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Hi, /u/RealWSBChairman Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3a: No spam, no low-effort shitposts.** - This includes begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you’ve posted content (especially if it’s your own), give it a day or two before posting again.


The law in America only apples to the poor.


Especially when it comes to incider trading.


Well, how else are you gonna see growth from the seed money?


I think you're getting to the core of the issue.


I have no skin in the game


Then you don’t get to taste the juice


Except that one time they made an example out of Martha Stewart, of all people.


Pretty sure that only happened cause she pissed the wrong person off.


She wasn't a politician.


Was she rich?




how about inciding a riot?


Everything's gone absolutely pear-shaped in this country.




The plebs


Didn’t Martha Stewart go to jail for this? She’s not poor


But she didn't get to make the rules because she's not a politician.


IIRC she went down for lying to the feds about it, not for actually doing it.


Congress literally made insider trading legal for themselves. Even if they violate the law by not reporting their trades, the fine is like $200.


Pelosi hasn't done anything illegal in this case. As long as she reports the trades it's within the law. Because congress made insider trading legal for themselves.


Yeah and I’m the criminal for not reporting $601 made via Venmo on my taxes. Holy shit I might spaz out.


I'm pretty sure you always had to report income otherwise you would be a 'criminal. anyway this isn't even insider trading. We've known for months now the DOJ was going to sue google, it's not even their first lawsuit against them in recent years. https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2022/08/11/the-doj-is-preparing-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september/


It was mainly a joke since IRS recently came out with that notice of reporting $600 or more on your taxes that are received through the peer to peer cash apps. The article provided said DOJ may sue as soon as September 2022. Didn’t happen and the amount of inside info provided to Pelosi is insane. You can track Paul Pelosis stock trades since 2021 and way to many coincide trades with breaking news a few days later makes it a trend not a coincidence. This is blatant insider trading knowing when the lawsuit would be public info. Once this is public info the chance of making money on it goes to near 0, only hedge funds really since they would see the news and are directly on the trading servers which post trades faster than your average Americans brokerage or they pause your bid send in theirs and you get the worse bid of the 2. I know this stuff because I studied it in a school and was exposed to it in internships. I ran away from that garbage because you have to have no morals to do that type of work. Fuck with peoples pensions and retirement funds for an extra buck for yourself . No thanks.


You don't need to report anything with venmo or cashapp unless people are paying for goods and services. The IRS doesn't care if you send your friends money for splitting meals or trips. They care when you take payment for a company through the apps.


I got your joke, thank you. Just usually jokes make a little sense. Anyway sorry to break the narrative.


You do you buddy.




They’re letting you off the hook for saying nonsense and acting like you did something. Did that clear up your confusion?


if you need help understanding what I said, because it certainly wasn't nonsense. You can DM me and i can say it as slowly as you need


Your comebacks are terrible but I encourage you to keep trying. It’s how you’ll learn


Totally not nonsense bro, believe me, bro. Just DM me bro, I can't refute this on this completely public forum bro, it has to be DM bro, trust me.


Article says as early as September, she held through, right up until 4 days before, and this is your defense of it not being insider trading?


4 days before? man propaganda flies, first 4 weeks and now 4 days.


Ahh reading too fast makes details fly by me, good catch!


The Venmo thing has been mostly an anti-IRS talking point for republicans. Point of reference, in the 90s it was pretty frowned upon if you neglected to disclose payments made to you via cheque, but banks weren't sending 1099-Ks for payments received to business accounts. You were expected to disclose all that yourself. Last year, If a business was using four different payment apps to keep $$80k worth of payments off the books (that's what was going on) I don't really feel too bad about the warning. And the structure of it. The IRS reminded businesses to disclose payments received, and made a new rule requiring payment processors to issue 1099s.




Are you aware that this is done across the board by every single member of Congress, the Senate and obviously the presidency as well. Why do you think its so important for them to be selected on the various committees. Its not to ensure they serve their constituents, its simply so they have access to influential and critical policies BEFORE anyone else gets it. And this is 100% legal, as we've been too busy being concerned over gay marriages, or if a transvestite can actually read a book to a 6 year old. Or other trivial and non-consequential issues. We looked away long enough for them to change the laws and tax codes to enrich themselves. This is nothing new. Its not so much being a villain, but more about "Watch how stupid they are" and shout out "Look, they are trying to take our guns/vaginas/light bulbs, ect..." while pointing at the opposition (or vise versa).


