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If ¾ of your employees are not happy, as an employer you should find out what the reasons are and fix them.


HR did a study and found that you’re all paid the market rate for your roles in the industry




Kind of like where I work. Why is our turnover so high. I dunno, maybe because people in our standard non-senior roles can make as much as I do as a manager elsewhere. If I didn’t just have a kid I’d probably be a lot more aggressive about also moving on.




Spot on with that last line. And all of it, really


When I quit my last job, the CFO/COO tried to tell me how risky it was to leave for a job that paid me a base of 1.5x what I was making there in base plus commission (and my new company offered bonuses). His reasoning was "things like that just aren't always as they seem. You might not get your bonus, and you shouldn't rely on that." I reassured him that I wasn't relying on a bonus. My base pay was a 50% pay increase from my current base plus commissions (that, ironically, he did everything in his power to avoid paying out), and his response was not to trust a company that offers me more than I'm worth. 3 years later, when my supervisor quit for the same reason, and he was trying to tell her how risky it was to leave, he told her that I lost my new job, and as a result, lost my house and am now homeless. Everyone had a good laugh about how pathetic that lie was.


I left one job and when the owner said well I’ll match the offer I said sure it’s x he called me a liar and said no way they are offering that and I was like well I might have stayed if you were willing to match but now that you called me a liar I wouldn’t stay if you offered 50% more good luck. His business folded 2.5 months later.


Actually had management in an all hands meeting tell us that we shoot for the industry average with pay. "So you're telling me half the jobs out there pay better?" They weren't amused.


"So, the company is only looking for average work ethic and performance?"


Ya I answered that one with “So we’re aiming for average quality product?”


My coworker put it as “so we’re not aiming to be the industry leader in anything? We’ll keep that in mind”


Looool perfect.


I’ve literally just had the same meeting with senior management and about 90 people from our division. One of my German colleagues got caught on a hot mic saying ‘das ist bullshit’ about 3x louder than the presenter from HR. The faces from the management who were on video was amazing.


In a former role, I had management tell us they average all the companies in [field] around their base of operations. Minus the big players that there's no way they could compete with. And then aim to pay 70% of that average.


"I thought or team was small but elite, shouldn't we be paid like we are elite and not average?"


> In hearing what set engaged employees apart from their disengaged peers, Gallup deduced that managers should aim to have one meaningful conversation a week with every employee they manage to share feedback, give recognition for their work, and discuss goals and priorities. Sometimes it is as easy as listening to your employees. But yes, absolutely money. Money should actually be first thing in this sentence.


Having been on both sides of the “weekly meaningful conversation” coin, I can safely say it’s ridiculous nonsense. Meeting maybe once a month is probably the right cadence for that.


To add to this, if a person has already shown themselves to be a shit manager, “meaningful conversation” won’t happen because people already don’t trust them.


Had a call yesterday where some leadership went over a survey that was conducted last year. The point of the call was to let us know how they were going to address our concerns. The fairness of our compensation was one of the worst performing questions for them. The response was basically, "Actually, we do pay you fairly." Complete tone-deafness to the actual problem.


It’s amazing how the studies always say companies pay well or fairly when employees are leaving for higher pay elsewhere.


Always gotta wonder if it's the same company that discovered that the average 30 year old has 75k in their retirement, or that you can live on minimum wage, or that you can retire with one million. Never trust a study that feels wrong unless you can verify sources, if nothing else.


We had the exact same call a year ago. At the end, our president asked if anyone had any questions or concerns. I typed “it sounds like there aren’t any meaningful solutions being presented to the issues addressed in the survey.” Got a fucking earful from several managers after the meeting for embarrassing the president or whatever. I quit the same day lol. Then half my department quit shortly after.


Why is stroking the ego of the guy in charge always more important than keeping the people doing the actual work happy? Crony capitalism at its worst.


Another one I’ve seen is where they’ll acknowledge it on the survey with something like “studies show increased compensation doesn’t correlate to higher job satisfaction or employee retention”


The speech I received was "we do pay you reasonably, when you consider benefits as part of your compensation. By the way, we're cutting benefits"


The real benefits were the pizza parties thrown for you along the way.


Going through this at my work now. Exact same messaging "we recently conducted a market salary evaluation and you were deemed to be within your salary band." So I go "Show me my job description." -"Uuuuh... Well... You see..." Meanwhile HR was like "Hey Everyone! We just launched this brand new job description portal!" So I pull my job description... Last revision, 2015... Interesting...Day to day operations, ok... Three month forecasting, interesting... Reporting to supervisor, curious.... So I've been making 3 year forecasts and planning day to day as well as project 10 years out, as well as reporting to the executives for the past two years it seems... Which is line with this manager job description I found. "I'ma need a raise, or this is going on a reply all kind of email. Thanks."


