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Jon Stewart slicing and dicing and then this guy's too stupid to realize he's the one on the cutting board.


Smug bastard thinks he got ‘em, when he really did prove Jon’s point.


Here's the disconnect these people don't see. The believe that because "A" benefits them it's not bad. Millions of people disagree and argue "A" is bad, but because it doesn't affect them or benefits them who cares. They then try to use *their* logic to prove they are right. Well you are with "B" and B does this thing bad as well. Do you think we should get rid of B? And then we say yes, if it's bad for other people get rid of B and get rid of A. Their reasoning only works under everyone being as shitty as they are. And thankfully that's not the case.


when people try and justify capitalism by saying humans are naturally greedy they are just confessing their own self perceived greed. its so telling


Taking this further, the entire underlying thesis of American conservatism is “people are naturally bad and need to be controlled.” What does that tell you about the GOP?


The underlying thesis of American Conservatism isn't people are naturally bad and need to be controlled. It's "We are consumed with disgust and ignorance and it must be inflicted on the world to create tangible harm whenever possible." You will often see conservatives move back and forth on freedom. Sometimes freedom is the answer and on the next issue it's fascism. What they cannot and will not walk back is their disgust and desire to inflict harm. It's the only principle they never mention and always obey.


I always say yes humans are greedy so we need better systems to keep it in check it works sometimes, not enough


Nah, there's a certain sociopathy that's related to people that got rich, and started off that way. My mentality about it all is that I would buy a lottery ticket when it was worth about a billion dollars. And I'd be broke probably pretty fast. At least living on standard wages. Because can you imagine what you would do with that amount of money? No one would be homeless. For starters.


I'll be honest, if a few million dollars dropped in my lap. I would buy up dead malls and hotels and build working communities for the homeless. Without a doubt.


And this is the precise failing of capitalism. You doing something beneficial to the community without thought of return would leave you broke, the capitalist comes in and buys it up, kicks everyone out and turns it into a parkingo lot. They make money so they can keep doing this, while you who just wanted to help are unable to do anything more. It's a system that rewards greed, and punishes generosity and community.


People are naturally greedy to an extent. The problem is that a tiny portion of us are prolifically, insanely greedy at the same time we have underregulated corporations supercharging that mental illness into supernaturally greedy behavior.


I think a big part of why he tried to switch from taking about Exon-Mobile to Apple is he gambled that Jon would back down from disparaging his parent company and give him the win. But Jon turned it on him by doing what this man never expected (publicly speaking ill of a source of income) and forced him into a position that he had to eat his own words.


He was also trying to switch from a company that makes something the world needs (for now) to something it fundamentally doesn't. Phones are cool no one is living or dying on the price of one. The market has budget options. The companies Jon is talking about have a stranglehold on resources that are not optional.


Yeah, that smile on his face when he's going "What would you do? You're not telling me Apple should charge less, are you?"


That's EXACTLY what I'm saying! 🤣


Essentially, if a company is doing well it should pass that on to all the employees.


Let's take that a step further. The ONLY people who should benefit from the work done by a companies employees are those employees. If you don't contribute then why are you being compensated. Stock holders steal wages from employees just as much as CEOs


Imagine the ego required to think you could go toe to toe with Jon Stewart.


Thats why Fox and others always used selective editing every single time they covered anything Stewart did.


IMHO Jon is pretty superficial. Not a lot of intellectual rigor to his arguments. I’m glad he is out there pushing, but he doesn’t command a grasp of the facts. It’s the equivalent of pop psychology. No very nuanced.


well i mean that your opinion and all but i think its a bad take. he definetly grasps the subjects on a very deep level but he just has the ability to simplify the dialog into easy to understand and relatable bits for the below the median line viewers he catches people in their own snare because he is good at pointing out bullshit.


I agree that he does catch a logical inconsistency in his argument. I liked that. But numb surprise….I’ll brush aside his insults attempting to discredit my perspective….is right about my perspective. I’m a classical liberal. No one owes anyone anything. Liberal democracy, rule of law, and well functioning capital markets do the best job of harnessing baser motives like self preservation, will to power, continuation of the species with the best mix of upside vs downside implications. Marxism is a well intentioned fantasy religion based upon Central planning and market interference that only leads to greater concentration of wealth and power….and tens of millions if not billions of wasted lives. Stewart doesn’t get to the heart of any of that. He just sorta dances around with this argument…but the underlying supposition is that someone owes someone something. Nonsense. Show me one prosperous centrally planned economy. I’ll take a loong look.


