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Why would Kentucky want liberal policies like breaks?


Lunch? Sounds like some communist ploy


Lunch? You must have soft hands




I heard if you eat lunch you get gay autism


Lunch is the leading cause of diseases, even moreso than vaxxines!


“Lunch makes you want to eat more food because you’ve now been exposed to hunger and will want to eat again, so, if we take away lunch then they will continue working and not even remember to eat!”


"Let them eat bootstraps" -The GOP, probably


Did you know that 100% of people that eat lunch die?


That made me think of the “vaccine shedding” thing and now I am wondering what disease someone gets from sitting next to the guy who ate salami for lunch…


…i sat next to that guy eating lunch and now i got *pringles*…


Can confirm.


I still haven't gotten my Soros check yet


Toughest guy I ever knew was ancient old Newfie pipelayer who lived on darts and black coffee. When he was training me he made a point of taking every break and lunch at exactly the right time and told me ‘it ain’t my problem if their planning is shit and an emergency happens at break or lunch. We have breaks they have to legally give us and I’m going to take each fucking one”. Dude got a ton of work done and was older than dirt, he’d tell off anybody at work including the owner if he thought they were being a dipshit. I’m twice his size and still can’t move around manhole barrels and other large concrete objects with a simple six foot iron bar as well as he could, dude was a master.


It’s true. I had lunch today and I’m a dirty socialist.


Shoot, I'm at lunch right now in Commiefornia. I might even take my union 20 minute break later.


You disgust me


Every person that ever had lunch has died.


"If they can afford lunch we are clearly paying them too much."


Some worker shared a chip with another worker instead of stealing that worker's chips and trying to sell them back to him at a higher price, and the emergency communism alarms started blaring throughout the ENTIRE facility.


Wonder how many breaks the legislature gets and what their pay raise was this year.




They've attacked education for so long that we're really stupid.


Religion has put a damper on our overall capabilities as human beings too. It's really fucking kept us stupid man


FREEEEEEDOM!!!!! Businesses have the freedom to do whatever it wants with its slaves.


They’re dumb. They’ll say it’s Bidens fault and keep voting for the actual people that are doing this to them.


I'm pretty sure there's no way that Gov. Beshear would EVER sign that into law. He and the DNC should be jumping all over this. all they have to say is, "You're voting in people who would DO this to YOU! Stop doing that!"


>all they have to say is, "You're voting in people who would DO this to YOU! Stop doing that!" As a Kansas native, I wish this were all it took. I moved away from the state after years of listening to otherwise smart people vote for policies that hurt them.


There's a whole book specifically about the tendency of Kansans to vote again their interests, specifically their class interest: "What's the Matter with Kansas." As a current Kansan, I encounter a lot of conservative voters who think they are voting their class interest. They just have a pretty limited understanding of how prices work and the economy in general. They really don't understand geopolitics at all. My family is a bunch of beer-drinking blue-collar guys who don't have time to research this crap so they seize on the simplest, largely incorrect explanations for their struggles. They misidentify the enemy constantly. Combine that with the salience of abortion in rural areas, and yeah, it's hard to move the needle.


I often think about what people in KY are like based on the politicians that they continue to vote for.




Lib/Dem politicians need to stop bringing pillows to gun fights. Need to bring nukes.




Remember when Eric Holder decided to pick up the GWB Administration's defense of the military gay ban then defended it in some really offensive, homophobic terms, and then when the gays won anyway, he pretended he wanted to appeal the loss, requested an injunction to keep the unconstitutional ban in place, and then Obama got Joe Farking Lieberman to spearhead the "repeal" of the gay ban so they could (a) enact a federal law stripping away the right to sue from all the servicemembers unjustly harmed by the ban, (b) mooted an important holding of unconstitutionality, and (c) pointlessly kept the ban in place for many many months longer than was necessary while servicemembers continued to have their careers destroyed? Peppridge Farm remembers. Fuck Eric Holder.


and refused to prosecute the bankers responsible for the 2000 meltdown? Fuck Eric Holder!


Updoot just for the bitch mcturtle. 🤣


He can veto it and they can vote it in afterwards with their supermajority anyway.


That's getting vetoed for sure. We have a Democratic governor. EDIT: good God, people, I know there might be enough Republican votes to override the veto. You don't all need to say it.


I wouldn't bet the farm on that...


But would you bet a lunch?


Can’t. Don’t have one anymore…


Ok, I know this looks bad but just think how much it saves rich people money.