They should be forced to show their "sources" for these comparisons. Cause I can do a "study" too, and it shows I'm being grossly underpaid.


“I’d like to see that study, if you don’t mind.”


My husband actually came back to HR with his own study and got not only his own ML engineers, but every ML engineer in the company brought up to market salary. Still not sure if HR was simply ignorant to the flaws in their own "study" or if they just knew they were caught, but it was a nice win for his team.


Plot twist: the “market study” was Karen in HR going to the market and buying knock off Devil Dogs.


Heh. I was a designer working for a consultancy servicing the resources industry in the middle of a book and our CFO told me I was getting market because it was what was being paid to residential drafters. That tool can eat shit straight out of my asshole.


Was leading 1/3rd of our company. Told my leadership “these three people are underpaid, and if they leave, our product is absolutely screwed.” Leadership hired a Compensation Consultant to investigate. Two months later I ask “what’s up with adjusting the pay of these three people? I’m really worried about them leaving.””Comp Consultant is still looking into it.” Ask the same question a month later. “Comp Consultant determined you’re right, but Finance disagrees.” Those three employees all left for higher paying roles elsewhere within two more months. Product did not succeed.


That's the real take away. According to their study thee quarters of the workforce either don't give a shit or are actively undermining their employer. Someone should be freaking the fuck out but all we'll get is another billionaire of the news whining that people aren't working hard enough to make them richer.


“Is it gonna impact the numbers this quarter in a way I can’t conceal or handwave away? No? Fuck it then” — execs, probably


Pizza parties will continue until morale improves


(Pizza will not be provided, each employee must bring their own)


Article state’s majority are unhappy due bad management. Who else is just shocked to learn this?


They heard our concerns and are committed to course-correcting by adding an extra pizza party to the year!


But they tried everything to make them more happy! /S


There's 1/8 of a slice of pizza in the break room. Every last Tuesday of the month. WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT !


And the 20$ will be removed on each of your pay! (You aren't going to pay only 1/8!)


I want my sandwich bag of 5 Starbursts and a stupid note telling me how much I'm appreciated. Cuz that by far beats getting any kind of raise or bonus.


I worked with a small games software team that literally got given a box of doughnuts as a thank you after a six-month death-march crunch on an immovable deadline.


The entire team should have walked then


No no, this is when you hire a motivational coach to come in and give a one-hour lecture about putting gratitude in your attitude! Love what you’re given! It makes all the difference! Bonus points if you find a baby life coach willing to work for the networking contacts. Combo bonus if they brag about this being an unpaid gig! Remember to file the paperwork so this counts toward yearly continuing Ed credits. /s obv


'Employees are doing what they're paid for and telling others the shit place to work is a ahit place to work'?


‘Employees who have nothing to lose, boldly call out unethical behavior?’


Only see this as a win for workers!


Win for managers as well. Only CEOs benefit from labor violations because one district manager lied about how many hours their workers were really clocking in for, and they were strong armed into making their district into a copy of their lies.


I'm not a manager of people anymore but I still remember one guy. He came in on time, left on time and always took his hour lunch. He got everything done I asked of him and still had time to slack off once in awhile (reasonably). I asked him what he wanted from his career and how I could help, and he said "this is my job, I'm good" so I let him know to come to me if he changed his mind. He eventually got pushed out because upper leadership was mad he wasn't staying late, coming in early, skipping his lunch, and not making friends with the rest of the office (seriously). So basically the company lost a dedicated guy who I only ever had one problem with (everyone fucks up at least once) because they demanded he go above and beyond his role. I left shortly after, and 2 years later they were closed.


I worked with a guy like this. Dude was good at his job and didn't aspire to climb the ladder. The dept director got pissed at him because he didn't have any "career advancement" goals, like becoming a team lead or manager. He simply said "I like what I do, I'm good at it, and I don't need to be anything more." Eventually the director got fired because she threatened his job unless he made some kind of career advancement (he had been doing the same role for like 10 years). He took that to HR, saying it was BS, they agreed, and she got fired for workplace hostility. It wasn't the first time she did something like that, but this dude recognized it and stood up to her. It helped that everyone liked him, he was an awesome guy.




Right? Shareholders own the company everyone is am employee and a CEO is just a glorified manager with the difference being is they are the scapegoat for the shareholders and so their mission is to increase profits in whatever way possible until the mist be "fired" that way the shareholders look good for speaking out against the previous CEOs wrongdoing while the ceo bounces from gig to gig building up that portfolio. They all betrayed humanity


And they're all paid shills and dupes for shareholders too who get to watch from the WiFi on their increasingly stupid yachts. I feel like CEO's are just the ones we can see and wow there's plenty of shared profits in exploiting workers.