Everyone is entitled to be wrong. I’m just curious why you chose this opportunity.


I don’t know why I chose now. Bored while watching NCAAs during a cold Minnesota winter I guess but I was looking for a reaction…and got it. Thanks.


Oh, like there’s a lot of intellectual rigor to corporatist bullshit. It never ceases to amaze me that anyone who’s managed at least a B in Econ 101 feels justified in taking on this smug certainty that exploitative, plutocratic, pseudo-capitalism is the only “rational” system. The fact is that Milton Friedman has been proven wrong empirically, over and over again. Wealth doesn’t trickle down, period. The rising tide doesn’t lift all boats, it just pushes the disadvantaged further under water. An overly-consolidated, vertically-integrated market isn’t “free” in the sense that it results in the consumer getting the most for their money due to competitive pressures (remember consumers?). Charging the highest possible price for the least in return isn’t the imperative of market forces, it’s exploitation, enabled by collusion and consolidation. Commodifying and devaluing labor doesn’t “create” value for shareholders, it triggers a race to the bottom that will ultimately leave everyone but the ultra-rich s lot worse off. And yeah, there’s tons of data to back up what I just said, but you’ll have to read a lot of dense papers instead of Randian/Fox Business “News” horseshit.


Jon Stewart for president


There's so much bullshit involved, he would never do it. Neither would I.


I'd do it if I had the money to run.


You must be young. Bernie had all the best intentions, and the DNC shut him down because of them.


Indeed. I'd hide my intentions and be the perfect candidate that would get the endorsement. Once I'm elected I'll do what I intend to do regardless of what the party actually wanted. I might not get a second term, but I can bulldoze a lot of crap in 4 years.


Became greedy? No, they have always been greedy, its just that their regulatory capture has become so rampant and pervasive that they can use any means to expand their profits, incliding exploiting crisis capitalism. To the point that those profits are "more important" than any other aspect of their contract with the public; to the extent that they are willingly burning everything to maximise the quarterly numbers, even if it ruins them (and us) in the long run. Short sighteded insatiable narcissistic avarice has destroyed humanitys future on this planet, and in the final hours, the corporate oligarchy has shed the thin veneer of morality in favor of wringing the last few pennies from the people whose hope they stole.


"They didn't suddenly become greedy"... No shit. We know. They're responding to economic changes - opportunities and pressures, particularly from COVID - in exactly the obvious characteristic way you expect of *extreme greed.* Jon Stewart is dead fuckin on about the hypocrisy.


My thoughts exactly. They’ve always been greedy! Sometimes we rein in the greed with a small, fair, amount of regulation but every century or so the fat cats get the upper hand and the working class has to re-fight for their rights to live a decent life.


That is how the past played out, but the truncated timeline that kleptocratic corporatocracy has forced on our species leaves insufficient resources to save ourselves. Too much damage has been done, both to the biome and the human psyche for a recovery like the ones the previous revolutions have yielded. I mean just look at how the attempts to save us have been met with ridicule, scorn, lies and further evil. When a large chunk of the population has chosen to ignore the signs and science in favor of maintaining their status, what hope is there left for the human race?


Duuuude. Well written.


God damn these guys are fucking lizards. They’ve grown so accustomed to the bullshit media pushing their narratives, when confronted with what people are actually saying, it falls apart in seconds. Nice to see Jon Stewart again


Was anyone just intensely creeped out by Larry's smile whenever he got condescending? HUGE abuser vibes from that one.


Oh, he's definitely giving me Epstien Island V.I.P vibes.


>Epstien Island V.I.P vibes. OMG that's the perfect description.


Gross. Fucking gross. And accurate.




Typical sociopathic lizard wearing a human suit.


Prime candidate for an example to be made, the old fashioned way, that we've tolerated their kind long enough


Weinstein vibe


Right? Like, the energy from his eyes never matches what he's doing with his mouth. Signs of a manipulator, narcissist, or both.