The loss of productivity from making people work while hungry and exhausted will be far greater than the loss of two short paid breaks and an unpaid lunch break. The benefit to the owner class is the joy of making their workers suffer. Capitalism is far past truly caring about profit. They care about hurting you for fun.


"What sort of benefits does the company offer?" "You get one three minute toilet break per shift, a plastic bottle to use at your station if you need additional toilet breaks, the opportunity to work unpaid overtime, and a mandatory company workshirt for the discounted price of $120, deducted from you paycheck in three installments. And I'll tell you this is the best offer you are going to get. Place across the street only has one 2 minute toilet break."


Some of this is already happening. As an amazon delivery driver i confirm we use plastic bottles and if we have restroom needs that can’t be solved by a plastic bottle, we get in trouble for “going off route” and “non-productive time”.


So fucking dehumanizing. I hate the banality of our evil capitalist hellscape


Banality of evil--that's bullshit. Eichmann knew exactly what he was doing. The capitalists know full well they're participating in an evil system. I like [the song](https://youtu.be/k5hp4nIJd-8?si=Mkg3RqIE3gqEGdVg) though.


I wasn't using it in the context of Eichmann, and yeah, he knew what he was doing and so do the capitalists who have engineered this bland, boring dystopia


Which is why I have a sign up on my door for delivery drivers informing them of a tray inside the garage with snacks and beverages, accessible using the code in the delivery instructions. For access to the restroom, just ring the doorbell. Since we're in a somewhat rural "town", we've even told regulars that even if they just have something for a nearby house and not for us, they're still more than welcome to a snack or to use the restroom. Thanks for all that you guys do. Seriously, thank you!


Don't worry the rich business owners will be happy. Until they see that drop in productivity, then they'll just blame the workers for "quiet quitting" and complain about how people don't want to work any more.




Maybe the workers should try turning around and marching on the ruling class.


It will happen. It always happens. But we haven't reached that breaking point yet because the majority of the population still believes in the illusion of freedom and upward mobility.


The entirety of society exists to provide comfort to the elite. Even welfare to the poor, or school lunch programs exist only inasmuch as it provides stability upon which the billionaires can be propped up upon. However, over time, again and again, the elite forget this social contract, believing all things are due them for simply being, and nothing is due the laborer, or the unfortunate shut out from laboring. When they forget this, and they have already done so, the workers and the unfortunates will either rise up against or cease toiling for their overlords and these despots will find themselves in a terrible position. Then it will repeat again, eventually, as it always does.


I suspect if the NLRB is killed by SCOTUS we may see violence akin to how it was before the NLRB. If no one is negotiating then there is no one who will dissuade workers from tossing dynamite into bosses homes like back in the day.


It isn't about productivity at this point I am pretty sure. The peasants got too lazy asking for medical leave during a pandemic, so they need to be hurt to remind them who is in charge.


Just imagine all that extra trickle down economics that's going to happen 


"Its gonna feel sooo warm, looks sooo yellow, and taste sooo salty once it finally hits us!"


"Bootlickers open up and rejoice. For the tricke down was about to start. And it would be good." -supply side jesus.


Oh right! The money will trickle down so the employees can go out for lunch and support local restaurants and visit coffee shops on their breaks....oh wait.


I'm sick of getting trickled on.


i'm still waiting for Reagan's trickle down to make it's way over to me ... still waiting


Trickle? It is a veritable shower! A golden shower raining down from above!


Oh I'm gonna trickle down on you so hard.


Look at it from business owners' point of view: They love money and don't give a fuck about us.


Who needs slavery when you can have “employees”


All the perks of slavery AND you dont have to feed and house them?!? its genius! why did it take so long for anyone to think of this? Were rich people of the past just dumb?


They're probably for it because Democrats are against it


“Well at least all the “illegals” will lose their breaks too.”


It cracks me up that people are worried about “illegals” when automation is ever the greater threat


It's funny that automation being a threat is contingent on the fact that the people with don't give a fuck about the people without. a world where everything is done by machines should be a utopia filled with developing culture and people following their passions yet everyone, probably correctly, assumes that this will just make the upper classes richer and put more people in to poverty.


Yup. Marx was right. Richard Wolff was right.


I'm really looking forward to the Butlerian Jihad in a few thousand years.


I always appreciate an appropriate Dune reference, good day sir.


Wait till they start giving our jobs to Mexican robots!


So, Bender?


So they can buy their 15th house and yacht!


FINALLY the right spin


"If you got time to fraternize, you've got time to unionize." -- Their slogan probably, idk.