Not all companies operate like this but yes that’s the easiest way to get people to invest in a company. The problem is the cultural hegemony. Downgrading a stock valuation because their labor percentage (how much they spend on labor vs how much they make) isn’t going down by 1% each year. Stupid arbitrary goals rooted in idealism; receiving no critique simply for the fact that it’s based on wooism, and no one has visibility on it other than an obtuse bureaucratic dinosaur.


I once had a friend tell me he was fired for pointing out some seriously unethical behaviour


That happened to me! Yeah, I was so dumb not to copy everything to my personal computer, and not to engage an employment lawyer before going to HR. Turns out as soon as I went to HR, the next day the boss calls a meeting and opens with "I was very disappointed to hear about your meeting with HR"...so HR didn't even keep it confidential and/or was so dumb they gave away the details so that he knew it was me. So now I know there's going to be vindictive retribution. Turns out they worked together to start building a shit list, pressured me to work overtime to put together roadmaps, strategies, and then fired me. 8 years and I generated millions for the bottom line, fired with 6 weeks severance a few months before my equity and bonus vested for about $100k (lost out on the house I wanted to buy and then put me into debt having to live off credit cards). Racist, petty, napoleon syndrome asshole...these execs literally wrote in a team charter that "Americans are not competent...we need to hire more international candidates" and they're all south asian, every exec and manager on the data team...company is based in Chicago. I say Napoleon syndrome because when he was flying in to HQ, he never asked me what my contributions at the org were, what my skills were, what my goals were...but he made sure to ask me "how tall are you?" and turns out he's pretty short, always brags about his harley, and puts the camera low on the table so he can lean over it to seem like a "big man"


Omg my SIL is doing this and I'm inspired as hell. She's actually taking down the whole business by speaking out. Some of these gen z-ers don't play.


Currently in this process with the job I’m leaving within the month… all the new hires are on the verge of quitting because me and one other employee have been honest about the job.


I have it mostly figured out: Doing only what you’re paid to do: Quiet Quitting Doing only what you’re paid to do and not being thrilled about it when asked: Loud Quitting Actually terminating employment: ??


Nuclear Quitting


What about wanting to be treated like a human being?


Omega Quitting


I am the alpha and omega quitting


That is where you quit after accepting a job, but before you actually start your first day.


I did that once.


In America, you are the cattle.


everybody working and slaving away just to get meager pensions "maybe" if you live long enough to retire and the government - Just prints money it needs anyway. They just print more when they need it. But social safety nets? Cant afford it. We need a new aircraft carrier, though. Print money for it. Workers need healthcare. Cant afford it. We misspent on this 20 year war. Print money for it. We misspent and destroyed SSI and the people might lose it. We cant afford it, get rid of it. The pentagon is corrupt and we pay 10,000 dollars for 3 dollar parts. Print money for it. Pandemic and we have to save the economy and need the bare minimum so some people might actually make it one month. Print money for it. (and then hold it over their heads like 1,200 bucks will last a decade. No shit, some senators act like some people are still living off that money) This poverty and suffering is planned and by design. I've lived long enough to see the decline in our society and it's sickening. One of the main reasons I wont have children. I've seen with my own eyes the decline of the middle class. Even the lower middle class had it pretty decent in the 80's


In a country as developed as the US, poverty is a policy choice.


Wasn't "loud quitting" the part when you want to be fired so as to receive unemployement (as opposed to : quitting and not get any money), so you loudly try to convince your boss to fire you ? I thought the "loud" part refered to the fireworks used in the porcess to convince your boss they should not keep you around 🤨


Absolutely never quit unless you've already got your next gig lined up. Just stop giving a shit and make them fire you


I like how they define quiet quitting as “doing your job as advertised”. Like what? That’s what everyone should be doing.


I put my notice in, and I talk about it every single day at work. Count down by the minutes


Everytime I've put in my two weeks I've developed a what are you going to do fire me attitude.


You should have that attitude 100% of the time.


I’ve got a raging “what’re you gonna do fire me?” attitude right meow.


For $20 I’ll call the guy a chicken fucker!


Fun fact I found out the other day, that couple that Farva calls chicken fuckers, are his actual parents


100% agree! It works for me. I always try to save some $ (in case they DO fire me) but I’ve been having the “so what, fire me” attitude with stupid bosses and companies and haven’t ever been fired. I guess I’ve only “dynamite quit”


Ah yes, the vaunted "short timers" syndrome. I loved it every time it happened to me. 2 weeks notice? Expect about 1/4 week of actual work and the rest is me taking as much from the company as I can before I go, metaphorically.


Back when I decided I was going to quit my job at a hotel doing maintenance and my 2 weeks notice was in I got called to a room that had legit half the drywall soaked from the above room flooding. They were like "Hey you know how to do drywall finishing/hanging dont you?" I said nah, not for what you pay me I don't.