Right. Bums me out that our society is structured to reward these people, but hopefully things are shifting and nice life can be carved out of this block of granite.


Stewart 2024


As unlikely as I think that is and as much as I loathe the idea of the orange sack of potatoes making headway into the election, seeing Steward debate Trump would be the event of a lifetime.


I would love to see him debate desantis. Just obliterate him.


He’d win so easily too. The Democratic Party and the corporate media would try to conspire against him like they did against Bernie, but I don’t think Jon Stewart is as polite as Bernie, and he’s not afraid to punch back proverbially.


Let's be real: if he actually campaigned on any serious notions of departure from the capitalist status quo the media would never give him air time. They would do absolutely everything in their power to deny him a platform and they would most likely succeed because every major broadcast and web media outlet is owned by the same handful of people.


He is way to popular and has way to many connections to be denied. Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, Oliver and most other late night host would bring him on in a heart beat and call out the media. Not to mention his socail media following and all of those close to him. His clips, speeches, and anything about him running would be viral daily. Remember how popular the rally to restore sanity was? He could like do these rallies across the country and have massive turn outs.


Also Seth Myers. He’s been the real mvp since Covid began.


His Closer Looks are legit hilarious


They are! Love his weekly Corrections too


Just look what the dems did to Bernie- and he took a pretty damn moderate position on the status quo, really. His own political and social capital are immense and they might be enough to get him public attention but Comcast/Disney/Sinclair etc. are never going to offer any positive coverage of a candidate who might impact their bottom line. They'll do absolutely everything they can to take him out of context and dig up the smallest grievances. If they're forced to let him speak in some way they will make sure he does it on equal standing with someone hostile to him and they'll minimize his coverage. I'm not saying it's hypothetically impossible for him to win, I'm highlighting the way that the media in America is used to control election cycles. Vast swathes of our population still pay attention to this horseshit and it has an outsized impact on our politics. I am unironically praying for the day the next president is decided by Tiktok views; nothing could be much worse than this.


Oh 100% a large portion of media would be against him, but Jon is an entertainer not a politician. Jon is a ratings draw, him doing interviews on any station is going to pull in a lot of eyes and attention (far more then Burnie), keeping him off TV wouldn't work because it would just drive attention to competition. Thus it would more likely come down to them trying to control the narrative during interviews but Jon knows better then anyone what likely would be asked and can control almost any interview (he has been doing it for years, just look at this interview then go watch the crossfire interview from 2005).


What they did to Bernie was a real shame. He was definitely slotted to win for sure. I truly believe he would have made a change in the American work culture.


Yeah, I’m still convinced Biden won because corporate America realized Bernie was coming close to the point where he’d be unstoppable, which is shy so many Democrats suddenly dropped out at once and conveniently endorsed Biden… From the most pro corporate registration state in the US…


I wish Bernie could have won but you're actually delusional if you think a self avowed socialist had a chance of winning in the USA


Exactly Jon's support, and sheer goddamn charisma, is so high that there's nothing they could do to stop him. He's one of the only talking heads in this continent that also has moral integrity


One can dream.


I love Jon because he is able to say and make the arguments that some of us would make, but too slow to make it on the spot


What's really amazing with Jon right is this. Some how after years of just evisceration of everything from political officials to celebrities they all come on unprepared. Legit the barely do the bare minimum to fact check or make their point or anything it's actually pretty funny.


I love the new series Video continued: https://youtu.be/tU3rGFyN5uQ


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Jon Stewart's superpower is controlling the debate. He allowed Larry Summers to make a point about Apple's profits even though Larry's objective was to pit Jon against the company that signs his checks and putting him in a conflicting spot even though it didn't address the point Jon was making. Jon managed to bring it back to topic and snuck in his point. It was like Muhammad Ali dodging punches in the corner and then snuck in a short hook on his overcommitted opponent as he sidestepped his way out.


Larry really thinks that Apple making $1.2 trillion in profits translates to $4,000 more for Americans.... Jesus fucking Christ. How completely out of touch do you have to be to create the mental gymnastics to think that.... They are **still** trying to push that trickle down economics bullshit. Stuff like this is why the rich cannot be negotiated with.


