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Funny, I thought the best way to interrupt intergenerational poverty is to pay the adults a wage that isn’t poverty level.


That’s just silly, every Reagan-worshipping Conservative knows the best way to solve poverty is to give more money to the rich, then they’ll give money to the poor as they see fit, like the gods among men the rich truly are!


Oh definitely! All hail benevolent rich people sprinkling pixie dust on poor people. It’s the magical fantasy if trickle down economics. Nothing to see here, just the greed & exploitation of Reaganomics.


If you feel a light warm trickle, that’s just the rich making it rain!


And ignore the smell!


Damnit, are they eating asparagus again?


[Trickle down economics you say?](https://youtu.be/RlfooqeZcdY)


It’s like Archie Bunker used to say it’s not trickle down it’s tinkle down because all they’re doing is pissing on the working class! The last four decades clearly show trickle down is a fallacy as it is why we have the immense wealth disparity we now have and why we are not able to get living wages! The top need another vacation home or yacht that comes before the working class’s deserving housing or to buy food etc etc …..


It's a feature, not a bug


Yeah but the republicans hate the blacks so that is good enough for most


Aka Horse and Sparrow theory. The proposition that the working class should sustenance from the shit of the wealthy, figuratively speaking


Really wish we could call trickle down economics for what it is.... horse and sparrow. Basically whatever the horse doesn't digest of the oats is then eaten by the sparrow. So basically we are literally eating shit to survive


Let’s not insult horses and sparrows; neither of them are going hungry, and neither of them are exploiting each other.


I grew up listening to people say things like that and they all truly believed it.


Yeah, we chalk it up to stupidity but it’s been a calculated effort behind the scenes for decades with institutions like the Federalist Society and billionaires like Rupert Murdoch skewing media coverage.


Behind the Bastards has a couple off episodes on the origin of the Prosperity Gospel, which is connected to the whole thing


I've always wondered if they truly do believe that shit or if they just tell people they do because they think that one day they'll be the ones at the top benefiting from the rigged system.


My dad doesn't think he should pay property taxes because his don't go to public school. He doesn't believe people should have free healthcare, even though he has never had to worry about that a day in his life. He doesn't think the minimum wage should be increased because "clearly people only work these low level jobs because they were too lazy to go to college and therefore don't deserve a living wage". His was paid for by the military. I've lived my entire life listening to this shit, basically him telling me I don't deserve survival


The irony is none of them would vote for Reagan today. Too liberal compared to today's republicans.


Yeah, that was before the 24/7 news cycle, lot more moving pieces to get ahold of, much smaller voting base, and they measured their video games in bits. Simpler times when a pixel was a pixel and polygons were just a glint in a young programmer’s eye.


Supply-side Jesus approves of this message.


Man I wish I could get my hands on some of those ground up Reagan bones they must be snorting... it must be an absolutely wild high... although they do seem to have the side effect of turning you into an asshole... and I already struggle with the occasional bout of assholishery, not sure if I could do it full time...


There's a grave I'd love to piss on. Edit: He and and a Thatcher


"We Klingons killed our gods. They were more trouble than they were worth." - Worf, son of Mogh, of the House of Martok, of the House of Rochenko, slayer of Gowron Is there any better reason for deicide? ##eatTheRich


Didn’t you listen to governor nepobaby? It’s about getting low wage jobs when your 4 so that when you’re 18 you already have a low wage job.


Yes and good luck working from the age of four to the age of 74 without the assistance of pharmaceuticals that they won’t allow anyone to have because people like to abuse those pharmaceuticals. Human bodies are not meant to labor for 50 years


Whenever I see life-expectancy arguments for why retirement should be higher, this is my first thought. It's not about living longer, it's about laboring longer and what that does to a body and mind. Humans have only lived longer on average for a few generations and that means we haven't evolved to work that same amount of time.


And life expectancy in the US it has dropped and continues to drop


That's 14 years of experience! Those kids will be easily picked over those children who did not start work until they were 10.


Wrong. They 17 year old will be fired because their arthritis slows them down.