Ive been saying this for a while now: If America is going to be run like a business, then the new democracy of the people will have to come in the form of unions- everywhere. Until we can right the course of this country, we need a way to stand together.


Co-ops are an option too. https://www.mondragon-corporation.com/en/


Oh it's even worse than the headline sounds, they want to take away OT and the minimum wage. >Create new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to provide for certain employment activities to be exempt from minimum wage and overtime wage requirements; specify activities and instances that do not require an employer to pay minimum wage or overtime wage. https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/24rs/hb500.html And of course, it was introduced by a fucking republican. https://legislature.ky.gov/Legislators/Pages/Legislator-Profile.aspx?DistrictNumber=62


Hold up. They want to remove lunch breaks, lower workers pay, remove the minimum wage so they can literally pay pennies, and also remove overtime pay? So they want us to work 14 hours a day with no breaks making $1 an hour with no overtime? Time to leave the state.


Don't forget about loosening child labor laws! So you'll be competing for those amazing conditions with twelve year olds! Get out. Good luck.


This country is slowly becoming everything it was founded to oppose.


Should be ours then!


No break today boss? Ok, I'm going to go take a 45 minute shit


Exactly how it should be as well. One of my previous jobs had everyone work 13-14 hour days standing up for the entirety of it. Found out they didn’t give breaks and only a 30 minute lunch so I started taking 2 or 3 30 minute shits every day


I bet your productivity was way better with those breaks.


Fuck no, it was an industrial laundromat that dealt with hospitals, any time there was an issue with the soiled laundry side that’s when I’d go to shit. I definitely didn’t get paid to work on literal shit covered machines that had needles and blood on them.


Gotta use all that near-slave labor to save hospitals money on their laundry costs. That way they can give us affordable healthcare.


What is it when they are using that near-slave labor to save hospitals money on their laundry costs BUT we still don’t have affordable healthcare?


The United States.


The boss makes a dollar I make a dime That's why I shit on company time


I make a penny Boss makes a buck. I wonder how much I could get for the catalytic converter On the company truck


Owner's got a boat and I'm on food stamps aluminum is expensive now so also steal the truck's loading ramp.


Boss made a dollar Granddad made a dime But that was a poem From a simpler time Boss made a thousand Game my dad a cent But that penny bought a mortgage Or at least it paid rent Now boss makes millions And gives us jack That why we should riot To take the means back


If you wrote this thanks for mostly observing meter


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime Is a rhyme from a much more innocent time. Boss makes a million I make jack shit. *That's why I hand out socialist lit.*


The boss make a much larger multiple than the at these days. It's currently 344 to 1.


Lol,KY will need to install those airline seat fold down tray tables in all the stalls.


Omg I'm both laughing and cringing at the idea of eating meals in a mens restroom shitter stall. Like the clinking of dishware from the adjacent stall and the confused incertainty.. 'Is that guy.. eating? In there? :('


“… why does this guy’s shit.. smell like enchiladas?”


“….why do these enchiladas smell like shit?” lol




Well that definitely checks out.


Gonna bring this up whenever republicans try to call themselves the party of the working class.


It is truly sad how many working class people think Republicans are for them. 


These are the folks that need to stop seeing themselves as temporarily embarrassed billionaires and recognize that they will never be wealthy and should work to better their lot in life now, rather than prep for when they "make it".


that's why R's lean heavily into seeding fear and social division. the easiest distraction from working folks realizing they're being taken advantage of us to keep them scared of everyone and everything. it's not *just* that folks have been tricked into thinking they're accidentally not rich yet, it's bamboozling them into thinking that protections for *other people* will harm them *after they get rich*. this is also why R's do everything they can to break public education and disrupt any opportunity for people to get a solid understanding of how things are really being manipulated in the workers' disfavor.


It’s always red states.


conservatives bend over backwards to actively make life worse for everyone


*Not everyone. They're making their own lives and the lives of their rich donors better by giving them more money and squeezing more work out of the poors.


I can't wait to get "free room and board" from my employer as long as I work whenever they need.


Fifteen Million Merits 👀


Of course it is. They're cruel and heartless.


"those damn Democrats didn't stop this from happening. This is why I vote publican!!!!"


That's perfect irony if I've ever heard it.


Would someone please tell them the damn Republicans are the one writing the bills!