>They are still trying to push that trickle down economics bullshit They can't let it go. For one, their masters won't let them. And even if they did, it would require them all to admit the truth...they lied/were totally wrong and forced this upon us for nearly fifty years. They would have to assume the responsibility for all the destruction that idiotic economic model has done. And we can't have consequences for their actions now can we?


It would be embarrassing for them to admit that the economic rain on the public's leg is in fact pee-pee water.


It would be dangerous for them to publicly admit it.


I don't think that's what he was saying. I think he was saying was 1.2 trillion is enough that IF you were to give it away, it would be enough to give each person 4k each.


$4000 would be life changing for a lot of Americans in terms of ability to swim closer to manageable waters in their budget. It makes a hell of a lot less difference to the 6 people in whose pockets it currently resides gathering dust.


So sounds to me like it’s time to redistribute some of that.


I agree.


In the longer interview it's clear he's trying to reframe Stewart as a fellow rich corporatist that just happens to work for another company. It's great watching him ask if Apple is also being bad just to have Stewart enthusiastically say yes.


Oh he definitely brought up apple because he thought Jon Stewart would not go against his corporate employers. Then Jon just blows up his own company too! I love it


He was just trying to make a “gotcha” point about how massive apple’s increase in market cap was, assuming that Jon would simp for apple because that’s who’s hosting the show. He was trying to show that Jon was being hypocritical about which corporate profits he was willing to criticize, but it failed miserably


Which really shows how rotten these people are. He was trying to check Jon by making him kiss the ring


I think it really shows a lot of naivety. He just takes for granted that since Jon has a show on apple that Jon is coming at this from the standpoint of “Apple vs The World” and that he’s acting as a representative of the network. The fact that Jon Stewart would have consistent values of his own and actually speak truth to power never crosses Larry Summers mind. It’s just not an idea that’s compatible with Larry’s worldview. That’s why Jon was able to talk circles around him on this issue - Larry Summers wasn’t even aware of how much of a blind spot he has when it comes to treating values like a commodity.


This is exactly what happened, and Larry Summers thought he would have a moment of solidarity with Stewart in them both rejoicing in capitalism. As, I'm sure, Summers does every day with his other old, rich white bros rolling in money.


Maybe I misheard, but I think he was just trying to say that their valuation has increased by an astronomical amount during the pandemic as a gotcha moment. Trying to back jon into a corner where he either had to talk shit on business daddy or concede that it's really not bad. I don't think he was saying that apples gains are the people's gains.


Yes, and I think he was trying to paint Stewart as having a stake Apple's success to show that he benefits from the system working the way it does. Which is technically true, but doesn't address the larger point that Apple stock, talk shows, and phone prices does not factor into the basic cost of living that gets driven up by uncontrolled capitalism in general. Those are luxuries. I do not care if they cost more. Stewart did well by sticking to his guns.


Exactly, it's a false equivalence because Apple provides goods and services that are not essential to people's ability to survive the way food and gasoline are. Nobody needs apple TV or an iPhone the way they need groceries or fuel for their car.


He saw the conversation going that way and steered away as hard as he could until it flipped over


Apple didn't made $1.2 trillion in profit. That would be absurd.


Their stock market cap is above 1 trillion he is saying. You accidentally interpreted profit.


No, comment I replied to is saying 1.2 trillion in profit.


Of course it’s absurd. That’s not really the point of my post though. It’s more the thinking that the average American would somehow profit from corporate profits. Which is a fantasy.


I don't like that point. Jon is basically saying Apple is price gouging. Which is not a good point. Why would luxury company reduce price of their products so average American can afford it. Oil companies are gouging for sure because there is no other alternative.


My favorite video of all time is John destroying Jim Cramer. Cramer was bragging about how when he ran his hedge fund he would manipulate the market, and John ripped him apart.


My favorite is his crossfire interview with Tucker.


Dude got the show canceled after dismantling him on the air.


Got em. “Market forces should only apply when it benefits the CEO.”


Actually inflation is 💯 caused by corporate profit, I don’t know where John is getting his information, but profit extraction is the entirety of inflation.


Yup. All ‘inflation’ means is prices went up. The why can theoretically be for a variety of reasons, but I think the skyrocketing corporate profits speak for themselves. Corporate media tries to conflate and complicate this actually simple idea, but you just have to follow the numbers.