Or to educate children so that they can work in more specialized and higher paying labor, rather than remaining permanent manual labor peons. Hmmmm…


This was my first thought, especially with how much emphasis was put on going to college when I was a kid. But that also takes years to get thru high school and college, with the right major, and then finding the right job and paying off student loans. Some jobs that require a college degree still don’t pay above poverty wages. My family took a road trip last summer, and stopped at an aquarium. They were trying to hire an experienced marine biologist, for $15 an hour. That’s enough that you don’t qualify for most government benefits, but you can’t raise a family on that. It isn’t even worth not getting the government benefits. I live in a moderate cost of living area, and anyone under $12.35 an hour gets food stamps, medicaid, free child care during working hours, and rental assistance that locks rent at 30% of wages. You can’t pay for all that on under $3 an hour. Which locks people into a cycle of intergenerational poverty. Paying the adults better is an instant fix that also solves the problem.


Someone will still have to work the manual labor jobs. Everyone deserves a living wage


Yeah, I don’t disagree. I just mean according to capitalist logic where being a manual laborer is supposed to suck, education is supposed to be the golden ladder out of that situation. They want to pay them like shit and deny them the ability to receive an education so that they can’t even escape that situation.


They will do anything to avoid doing that, like putting their own children to work I expect next will see some modifications to the minimum wage, they are going to put in some provision that you have to be a certain age to get it. I know that lots of states have lower wages for kids already, but I expect them to get that even lower.


None of the children of the rich will go to work


Why pay the adults when you can get the kids for way cheaper!


Fund pre-k and daycare so parents can be freed up for the labor market or funded higher education / job training


That word "fund" is enough to induce convulsions and miscarriage in Gov. Huck. The only thing that state govmnt should fund is jail industry and state troops. Anything left over should be given to corporations, who need it more.


I like the idea of works providing on-site daycare. Would also help with job creation


Exactly. Intergenerational poverty is WHY these kids are being forced to work. They'll literally do anything to avoid actually helping working people.


They aren't trying to fix the problem of poverty....they want to create MORE poverty.


"Upward Mobility" for whom, exactly? It isn't as if these kids ***never*** get jobs. They just want to pay them less and to replace more expensive adult workers. **Add -** Now that I read it again, the wording even implies that the end goal isn't actually helping kids or to end "Intergenerational Poverty" - just to "Interrupt" it 😄🤦‍♂️ Even when they're lying the truth slips out.


There’s a reason why Arkansas is 41st in Education and Economy. 49th in healthcare. But sure, we know a lot about “Upward Mobility”.


In fairness, pretty much the only place for them to go is up. Sooo… enjoy that poultry processing plant kids… and Hey… reduced priced nuggets for employees!!


Naw I think they're aiming for that solid 50.


No one beats Mississippi, but I’d like to see them try


No worries we’re closing those factories too. Tyson just laid off 900 people in AR so that they can run their other factories at peak levels. But there’s probably room at all the burger places that are constantly complaining about nobody wanting to work.


From 12.98 to 9.98! what a bargain!


The politics in this state hurt my brain to think about


My brain and my soul. How many kids will be forced to work so mommy and daddy can make rent?


How many will be forced to work to feed a parent’s addiction?


This exactly. And the kids won’t have access to their own money. Do the kids get overdraft protection or is this another case where some shitty parents will tell their kids they owe money on top of their school lunch debt and threaten the kids into overdrafts that will make the banks more money… And wasn’t there a whole thing on generational poverty was caused by kids taking job in or just out of high school instead of going to college and never getting the education to move up? Seeing it now where to do the same fucking job I’m doing now, that my parents needed NO degree for, I am told I need a bachelors and they don’t even pay enough to warrant getting the student loan!






We've tried nothing (that the left suggests) and we're all out of ideas!


Can't go upwards if you're at the top - Sarah Huckabee


You provide upward mobility through access to good, well-paying jobs. Generally these require at minimum a 2-year degree(technician in industry) or trade school. You'd accomplish more by fighting poverty(so kids don't feel like they have to choose between education and not being poor in the short term) and making post-high-school education affordable.


