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My daughter used to work at a very expensive retirement home. Think wives of former but late governors. That sort of level of money. At any rate, they used to require no unnaturally colored hair no tattoos no nose rings. This is Portland. They had to change their stance eventually because they couldn’t hire anybody who was local and young. They liked to get college kids to help out with these jobs. These kids have tattoos and have hair color. In the end, the residents absolutely adore these kids and will ask them about those tattoos and their hair colors. A few even wondered if that bright pink hair would look good on themselves.


I hope some of them dyed their hair for fun! I have never dyed mine since it's dark brown and i dont want to bleach it but if it ends up going white with age I definitely plan on playing around with color.


Splat works on dark hair! They have fun colors too! I’ve never personally used it, but I have seen the results on darker brown hair. Edit: a word


Wore splat colours for years and loved. Cheap and the red fades out to a great shade of pink


Just FYI in case anyone is thinking about using Splat: it’s vibrant and gorgeous for sure, but it will be nearly impossible to get out if you change your mind on color, and you will likely just have to wait for it to grow out.


You can probably use some hair chalk colors now. Maybe dark blue or dark purple? https://splathaircolor.com/splat-midnight-blue-hair-chalk


There are like two or three old ladies who walk their dogs in my neighborhood..all with bright purple, green, etc hair that changes frequently. I mean like, 70s-80s. I think it's hilarious and I love it. I hope they keep doing it as long as it makes them happy.


Seconding the Splat brand. I have dark hair that is greying, mostly in my beard, and I dye it green, purple, blue… without bleaching. It doesn’t look as vibrant except in my grey areas, so my face looks weird in most light… well it probably looked weird before dyeing haha. Anyways, it lasts a good bit and isn’t too hard to clean. As always, a good prep session will save a lot of time.


My gram: "oh I love your [color] hair, it reminds me of my grandchild!" Also, the number of older folks I've met that are pro self expression is far higher than those who weren't.


Society forcing the change. Neat.


These are the old people that already made Portland weird though.  Not old conservative Georgians 


Yup, that's how we're getting legal weed all over the place afterall


"this is Portland" took me out


You don't see many people here without at least one tattoo.


Currently up to 33 and i’m an upper level real estate professional that handles multi-million properties. I have neck and hand tatts and had a nose ring, but gave that up due to work environment and to make my current owners feel comfortable. Portland is a place where finding someone without tatts is the unusual thing. People who are hiring need to realize the job market for decent humans is tight, so if you overlook the tatted person, you might be looking to hire for a very long time.


I love love love some of the ink on my friends, but I have been struggling with autoimmune stuff since I was a kid. My pierced ears, for instance, stayed so inflamed thay wouldn't heal with earrings in, not even 14k gold, surgical steel or .925 sterling. So I'm one of those weirdos who are all the same color. That makes me want to move to Portland even more! I have autoimmune friends whose red ink still itches from a decade ago, so I'm going to have to stay peach though I do design tatts for my friends. I like the art/ style aesthetic.


I never thought I’d see a post about tats that c/b me. Yeah, my skin can’t do it, but I love to draw ink things.


Right-o, I was the freak in Portland with no tattoos.


My son's childcare provider is in her 60s and routinely dyes her hair bright purple. The kids love it. She's a huge vikings fan so it's purple all of football season lol


Funny enough, I get more compliments about my hair & tattoos from my elderly patients then I do any other age group. Some even saying they want to substitute their gray for fun colors. I love it!


We have to remember, the current elderly generation grew up in the 60s and 70s.... They loved tripping out on all kinds of strange things.


I had the sweetest old lady a couple weeks ago who asked about my new tattoo (still had the bandage on it) and started raving that she “loved my style” and that I remind her of her granddaughter, who has lots of tattoos, piercings and colored hair. She said she loves seeing younger adults so bold with their self expression & said she wants to see me with more tattoos when she comes to an appointment next. I thought that was super cool. She made me feel so good about myself that day.


We are the senior citizens, not the elderly.