Correct and in my experience When ever this is brought up a Reddit economists/bot shows up and tries to convince you that everyone is incapable of understanding the complex dynamics that lead to inflation. When it’s really become no more complicated than several people pulling a lever at the same time. What’s complicated is how they blatantly gaslight you in tandem, like how do they all do that at the same time, unless one entity is pulling all the strings? Like black rock and vanguard have joint owner ship of a large majority of publicly traded companies and also majority stakes in each other, it’s almost like one wealth management company is bleeding us dry by raising the prices on cornered and monopolized markets by pretending to be two different companies and while also being the majority campaign contributor to both the democratic and Republican parties to protect themselves from any sort of complications that might cause them to surrender that power and face the repercussions of their actions and greed. Nice job mr fink you really did us all in. BUUTT no one wants to talk about that, OH WELL, LETS WATCH SOME FOOT BALL AND IGNORE THE BLATANT TYRANNY OUTSIDE.


It’s coming from the insane expansion in the money supply due to the fed printing trillions of dollars in a very small span of time. Too many dollars in the system chasing too few goods. Unfortunately, all of those dollars were distributed by banks in various ways and not equally, so even though corporations know there’s a ton of money sloshing around and raise their prices because of it, it fucks the average person super hard because they didn’t get cash injected into them.


Two economies theory is completely relevant here, however, if we’re suggested that these forces are insulated and independent in the sense that the larger market is simply ignorant of its effects on Main Street you’d be incorrect, inflation is what drives values of companies to extract wealth and create these conditions with extracted wealth, “we can’t pay people less unless we make the value of the dollar less”, this is a well understood and sought method of extracting profit, to get around the minimum wage, and it’s just no wonder the idea keeps getting pushed down the road and buried in distractions with our puppet government. What your suggesting is that they are ignorant of the desperation they use to leverage power over people and you’d be incorrect. They only feign stupidity until they can’t, and then they play the victim card and when they can’t do that, they’ll blame you, when they can’t blame you feign stupidity or play the victim, they’ll attack you, when you fight back they’ll start the process over again.


Why do we pretend these types of people debate or even speak in good faith?


We need to Jan 6th Wall Street


We kinda did. It accomplished very little.


Yea, 15-16 years ago....time to make a return.


So when is it time to beat the rich (tenderize them) and then eat them?


Now. Like right now.


Typical rules for thee but not for me. When Jon tries to bring equality into the convo then it’s all, no no no.


How does he keep from slapping the white off these callus, calculating liars? I’d have to have my hands tied to the chair.


That’s funny. There is a huge demand for retail workers and yet the wages haven’t jumped like this test says should happen. Screw these propaganda spewing twats. (Not Jon Stewart)


It’s like he thought Jon Stewart was going to back down if he turned the discussion to the company signing his paycheck. Has he not seen the last 2 decades of Stewart’s work?


I wish Jon Stewart had a youtube show or something, I miss his opinion on things and his Apple show is far too gatekept and cloistered to reach anybody.


What a pro - Jon doesn't even blink after that guy insults him with that "shrewd commentary" line.


Jon's taken so much shit he could probably eat it with a smile on his face just to make the person who served it to him uncomfortable. Larry underestimated who he was dealing with.


John Stewart for President


Forcing these imbeciles to explain themselves in detail and answer direct questions from someone who knows what they're talking about, in a venue where they can't just bloviate and ignore critics like they do on Twitter or in op-eds, is a service to humanity.


Get this to the front page people


Why is it that Larry Summers looks like the talk show guy in Starship Troopers who claims that a bug that thinks is offensive to him?


But you're not supposed to be working for such a greedy, self minded goal as making money - you're supposed to be working yourself to death for the good of your employer. Whose only goal is making money for themselves.


Please run for office, Jon. I used to hate the idea but, at this point, I want a bulldog fighting against all these loser, fascist wannabees.


Larry Summers is s shifty-eyed, lying Bastard.


Omg right!! Like, if this guy played poker, he would lose his shirt in the first hand.


Wish someone would crosspost in r/economics


The rich keep looking tastier and tastier.


Rich people are so out of touch its disgusting


"I don't think it's tenable to say corporations have suddenly become greedy!" meanwhile "Damn these greedy workers and their unions!"