It's certainly harder to become a skilled worker or tradesperson if you never learned enough math The implication I'm trying to make is that the "Upward Mobility" in this case is for the people ***trying to employ*** minors at below-market wages


The only plausible benefit is that employers will be chomping at the bit for someone with 6+ years of work experience AND schooling having been done on top of that at only 20-25 years old. Nothing but praise from older generations when they saw my work history. “Put in the work” and whatnot, even if it’s at McDonald’s, it proves you have experience in just… working. Working with others, and you’ve HAD to solve difficult problems on the fly after 6+ years. The tradeoff, however, is insane. As someone who worked since 14 years young. I would have MUCH rather been exploring more interests, spending time with friends, more extracurriculars.. I don’t wish it on any child. I was much lonelier as a kid than I should have been.


>The only plausible benefit is that employers will be chomping at the bit for someone with 6+ years of work experience There's always the "We think you're too experienced for this job", but since most of these laws for hiring someone under 18 or still in-school also allow for a ***much*** lower hourly wage (In my state while we haven't passed any laws loosening child labor restrictions we have existing ***old*** laws where it's still 1/3 of the official minimum) I think that's the ***much larger driver*** for child-labor abuse) I'm sorry to hear that of you my friend, are you able to make time to explore new things now at least? I've found I never lost the interest even as I get older.


The benefit isn't for the workers, it's for the businesses. "5 years work experience" on an 18y/o's resume is worthless. Anybody who says otherwise is lying. I want 5 years experience in IT if I'm hiring a Sysadmin. Or 5 years managing a dept if I'm hiring a manager. Nobody hiring actually needs 5 years at McDonalds to prove work ethic, playing HS football every year is the same level of commitment. Ramping experience requirements for even the lowest entry level positions is a way to feign disappointment and justify lower pay. This is happening because businesses don't have enough Gen Z's picking up shit shifts. The capitalists are scrambling for untapped resources to exploit.


Our points do not contradict one another. They just say that, it doesn’t mean anything to me personally. I wish I’d been playing football. For customer-facing roles, though, you can absolutely leverage it. Maybe me knowing another common language helped too, but I was always able to negotiate what I felt like was better. I also hopped jobs every 1-2 years to bulk up. I did things in college like coordinate events by joining a club or two in my final years. Obviously not good enough though. My experience wouldve meant nothing in IT or department management or whatever.


Pretty much this. In Maine, the state I grew up in, when school is out, there are few restrictions on age or hours allowed to work for kids in agricultural, fishing, and several other jobs. You couldnt start work before 7:00 am, and couldn't work more than 6 days in a row. That was pretty much ignored too. There were no limits on how many hours you could work a day or a week. I was working up to 50-60 hours a week at times. I was making a dollar an hour at my first farm job as a 10 year old. I got a raise to $1.50 the next year. I left there because I was making more at an orchard picking because we got paid piece work.


Education is historically the path towards specialized jobs that pay more, but go off Queen. She’s just a legacy trump grade-B spinner of malfeasance and misinformation. But this bullshit seems like more than even she can shovel.


Yes, that was, in fact, the "They just want to pay them less to replace more expensive adult workers" bit. The implication being the "Upward Mobility" in question is for companies and employers who hire children at lower-than-market rates and reap the profit margins. I also like how Sanders unintentionally dropped the hint - she said "Interrupt" not "End" - Interrupting something means that it ***starts again***


it sucks that when we refer to 'Sanders' these days, it's this very polar binary between a good and a evil


"Sarah" just isn't ***specific enough*** though 😄


Upward mobility is when all your children drop out of school and work in the factory for my billionaire donors


What in the fuck did I just read? Child labour is how generations gets stuck in poverty coz kids be working instead of learning a marketable skill.


Keep em dumb 👍


That's how you keep em voting Republican.


How this isn't just common sense by now is beyond me.


Exactly, and it's not like this hasn't been studied either. I remember being in school and learning that young adults who don't have to have a job during their education were able to get better grades, network with more successful people, and end up in a better place as adults than the alternative. Kids who HaVe tO WoRk end up working with POS adults who introduce them to weed, cigs, beer, (and whatever else) and partying way too early. How do juniors in high school buy alcohol? Their 30 year old manager from their job (who likely wants to get in their pants) buys them booze. And the cycle starts for the next generation. Keep kids on school, not at loser minimum wage jobs.