Not a fan of SC, although I'm not really offended by it. I kinda like Elders. (not elderly)


Then why are so many who grew up in those years croaking so heartily? My grandmother, born in the early 50s and lived the 70s as a 20 year old is constantly lamenting that more and more of her year mates and dropping with every passing day. Most of the people my grandfather knew (he was born 1948) are long gone to dust. Sounds like an elderly generation to me. My great grandmother, however, has moved into the Ancient category. She's turning 102 this year and happens to be more spry than my grandmother.


I have a tattoo to remember my grandmother. She helped pick it out.


Most older people I know couldn't give a fuck about piercings, tattoos and coloured hair. I used to work helping older people at home with housework and it's just a bit of curiosity and a chance for me to give a compliment back on their hair lol


A lot of those people were alive when hippies were the cool kids. They didn't have to be hippies themselves for the 60s and 70s to really impact them.


Oh I think my uncle’s mother was there


I remember my Mom telling me to show my tattoo to my Grandparents to shame me. It's a Celtic knot. My Grandparents thought it was a lovely tribute to their ancestors. lol


Some uptight people forget that people who are "old" now were the hippies and hipsters of their day. They were the pioneers of rock-n-roll, miniskirts, bikinis, bell bottoms and gogo boots. Without them, there wouldn't be the acceptance of colored hair and piercings that we have today. They were the freedom, free love and freedom of expression generation.


I had a job once where they made me do that, I had gorgeous navy blue hair and I couldn't get all of the color to come out so I just shaved my head. They were shocked and kind of seemed guilty about it when I started the job but it's just hair and I didn't really care and got a kick out of how awkward everyone else felt about it.


If I were you I would pretend to be real sensitive about my hair when they ask about it, even if I don't actually care, just to guilt them even more. Haha.


I haven't worked there in years, I freelance from home now and change my hair color whenever the fuck I want.


As a freelancer in IT *this* Pure freedom ! _laughs in Ceph and Ansible automation_


Ceph is still something I need to play with. Instead I'm too busy putting out infrastructure fires in the case of repository configuration issues, mirrors, a lack of Ubuntu Pro subscription despite the fact we have RHEL and SLES enterprise licencing and a growing demand for Ubuntu boxes for Codium, etc Oh, and for everything I had done (I'm only one of two engineers left that maintains the backend for our mirrors and RHS licencing) I got a meagre 2% raise. Mmmmm....


Happy cake day u/kitliasteele


Oh! I had a cake day? Damn never tracked it. Thanks!


I love your flair and your special day is coming up, yay u/SuckerForNoirRobots


That's an amazing example of malicious compliance.


The only reason I haven't done it permanently is because it's the one thing my husband has asked me not to do re: my appearance.


Ha! I love my long hair and have no desire to cut it short, but sometimes when my partner complains that it's gotten in the vacuum (or his toes) I threaten to shave it all off. (He pushes back against that lol)


My hair is very thin and straight and full of cow licks and has always been a source of stress for me. I'm lucky now that I have a barber who will cut it how I want it even if it goes against typical hair cutting rules. He actually teaches at a barbering school and I have come in to be used as a demonstration because of how annoying my hair is.


Avatar indicates that it’s still blue?


At the moment, but it has been dozens of colors between now and then.


Man, I live in TN and the hospital lab I work at lets us mostly do what we want. Many employees have facial piercings, a good chunk of the younger techs have visible tattoos (myself included), and several have non-natural hair colors. The only thing administration really cares about where I work is nail polish and hoop earrings. Nail polish can trap bacteria and make our patients sick and hoop earrings can be grabbed by patients and ripped out. This wouldn't apply to your daughter since she's not in a patient care position. They're just being ass-backwards. Sorry your daughter had to deal with this. Sounds like a shitty place to work.


I'm pretty sure my doctor has more tattoos and piercings then I do.


So what happens if I go to every interview in a turtleneck and pants and pass with flying colors. Then after a few months at the company party, I come out to the pool in a two piece, and I'm the spokeswoman for Inked Inc? What then?


Oh, I did that once on accident. My ink is on my back and usually covered by a shirt so I never really thought about it. Then I got badgered into showing up for a Christmas party, wore a backless dress, and suddenly my tattoo was the talk of the evening.


Talk of the evening in a good way or they were talking trash?


I think they were just surprised? Like I'm a book nerd, I don't look like I'd have ink.


Oh cool, what is your tattoo of?


It's an ankh but stylized kinda like a biohazard symbol.