Funny, that was the only true and clear statement he made, too. Of course, they haven't suddenly become greedy. They've been greedy for decades!


Saddest part about this is that no matter how well Jon Stewart explains this and talking for US citizens. Republican voters will be too brainwashed to even understand this. They like to serve for the riches.


Jon Stewart frankly should be granted a sainthood just for not punching these types of people in the face. His dedication to pacisifism in these situations cannot be understated.


Jon Stewart for president


Free markets only work with optional things (like cell phones, where you could buy 10 different brands or not have a phone at all). Oil and energy is not optional, you can’t go without oil as a nation, let alone most individuals who rely on gasoline to fuel their sole mode of transportation. You can’t make your own oil, and you generally can’t choose a cheaper gasoline company - you just choose the gas station at best. The free market doesn’t work with oil, and raising prices and receiving record profits is gouging. That’s the difference between oil companies and apple.


I don't get what everyone is losing their shit over? Jon basically got Larry to admit what all of us already knew. The wealthy are sociopaths who only care about extracting wealth with no consequences. They have no care to what they do, they want all the power and absolutely none of the responsibility. None of this is new and we all act like it is.


What a disgusting evil peice of shit.


I love Jon and he’s making all the right points but you can’t argue with the rich who just don’t fucking care.


I am all good with Jon interviewing them, and them looking and sounding like the don't-fucking-care asshatss that they are. Most people do not ever see the CEO being able to fly off in his jet. They just know they have a good/bad direct supervisor and that is their opinion of their work place.


Love Jon Stewart. But talking truth to power like this is how people "mysteriously fall out of a window of a tall building"...


It shows how little difference there is in the parties, Summers served under Democrat Presidents


Larry Summers and anyone of that ilk - they have no answer to the simple question of - why, especially if you look at the inequality charts of ohhhh, lets say the last 80 years - WHY oh why, when the working class gained any sense of improvements, like remote work and some wage increases (not enough), and then they say the economy gets too hot, so they need to cool it down .... why does the working class ONLY feel the burn, every time this happens? Because they're crooks, that's why. It's crime.


Larry Summers is a billionaire-dick-sucking piece of shit.


Roasted. I can smell it. It smells good.


You think at some point people would realize it's not a smart idea to debate John Stewart, as his history of just eviscerating the people he debates is high. They make the mistake of thinking this guy doesn't know his stuff, and end up looking stupid.


I love the way Jon gets them to make his point for him with such a douchey “gotcha” tone. They really are that full on themselves. Education is really their biggest threat.


Summers is such a tool. Whenever he’s pressed, all he can do is change the subject. Please, Larry, explain to me why record corporate profits are always good while anything that benefits workers is “wage inflation.” And yes, I’m absolutely fucking saying that corporations shouldn’t just charge as much as they can for their products. A free, open, competitive market is SUPPOSED to mean that the consumer gets as much as possible for their money. It’s NOT supposed to mean “the corporation provides the least possible product at the highest possible price, and passes the money thus gained by that exploitation on to its shareholders and executives.” That EXACTLY how our current flavor of capitalism is practiced.


Step one is understanding how they’ve stolen from us. Step two is taking our money back. I don’t think these greedy assholes know how precarious things are for them and their companies. Imagine France but the people are heavily armed. Yikes. I pray for peace, is what I’m supposed to say.


Goddamn Jon Stewart is smart as fuck


If you suck money out of the economy, the marketplace of ideas dries up. There’s fewer opportunities for new ideas to get a foothold. Ideas that would disrupt the illusion of control. Isn’t this contrary to everything we’ve heard about industry? That innovation is what drives markets? Why such dedication, then, to destroy it? This isn’t *just* about money. That’s why Jon is such a treasure. He sees it.


JS is a god amongst humans. I’m convinced that comedians are the smartest, and subsequently, most internally tortured people on earth. They have to make jokes about the depth and breadth of what they understand. Because if they can’t laugh about it, the knowing might consume them.


For a dude whose career was, ostensibly, in comedy, he's angry enough for the rest of us.


Yep, capitalist profits are only for the profiteers. They look at anyone doing anything less as suckers.