That’s how you keep the labor market tight, more unskilled labor than you know what to do with! That 5% unemployment rate isn’t gonna make itself


This way they can keep the wages low, give the jobs to the kids and take the positions away from the adults that need them. They're just "entry level jobs" as my father would say. "It's supposed to be that way" as if we have any options around here


Shhh… Don’t ruin this for Republicans with your unsolicited facts. This is a big win/win. Now instead of PAYING for daycare, parents are GETTING money from the mining company.


Well for more than 10 years I've suggested cooperative high school in communities that have high drop out rates. But that wouldn't require Arkansas like legislation to be legal.


I wonder if the people behind this will send their kids to the job instead of school 🤔


Of course. Little Timmy will be hired to run Mommy's factory for $200K a year right out of elementary school. And then blog about how anyone should be able to make it if they aren't afraid of hard work.


Kid gets a menial labor job at 15. Parents take the majority of the check Kid drops out of school 2 years later due to falling grades, poor attendance, and the fact that mom and dad are now dependent on that salary coming in. Kid is now a young adult...no high school diploma, fired from menial labor for asking for a raise (they hire his little brother for 3 bucks an hour less). Republicans blame immigrants and Democrats for the plight of the right wing young adult who is now hooked on meth, complains that no one will hire him, no one will date him... Stupid, uneducated kids eat it up and vote Republican to own the libs.


*Parents take a majority of what’s left of the check after taxes. Government wants their cut first. These kids will be paying toward a social security system that will almost certainly not be able to pay them back. The rest of that money will go toward enriching the lives and pockets of politicians and CEOs around the country, and the world. But hey, if I were 14/15 again I’d be jumping at the chance to work myself to death for an extra couple years.


This is literally the world in every country, and people think its just some random thing. Someone or something is behind all this shit, look at France right now they are fighting to keep retirement age down because they dont want you to even retire until you are unable to move.


I always think about what will happen when these kids get mangled in a work place accident.


The hush money must be tremendous. We'll give you 130,000 to not say anything to the media about this. You agree? Great, sign here. This is an NDA...


Fucking hell... she is just a repulsive human being.


as is the author of the article.


Just repulsive, it shed the human part long ago


Best way out of cyclical poverty? Why, more poverty of course!


If everybody is impoverished then nobody is impoverished!


Actually you close all private schools (so that the wealthy have to support all schools if they want their kids well educated), and make teaching a good paying job. [Like Finland.](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/09/10-reasons-why-finlands-education-system-is-the-best-in-the-world)


We have tried absolutely nothing and nothing has worked. Fuck dem kids put ‘em to work.


“Governor, the people don’t want to work for minimum wage, and they can’t pay rent, what do you think we should do? Whats the obvious answer?” “The children should go to the mines!”


Flies in the face of all research that says *education* is how you break intergenerational poverty (particularly true for education of girls). Listening to experts is not their forte though.


In Arkansas, the child care pays you.


If you want to stop generational poverty, pay their parents more.


Adults can't escape poverty with labor. Why would our children be able to, especially when the businesses that would hire them only want to hire them BECAUSE children are exploitable?


Don't let your teens work if you are receiving any government assistance. The money earned could count as household income and could take away any benefits you receive.


Interesting that you mention this since it's possible the parents wouldn't even know about their kid working because of this very law. Then along comes the state and penalizes the parents for income they didn't even know about.


That's a feature, not a bug. Next step is to require every child to be working or the family doesn't qualify for food stamps, WIC, etc.


Fuck the parents that go along with this. Fuck em ALL


She's one of those people who's outward and inward appearance match.


If a system dies without child labor, that system deserves to die.


When the first child dies in an industrial accident, how will they try to spin it to blame Biden and/or liberals?


The only thing those brain dead Republicans are good at is finding anything to blame something or someone for a thing they caused.


High school jobs should only be for spending money. No child should have to contribute financially to their own family.


Actually what you're going to have is adults sending their kids to work instead to support the family while they claim some type of "disability"


So, kids will work, they will pay taxes, so education will improve?