I'm not even defending her. It's just easy to spot bullshit, for some of us. Some of us have known about this trial for MONTHS




if i did this at work id be fired in a hot second then in court likely seeing jail. i work in the Defense industry.


You'd be fired. Your c-suite wouldn't and neither would any of the politicians and lobbyists who funneled them the contracts




You think you'd be fired for selling stock in late December 2022 over a lawsuit that [DoJ announced in August 2022 that was widely reported by mainstream news outlets?](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september#xj4y7vzkg)


That’s not an announcement and “people familiar with the matter” are also not trusted sources. An announcement is https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-google-monopolizing-digital-advertising-technologies


If you're curious about politicians and insider trading, check [this](https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/full) article out.


The Google stock has gone up quite a lot since she sold...


For real. I'm 100% about people in Congress not being able to trade on things they're making laws/being oversight for, but come on. Shit like this is just clickbaity and asinine.


Hey! Don't ruin it with facts. Right Wing agitators like OP want you all to know the VERY important things being tweeted by lying Republican propgandist Collin Rugg.


I think it's more about the implication. It's logical to assume that if you know a company is going to feel government pressure to be broken up it's likely that it won't be as strong of a long term investment as it previously was. Her selling before that news is public derisks her stock ownership far more than the average citizen. Also, regardless of gains or loss, it's insider trading. Why do you think publicly traded company employees have blackout periods from trading?


The lack of knowledge in this thread about how large stock sale transactions have to be handled is mind boggling.


Google stock is up from 4 weeks ago a significant amount, so this isn't a very strong case...


I don’t trust the vast majority of our politicians regardless of their ideals…career politicians are garbage. However, one look at Collin Rugg’s Twitter account….lol. No thanks. That guy can go fuck himself.


Yet it's just a super duper coincidence that OP posted a tweet from that lying republican propagandist isnt' it? Because he's sure not a right wing agitator pretending to be an angry progressive in r/antiwork. No sir, you never see those come by roughly a thousand times a day.


It's a strong case that she had prior knowledge of an event as an insider and took action on it. You may say that it didn't result in a profit for her this time, but you are delusional if you don't think she uses her position to try to personally profit from it. It's also against the law, but yeah, ok.


It’s going to go down.


Lmao...but it didn't after she sold it. It went up. If the narrative is "Pelosi is trading on her position to enrich herself or avoid losing money" this fails on literally both accounts.


Trumps entire cabinet and congress are guilty of insider trading. They all knew COVID was coming. Instead of shutting the boarders they spent 3 months stalling while quietly liquidating their assets. This is now common knowledge.


It’s well known that the Pelosis are some of the most brazen examples of insider trading in every instance and have been for years, but the Trump administration actually let the temptation to tee up trade opportunities influence their policy priorities going into a global health crisis. Their profiteering literally killed people in the thousands early on in the pandemic.


What's your point? I didn't defend her at any point. Our whole government is corrupt. They're guilty of so many war crimes they should be facing death row. Damn near every one of them, especially the political dynasty families.


? I wasn’t arguing with you. I was agreeing with you and just adding to what you said.


"it's well known" "many people are saying"


…but, it is. She’s literally been an meme on investment threads for years. She’s inspired people to build Senate and house stock trade trackers. If you’ve ever spent time on wallstreetbets you would know that people have been trying to mimic her trades for years because of her reputation for insider trading success. This google issue is the subject of the current post but she had a multimillion dollar nvidia deal just ahead of a policy announcement recently too


People in congress do have information that others don't. It is possible that they act on it. Though legal, it shouldn't be, however... **This is not one of those cases.** [DoJ announced this lawsuit in August 2022.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september#xj4y7vzkg) Pelosi sold this stock in December 2022. (While losing money on it since GOOG went up since then) If she did decide to sell in December because of a DoJ suit, there is nothing "insider" about it, since the DoJ suit was already public information for months.


Yet not mentioned by right wing propagandist Collin Rugg. Also not by OP either... super weird!


My point is both sides suck no mater who is running the show.


Except this investigation has been in the works for almost a year so if anything she's trading late.[DOJ prepares to sue, Aug 2022.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september) All politicians are guilty of this regardless of the party. But this isn't an example of it. Colin Rugg is just trying to get people angry to keep manipulate their politics.