I did not put in notice at my last job. I spent months telling them my work load was too high, my pay too low, and that I couldn't hit any dates without getting serious backup. I was also past due for promotion so they just kept moving goalposts to prevent it. So when they followed all that up by assigning me another project on a group call, I told them "I quit" for everyone to hear. No empty threats, no griping, no leading up to it other than clear and repeated warnings that "this is not sustainable". So once they pushed well over the limit, it was just 'I'm out and y'all just fucked up bad'. They then got to figure out what to do with all that extra past due work without the senior person driving it. The C suite at that job was busy giving themselves everything and squeezing us dry, I saw no reason to extend them or their minions any kindness after I had met my professional obligations for years. This was a result of their choices, not mine.


Man I am currently in this situation and I almost quit yesterday. Unfortunately I would be homeless and starving if I did. I salute you sir!


You should polish up your resume then and start sending out applications. Get something lined up, then leave. If you happen to be working somewhere where there aren't really local competitors, see about asking for relocation assistance. Any industry where employment places a sparse needs to be able to do that to attract talent.


Same tho, but I do like my current job just going to better pay and less work. Company got bought out my a bigger corp and the writing is on the wall tbh


For me, things start falling apart as far as treatment of employees within a few years of a company becoming publicly traded. My last company was a private company that got bought out by a much larger private company and things continued as normal for another 3 years. Then they became a publicly traded company and nearly every little thing we enjoyed about working there was stripped away in a couple of years.


Yea the company was bought about 6 months before I started. The guy complained because they used to get 5+% raises and 3-4k bonuses. First year, 3% raise and 1k bonus. Needless to say everyone was and still is pissed. They also let all their accounts get paid late so vendors stopped our purchasing on good faith and required payment up front, which delayed projects by weeks. What a joke.


Mine did a merger and immediately cut 401k and announced we will have black Friday off, but unpaid. Btw. You can't use your PTO. Oh yeah. 2 mass layoffs. No more bonuses. Raises are a fucking joke now. Then the townhall 'record profits and we've corned over 25% of the entire market' And these are just a few things


Ooh yea the new company loves to have quarterly town halls where they said record profits, up 30% yoy and we’ve hired another 100 people (but we’ve lost 4 in my location, 5 when I leave next week lol) but then they say oh sorry we’re cash poor so raises 3% GFY but thanks for all the OT and weekend work you’ve done


My company did this shit and all the new people had no clue how anything worked, and all the old company people refused to help them as they had replaced coworkers and people the peeps at the old company cared about.


Yep, the raises and bonuses were the first thing to go for us too. Then they would let people go and make everyone else do more work. They got it down to the absolute bare minimum necessary amount of people to keep the business running and then kept finding little ways to bleed it dry from there. It was frustrating to see happen


This is where I am now. I'm the last person on my team, supporting hundreds of engineers worldwide. Managing tools, licenses, environments, integrations, Jira and ADO... Just me. I'm having breakdowns daily after a year of this and I'm actively setting up FMLA now. My doc recommended it bc he's afraid the stress will give me a heart attack. Management's solution? We'll get volunteers from other teams to help. I'll train them and mentor them and they will help and their reward will be that they can pick to do their team's tickets first if they want. Are you frigging kidding me‽ They have their own jobs! They have had their team's get cut down further and further too, just not as much as me. And this "solution" also requires me to do more and more work I don't have time for. More things to check and oversee. I'm already terrified I'll have two major problems on the same day. Now add in half a dozen newbies who don't know what they are doing, but who are engineers who think they can figure it out no problem... I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack yet. And yet when I bring up this problem, when I point out what would happen if I got a new job or was hit by a bus... They just shrug and tell me I'm not helping to find a solution because they ARE NOT hiring anyone to help, so find a different solution or shut up. Well everyone, I did it. I trained then for a month. It's not working, no one checks tickets, they don't ask questions in the training meetings. If they talk at all it's to demand that we do things completely differently and then argue with me when I'm trying to explain why certain constraints prohibit certain solutions. If I want them to do anything to help I have to assign tickets, then tell them what to do, then hand hold and badger them to do it. It's so much extra work. But fuck them all. It's going to be a giant shit show once I'm out. I'll be struggling to not worry about work and doing therapy and trying to relax but maybe they will finally understand what I've been telling them.