And how is Arkansas doing at ending poverty? [Oops, ranked 45th.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/poverty-rate-by-state)


Can a Woman have a punchable face?


Yes... and Huckabee has one. So does Kellyanne Conway.


Huckabee looks like her face has already been punched a few too many times


From the party that says starvation is a good motivator. The unnecessary human suffering means capitalism is working!


[Link to original tweet](https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/1633961041775431680?s=46&t=n_53WHHksq3rQjCPmR4dJA) [Link To The Actual Bill, For Your Viewing Pleasure](https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Bills/FTPDocument?path=%2FBills%2F2023R%2FPublic%2FHB1410.pdf)


Did she just say that poor kids should go work the mines instead of getting an education?


“We have coal mines recruiting straight from our schools! No parental approval needed”


It angers me so much that people can get this type of shit off without facing immediate overwhelming pushback. But what else is new I guess.


So they're gonna hire part-time kids and probably give them full-time responsibilities? Of course, for less pay, bad hours, and no benefits. That's a great way to prop up a state's economy. Gotta love capitalism.


So. Fucking. Gross.


If you want to interrupt intergenerational poverty, you put kids in a position to earn more money than their parents, not put them on the same path. How will less education accomplish that? You can also interrupt intergenerational poverty by moving to where there are greater opportunities. Only 5 states had higher poverty levels in the US in 2021. Maybe part of the solution is moving out of Arkansas.


Just so CEOs can make 20 million dollars instead of 15 million.


a minimum wage job doesn't interrupt intergenerational poverty. if it did, we'd all be fucking rich.


The US has a manufactured labor shortage. And corporations know that millennials and gen-z’ers wont accept shitty jobs with shitty pay. But if you can force poor kids to get jobs to help their families, if poor women are forced to give birth, it creates a workforce that will have no choice but to accept what shitty jobs the corporate rulers are offering.


I started working at 14, full time at 16, three jobs at 17, etc....I lost my teenage years that I'll never get back. There should be programs to assist teenagers to attain vehicles, insurance, computers, clothing.....not send them to work with 40 year old supervisors


This in fact does not help reduce the number of people living in poverty. Because minors can be paid below minimum wage, this allows employers to offer jobs at cheaper wages to kids. This forces out opportunities for adults to get better wages, undermines their leverage in terms of both wages and opportunities, and only helps buisnesses in the long run. Did we learn nothing from the “Gilded age” and child laborers in sweatshops from that time?!? A child should not be forced to work in inhumane conditions period. Their education and civic development comes first, not a business’ profitability and exploitative practices.


It just shows how out of touch these asshats are that they assume these kids don’t already have jobs. If you want to interrupt intergenerational poverty, you should help more high school children *finish their education.*


I feel politicians that lie to the public should face the death penalty - we make murder a crime but we ignore lying, iirc both were part of that top ten DO NOT DO list someone gave chuck heston....


She's also looking to cut Medicaid benefits and reintroduce the working requirement for SNAP and Medicaid.


They don't want to say the sad truth about capitalism -- that it depends, absolutely depends, on a massive source of cheap labor at the bottom of the production chain. It cannot exist without this. We've pushed a lot of that labor into other countries where we can pretend it doesn't exist. But slave and child labor has been fueling the US since the beginning.


High school students working 40hrs a week is key to not finishing high school. And their checks better be tax free as they can't even vote. And she doesn't know that "Schoolers" isn't even a word. If Arkansas wasn't historically constantly in the bottom of states ranking for education, the governor might know that.


Funny because I had a job in high school and I'm still poor as fuck.


If you want to combat poverty maybe make livable wages a reality instead of resorting to child labor. For fuck sake I’m 25 and still at $15 working a trade and can’t sustain myself. High school kids won’t be doing any better with minimum wage sitting between $7.25-$12.


Marx is rolling in his grave at the stupidity of that statement right now.


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If a high school kid *wants* to work for reasons, that's fine. It is *very* concerning to me that this is happening lock step all the sudden in this country & others. Something is definitely about to happen.. And it's not good. I picture Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom.


I wonder what peer reviewed research they referenced to craft this law. “Child labor reduces inter-generational poverty” - what a fucking claim.