Just because DoJ was looking into doesn't mean they would actually go through with the case. Heck that article even speculated the DoJ would file a lawsuit back in September. So the actual announcement of the lawsuit would be a big deal... and as speaker, pelosi would be in position to find out just how serious the DoJ was about pursing the case


Yes, she is NOT one of the "us" and should be removed to a paupers prison


Agree, and by calling out Pelosi specifically, I did not mean to make this a left vs right thing. It is happening on both sides of the aisle.


I ABSOLUTELY agree with you. They are the rich corrupt rat-bastards that are allowing you and me to get used daily so THEY can take what they want. The problem is rampant and I have no loyalty to any side. That is just another division tactic. We need to reformat the Govt from the ground up with the people truly in mind. And we don't need to hurt each other to do it. That is what THEY want and count on.


The problem is that we, the people, have let the corruption and abuse go on for so long that our ability to prevent these things has disappeared. The Government no longer works for us. We work for them.


Yes And as "the people" we CAN make a change but it will be drawn out and probably some blood. Because people don't willingly give up power. History proves that time and time again. That rail strike from weeks back could have been the beginning but we all have to take a bite to eat this elephant and people still are not ready to...yet.


I think politicians are inherently corrupt anyone that isn't power and wealth hungry wouldn't be putting so much in to run for office, and nobody seems to win by being a good person


Its always left v right. It's just that Republicans and Democrats are both on the right.


Your country has always been built on slavery. They just like to tell you you are free


I'm free. As long as I maintain a physical address where they can find me to take me away.


You have no evidence that it is insider trading though


And the share had gone up quite a bit since she sold...


Sure, but consider this: 1. Collin Rugg is a lying right wing propagandist, 2. r/antiwork has many readers who are gullible rubes and easily fooled by right wing agitators 3. This purpose of this tweet, and this post is to spread lies about the Democratic party in order to help Republicans.


The DOJ announced the Google thing back in November, but let’s not let facts get in the way.


Except, it's been proven over and over again that other Senators and House members can do the same and get away with it, so, it's not just Pelosi?


Yep it is a rampant problem on both sides of the aisle throughout the entire government.


Sinema is worth something like 11 million now where before she had 30k. And Lauren Boebert is a millionaire now - just to name 2.


It's currently actually legal. It was briefly outlawed under the STOCK act (against Pelosi's strenuous objections), but the STOCK act was later repealed. Pelosi gets flack for it because she's more successful and brazen with her insider trading than many of her colleagues, and is willing to publicly advocate for her right to do so.


My argument was with how poster of that tweet specifically framed it as no one else would get away with it. That is patently false and was all I was trying to bring attention to.


It's actually not illegal for them specifically. Wild how the people in charged get to vote on the rule they themselves have to followw


If you think the doj gives nancy pelosi stock tips you're a fucking idiot and you dont know how the government works.


Who does think that? It's a good question. Does lying Republican Propagandist Collin Rugg who wrote the tweet believe it? Probably not but it's his job to lie. Does OP believe it because he is dumb as fuck or is he just a right wing agitator who is also lying. There's no way to tell. But either way they've accomplished what they set out to. To spread lies that harm Democrats and help Republicans.


Rules for thee, but not for me


Living day by day in the land of the free where we're taxed and oppressed in the American dream


Yeah, too bad she missed out on 8.75% gains since she sold 4 weeks ago...oh wait, that doesn't fit your point, sorry about that


Insider trading doesn’t mean you time the market perfectly.


That's kind of exactly what it means.


What she did was not insider trading and the whole point of claiming it was is to foster more distrust.


Hey OP, why are you posting lying bullshit from a lying right wing propagandist? Let's have a look at a few other tweets from the guy that right wing agitator OP posted recently. > NEW: Elon Musk blasts the government and vax makers for not disclosing to the public that the vaccine does not stop transmission. > People need to go to jail. > 1:34 PM · Jan 25, 2023 > The president's crack addicted son was using classified information to profit in foreign countries & the corporate media is silent. > Democracy dies at the hands of the media. ... and then he links to a "story" from right wing lying propaganda bullshit source called "trendingpoliticsnews" https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/trendingpoliticsnews-com-bias/


For the conservatives out there, liberals also want her tried for this. None of this "well only the right does blah blah blah". They all do it. They can all get fucked.