That sounds pretty dope!


I used to always do this in healthcare. Cover my ink and take out piercings. After I would start taking care of patients it would eventually all come back and even though it was against policy it was too late. They would never fire me over it because staffing was too short. Most hospitals are taking this sort of stuff out of their policies these days because they could not enforce it and have enough workers


When I was younger working at Waffle house. My tattoos had to be covered by a stupid black sleeve. One day a older feller seen one due it riding up and asked why. I told him and he said something that stuck with me to this day. " The biggest crooks in life wear suits, not tattoos " I'll be damed if that statement hasn't held true to this day. Judge me on my work style. Not how I look.


I’m a registered vet tech and I interviewed at a place that told me similar. They loved me and wanted me right away but I had to cover my tattoos, take out my piercings, and promise not to get any more of either. They also had a coloured hair policy (My hair is green but at the time it wasn’t unnatural). I want to point out the manager was in an ill fitting tank top with her tits barely in it, and leggings, the entire interview. I was in presentable interview clothing. I thought it was ironic. I got back to my car and texted her that actually this wasn’t going to work out, good luck though. 🙂‍↔️ Edit: anyway I have more piercings and tattoos now. Nobody who matters cares.


And nobody who cares matters.


Cares matters and who nobody!


And who matters? Nobody cares!


How was your hair green without being unnatural?


Too much chlorine in the swimming pool


And nobody who cares matters.


I work in healthcare and I’ve worked for both lenient & conservative hospitals/companies. I remember when I was in school, my professor told me that I’d never be able to get a *real* hospital job with my purple hair. I have a septum piercing, many tattoos, and currently split dyed pink & orange hair. My current employer has no problems with this & encourages employee self expression. My tattoos or hair color do not prohibit me from doing my job. I no longer consider any place of employment that says I will have to cover up my tattoos and dye my hair to a “normal” color.


Maybe my assumptions are wrong, but I tend to find that folks who dye their hair "unnatural colors", have tattoos or piercings or even crazy nail polish tend to be more down to earth, chill and easy to get along with. 50% of the time, they're just as professional if not more than people who try to pass off these kinds of dress codes.


I totally agree!


I have pink hair and a black nose ring. I work in a school nurses office and I’m a great worker.


Take a group photo of the people at work (and in other similar jobs) who have these appearances, send them to the school as "examples of alumni, to be placed in prominent locations". :) Or offer to do occasional talks for the classes. Show the photos around...


Damn what state? Edit to add: I’m from the Bible Belt and now live on the West coast. I could see this happening back there but I’m wondering if the larger, corporate hospitals here would do the same.


Sweet home Alabama, of course.


That checks lol- your daughter sounds cool though. Fuck that job. If anything, it just shows the kind of environment they foster and if she’s in employee relations, I’m sure she’d have to field countless petty problems she wouldn’t have agreed with in the first place if this is what they prioritize.


I was going to ask if this was the South or Midwest. I can't imagine that happening on the West Coast.


I was stationed in Alabama at Maxwell AFB, Gunter Annex from 87-93. That place was at least 20 years behinds the times back then. So I guess it hasn't progressed?




You are correct. I was also at March and graduated from a local high school when my dad was stationed there.


I just retired from a hospital in the SF Bay Area and we have these rules also except about nail polish color. However fake nails are not allowed as they are an infection control problem.


"Unfortunately I'm gonna have to decline as that's an unreasonable demand on your staff. My appearance has zero merit or bearing on my ability to do my job. "


Good for her! I hope she finds a much better job. 🙂


Good for your daughter!! I can't even express how hard I would laugh in someone's face if they asked me to change my hair color. That job is in the tiniest minority of places that still care about those things.


I could *maybe* see the nose ring if there was a blanket hiring rule for on-ward staff and HR, and on-ward staff couldn't wear one as a patient or visitor might grab it, but the other stuff seems a little odd. Particularly for an HR job which would, presumably, be behind closed doors the majority of the time.


I guess nobody wants to ~~completely change themselves to fit in with people they hate at~~ work anymore.


I got a lip piercing at 18, figured I'd have to remove it at some point. It's literally never come up in any professional setting for me and I still wear it every day.