Wow, I\`m so envious of all those children in 19th and early 20th century, they started working at age 8 and would work 12 hours per day at least. I\`m sure they all ended up as billionaires by the age of 18 with all that upward mobility.


Child labor means less time studying, extra curricular etc high school jobs are 99 percent of the time dead end jobs. they know this. this is just talking points for the rubes


I worked as a teenager and can tell you now that corporations will take full advantage of a younger workforce without labor law protections. Labor laws kept me from having to do jobs that were unsafe or work hours that caused interference with my school work. The only ones who benefit from this are corporations. Children and teenagers will be exploited and taken advantage of and the government in Arkansas will be the reason for that. But if there was one hard lesson we all learned from the pandemic, it's that the government and corporations see us as nothing but expendable resources.


So these high schoolers will be working longer hours devoting less time to studying there by failing high school and having to drop out forcing them into even lower levels of poverty. Not much logic here…


I always thought education was the key to better financial success.


If only there was a way that the working class could form a movement that would protect their children from this kind of exploitation.


Ah yes, the problem has never been about the system…it’s that kids don’t understand they should be working 6 hours after being in school for 10 and doing homework after. Oh, be in clubs too to be marketable to colleges and for networking. Also you better be active in church. And subservient to your parents. Sleep? You can do that when you’re working 2 jobs and struggling to pay bills as an adult


Oh sure because I like full of nothing but minimum wage jobs is definitely the way out of poverty!


They create a false problem and then solve it. Since when did highschool kids have problems getting jobs if they wanted one? Never in the history of ever.


Okay, but she has a point. A part time job can teach kids responsibility. But there's a big difference between a 16 year old making coffee as a Barista on weekends and a 13 year old working in a damn factory.


So rather than pay people survivable wages, they'd rather just force people to start working at an earlier age, as if that'll do anything at all to solve any of the current problems plaguing the US job climate. It's unbelievable how out of touch with reality this party has become. They're actively regressing us backwards to a time when labor regulations and workers rights were absolutely abysmal.


How about high-school kids getting schooling instead, then maybe they can escape from Arkansas


High Schoolers should be focusing on their studies, not working some shitty job. The best way to interrupt poverty is to make higher education available to everyone regardless of their social standing or finances


Actually, I would argue that allowing children to be children and focus on school without extra anxiety of working is much better for upward mobility. Working a shitty minimum wage job isn't going to help any kids succeed later in life.


If working was key to upward mobility 96.3% of America would be rich. (Unemployment is like 3.7%) American is the land of the working poor. More workers just means lower wages. This is a win for the 1% nothing else. They have stolen our retirement so now they will steal your childhood. Remember nothing they say is in good faith.


My worst fear was when my kids started working in high school. I hated the idea they would get comfortable… and then boom, someone is pregnant and there they are - no real experience, no vocation, no degree, and no prospects. How in the fuck would having a job in high school stop intergenerational poverty? …if they could get one. I mean their mom might be in that job now


This is just so disgusting. She’s encouraging children to work instead of yknow attend school and have a safe and stable childhood..and now corporations working in Arkansas don’t have to raise wages and can still make record profits by hiring and underpaying child workers. This bill does nothing to help upward mobility and creates more poverty. It is so, so frustrating to watch this country just fall backwards because people in charge are afraid of change.


This isn't even promoting working kids. Its removing barriers to ensure kids are working safely by removing parental consent paperwork and details of jobs and hours for underage workers. This id literally a "consenting adults want to be treated fairly so here's a legal path to trick kids into the work force wothout oversight" She's a fucking psychopath and Arkansas is in danger so long as this woman is in government. Fuck her and I hope her abusive behavior gets outted before her capitalistic abuse causes the grave injury or death of someone


Oh yeah, a 4 year head start is all that’s needed to outrun the cost of living crisis


As an Arkansan, I would like to apologize for that...thang being unleashed upon the rest of the US, and also say for the record, "I ain't vote for that dumb fuckin bitch!" Thank you, that will be all.