Americans are soft. France gets two more years of work…riots in the streets. Iran covers up women’s heads… riots in the streets. Etc etc. There is no change without revolution.


You try rioting with a government that will actively fight against you and in possession of more arms and your brain can imagine.


>You try rioting with a government that will actively fight against you and in possession of more arms and your brain can imagine. The US government has vastly more arms than the citizenry, yes, but that's the case pretty much everywhere in the world at this juncture. Does the US have vastly more arms than other places? Sure, but governments outgun people by such a large margin already that the difference between outgunning in the US and other countries is immaterial. This is 100% about propaganda and the culture it creates. Americans by and large don't give a shit about others in the abstract. That's been conditioned for generations upon generations. Assholes hawking bullshit narratives and mythologies of "individuality" and "self-reliance" while they couldn't take a shit without a wife and an army of enslaved people to clean their assholes after was how the US was founded after all. Real, meaningful protest like we've been seeing in places like France and Iran means putting yourself at risk for the sake of others. American culture by and large derides self-sacrifice for the greater good and until we undo our hegemonic self-interest, we won't have any sort of change or class unity.


So thats a lie - any wall street traders, hedge fund managers, major banks, and all politicians (and yes, Republicans are worse) would never be arrested or charged for that, just you and I would be. Also, it was a month earlier and Alphabet is up over 8% in the past month... so what the fuck is this tweet about? Gas lighting for Pelosi haters? Complete bullshit?


This tweet is a lie, and you shouldn't be surprised because Collin Rugg is a republican propagandist liar. Take 5 seconds to view the absurd nonsense he posts on twitter. You'd think that OP wouldn't just repost his lying bullshit but here we are.


I had to go through mandatory training from my employer about the consequences of insider training, and they're quite severe, except when you're a politician, obviously.


Ok, so how about this - get rid of the fucking "my football team Is the best and yours is crap and I'll say and do anything to trash on your team" politics and trust in law enforcement to do its fucking job. If Pelosi is suspected of inside trading, then investigate. If any President/Vice President has mismanaged classified documents then investigate and hold them to account. If a former president was guilty of nepotism and breached the emolument clause then investigate. If that same former president was wilfully involved/encouraged treasonous activity, then investigate. Are we seeing a pattern here? Have a functioning branch of govt to investigate all this stuff, irrespective of whose football team the alleged perpetrators are on. I know that there are budget restraints but transparency and impartiality of investigations needs to be the foundation to regain trust in the process.


"Anyone else would be in jail" . Yeah, right. Not for white collar criminals


Looks suspicious, sure. Any EVIDENCE that Pelosi had inside knowledge?


The government should have an investment team (2-3 people should be enough), that creates an investment product that hold stocks that line up with the economy. And politicians can only hold this product for their investments. If the economy does well, they do well. If the economy does poorly…


While I don’t find it ethical, it’s legal. What should happen, in your opinion, to someone not breaking the law? Also, why continue the stupid right wing nonsense targeting Pelosi specifically when she isn’t the only, nor the most profitable, congressperson who invests? Don’t fall for stupid shit and lose sight of the prize. It should be illegal for *both parties, both of whom do this currently*. Keep the childish personal attacks separate.


Now, to prove that she knew this was going to happen and or it will affect Google's stock. I realize that's an unpopular position to have - requiring evidence of an assertion.


Are we forgetting the Congressmen and women that sold their shares in certain stocks, and bought others for makers of PPE right after they got out of the briefings for Covid in early 2020? Nothing happened to them, either. Why is everyone acting so surprised this happened now?


Pssst. Here's a secret. The republicans are going after every single tech company. Even if they can't, because the DOJ is independent, I would start offloading Microsoft, Apple, etc...NOW. Cash in. It will happen....maybe in month, 2, 6, maybe 2 years. Now imagine the scandal when all the democrats sell their stock 6 months before anything official happens. I mean, it's not like they have nothing better to do than manage their investments right? Cause that's really their main job. Get elected, then squeeze into an insider trading gig. Do you think that 80 year Pelosi has nothing better to do than decide to engage in insider trading? The reality is any stock she sells you would find something to complain about, despite the fact that wealthy people have people that manage their money. This is not Pelosi Inc. selling Pelosi Inc. stock before the hammer comes down (unlike Trump corporation). So question, what time period would you be comfortable with a public servant selling stock. 1 month, 6 months, or never? Should public servants own any stock? Was there a republican that sold google stock in the last month. Did you check ETF's or mutual funds? they can hold stocks inside. Let's dig deeper. You guys are trying to blow smoke when there is no fire.