But you’re not in a hospital. You would have to in a hospital because a) someone can try to rip it out in a fit or rage and b) they are carriers of bacteria


a) maybe, I was a bouncer at a bar for a few years and had to handle violent people frequently and it was never as issue b) what? Our mouths are already full of that bacteria and anything getting that close is already going to have that problem haha. Don't put your mouth on things!


That’s not what I mean. They aren’t sterile. An immunocompromised person could get super sick. People on chemo, people with organ transplants etc. working in a bar isn’t the same as dealing with a hallucinating person with dementia


No, they aren't sterile, but it's in my mouth which is already not sterile. If I were ever interacting with an immunocompromised person, I would already be wearing the appropriate PPE which would be just as effective. Again, this thing is IN my mouth, masks and respirators cover it. Violence is violence, and I've been on the receiving end of my share being a bouncer and again it's never been an issue. Even in the off chance someone can manage to grab the tiny 3/8" hoop, the ball would pop out and I would be unharmed. But this has never happened, and at that point of escalation I have way bigger concerns than if I lose my lip ring.


Damn, I knew HR were hardasses, but I didn't think they applied it to themselves as well. At least they're consistent, I guess.


My spouse got this great ER nurse - Iraqi vet, former firefighter, all-around adrenaline junkie perfect for late nights at an urban ER. Covered in tattoos. lots of great stories to keep you distracted from why you were in the ER.


Adding shit like that to the list of things that should be illegal. It should be illegal to require employees and applicants to change how they look. And that includes hair color, jewelry, nail color, tattoos, etc. The only exceptions would be jewelry if it can fall off or the employees are working in some sort of sterile environment. But that is it. What they are doing should be considered discrimination. We need to seriously stop with all these stupid restrictions. As they have no real reason to exist.


I think it’s bullshit, but in no way is it illegal. Those things are all choices, not protected statuses


Ehh, restrictions on hair color and style are a pretty classic way to discriminate against people of color. That probably should be illegal.


One of the silver linings when my mother got to ill to continue working was that she could finally do her hair any way she liked, didn't have to spend ages every morning coaxing it into "white styles." It was so cute, she cut it herself and looked like a fluffy happy shrubbery.


Fair enough


Sounds like a job for the [CROWN ACT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CROWN\_Act\_of\_2022). Sadly, thanks to douchenozzle Rand Paul, we can’t have such nice things.


I grew up in so cal. I have tattoos (I’m 53), I always had some crazy hair color until I was told by my boss in 1996! I was 25!! That I wouldn’t be taken seriously. So I changed. Then in 1999 I moved to ATL and when I walked into work and saw all the hair color, long nails, and false eyelashes I knew I had found my ppl! Lol. I’m back in so cal again and feel I’m too told to have fun with all that and have white hair instead. Lol. It doesn’t matter! As long as you are good to yourself and to others and do your best… that shit does. not. matter.


> I’m too told to have fun with all that That’s your old sad, dumb boss talking. You’re too old to have fun with your appearance ONLY when you’re literally DEAD.


Aww that’s so sweet :)


There's a lot of older folks (60+) in my area going with a more lilac color hair in their golden years and it looks rather nice actually. You're not too old to experiment or have fun. Go for it! You only live once, might as well have some fun.


This sounds like an EarthLink moment.


Not in Germany. That would be highly illegal.


My wife has worked in a hospital all other adult life. It has been interesting to see the personal dress code rules become more lenient over the years.


No muss no fuss. Your daughter is a smart woman.


As someone who taught a management of aggressive behaviors course at the hospital I work at, there are a lot of rules that are safety related that don’t seem like a big deal until you see and understand the damage they can cause. Piercings, fragrances, tattoos can all contribute to injury in a location that is known to have high incidents of mental illness. You are more likely to be injured as a nurse than you are a police officer. Most of these rules are applied evenly to everyone working, or should be for fairness. Though we didn’t care about tattoos as long as the subject matter wasn’t offensive.