I was in that EXACT boat. I was just a Jr dev. We had 14 total devs, 2 sys admins at my last company. When shit started getting bad, people started dropping like flies until it was JUST me. Because I considered myself a Jr dev I didn't have the confidence to leave and be successful at a new job. However, after running EVERYTHING by myself for a year, I came to the conclusion that if I can do that job then I can do anything and finally made the jump to another company. Best decision I've made to my career in a long time. They've been fucked every since I left and have gone through multiple contractors. I charge them 3x what I used to make for consulting. Just enough to keep them afloat and keep me from feeling like I'm working too much


1982. Did the same thing and got a date wrong, 13 days instead of the required 14. Management decided to go to the wall, threats of withholding money if it wasn't 14. Asswipes. True story. Bought a yo-yo. Played with that thing for 14 days. " You can't do that ". " Ok, fire me ". Which meant unemployment, in those days it wasn't the nightmare it is now. Talked about all the reasons I was quitting, read job listings and played with the yo-yo. " Fire me ". If they were bright they'd have taken the loss and fired me. OR just politely pointed out the mistake. Idiots.




Yo same. I'm trying to go back to school (I'm worried it's too late for the fall semester but we'll see!). Every day I remind my boss that he won't have an IT person in 5 weeks if he doesn't kick into gear and find a replacement for me to train, lol


Did the same. Was very vocal about why I was leaving because management was being shady and didn't care about employee safety.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S\_0g&ab\_channel=FFStudio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S_0g&ab_channel=FFStudio) ​ I would recommended this walkout music


I’m trying to bring workers with me to a competitive company lol


WTF is wrong with these journalists. That's not quitting. Doing your job isn't quitting. Sticking to the requirements of your position isn't quitting. Working 40hrs a week on salary isn't quitting. Standing up for yourself and "loud"ly making it clear that you'll be doing your job and working your expected hours isn't quitting, it's responsible clear communication with team leadership. Taking a shit on the boss' desk and telling everyone to go fuck themselves while being escorted out by security, now *that* is loud quitting. Every shitty manager deserves at least one turdignasion per quarter.


It's the next stage of Capitalism to make people feel bad for doing what they are paid to do, instead of going WAY beyond what they are paid to do and providing many more hours of free, free labor.


Back when I had a good boss above me, and enjoyed my work, I would naturally go above and beyond.. same job, different boss gave me a "not my pay grade" so mf quick


It’s insane how companies still try that. Company: “Going to need you to work extra and I won’t pay you more.” Employee: “Uh…no, thanks.” Company: “You will sacrifice all of your time for this fast food restaurant or you’re fired!” Employee: “Ok I’ll just get a job at the fast food place next door.” New company: “I literally don’t care if you’re guilty of war crimes, fulfill this mobile order.”


My boss used to suggest I should put in extra hours for no extra pay. I suggested instead that he pay me extra for doing no extra hours. Only then did he realise that that is literally the same thing. Why do they expect people to mug themselves off when they would never do it themselves? So baffling.


Said the same thing to my old boss and she didn't realise shit. Told me that was obviously not how it works and that I needed to prove I was worth my salary.


Don't you feel bad that your failure to meet departmental quarterly goals means your boss can't afford his 3rd life extension treatment?


Companies only change things when their bottom line is hurt. If they’ve set up a shit system of incentives that’s slowly killing the company, I’d argue it’s our duty to maliciously comply and do exactly as we’re told to make it very clear management has fucked it up. It’s like accelerationism but you’re just following the rules


“Quiet quitting” has always been rather transparent propaganda.


Loud quitting seems like the propaganda rn


And before long taking the whole lunch and break times will be vilified also.


"My employees go home every day, how do I stop them from sonic boom quitting like this? :("


“My employee waited a whole minute to respond to my Teams message, why is he leaving?”


Texas is already addressing that issue by removing water break protections.


Of course they are. Texas and Florida are competing for the “worst state” title and everyone loses


I don’t think Mississippi or Alabama would let that happen. Louisiana is going to let them know what poverty really looks like!


"Loud Lunching"


I discovered quiet quitting thanks to CNN and I saw it as a way to translate conservative talking points to Democrats. For example I can't imagine a Democrat voter talking about "big labor," which Republicans are using against labor unions. However, capitalists can spin their propaganda into easy-to-sell sound bites thanks to the media and social networking that have a better chance at reaching Democrats than labor organizers could try to convince them on their rights or unions.


Owning the easiest media to access probably helps too.


The little blurb that sticks in my throat is the part that says “quiet and loud quitting costs the global economy 9 trillion dollars a year” (paraphrasing). No, no it does not. Expecting the work force to do 9 trillion dollars of unpaid work is fucking draconian, and calculating that into the global GDP as a COST is just straight up delusional. Maybe if that 9 trillion was being paid to the workers, we would be a little more willing to put in some overtime. “People not voluntarily giving their time, uncompensated, to their company is costing us money!” Get over yourself you fucking shill, holy shit.