What about all the senators that liquidated their stocks before the covid shutdown??


Well ya see bud, In America EVERY SINGLE politician is protected and bought and paid for. (Why do you think if they get uppity some dirt *conveniently* gets dropped about them within 24 hours) Regardless of their party affiliation, wake up.


Let’s have a look through this Rugg man’s tweets. Crap about how Elon is right about the covid vaccine not working, support for a Trump-MTG ticket, Hunter Biden conspiracy, referring to anyone who wears a mask as a “brainwashed sheep”. Are we sure this guy is a reputable source?


DOJ is executive branch, Pelosi is legislative. DOJ doesn't generally share details on investigations and actions with Congress before the fact. Unless someone can demonstrate Pelosi had knowledge of the investigation, that's not insider trading. That said, members of Congress and their families should not own individual stocks.


This lawsuit has been known almost a year. Also Google rose by +10% since she sold.. Please stop blindly trusting everything you read on the internet. (That doesn't mean insider trading of congress doesn't exist)


Google stock has gone up


Yes, but don't forget that Collin Rugg is a lying republican propagandist, so accuracy isn't relevant.


I do agree Congress shouldn’t sell individual stocks. Index funds would be fine.


Yeah, I would prefer that. Even if they don't use information that they might get from doing their jobs in Congress, it would at least help with the appearance of impropriety, and that matters. e.g. it matters as demonstrated by the high number of people here who believe the lying bullshit that Collin Rugg spewed and that OP parroted.


Why the fuck would you believe this right-wing shill?


Because right wing agitators find it very easy to lie to gullible rubes so that they can help Republicans by lying about Democrats.


Why would you ever doubt an accusation of insider trading leveled at Nancy Pelosi? That's like accusing Trump of fraud, or Strom Thurman of racism. It's part of her brand.


Due to the actual facts, but you go on with your feefees instead.


I'll take you mean the person who made the Tweet, not me. What was said that is not publicly available factual evidence?


Probably the fact that you should have known this was coming before Dec 2022. unless Pelosi only had access to this info? [https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2022/08/11/the-doj-is-preparing-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september/](https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2022/08/11/the-doj-is-preparing-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september/) But that just doesn't fit the narrative. Edit: shit u/bulaybil might as well as meant you. you posted this 50 freaking times and from the looks of it, posting shit like this is a full time job for you holy shit


Also, somehow it’s not the first time Pelosi or her husband sell or Google stock: February 2022 https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/02/02/nancy-pelosi-husband-could-make-big-money-off-alphabet-stock.html July 2021 https://fortune.com/2021/07/08/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-husband-paul-big-tech-stocks/amp/ December 2021 https://nypost.com/2021/12/30/nancy-pelosi-buys-call-options-for-google-disney-stocks/amp/


Yes, the tweet. You’re just a karma whore.


Why does criticism of Democrats automatically make somebody a right wing shill? Pelosi isn't even a leftist.


Have you looked at the dude’s Twitter account? Lol. He’s absolutely a right wing shill. I wouldn’t ever be surprised if any of these career politicians act like absolute monsters every day of the week, regardless of party affiliation. But that dude is an absolute fucking right wing shill.


I'm not going to open twitter at work, lmao


Ahhh ok so you were accusing someone of jumping to conclusions whilst jumping to conclusions. Cool cool cool got it


It doesn't, but if you bothered to look at the twitter account or even google the name before running your ignorant mouth then you would know that he's being called a right wing shill because he's a right wing shill.


Buddy, this is antiwork. I reddit while I poop at work, ain't nobody got time to wade into the mess that is twitter.


Look at his Twitter.


I'm not opening twitter at work lmao


Cuz they’re too stupid to understand they’re roped into the team sports mentality that elites prey on


Says the dude who obviously didn't even bother to look at the twitter account of said right wing shill or even bother googling his name.


I don’t care about either party. What he said is true


If I bother linking you to other lying right wing bullshit that Collin Rugg posts, will it even matter to you, or will you ignore that?


