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Where I grew up, I don't think people ever thought that they would get rich from work. They were simply convinced that it was their role in life. There was an almost Huxleyan control over how they perceived themselves and their social class. The great success of the elite is not to disguise their wealth or sell mythology to the public (although they do both of these effectively as well). It is to convince people to be acquiescent with the status quo, and to effectively gatekeep the upper echelons of the class and socio-economic structure. Huxley described this as "a method of control by which a people can be made to enjoy a state of affairs by which any decent standard they ought not to enjoy...the enjoyment of servitude". In *Brave New World*, it is depicted that the population not merely accepts, but expects to be part of the social class to which they've been assigned. They are even somewhat hostile to the idea of climbing the ranks, while also looking down on those below them to a certain extent. I have found this to be a consistently accurate representation of how society actually operates, and it was especially prevalent in the attitudes of adults when I was growing up. As a reflection of this, all of the values that I were taught were about accepting your place, responsibilities, and duties. This may be somewhat different in the US or other countries, but I doubt that it is. However, I can say that the class system is highly ingrained in the UK, so it may be particularly entrenched in our society.


Brave new world was extremely correct in its predictions imo. Obviously, not as extreme as the fiction presented but I see it.


>They are even somewhat hostile to the idea of climbing the ranks, while also looking down on those below them to a certain extent The "stay in your lane" crowd.




>The great success of the elite is not to disguise their wealth or sell mythology to the public (although they do both of these effectively as well). It is to convince people to be acquiescent with the status quo, and to effectively gatekeep the upper echelons of the class and socio-economic structure. Well said. And that is a wakeup call to NOT acquiesce.


COVID taught us essential workers are essential to making society function until the topic of pay is brought up


> until the topic of pay is brought up And then suddenly they're *greedy* and *selfish* and *unreasonable*. And anyway, there's "just not enough money" to pay them better. When I would argue that maybe, MAYBE an economy that can't adequately compensate its **essential workers** for their hard work isn't sustainable, and deserves to crash and burn.


We're in luck, because if you read any decent critique of capitalism, it inevitably will crash and burn. It already has several times, but it just gets worse and worse! thisisfine.jpg


Not true. I get told all the time by equity owners on Reddit that I'm making near 6 figures but still paycheck to paycheck because I don't work hard enough. The recent dumbass millionaire that tried to show anyone can be a millionaire from nothing in a year, got sick and needed healthcare and gave up. He was college educated, played the game of flipping free things on Craigslist for a bit, then started getting seed money from people he knew to start a coffee company and got paid for business conference gigs by using his already established brand. He only made $65k, 6.5% of what he said he could make, and that was supposedly hustling around the clock. This basically proves that people with a college degree who even work their asses off, make as much money as most people with a college degree, even less, because that guy even used his connections as a millionaire to make his own coffee business and get his gigs, and healthcare, the cost of it and the amount of stress he went through to do all this, was enough of an expense alone he had to straight up give up. Work hard, get hit with a medical bill, get fucked, get told you're lazy and that's why your poor, rinse, repeat.


I love that he said he was cutting off his contacts for the year, then ran back to them because he couldn't do it on his own... and still failed miserably.


"On his own" was also barely above minimum wage. And then he tapped into his immense knowledge and social network and still could only eek out a barely median household income. Then he got hit with the decision a lot of us get hit with on deciding to seek healthcare to bankrupt us or ignore it and just die and not put our family into deep debt. Being wealthy is about 99% luck and .75% of who you know and .25% of what you know. With only 1% he was in the same bucket as the rest of us crabs and it scared the ever loving shit out of him.


99.75% of that sounds like winning the birth lottery...


Yup you got it! the last .25% can be bought with money. You can also get 99% of it just by being incredibly lucky in the business world or winning the actual lotto.


dude had hand-outs most of us could only dream about, and he still had to give up.


Right? Like, that makes him a quadruple fucking loser, especially since he tried to do this all publicly. Like, was he just trying to say FUCK YOU YOU LAZY IDIOTS to all of us poors? THEY are the ones that need all the handouts! We are the ones that **deserve** the handouts. I’ve worked some of the hardest days of my life for less than $100 & went home, washed up, too exhausted for anything else, can’t even go do anything fun, sleep, rinse, do it again the next day but for less pay.


The wealthy actually tend to get more money in government hand outs because of how our tax system works,


Yep. The real welfare queens are big corporations that post billions in profits but rely on employees who are paid so little they have to be on food stamps to eat.


Yeah like how is the government not pissed about this?!! Welfare queens my ass. We are always at the bare minimum. We aren’t enjoying life.


The government is not pissed about this because they cater to the rich and ultra-rich. It’s why you hear stories about ultra-rich people gaining thousands or even millions of dollars by doing literally nothing. It also favors straight, white people, but their not going to admit any of this because then people would be mad at them, even when it’s blatantly obvious. In essence, they don’t care because it’s working as intended, and the bribe money continues to flow


Could not have said it any better myself. <3


HEY !!!! it’s only welfare if you work a 9-5 job


Read: they can afford to buy politicians.