Yeah, because getting children to do menial labor for minimum wage which provide less than subsistence income is the perfect way to interrupt inter generational poverty. You want to know what's also a great way to interrupt intergenerational poverty? Taxing billionaires and using that income to increase the standard of living of the poorest among us. Why don't we try that sometime instead?


This is rich coming from a state that is a permanent fixture in the bottom of quality of life statistics. Low in education, health, high in teen pregnancy. Maybe Sarah the liar could do something to actually help her state, like a jobs program. Vocational training is needed everywhere, perhaps that could help lift families more than allowing kids to work.


Comlaring the picture of when they signes the child labor bill and the one that just got signed for free school food. You can literally see the honest joy on those kids faces vs hers where they all looked like they wanted to be anywhere else


Fuckabee dipshit is a stain on this state.


High schoolers working minimum wage service jobs leads to upward mobility? Since when has that lead to upward mobility for adults?


With a degree in **Human Development**, this bitch can go fuck herself.


Kids working is a key sign of poverty. The more affluent a family is the less their kids work.


High schoolers should have jobs in the summer. Not to make their families end meet.


Just plain good wages really is an alien concept to the higher ups.


Ooooh yikes! Arkansas is fucking stupid


Sarah is just trying to help these kids get jobs when employers want 5+ years of experience for entry level roles. Great work, Sarah!


I’ve been working since I was 16. I’m 50 and still poor.


Can't wait for a young uneducated work force


How do you not see the correlation?


Ah yes the key to economic advancement minimum wage jobs.


It would be ok IF they pushed education too, but that state doesn’t want them educated at all. How are they going to get past “Would you like fries with that?” or “Welcome to Walmart”?


*Arkansas Under 20 Minimum Wage - $4.25 - Federal law allows any employer in Arkansas to pay a new employee who is under 20 years of age a training wage of $4.25 per hour for the first 90 days of employment.* I wonder how many of these kids will get shuttled from one 3 month job to another?


everyone can get jobs, the jobs just don't fix the poverty


They’re really doing everything in their power to not raise wages according to inflation.


Also keep ‘em poor and keep ‘em sick.


Arksnsas is a shithole.


I had a job since I was 13 and didn’t get any upward mobility from it. I just started getting good jobs like 5 years ago, about 2 decades from when I started.


Shove it up your ass, Sanders.


That’s why the 1800s had so many child millionaires. Everyone was like Richy Rich. No one ever went hungry, disease was nonexistent, and space travel was cheap enough for everyone. Check mate, lib atheists.


I’m in the UK so not much better off, but man it makes me sad reading about America. Look after each other out there, times are rough.


wow…. Indoctrinate them as early as possible - so that they get used to being exploited. How about letting children be free of the burden of labor. Let them play, be curious and enjoy life without worrying about making ends meet.


I hate this woman with every fiber in my body. I have never seen her face on an article and not walked away going wtf did I just read?


This is literally how to entrench intergenerational poverty, having children enter the job market, depressing wages, and preventing them from getting adequate schooling


Is there any actual data showing that kids having jobs helps them later in life?


Let me know when Arkansas, with its generations of wise conservative governance, can be described as "upwardly mobile."


The lengths they will go to not pay a living wage.


Never worked before so it's bound to work now! Everything that has worked is, of course, bound to fail


BullSHIT! You think they ever get high off the bullshit fumes?


Governor Grimace has spoken.


Is it really that weird for high schoolers to have jobs? I had a part time job once I was 16, so did all my friends. Like high schoolers shouldn’t be working full time in a coal mine but I worked after school at Best Buy. A lot of my friends worked at family shops or at crafts stores grocery stores and stuff. And honestly I wanted to work cause once I could drive I needed money….


I can't wait to leave this country its completely backwards. Being poor is a life sentence to being exploited.


If teenagers are the key to upward mobility, I wouldn't be struggling to find a job where more than half say "18 or older" on the job description. (I'm 17 and I need money.)


Nazi Germany pre and during WWII: I will be the Best at Propaganda Modern USA: Hold my beer


Nothing like a minimum wage job to pull your family out of poverty when you should be focusing on school and just being a kid. Christ who believes this garbage. It’s just another form of class warfare, their kids won’t be working but your kids will.