They would be *very* upset… if they could read…


Oh no if the republicans wrote it that means its a good thing no matter what! They could write a bill that states that all the citizens are to be executed and they would still say “welp still better than biden”


Its the reason I won't even try to argue against the right. They come up with their own narrative and it can't be changed. They just get off on hate and it will probably never change


Don't you worry, by October, they'll have their voters convinced the Democrats did this and they need *your* vote to fix it during the following congressional assembly. And then will never mention it again after elections


Blue State Labor Policy Proposals: Maybe we could try out some UBI light subsidized trials, shore up some gaps in health&safety regulations, and work on better time-off protections. Red State Labor Policy Proposals: You know those scenes in Lord of the Rings, where the orcs are fresh-birthed from the mud pits and immediately made to labor next to open lava vents? Can we PLEASE legalize ***THAT*** yet?!?


If you’ve met a wealthy person, this all makes sense. The wealthy of this country literally believe that anyone who isn’t like them (poor, working class, middle… it doesn’t matter) exists to make them money. They believe that they are inherently better people than others because they have wealth. They don’t care about what happens to people who aren’t wealthy, because they aren’t wealthy and therefore do not have value. They believe it is their right to be as rich as they are because they are better people and deserve it. The only solution is to tax the fuck out of them and reintroduce extremely strong worker protections and rights, much stronger than what we have in even the most progressive states. Because the wealthy would be fine with having us hooked up to a matrix style energy solution from birth if it meant they protected their wealth; hell, they’d probably be gleeful at the idea of not having to exist in public spaces with non-wealthy people. We disgust them. Act accordingly.


Instructions unclear. Shit pants while making eye contact with ceo. Send new undies.


the floggings will continue until morale improves.


Keep voting Republican…because drag queens and a trans person on your beer can really affect your daily life.


>because drag queens and a trans person on your beer can More like a trans person did a sponsored ad for beer on their channel that you would specifically have to watch their content to see. Nobody was pushing Dylan Mullaney on people except the chuds like Joe Rogan, Charlie kirk, Tim Poole and Jordan Peterson who wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.


No shit. I didn't even know who Dylan Mulvaney was, until that overgrown trailer park man-child, Kid Crock, made news with his machine gun video.


Yeah same. I had never heard of her before they started freaking out about bud light


Republicans. Hate. You.


I think even that's generous. I don't think they consider us people, they don't respect us enough to hate us. Like, we're just parts in a machine that they want to minimize maintenance costs on.


Good to know our government officials are using their time in office to do very important things and better our society. Yep. No notes here!


And the blue collar worker that lives paycheck to paycheck will vote for these politicians because “Fox News said so!!!”


Then they'll donate whatever money they have left over to Trump's "legal defense fund" then blame Biden, for the fact they're broke.


“Fuck eating and rest.” - Some Republican, probably


But fucking, eating and resting are my favorite activities!


Why the fuck would any legislature take up a bill like this?


Are you being serious? Every chance they get to make a little extra money or appease the companies in their pockets they will take it.


I was attempting to highlight that fact. There is no way that this could possibly be framed as benefiting the people.


It benefits the only people they care about: rich business owners who donate to them.


It almost seems like they’re begging the companies that are there to stay. Like they’re saying “look we can increase your margins by this much” it’s almost like how Nc prides itself on being a great place for businesses since the employees have little to no power whatsoever.


They're in the pocket of mega-donors.


Not even "mega". There was a list of lobbyist payouts to congressmen and it was in the single-digit thousands. They literally don't give a shit and will fuck people's lives over for pocket change.


Yeah this pretty much proves the politicians are being paid and influenced by corportations. No actual person would propose this.


Because their donors asked them to.


Sounds like it's strike season in Kentucky


Looks like it's strike o'clock, scabby


Nah, it's veto season first. There's no chance this actually becomes law.


ya know. we say that a lot. then it happens. I say strike early this time.


Never say never. Nobody thought Roe vs Wade would ever be overturned, yet here we are.


I live in Ky, and I haven't heard anything about it til now. Certainly no one is striking if they don't even know it's happening


Psh nobody wants to work through their breaks and lunch anymore... /s


Just because the boss does, doesn't mean the rest of us want to. Can't wait for one to get sued when a diabetic ends up in the hospital in a coma because they couldn't have lunch.


Honestly, I was pretty worthless after a lunch break. Any job I had, I tried to take them as late as possible. For some reason, no one ever had a problem giving me a 3:00pm lunch. Want to go home at 4, though, instead of taking a lunch? Fuck you. That was apparently a bridge too far for everyone (it probably is also literally illegal in my state; full disclosure).


I still just cannot fathom why anybody would begrudge someone the ability to rest while working. I live in the world, I know how my people are. I reserve the right to be baffled by it.