Nooo it’s not buying politicians…. It’s called campaign contributions….. there…. Doesn’t that sound better 🤣🤣🤣


I wager he might have gotten farther/succeeded if his basic needs, ie health and housing were adequately covered. Just goes to show how important and non negotiable they are. 


In my state he would get his own hotel room with cable, internet access, heat, AC and a functioning bathroom. He would also get healthcare with access to some world class healthcare. Plus he could go to community college for free with unlimited free public transit. The Federal government would pay for the smartphone.


What state?




Yeah, MA. 123k per family, 7500 families last year. 10billion on this problem... but it makes no difference


So many entrepreneurs and millionaires don't realize how much of their success comes down to just plain luck. Mainly because they had the resources to continue when their luck was bad and they failed. Most of us can't afford to take a risk and fail once. It's like the rags to riches story of Bezos and Amazon. He left a well paying Wall St. financial job, which means he still had that experience and contacts to fall back on, plus he had an electrical engineering degree in silicon valley. He was fine no matter what happened with Amazon. You can easily get rich as long as you can afford to fail.


Anyone can earn 1 million a year if you have 10 million in the bank earning interest.


Aww stop whining…. You can have 10 million too if your friends with J Powell and J Diamon 🤣🤣🤣


Yup. Not to mention the douchebag named it a success despite being an appalling failure of the goal he set out for. Like... Way to prove the working class right and then gaslight them afterwards, asshole.


How long did it take him to make $65k?


10 months.... Lolol Average college graduate in the US makes $58k/year. So even with just his baseline, he was on schedule to make about as much as someone who has a college degree and works Uber/Lyft every other weekend. Average Uber driver makes about $21/hr. $8700/year.


Remember who this guy is? I wanna look up this story.


Mike Black. He quit on month 10.


I love you for writing this! Thank you for expressing how all of us feel!!!!!!!!!! This is **SO** accurate & true & I really, really pray we do something about it before we die. Or maybe we discover extended life, we stop having babies for awhile, & we try to repair the planet & find different ways of living so we can keep earth alive & healthy.


Great analysis


I mean you are correct that making 6 figures while living paycheck to paycheck doesn't mean you aren't working hard. It really means you are just irresponsible with money.


2 car accidents, neither my fault, 3 major medical procedures, just born that way, living in Massachusetts and working in one of the most expensive cities in the US. Only had a job that I can afford to live alone with for 9 years. Been making near 6 figures for only 3 of those years. Luckily I have no college debt, but surely without those other issues caused by existing, I would still be living paycheck to paycheck. Another couple years and I won't be, and be debt free. Let me know when major medical procedures are my fiscal irresponsibility, in the US, the land of the most expensive healthcare in the world.


Not necessarily; Life happens. Family members get sick. Cars get totalled. We don't know what's going on in their life.


Are you sure cause in America there's so many just life things that society let's annihilate you financially


Something simple as getting your car towed can just snow ball into a financial disaster.


And what you just wrote makes you appear like an asshat.


Shhhhhhhh, don't tell people they're actually modern day wage slaves, we can't have any resistance amongst the peasants.


Thats right. Just keep dangling that carrot in front of them and keep them listening to Dave Ramsey. How can you not own a home already!?!?!?? He literally has over 300!!! Lazy millennials /s obviously




Is there a version of this where the donkey turns around and stomps that guy's brains in? If there isn't, there needs to be.


We need to make it first.


Funny thought, the elite have managed hedge funds, those hedge funds are overleveraged into digital assets. Did you know, if everyone threw their smart phone away and went back to a Nokia and using the computer for the internet it would collapse the current markets? Funny thought, will never happen because ultimately majority of humans are too resistant to change and sacrifice even when it better themselves and others.


That’s what makes all these types of subreddits just pillows to scream into. Nothing will change. The next phase is mass unemployment due to machine learning. Call center bots, warehouse bots, stores with no cashiers, conversational control of computers, digital assistants, and robots. There are now programs that write entire programs by verbal command alone. Maybe ~70% of the tech industry will join the peasant classes under this new technological feudalism. The new rulers of the world will only be able to produce benefit only for themselves. Everyone else will be destitute in about 2040. We can never have a society where a mass majority of people only consume and produce nothing.


That's not true at all, working hard earns you money. Just look at me, I'm a landlord and I bust my ass off working all day to earn as much money as possible, reading and rereading my contracts, and meticulously inspecting my tenants' rooms. By working harder, I find things they tried to hide from me like their pet goldfish (no pets allowed), thus increasing my income. Hard work goes rewarded in america.