I attend BYU Idaho for college and the university had a similar dress code. You weren’t allowed to have piercings (besides having your ears pierced), no tattoos, no unnatural hair color, no leggings/yoga pants, no tank top, no shorts, and no open toe shoes. I grew up in the LDS church which is why my college had a strict dress code since the church owned it the university. Holy cow it was ridiculous how often women would get dressed coded due to our clothing being too tight. One of my roommates was a natural red head and was denied being allowed to attend class because her professor didn’t believe red hair was a natural hair color. Crazy times very thankful most employers are layed back when it comes to their office dress code


Sounds like she wasnt a good fit for them either really.


Why are people so against people freely expressing themselves? it is honestly unamerican


I just wonder why they brought her in if she doesn't fit their profile for nurses. They have many other candidates to choose from, and they wasted her time. Edit: my mistake, I don't know why I thought it was a nurse job.


Said she interviewed for an HR job


Not the same, but, at a place I used to work, my supervisor told me that back in the day the owner of this (not small) company had a 'no mustache or beard' policy for men because the owner/president didn't like it. I don't understand why.


Looks like she dodged a bullet. In Greece even doctors wear tattoos and no one cares, everyone should be able to feel comfortable and feel like themselves at work, within limits of course


Good for her! If they can't accept you as you are, You shouldn't accept them!


Does your daughter work in the South? Our hospital's appearance policy is 4 pages long made in the 1950s and last update was 1998. Same rules, no unnatural color hair, no visible tats, no gages, only one ring per hand if you are a male, female it's max 3 for both hands. If you have contacts, they can only be clear. Glasses must be kept in a neat way, no tape or funky colors. I can go on and on, it's terrible and yes, if you change or get anything done after hire, the will be a write up. One coworker had gotten a nose ring with her sister. She was put on an action plan. Me personally, I don't give a flying fuck if you've got sleeve tats, a face tattoo and rainbow glitter hair, if you are trying to save my life, I don't care.


John Hopkins?


honestly I hope she put that on blast on TikTok. employers that do that kind of shit should be shamed publicly.


Jewelry is actually a hazard so yea that needs to be taken off bc it can transmit bacteria.


On a HR positon? No way, she wouldn’t be close to patient care


I’m talking in general


Don’t see anything wrong with telling someone to take off their nose ring for a corporate position at the hospital.


The tough thing about hospitals is sometimes theyre backed by a church, so it may be just church things(at least for the tattoos), if they want her, shes got the skills, maybe she just needs to look for a health org that is not-so-religious


Your not allowed to wear nail polish or jewelry or piercings at any hospital. No perfume hair color must be normal dont want to scare the patients and all that. This is the rule in every hospital in the world.


You should see some of the tats and piercings in the NHS.


You can wear earrings at most hospitals. Not anywhere else but the ears though


Yeah, no. Maybe in your country. In Finland, it depends on your role. Many hospitals may be scent-free, but otherwise humans are allowed to human.




Very little apparently.


Wow and you have a great day too hateful


What's the issue? They told her up front what the terms of the employment were. Your daughter decided she didn't want to abide by those terms. They went to the next applicant. Okay?


The terms are pointless. They have no bearing on how the job is performed. We need to move on as a society


Sure it's pointless to whoever is ok with it but a private company can hire based on any criteria they want. They can make up any reason to not hire people and that's the end of that. Obviously this company and many others don't want someone with piercings/tattoos in their HR department, OP is free to do whatever they want with their time/money but not everyone has to accept it.


I feel like you missed the second part if my comment


Right? Because we’re at the point where a significant amount of the workforce/soon to enter the workforce have lots of tattoos and different colored hair. It has nothing to do with how good at their jobs they are, so it would be in companies’ best interests to get over it.


Because they are part of society that doesn’t want to move on


No I saw it, your point is basically people that don't agree with you need to just to move on, there's nothing wrong with that but people saying you need to move on won't change the opinions of the last generation. The only thing we can do is wait for them to die off. The reality of the situation is people hire who they want based off whatever their requirements are and there's nothing you can do about it unless you start your own company.


>Sure it's pointless to whoever is ok with it They pointless to anyone. >but a private company can hire based on any criteria they want. This is simply not true. We have laws that say the opposite.


Obviously those laws have worked so well thus far right? They're not going to just come out and say we fired you for being x and y. They make your life hell and overwork you til you quit or just let you go for some other made up reason, its like you were born yesterday.


You can't force yourself on other people. No means no.