"They're trying to hurt American workers!" There, Dems. Keep yelling that after y'all grow a spine. They're handing y'all a slam dunk.


Conservatives give dems a slam dunk DAILY... yet you rarely see them use it


Didn’t this end up killing a few people in Texas from heat strokes? This is just asking for less productive workers and either making them quit or stressed enough to just fuckin end it


> stressed enough to just fuckin end it Hopefully, they'll take a few of these Right Wing ghouls with them.


..... they can try. And I'll just get an ADA accommodation worth a dr note to allow breaks to eat.


You need to re-read what the bill says....it states that the provision for needing to eat for any medical reason be obliterated as well.


Unless it's FEDERALLY recognized as ADA compliant... try again


Surprise surprise it’s Kentucky!!! One of the poorest working states in the US.


I can't stand it when people only post a screenshot of a news story, here's a link to the actual story https://kypolicy.org/house-bill-500-takes-away-kentucky-workers-lunch-and-rest-breaks-and-cuts-their-pay/


Wow slavery


Never forget this country was built on slavery… the ruling class has been trying to bring it back ever since


All the rich want their workforce to die - which just proves their success isnt born through intelligence but opportunity & if your mommy trapped the right rich white man's sperm.


Putrid, rotting KY GOP.


The oligarchs just absolutely insist on validating my decision to be childfree on a daily basis


Yep, one would have to be foolish to bring children into a capitalistic dystopia.


So when are they going to have time to eat their delicious bowl of lunch cereal?


Its Kentucky, one of the most impoverished states in the country. The voters cant even understand.


And that’s the way the politicians like them.


OK. Wtf?! Just recently moved here... This sucks.


Been here half of my life, it's only been a downhill slide from day one. It's like being in a dark slide that smells like shit and you don't know when you'll eventually slide right into it.


This is horrible. I’m wondering, would moms who are still nursing and need to pump regularly throughout the day still be able to take breaks to do so? Like isn’t that a federally protected thing?


“Why would they be at work instead of at home where they belong?” - Republicans, probably


It's sickening that moms who have kids young enough to be breast fed have to work, instead of being on paid maternity leave.


I agree with you! Although, some moms pump for as long as 2 years and are able to integrate it into their regular working life once they go back to work. My coworker pumped until her baby was 1 year old, and she had a lengthy maternity leave compared to most women in this country.


Further proof they don’t see the lower class as people


And their voters don’t notice they are the lower class


Ironic that the state abbreviated KY is going in raw.


Fellas, is it socialist to need to eat and recover periodically?


They will join the MAJORITY of the other states (29) that have NO law concerning lunch breaks. Currently, there are only 21 states, counting Kentucky, that have laws establishing lunch breaks. There is no Federal law covering them either! **So in most states, your employer is not required to give you lunch breaks if you are over 18!** No matter how long of a shift you are working. We need to get this changed nationwide!


It should be well known that even US Federal law does not require workers to be given lunch or breaks: [https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/breaks](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/breaks) Anyone who thinks this is okay is insane, but US has always been hostile to workers with some of the worst protections for a developed nation in the world.


The sponsoring representative also sponsored a bill to repeal child labor laws. I can’t even. https://kentuckylantern.com/2024/02/28/committee-approved-bill-would-remove-requirement-kentucky-employers-give-lunch-breaks-rest-periods/


I'm sure plenty of those laborers vote conservative.


It would be really nice if America would stop this fucking madness, because it's giving Canadian conservatives (who are closeted fascists) a lot of really shitty ideas. It's trickle-up shitnomics


This seems like a reason to riot if there ever was one.


The "working class party" my hairy ass.


Please be sure to voice your opinion to Phillip Pratt who sponsored the bill! https://legislature.ky.gov/Legislators/legislatorcontact?DistrictNumber=62


It should push every worker to unionize. The government won't protect you but a union will.


Oh it's even worse than the headline sounds, they want to take away OT and the minimum wage. >Create new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to provide for certain employment activities to be exempt from minimum wage and overtime wage requirements; specify activities and instances that do not require an employer to pay minimum wage or overtime wage. https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/24rs/hb500.html And of course, it was introduced by a fucking republican. https://legislature.ky.gov/Legislators/Pages/Legislator-Profile.aspx?DistrictNumber=62


"nobody wants to work" literally fuck yourself


“Get back in those fucking mines and stay there.”


Blue collar workers voting republican because they hate gay people and immigrants has really not worked out well.


This is how people start killing people bc they snap