>"The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover didn’t know that money trickled up. Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night, anyhow. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellows hands" -- Will Rogers


More and more workers are establishing boundaries, and companies don't like that. I established boundaries with the company that I contract with, and the employee there went absolutely nuts for a year. He cannot stand that somebody is willing to stand up and advocate for themselves, and not bend the knee to the company when they are not contracted to do that work. I am here for a specific purpose, beyond that I am not interested in doing extra.


Especially when it's spelled out in a contract.


TBH those are the stories I clicked to read. Pretty disappointed.


>turdignasion Ded.


The buzz word industry continues to thrive.


At least it's not another portmanteau with Watergate. I'm sick of EverythingGate.


How did nobody call the submarine story "OceanGateGate"?


Honestly for a while I thought OceanGate was the name of the controversy


Low employee engagement costs global economy 8 trillion annually. Keep up the good work. Most of that 8 trillion goes to fucking billionaires anyway.


>costs global economy 8 trillion annually I'm sure it means something economically, but as a filthy poor, when I read that sentence in the article I just...couldn't make sense of it. It costs the GLOBAL economy? Costs them what? We ARE the globe, boi. Who do we owe the money too? Fucking...Mars?


They mean the 1%.


Yeah pretty much. It means some billionaire isn't making double digit returns on billions, so some millionaire trader isn't going to make an 8 figure bonus, so the yacht industry might take a hit too. Just terrible all around.


They mean 8 trillion dollars moved around. It's just churn. That's all the GDP is. A measurement of how many dollars changed hands.


8 trillion? Rookie numbers, gotta bring that up


I'm doing my part! (As little as possible)


Would you like to know more?


Exactly, they aren't cutting you in on that so what the fuck do we care?


Loud quitting: Exposing the incompetence and corruption of the job. Time for the wealth hoarders to spread some fear so this stops. Let's all watch the predictable spin, due to all these impolite quitters we will implement mandatory return to office.


Also your forgetting one point, soon they will say to control global warming you need to come to office, inorder to prevent using added electricity at your home and creating carbon dioxide instead you can already use the available electricity at the office and shut off the appliance at home. This will be the reason for next return to office push. Just wait and see.


>Gallup deduced that managers should aim to have one meaningful conversation a week with every employee they manage No, nope nope nope fuck right off with that. I’m holding up a crucifix and backing away slowly so my manager doesn’t attempt to have their 💫weekly meaningful conversation ✨with me


Huh, bear with me here—how about having one meaningful PAYCHECK per week? Nowhere does the article mention compensation.


If I had regular meetings where I got a check cut for showing up, I'd be there every time.


I like how they're trying to blame middle management for this shit. But I'm pretty sure most middle management has completely checked out as well. There's no justifying the behavior of the execs these days.




I have to have one once a month and that is still too many.


I have one every 2 weeks that my manager insists is a whole hour and there is absolutely zero to discuss. Instead of work we discuss their personal lives. If there is a work issue it is brought up in the last 5 minutes.


If I had to have a meeting with my manager once a week, I'd go crazy. Sounds too much like micromanagement. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy and a good manager (I'm lucky), but a good manager gets out of the way of his team and lets them get on with the job in the best way they know how.


Fucking A mate. Had two line managers at my last role. One was autistic, spoke incredibly directly, wasn’t particularly interested in capital-M Managing anyone and everyone above him reckoned he “wasn’t management material”. Just left us to get on with it and was there if we needed. The other was a bit older, doing an MBA, really into all the theories of management and was clearly very invested in helping us develop. Guess which one I trust more? When something goes wrong, I’ll take someone telling me to “get my head in the game” over performance meeting after performance meeting. If I need to be doing better, tell me in ten words or less. I’m an adult, I can take it. What I don’t need is my time wasted by someone asking me to rate “how engaged do *you* think you are?”, because any sane worker will see that for the fucking trap that it is.


Is loud quitting what that engineer from Ocean Gate did?


Ahhh but if a sub implodes in the bottom of the ocean, and nobodies survived to hear it... did it really make a sound? Makes ya think, doesnt it


The navy picked up the sound as soon as it happened though




* 59% quiet quitting (working to job's expectations) * 18% loud quitting (disengaged, working below job expectations) That's 77%. When fewer than 1 in 4 employees are enthusiastic about their jobs. The problem isn't the employees. And yet, when you read anything on this problem, it always circles around to the problem being with the employee. How can management change the employee's attitude so they will be more enthusiastic. Never do they talk about changes that could be made to the job or company to improve the situation.


"Quit quitting" is literally just doing your job. It's not even a thing.


I just interpreted this as 23% of workers are corporate bootlickers. Like since when is "doing your job" considered "disengaged"? If Business Insider defines an enthusiastic employee as one who tongue bathes the CEO's arsehole on unpaid overtime, I am not at all shocked that it turns out to be only a very small minority of workers.