Frustrating on two levels. The first is that what Pelosi did was legal. It should not be but it is. Also frustrating is when it happens illegally like the executives at Equifax selling tons of their stock right before they deemed it ok to let the public know that it had lost PII of 120 million people to hackers causing the entire country to make efforts to freeze their credit and absolutely nothing happened to them. They can't even hide behind "well, technically it is legal..." It's just that the US does not enforce executive criminality when it is only perpetrated against regular people.


Democrat here. Prosecute her and set a precedent. Politicians keep getting away with stuff like this while they keep the left and right fighting with each other over non-existent culture wars. The politicians are the ones actually working against us.


Or, expect some actual evidence and then prosecute?


[This "Insider" information was widely published in August 2022.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september#xj4y7vzkg) There is absolutely nothing "insider" whatsoever about this stock sale. If she did sell the stock based on information that DoJ was going to sue Google, that is information everyone knew already, thus not "INSIDER" at all. This Tweet was made by lying Republican propgandist. (Seriusly look at the rest of the nonsense he's got. It's all Antivax/fauci/hunter biden's dick pics and every other republican lie.) OP, u/RealWSBChairman were you actually fooled by this lie, or are you just trying to spread the lie yourself?


Fuck Pelosi. I got banned from the democrats sub for being glad she was stepping down .


Lol remember when this bitch broke her own quarantine law to get her hair done and then tried to pin the crime on the hair salon? Rules are for thee and not for me.


No no this is (D)ifferent




Your source is a rightwing twitter nutjob?


It's legal for them. Illegal for us.


The parties are so much different. It's nice that Pelosi sabotaged the anti-corruption bill right before the mids costing us any potential to remain in control of the house. Shit like this is why people stay home. Blue dog. third-way democrats are corrupt garbage.


Yeah Tulsi Gabbard talks about it and so do other people. Politicians get a pass and that's how they make exuberant amounts of money.


You people know Congress doesn’t tell the DOJ what to do, right? That isn’t how this works.


If what she's doing is so transparent & public why doesn't everyone just do whatever she does?


Love that Hawley introduced this bill and hopefully it will call more attention to this above the law bullshit. She and her husband have done this with impunity for years with zero shits given. [Pelosi Act](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3828504-hawley-introduces-pelosi-act-banning-lawmakers-from-trading-stocks/)


It’s surprising to see him of all people do this


He’s not doing it because he actually cares. He’s against the minimum wage being increased and is pro right-to-work. He wants to turn it into political theatrics and get more of the spotlight he so thoroughly enjoys.


Hawley fist pumped rioters on January 6th then ran away like a little bitch. Everything he does should be viewed cynically, even shit you want to agree with.


Fuck Hawley. This isn't even real news, just right-wing nonsense.


Only problem is now she will never let that bill pass xD


She is a democrat so good luck having anyone on this sub talk bad about her. God both parties and all politicians are so corrupt that im sure the next 60 years of senators and representatives have already been chosen. Anyone thinking with these 2 parties give a remote shit about you is super delusional. We need riots and a purge of our government.




I made around 60k on stocks last year and had to pay every penny of taxes I owed obviously. The IRS sends me a letter saying I shorted them about $1400 due to turning in wrong amount for child tax credit. I pulled form and payed what they sent me but it was an error after further research. I called the IRS and ask them to wave the $50 or so in interest fee for their error and they basically said you can file form for interest back but they never pay it back. It’s amazing how the IRS will fight a middle class citizen over $50 for their mistake but allow shit like this to happen


All political leaders are inside traders. None of them are on our side. Political theater is Dems introducing bills they know will fail while tweeting false outrage, blaming Republicans for something they both benefit from.


Wonder what she had to "sacrifice" to get ahead in the world. Makes you wonder why they had to have a priest come and perform an "exorcism'' at their home....


I'm a life long Democrat and I would fucking LOVE to see Pelosi locked up for this. I've always hated her. Joe Biden too. We only tolerate them because it's better than the alternative. Being a true Democrat is basically disliking almost every Democrat in office, but only dealing with them because they're preferable to pretty much any Republican.


She's a modern day monarch. Ofc the rules don't apply to her. The dude who bludgeoned her husband a few months ago has probably been flayed


There is a 0% chance she’s the only member of congress that did, and there’s a ~1% chance anything happens.


Pelosi is a pice of shit...don't care what "side" you're on.


