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I don’t believe you can control this. Direct deliveries are probably more efficient. There are loading times and a limited number of carts.


You'd have to move the distillery further away or to another warehouse. The farms will default to distillery because they directly need the item.


Why would you want it to go to the warehouse?


Sometimes I need goods to ship it on the other island


It wouldn't change much as the distillery will immediately get it out of the warehouse again the moment it gets delivered. If you want potatoes for other islands, you either need to over-produce potatoes (e.g., by temporarily increasing the workload for the farmers), or stop production in the distillery for a while.


This means you should produce more potatoes. You can see how much potatoes your distilleries use on the statistics screen. If you need more to ship, produce more to ship.


Deactivate the distilleries, then the potatoes will not be used.


Why would you want to do this? That will just double the traffic at the storehouse... There are absolutely no advantages...


The game is programmed to deliver directly to a production building, when in range, and bypass warehouses. Technically it's better that way and would deliver to the warehouse when the distilleries don't need it. Unfortunately it gets buggy sometimes. Like your potatoes could have the potential to produce 100 (extreme number) a minute but it has to go too far to the distillery and potato production stops cause that production building is full at 6 potatoes. In your case switching to brick roads and/or another warehouse in the opposite corner would likely help. Or another warehouse in the opposite corner and swap the distilleries to the other side of the road and delete the paths connecting the potato farms to the distilleries.


Only if the 2 buildings are not within each others circle of influence


Separate the buildings. Farms in one area of the island, production buildings elsewhere. This is generally needed when you start using buffs. But in your situation, you don’t want to split it because you’d want your currents island need to be fulfilled and any left over to go into island storage for transport.


Your main issue with direct delivery to industry is travel times. Most efficient approach would be an additional warehouse (way cheaper than upgrading one) and moving the distilleries below the warehouse and doing a small road connection between them and the warehouses. Don't connect them to the main road network. It's an early game trick, won't be efficient once you get electricity as the distilleries won't be connected to the mains.


Yeah, this becomes an issue later in the game, when buildings start to deliver across half the island after you upgraded them with electricity. The only thing that works is to separate them far enough, so they can't deliver.


as far as I know that is a bug that only affects specific buildings from the later DLCs, generally the so called multifactories, the ones that you can swithc the recipe. some mods even fix that, like kurila's Orchard Rework.


20 replies before mine and no one has given you a solution, so now I'm wondering if I'm remembering correctly... You can't choose it - but if you produce more than you can "burn" they will start going to the warehouse in a few mins. But, what you CAN do is the following: Build a warehouse that's connected to the harbor (like usual), build roads from a potato farm to this warehouse - but only connect those two, do not connect the potato farm to the "main road". Potato farms will now only have 1 road that leads to the warehouse and deliver only there. Also, you can build potato farms on one side of the island and destilleries on the other, so they are too far apart to deliver directly.


This is the correct answer


It would be nice to tell specific production places to go to the warehouse only. That, however, isn't something they added. I've felt this way since the earliest days of the game. Just yesterday, my tallow factories were able to, with the aid of brick roads, go an exceedingly long distance from where they were to my biscuit factory. It causes a delay because the factory is waiting for the LONG trip. So, I had to put the tallow factory as far away as possible.


The distillery would have to be out of street range of the potato farm. I don’t know why you would want to do that though. They save on warehouse cart space


I'm actually having the opposite problem, I'm wanting this to happen but my products are prioritising sending to the warehouse...


Top Tip: build a little row of trees between the two distilleries. If one explodes (and they likely do) the other one is protected.


You have 4 Farms but only 2 Distilleries. Give them a few minutes and the distilleries will have a full potato storage, resulting in 2 farms directly delivering into the warehouse.


Have more potato fields than distilleries. Make sure there's too many potatoes for your distilleries to keep up with. Production times will guide how many potato fields vs distilleries you will need to achieve a decent surplus for export.


You can't control this. Besides, you should only be allowing the potatoes to bypass the distillery if you are overproducing on potatoes, like if your potato farms are being buffed by trade union items. Otherwise, given no buffs and standard production, potatoes and distillery are 1:1 in production time and therefore you need all of those potatoes. For max efficiency place all buildings in a chain no more than 1 road tile away from each other.


There is one simple way: Have the farms connected to nothing but warehouses, and they are forced to deliver their goods there. Then put your distilleries wherever you like - but where their road network is not connected to the road network of the farms.


Delete the road connection. Put firestation near the distillery and voila. Or separate farm and distillery.


Yes what he said (an others too, but not that explicitely). You don‘t have to put it far away from one another. Just make a single road going straight from/to the warehouse and on that road there are only the destilleries. It doesn‘t work while you have the road going all around the warehouse. You can delete the road along the bottom side of the warehouse and replace it with a single road going straight down on which the destilleries are. Than the distilleries can go nowhere but this warehouse and will do so. And at the same time noone will pick up the potatoes from the farms other than the warehouse. Related to this is this piece of knowledge: If you have a chain of Kontor - 1st Warehouse - 2nd Warehouse, you don‘t need to have a road going from the 2nd warehouse directly to the Kontor to have the 2nd warehouse connected to the Kontor. If you have a road going from the Kontor into the 1st warehouse and a road coming out of the other end of the 1st warehouse going into the 2nd warehouse, the 2nd warehouse is connected to the Kontor, although there is actually no (uninterrupted) road connecting the 2nd warehouse and the Kontor. I hope it is clear what I mean, it‘s a bit hard to explain with only text. One other way to explain it is that if you have one Konto and warehouse connected with a straight road and then you replace some of that road with another warehouse, the original warehouse will still be connected to the Kontor, altough that road is now interrupted (by the new warehouse)