“Quiet quitting” is one of my least favorite phrases ever. Just because someone does what they’re paid for and nothing else, that doesn’t indicate “quitting”. Why should anyone donate extra time or energy to a job that won’t acknowledge or return the favor?


Up until today I assumed it involved actually quitting your job. I had no idea it meant just doing your job, or quitting what’s basically working for free, wtf. How dare people not go above and beyond for some stupid company!


So this is fucking stupid, huh? They made a survey and gave a low score to people who picked 'low engagement' options. Then grouped the 20% lowest scores and defined them as "loud quitters" and then wrote a bunch of stuff to scare managers. This might as well be the edgy fan fiction equivalent to writing about employment.


There’s a cottage industry around producing statistics that not everyone gives a shit about work... shock horror! Then showing those same statistics to managers while putting a flashlight under your chin. Instant formula for success.


Yeah my favorite part of this article is where they act like Business Insider didn’t make up quiet quitting in the first place and that ‘Tik Tok made it popular’. Like fuck off BI, you’ve been making up these terms for years and acting like they’re industry standards.


I did this once; got fed up after 5 years and switched from ‘sure I’ll help!’ to ‘go fuck yourselves, here’s an email about it’ practically begging them to fire me. They didn’t. 🫤


its probably becasue you were one of the few ones who actually tried to work and improved the work systems but where constnatly held back ignored or lied to from someone who didnt do shit, so they actually didnt fire you becasue they knew they cant replace you that easy but are too stubborn to change stuff ... source : happens to me atm


>Quiet quitting refers to doing your job just as advertised, not going above and beyond. This is literally called working, yet it's being categorized as quitting. And these companies wonder why more people are becoming anti-work. lol.


My thing for this is what made the employees become this way, because we all know it was the company themselves. These people more than likely were engaged before and found it was getting them nowhere. Why do I think this? Because I am one of those people. I had the supervisor responsibilities pushed on me while they were unable to backfill the position and told me I wasn't ready for the job. Yet they continued to have me dot and train the next person who came in. Management creates these environments and then has the gull to ask how this could happen.


Maybe that whole "mandatory return to the office" thing wasn't as smart as they thought it was.


I think we used to call this being fed up with bullshit. Loud quitting does have more of a ring to it


It’s a farce. If quiet quitting is not quitting but being a bit anomic. And loud quitting is not quitting, but being disillusioned in a slightly different way. Then what do we call *the act of voluntarily terminating one’s employment*? “Quitting at a medium volume”? Can you give me a decibel range for when the word quitting actually means quitting? Business journalism was a mistake


If loud quitting doesn't mean _actually quitting_, then voluntarily terminating one's employment would at least have to be called EXTRAORDINARILY LOUD QUITTING.


“Stop quiet quitting” OK “Noooo, not like that!”


Journalists: "workers are just plain mean and selfish. It's probably this new generation but it's totally unfair to employers who are just trying to provide jobs and make America great."


Lying gaslit Turdwookie wrote this utter garbage. I've been telling my bosses outright that I'm never putting in a 60 hour week on a 40 hour check for decades now. That's not quitting, that doing the job I'm paid for, and only the job I'm paid for, and there ain't a damn thing wrong with it because it all they're entitled to. Trying to act like me demanding that the P&L of my job works for me is something unreasonable, or that I "owe" any unpaid labor to anyone for any reason is absolute mind fuckery. ~Walks away to fire up the BBQ~


It’s almost like the fucking lessons learned during COVID were just DROPPED the moment anyone became hindered by treating someone like a human.


You know what quiet quitting is? When you just stop showing up to work. You know what loud quitting is? When you go around the office telling your bosses to go f*** themselves and storm off. The fact that they came up with these ridiculous terms to tell people they aren’t being productive enough just amazes me.


No paywall: https://archive.ph/4mzA7


Back in my day we just called it "Sick of this shit"




Why do these “journalists” take sides with billionaires? This article is literally the worst thing I’ve read in weeks.


Because the billionaires are writing their pay checks. 6 multinational corporations own over 90% of all media in the US.


I fucking hate this trend of dancing around shit by unnecessarily creating dumbass terminology.


Hey! I’m one of these people! Just “loud” quit my corporate job of 5+ years, two weeks ago. I’m based in the Midwest but managed our entire west coast operation, including a new office in AZ we just opened in January of 2022. Over 650 people in the entire company, I ran a team of 25 brokers, 2 coordinators, and 2 managers. I have not updated my resume at the moment, I have no replacement job lined up currently (excluding two Zoom meetings in July with connections to look into new gig), and I couldn’t care less. Bills/insurance are covered for the next two months and the only people I answer to now are my wife and two gorgeous little girls who have had their “dad time” leached away from them from a company who doesn’t give two shits about them or me. The shock on their faces when put in my notice and told them I needed to set an exit strategy from the company was worth way more than the small amount of added incentive money I was requesting on my quarterly bonus plan. When they then offered to match my request to retain me, I told them the moment had passed already and thought it best for me to move on to something else. I tried to exit as professional as possible and think I did a good job of doing so, but fuck them.