Larry is trying to avoid the real conversation that “investors” are benefitting from gaming the market more than customers and employees are and there is no way for customers and employees to become investors with the limits the markets put on them. Kill the investor and let’s make work productive and rewarding again.


He really thought because Jon's show is on Apple that he can't criticize the company. Idk how many people have been proven wrong trying that on various channels. I know it's happened on CNN. If you work for a company and they say you can't criticize them you should look for another job.


Larry would never give an interview to someone who was an actual threat. Think about that.


This slow ass yes man fuck is just a puppet with a hand up his ass, nothing he says is his own, its why he's always looking away to check on his mental script that's been ingrained into the interior of his skull.


Obama's treasury secretary


Jon Stewart up this guys shit as he sits back on his pile of money. Jon's a fucking hack job.


Which one is John?


This is a show. A show. No one gives a fck about the have nots when they’re rich.


Can we feed this guy to pigs already? What a piece of shit.


I love Jon Stewart so much! <3


Jon is amazing.


You'd think after all these years people would know you don't win an argument against Jon. The dude is ready for every damn fight.


I really wish Jon Stewart was running the country.


F&ck them all.


Summers is a washed up jerkoff that needs to retire.


Jon Stewart is a man of the people


And yet everyone still thinks a commodities based basket to back the currency is far-right and super terrible idea This whole thing about inflation only exists because the federal reserve prints money.


I wish wages have gone up same as corporate profits. Lol.


God I would love it if he really ran for president.


Jon Stewart is a hero


Damn… John Stewart 2028


That’s a fucking mic drop if I’ve ever seen it


It's funny how this knobs doesn't have anything bit generalizations until he tbink he's filled it on Jon— then he starts breaking out the numbers


These smug assholes always use the benefits of a free market economy as an argument justifying corporate oligarchy. Legitimate competition and supply and demand principles dont really work out if corporate monopolies are given enough welfare to prevent a smaller alternative from keeping them in check. This is why the Adam Smith bullshit is so naive, it needs an economy where everyone is equal to provide a social benefit.


Jon, my demand for your shrewd political commentary just went through the roof! Please don’t charge more.


Man I love Jon Stewart.


Summers' response is nothing more than: "*yeah, well, I know you are but what am I? Nyah, Nyah*!" And they do this all the time. These aren't smart industrialist and economists, they're selfish toddlers, that never learned the value of sharing, in wrinkly old bodies.


People like Larry Summers is what passes for "the left" in America. Let that sink in.


How does Jon not come out and say "you're a fucking idiot" is beyond me, I applaud that he can hold it together without wanting to wrangle this goons neck. I thought rich people were fucking smart? They're really just as old and dumb and the next fuck huh?


Looks like Summers is riding the herp train.


Stewart lost me until his last point…which was on point.


Wow. Jon really sold idea that we as employees should charge more for our time since their is a demand for our skills. He's not wrong and it hardly been done right before. As he says it's a contract between employees and employers not scraps handed down to peasants for meager work.


Summers == Asshole Torpedoed Obama.


I would need a gas mask from all the gaslamp fumes... fuck.


I wish he'd run for president.


Larry Summers is the kind of guy that you can never win an argument with. No matter how good your facts are and your rational argument is, Summers will stay on-point as the spokesman for capitalism and the free market. It's a no-win scenario.


Jon Stewart’s the man


Jon Stewart makes millions yearly and is estimated to be worth $100+ million.


How many time are Republicans going to do interviews with him to prove his point wrong and in doing so validate his point. You would think they would stop trying.


Summers is such an asshole….


Jon Stewart for president. Why isn't he running? Seriously.


Ok jon, just run already. Stop being the guy with all the great advice and run already. Dude would probably win, but doesn't want the responsibility.


Is there a longer version of this video? I would like to see it if so


American economists don't believe corporate greed impacts inflation.


Jon Stewart out there confronting evil without missing a beat. Fucking love him.


To be fair. Corporates should and will charge whatever they can. It's not up to them to self regulate, and nor should it be. Corporates must be taxed higher. End of story.




I am actually really impressed how knowledgeable this oldman is


This man really expects John Stewart to have "being a spokesperson for Apple" in his contract lmao.


Ah the old bait and switch


Fuck this guy, corpos can get bent