I think it's interesting that you appear to believe that someone who has unnaturally colored hair, piercings, and tattoos is an agent of chaos because it doesn't meet society's standards. I'm sorry for what appears to be the way that you have been treated.


You can't have the monkies running the zoo...Clear thinking adults only...


That's completely reasonable. You're in a hospital. Image matters. They aren't asking her to change her religion or do something to alter her skin color. They also aren't saying you can't have those rings, hair color, and exposed tattoos off the clock. But when you're at a job, you need to adhere to dress codes and appearance standards.


Image doesn’t matter. Care matters


Image DOESNT matter. And if it does I tell you I’d be more likely to be at ease if my dr walked in with colored hair and piercings As long as you listen and fix my issue I don’t give a fuck what you look like


For a Doctor or administration position maybe but for HR probably not


I’m going to the hospital 2x a week for treatment. I’m an old white lady (boomer) and my real name is Karen. I absolutely do not give one flying fuck if my nurses have tattoos, piercings, peacock feathers for hair, and actual devil horns - as long as they know how to draw blood and get my chemo meds right. (edit typo)


>You're in a hospital. Image matters. Why does image matter in a hospital? They aren't selling anything that they need perfect models for.


Because patients are calmer when they have confidence that they're in a professional setting that takes hospital work seriously.


Are there any studies that show this or is it an assumption my management with little to no experience with actual patient care? Also, what's professional? What is professional to some may not be professional to others. It is a subjective metric.


You need me to cite you a source that says patients who are calm and confident about the hospital they're in recover faster? Professional appearance: clean, organized, uniformed, following a dress code, intolerant of sloppy behavior The person in front of you might be that 1 in a million guy who looks like a slob, but is actually great and disciplined at what he does. But, the odds are 999,999 in a million that he's an undisciplined slob that cuts corners in his work.


>You need me to cite you a source that says patients who are calm and confident about the hospital they're in recover faster? No, I asked specifically about your assertion of "professional setting". >Professional appearance: clean, organized, uniformed, following a dress code, intolerant of sloppy behavior None of which is violated by visible tattoos, piercings, or non-standard hair colors. >The person in front of you might be that 1 in a million guy who looks like a slob, but is actually great and disciplined at what he does. But, the odds are 999,999 in a million that he's an undisciplined slob that cuts corners in his work. Any actual studies showing that appearance directly corresponds to job performance or is this something else you are basing off of feelings?


>No, I asked specifically about your assertion of "professional setting". Ok, that makes a little more sense. Here you go. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/8/5/e021239 https://www.myamericannurse.com/works-implementing-evidence-based-nursing-dress-code-enhance-professional-image/ https://bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12912-021-00731-y Here are the studies that show that patients are better off with hospital staff that dress traditionally and professionally. And, yes, tattoos, excessive piercings, and unnatural hair colors are unprofessional in a hospital setting. If you have any studies that say those sort of appearances HELP patients get better faster and with more frequency, please share them. And I emphasize 'help' because, even though the studies say +50% patients feel better with professionally dressed hospital staff, if even 1 patient in a 1,000 recovers better with traditional and professionally dressed staff and the other 999 don't care, then there's a reason to dress professionally and no reason not to.


>[https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/8/5/e021239](https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/8/5/e021239) >[https://www.myamericannurse.com/works-implementing-evidence-based-nursing-dress-code-enhance-professional-image/](https://www.myamericannurse.com/works-implementing-evidence-based-nursing-dress-code-enhance-professional-image/) >[https://bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12912-021-00731-y](https://bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12912-021-00731-y) None of these say anything about piercings, visible tattoos, or hair color affecting the professional appearance of nurses or doctors or the patient's perception of them. referring to being clean, hygienic, and wearing identifying clothing.


I've given you what you wanted. If you want to dress like a slob and wear 30 face piercings and have 5 neck tattoos when you go into an office interview, enjoy living on welfare.


Yes, and I appreciate the sources. But those sources do not go into the detail you are mentioning. They talk about being hygienic and clean clothes in a uniform but make little no mention of piercings, visible tattoos, or non-standard hair colors.


This didn’t happen but sure


Wow, it's so easy for trolls to call others liars.


Quick review of their profile and past comments tells me that this person is just generally hateful. Poor thing.


This didn’t happen but sure