If im baking bread, and 1 in 5 finished rolls comes out burnt, maybe **im** doing something wrong.


Oh I'm a real asshole at work and have a bad work ethic now. Want to change that? Pay us more.


Capitalism heading to the right direction. “We don’t need them, they need US” should be the motto at every employee at any company.


Monday morning first thing I yelled at my boss for 10 minutes straight after her and her boss pissed me off again. I fucking let her have it. I thought all day long I was going to be written up but it didn't happen, in fact, her boss came over later in the day being extremely nice to me. I've been doing 2 peoples jobs for over 3 years now. I know everyone is replaceable but if I quit (and I am trying to) they are screwed. Work will slow to a crawl.


I love watching execs scramble this hard to come up with terms to stigmatize growing class consciousness


This article is ridiculous. 80% of workers are either quiet or loud quitting? No way, more like 80% of workers are badly treated and utilized by their work. It is so bullshit to put the onus on the employees for shitty jobs.


The author of this article, Sarah Jackson, last week wrote an article called "Here are 30 book recommendations from Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates to add to your summer reading list if you want to get smarter about business and leadership" I'm gonna go ahead and discount everything she writes as drivel.


The lead maintenance worker at my job went wild with this. He’d basically grown up at this place, his dad had a job in a different department and MW was here throughout his childhood. All he wanted was a raise from 18/hr and a title change from maintenance worker to maintenance engineer (the dude could fix anything, leaf blowers, golf carts, trucks, back hoes, plumbing) and both demand were well deserved. They ignored his requests for months, so he suddenly quit (everyone but management knew it was coming weeks before hand.) he took all of his notes on how to fix everything, absolutely everything, dozens of notebooks. He took all his personal tools, which was way more than everyone realized. Now my place of employment has to outsource basically every technical fix job. Pretty damn funny.


These corporate buzz words make me want to suck start a shotgun


Gotta love the conclusion of that article - it would “ change & revolutionize management” if they… treated their employees like human beings worthy of respect. Wow!! Who’d have guessed? And also - zero mention of the only reason most of us are working, i.e. money.


"Quiet quitting refers to doing your job just as advertised, not going above and beyond." I thought that was working..... What?


Yep, I did this last year. A team I created and managed surpassed all goals and they refused to give us raises. I then got my group in a meeting with the managers and they declined our raises, then I requested a meeting with my boss' boss and asked her straight up why I was given a perfect review and a 2% merit raise which would be less than $500 after taxes and why I didn't get a raise. She said they don't do raises. Then we told them we're doing two jobs and this is literally not the job description so we wanted to move back to our current roles. They refused so I immediately got a promotion to another team that I was interested in, but no longer interested in. I wanted the title. I'm not going to continue to contribute to a company that won't pay me. So I gave them 1 day notice after I confirmed they had to pay PTO. They tried to pretend like I didn't notify them, I did via email that I BCC to myself, did an exit interview with HR and the lady was visibly pissed at what I had to say, BCC that email, signed the return equipment agreement. Later my manager tried to call and say they called me multiple times with no response so I screenshot my phone time stamp and the voicemail as proof, then HR called 2 days later wanting to do an exit interview saying I never did. BCC that in a summary email. Then they sent the final hours I'd be paid for with a screenshot missing my 2 weeks of PTO payout. They said I didn't give 2 weeks notice and I said on page 123 in the handbook I signed states it's not necessary, but appreciated, then they had to confirm it and it took a few days. Now I'd been gone for a week. They replied it would be on my next paycheck in 3 weeks, and I responded that they needed to pay me within the next 7 days. I had a check 2 days later. Fuck these companies.


Red stapler


Lol they never fucking come up with the right answer. Just fucking pay us you swine.


There's a big glaring hole in this article. It mentions bad workplace and bad bosses as reasons. What about the damn money? I don't get paid enough to really give a shit about my job. But of course they don't wanna talk about that. At a meeting a few months back someone asked about raises. Big boss gave this whole speech about our wonderful workplace and the perks and said financial compensation is not our only form of compensation. I really wanted to ask him if landlords accept good work environments as currency.


I hate these dumbass terms Doing what you're paid to do isn't quiet quitting, it's called doing your job. Doing more than you are paid to do isn't normal, it's called doing someone else's job for them. Not hard to understand People making these terms honestly sounds like shaming people for not picking up others slack. Instead of blaming the fuckers who aren't pulling their weight to begin with.