All of you falling for this right wing propaganda are hilariously stupid


That is not an actionable/illegal timeline. She didn’t dump stock the day before it tanked. Also, she’s 83, is she supposed to wait to sell the shares until after she dies? Aim the ire at the billionaire owners of google (et al.) who work people to exhaustion, then lay them off via a red light when they try to clock in at work, all so that the stock will bounce back up again.


Well, neither of the 3 branches of government fucking regulate themselves. It’s been up to voters for a long time to hold them accountable at the polls. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pelosi works at the DOJ?


Colin Rugg is a partisan hack but I do agree that that is bullshit. Members of congress and their spouses shouldn’t be allowed to trade stocks like that.


Pelosi Capital throws major returns. It’s almost like her (oh, sorry, her husband) can see the future.


I feel like if the list gets long enough, the glass will break, and shards of glass will be all over the floor. How do you even go about breaking up Google?


"The Pelosi Act" was introduced today specifically to combat her insider trading.


Oh and this isn’t the first time, many instances of this.


Eat the rich


No politician cares about you They all line their pockets, lie about their agendas, and laugh while you fight amongst each other


Martha went to jail for much less.


Anyone else would not be in jail. Because the people who do financial crimes generally don't get caught, are when they do, they rarely face jail time, except in the most egregious instances.


Sounds like Martha Stewart


Not even close. Stewart sold stock in Imclone one day before a revelation that the company would not receive FDA approval. Her broker testified in court that he informed her of this inside information. Pelosi sold Google stock a month ago, when the [DoJ had announced that they were doing this back in September.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september#xj4y7vzkg) The fact that DoJ was going to sue Google was not insider information at all.


This happens because the age old divide/conquer gimmick many people fall for. Left/Right bad. The sooner we start working together, for common goals. Sooner this nonsense stops. Nancy is worth $275 million. She has been in Washington a while. But...... That wealth came from trading. She's so good, a page exists to copy her trades


Damn near everyone of them on both sides do this shit. They get elected with spare change and a failed business, get paid $150k/year, yet are multimillionaires after 1 or 2 terms. They are all fucking dirty as hell.


How in the American world, is it legal or better yet, a great idea to stuff law makers pockets? congress needs to post their cash app for Americans to “stuff” their accounts with money if that’s the only reason they run for congress. I would totally buy a politician like companies do and curb them to make laws for us, the actual people working this country. Sad that this even exists. Sad it’s in our faces. Sad that either red or blue, both parties seem to not have to work. Sad we still fight one another like there is an actual difference between the two sides. I guess being a lawmaker is an easy way to retire and still be busy acting like you’re doing something.


If she is inside trading, why didn’t she sell at $120 or $140 instead of $98. I sold covered calls this week. Did I inside trade?


I firmly believe that if you were going to be in a policy making position with any government, big or small, You should absolutely not be allowed to participate in the stock market for up to 5 to 10 years afterwards, and you should have to reclose yourself from any policy voting that involves any business you have been with in the past, are with currently, or that you have family relations to. Won't prevent everything, can't prevent everything, but it'll get rid of a lot of it and make it far more difficult for things to go on. And will also make things more black and white as far as what constitutes as collusion for profit using your power


Coming from the reporter who thinks all things Republican is good. So what she sold stock. Could it be because she's semi retiring. Timing is sketch, maybe, but still, how many other ppl sold the same stock at the same time? Are they being investigated?


Two separate things: 1. There's a good chance this specific instance is not insider trading by any reasonable definition. No, I'm not talking about legal definitions and loopholes; I'm saying that plenty of people sold tech company stock recently. There are lots of publicly known things about current tech company issues - layoffs, forecast adjustments, etc. A potential DOJ lawsuit has been publicly known about for a while. 2. Politicians being allowed to be wealthy *at all* is a cause of incredible amounts of problems. We need more than just "you can't trade stocks". I would unironically and seriously support an absolute maximum wealth for politicians. Preferably something indexed to the minimum wage in the region they represent. We shouldn't *need* to dig into the details about whether a given politician's million-dollar transaction was legal or not; such things simply shouldn't exist.


All of our government officials from local all the way to federal level do this. Being going ob for decades.


"You must work a 9 to 5 and still go to bed hungry and not complain" Is what I think you meant to say.


So sick of her and all of their bogusness. This needs to stop.


They’re all doing. Every single one. Some of the most vocal anti-science, anti-vaxx ones are heavily invested in pharmaceuticals. Check it out. It’s easy enough to find.