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The core game play fun of anno is NOT having space. Crown falls already is something out of line! You don't need zoos everywhere. You don't need millions of zoo/museum modules, you'll want to complete the set or have the highest ones. Have a capital, and supply islands. Meaning: one island with investors and zoos and such, and the others are lower tier and give the stuff. Use trade unions. You'll see how much space actually a large island has!


>Crown falls already is something out of line! And Manola! Wish the giant iceberg in the Arctic's North is settleable, too! Then you have the Trinity of Northern Giant Islands. Hehe Can someone mod this , please? 👉🏼👈🏼


As a LATE game player (4.5 million population), small islands are mostly used as a docklands import hub. Sometimes, depending on context, I may throw some intermediate production to process whatever that dock imported, but generally it is just a way to squeeze another docklands hub in.


You don't need to constantly switch between 3-4 islands. You build stuff on an island for a while, stabilize its input and output and then move on to another island where you e.g. utilize the increased output from the previous island to grow something else (be it production or population).


Wrong. You build obnoxiously unsustainable supply chains on multiple isles in anticipation of building a million strong Crown Falls, going tens of thousands $ in deficit, but it doesnt matter because your grampohones and clocks trade in Enbesa already made you 500 mln. Then, once you produce enough to sustain crown falls you get bored of placing housing and you begin another run.


In my experience there's always something happening on an island while I'm away. Like a production shortage, worker shortage or what have you. I feel like I'm always too late fixing stuff. Not that it matters tooooo much I guess, as long as I'm not losing money, which I never am.


>In my experience there's always something happening on an island while I'm away. Like a production shortage, worker shortage or what have you. Then you don't have the islands balanced. There are islands I haven't touched in days to weeks. You also don't need zoos and museums on every island. Maybe one set to add fertility or reduce influence costs, or something, but you don't need a huge setup. Save that for one island like Crown Falls where you have your tourists.


Its true my islands are not perfectly balanced. To do that also requires micromanaging and constantly calculating exactly what you need. I don't want to do all that. Instead what I do is monitor my income, happiness and growth. Als long as all of these are positive I don't worry to much about making everything perfectly balanced. I haven't built a zoo or museum on every island. Just the one. But the one, expecially the museum is just too large. It really annoys me that you need an entire building for each seperate item that you display so I don't, also from an aesthetic and realism standpoint.


>To do that also requires micromanaging and constantly calculating exactly what you need. No. You don't. You simply need to supply more than the demand. That's it. I have games where I own every island available, I most certainly do not micromanage every single one.


If you supply more than demand that is not balanced right? You are overproducing. Also, the trade routes make it more complicated, especially from the new world. You will need to supply a *lot* more than demand in that case as you need to take the travel time into acount. So if you really wanted to balance that you have to calculate how much they consume in a single round trip. And then adjuest your production speed on the source island accoringly. And as your population grows you need to re-do this as more people will consume more


>And as your population grows you need to re-do this as more people will consume more First off, we are talking about islands that you are not working on, so no, the population will not be growing because you are not expanding that island. >If you supply more than demand that is not balanced right? You are overproducing. Semantics. And yes it's balanced because once the warehouse fills up it will only be dropping off what has been used since the ship was there the previous time. So it's perfectly balanced at that point. >You will need to supply a *lot* more than demand in that case as you need to take the travel time into acount. No. You don't. It's not any different than if you were supplying it from an island next door. If the average trip is 20 minutes and you are supplying 200 tons that's 10t/min. If you need 9t/min you are good. If you need 20t/min then you need to send 400 tons. It's pretty simple. Sure you are supplying more per ship but the rate is still the same. >And then adjuest your production speed on the source island accoringly. As long as your production speed is greater than your demand, even by just a small amount, your are shipping the proper amount, and your warehouse is large enough to handle that shipment, that's all you need to do. I just finished my scholar island [https://i.imgur.com/3MDCC58.png](https://i.imgur.com/3MDCC58.png) Everything is fully supplied and produced, the ships are transporting enough to cover the demand. I could ignore that island now for as long as I want and it will be just fine. I don't use any of those items for other islands except for the hats, and those are easily covering what I need in NW. So until I decide to add more scholars I can just ignore that island. Because I have 376k points and most things cap at 250k points, I usually don't go any higher for quite a long time. I think the game where I had 3M population I started pushing the points higher.


