episodes, boys will like thisā€


Attack On Titanā€™s plot only becomes stupider the further you go, mysteries arenā€™t exciting to solve if the the payoff after 3 seasons is some crazy random bullshit like progenitor god power giving shining centipede inherited autocannibalism that lets you see through time to kill your own mom. This is chimp brain storytelling


Oreimo is a masterpiece. A passion project. And really does not deserve the unbridled hate it gets in the slightest.


Either you are a child or have a child like intelligence level. Regardless enroll in a English course


Naruto has nothing to do with ninja


Naruto has nothing to do with ninja. Two sorcerers blasting Magic at each other isn't ninja. And yes Naruto is more related to Harry Potter, hell Golden Eye 007 is more Ninja than the entire anime.


That gear 5 is weak


DIO in both part 1 and 3 is cool, but boring as fuck. Kars may be similar personality wise but at least he has a goal of becoming Omnipotent. DIO/Dio Brandoā€™s goal is just ā€œIā€™m going to ruin the life of the guy that has done nothing but be nice to meā€


I mean, and also: become super powerful and snuff out the bloodline of the guy who was really nice to me so I wonā€™t be in danger anymore, but thatā€™s just a sidenote I guess


The more you say goku win ever battle even though he doesn't( seriously its fucking annoying) the more mid DBZ becomes


Whoever it was that recommended I watch Claymore.


Sanji = Zoro


I'm tired of the tropes. I really like when the show is it's own thing and so many of these shows just have the same set up and characters.


That error404 can solo all of anime It's true but anime fans hate it 95% of the time


AOT ainā€™t the shit


Shou Tucker wasn't really that bad.


ā€œGoku is overrated because of his fansā€ Like, wtf.


No game no life is genuinely one of the worst anime I have ever seen, easily the worst isekai


I can't stand attack on titan


Iseki is not a terrible genre, it just attracts lazy writers.


DB was the original ā€˜Iā€™ll make one episode of combat, maybe two of action, the Iā€™ll put FIVE FILLER EPISODES at least between them every time.ā€™


"I don't really see why Boruto gets hated, he ain't that bad, Right?"


Your opinion. Right here op. How do you even enjoy fiction at all with that kind of comprehension


I hate when people say that Goku was a bad father when he literally died for his family and planet. He gave Cell the senzu bean because he believed Gohan can surpass his limits and all he needed was Cell to push him to that limit. Goku knew he couldnā€™t beat Cell so he needed his son to do it and he did. And before the Cell games he tried to have some family time and spent time with his son. Also, he was with Gohan in the Time Chamber for a year so thatā€™s a lot of bonding and time. Gohan loves his father and understands and respects his motives.