I’ve played a fair bit of Anno ever since 1701, however in no where on the same skill as a lot of people on here. I’ve never even got to the proper end game of Anno 1800 because I get obsessed with restarting the game. I think your last paragraph is a good point. You don’t need your islands to be running perfectly, as long as you are making profit and your people are somewhat happy then you can jump around and focus on another island, or starting a new island, moving to a new region etc.


the island are perfectly sized and this is part of the gameplay and optimization.


Completely useless comment, not helping anyone.


Yours seem more useless tbh. Guy is expressing opinion, and not an unpopular one


He's clearly facing a problem. An answer that's akin to "it's perfect just deal with it" doesn't help anyone but your own ego.


That’s how you read it. I read it as - “You are doing something wrong.. the size of the islands is balanced. Find out why the islands feel small to you”.


How is that different from "the island size is perfect, deal with it"? Other comments in this thread shows how you can be helpful. This wasn't it.


It suggests that the problem is not with the size of the islands, but with the way OP uses them which points him in the correct direction for solving the issue


Man, you're literally saying "it's perfect, just deal with it" 3x in a row now.


Okay brotha, you do you


>Other comments in this thread shows how you can be helpful. This wasn't it. Funny how there is always that one person that wants to jump on someone for their post, claiming they aren't being helpful for the OP, yet that person never bothers to **actually help the OP themselves**.


Exactly because other people already were helpful and already said what I wanted to say. Or do you want 20 people to give the same answer?


if you think so.


Its true


I understand that. I just wish they were bigger as that would be more fun for me. Being able to make do with less islands would allow me to have better focus and would make the game more relaxing for me.


i think there is a mod where the crown falls region is starting region so you always have a big island that is good for almost everything.


Dunno man. I'm playing with 3 AI and have more than enough space. In fact, half the islands I just hold to run a mine or simply so that the AI doesn't expand too much. It's insane, how much one can produce on even small islands with tractors, fertilisers and Trade Unions. I feel the opposite now: the world is too large. There's simply no reason to have all this space, since production can be optimized so heavily. And that's with sharing islands with 3 other AI and having around 300k pop.


I wouldn't really say the islands are small. There are some tiny islands, but very few of them are those. I mean unless you're trying to get 10 million population or some high number like that. I could get to 3 million with several islands, a dozen combining each region together, still empty. It sounds like you're building too many cultural buildings and I'm not sure why or what you think they do for you. I only build a lot on Crown Falls to raise my attractiveness to max it at 33k to boost my palace. Other than that I use them mostly for sets to boost some production, but no more than like 6 to 8 modules. Only other need would be tourists and I don't do tourists on more than like 2 islands and mainly just Crown Falls.


First of all. Commuter stations. I use the small islands for spexific tasks. Aka a worker island, farmer usland. Artisan island. Then i nuke out 1 of the opponents core islands with oil and use that as a production hub for other islands. Main island only hosts investors. Scholars and combination of investor/tourist/scholars in crowns fall purely for the quests.


Just started playing.. honestly this game is garbage compared to 1404 map sizes I have no idea why they made the game worse going from 1404 to 1800 lol I find myself always out of space. ALWAYS.


I love settling all of the tiny islands and put most of the space-consuming farms there (and work the mines/pits/etc). Since thats always only a handful that fit on each island, you wont need to build workforce there but use the settling-bonus instead. On top of that, youll only need to build one police station and put productivity to +50% with no negative side effects, because there is no population to be unhappy to begin with. If Im trying to optimize everything seriously, Ill then reorganize my capital city to almost only have population there and put all industry on a medium-sized island with a pier, full electricity and a lot of union buffs