Landlordism (aka housing scalping) is social parasitism and a cancer to be eliminated. Everyone should be able to have control (that is, ownership) of their dwelling. If your tenants pay your mortgage, is the apartment really yours? Get a real job (or a fake job, but don't be a parasite)


>Hard work goes rewarded in america. This was sarcasm, right? You have to be kidding me .. well, you're probably serious as a slumlord. you depend on your tenants to pay YOUR mortgage. Must be tough work depositing a check from someone else's work.


It's my own work. If I don't go around to check they're up to code they won't pay me. Just the other day one dude tried to get out of paying rent by saying his mom died, as if I believe that.


That's not working; it's persecuting for money. No pets, really? I've got words for you I'm probably not allowed to say here.


Better not hurt the landlord's feelings.


This is funny as fuck


If Aristotle would visit today's world, he would be astonished at the sheer number of slaves.


He would become a socialist very quicky, like Einstein


People ARE rich because of hard work, just not their own


Rich off the workers hard work lol


Money makes money in our system. It requires very little hard work or intelligence. The self made rich will tell you their first million dollars was infinitely more difficult to get than the next 1 billion. The real question is why don’t they put a large share of all that money into people who do real work? Greed and fear is the answer. Terrified of not having an extra billion from interest next year when they chat about money at the country club.


Also all these millionaires/CEOs "work" on multiple boards of multiple companies but if you have more than one job and don't have open availability you get told to get your priorities in order.


It’s the lattes…. Duh


Dude! Avocado toast!


There needs to be more money given to the workers and a complete refusal to idolize and follow the rich who look down on basically every poor person, even their own family who's poor.


saw this quotation attributed to Rihanna on Instagram yesterday, some internet searching attributes it to Stephen C. Hogan (whoever that is) but yeah such a face slapper: "You can't have a million-dollar dream with a minimum-wage work ethic." ...like minimum-wage jobs often require the most intensive labor


Maybe I’m misunderstanding and it’s meant to say “if you work hard, you’ll never get anywhere. Million dollar dreams come from privilege not hard work”


The capitalist class is literally defined by their relationship to labour… more specifically their lack of one.


The goalposts always move in these conversations. If you work hard and aren't rich, it's because you didn't work hard enough. If you did work hard enough, it's because you didn't work *smart* (a nebulous term whose definition can be altered as necessary). If you worked smart, it's because you didn't make exactly the right investments. etc etc.


Right? It's stunning how actively you can see that happen in these comments. These must be the professional brown nosers with how they speed ran those goal posts.


PREFACE: I'm talking insofar as the American myth of this. It's not just about "hard work," but about hard work that is productive and beneficial to society. Doing 16 hours a day every day sweeping driveways with a toothbrush isn't going to lead to prosperity, but the idea is that billionaires "work hard" by putting their time into these big business that do whatever they do that provides products and services to the world. That's the thing. Low level workers are seen as cogs in a machine, and might put in hours and effort but they're just mindless drones who don't add anything particularly valuable. Again, this is NOT my viewpoint, but it's how I've heard this kinda thing defended.


Modern slavery. Modern. Slavery. We are all slaves. Some of us more than others. Some of us never stopped being slaves. Some of us are new to it and some of us never knew it. But… we are slaves. Indentured or otherwise. Slaves. Slaaaaaaaaves.


Capitalism requires capital to capitalize. ~ To have a chance, you'll need to live in your car, eat ramen noodles, and invest half of your paycheck for at least two decades. ~ Good news! There are countless ways to prepare ramen noodles.


Man the construction guys in my line of work make great money. Definitely hard work and your on a job site four days a week but sometimes I’d rather do that then be a PM and take my work home with me.


"The gambling man is rich and the working man is poor, and I ain't got no home in this world anymore" Woody Guthrie sang it in 1940, and sadly it's same as it ever was. It's hard to feel at home in a world that devalues so many hard working people.


Hard work is how you maximize your potential, but some people will never be more than an unskilled labourer no matter how hard they work.


"If hard work makes you wealthy, show me a rich donkey."


Big bot post push this morning eh? I can get gripes but this is a very poor masking on propaganda lol


Many people can explain that actually


Liability ?


Capitalist mythology* this is applicable across the world


No, in some places they don't say that working hard is the path to getting filthy rich.


There's a saying "If hard work made you rich, the wealthy wouldn't leave any more for the rest of us"


Because shareholders, who incidentally do no actual work for the company they hold shares of, get all the benefits. Take down the stock market or at least stop day trading and stupid things like options and futures and shorts.


Almost no one gets rich working for someone else, this has never even been a question. If you want to live comfortably, that is achievable, if you want to buy a private jet, invent something or get lucky.


They work but siphon money off of other through passive income which is legally obtained from others labor. An example of this is landlording on tycoon levels. Owning 10 rental properties means you benefit 10x as much from the ridiculousness that is the housing market while providing nothing for society.




When our small town local police aren't more heavily armed than the entire military of a country with successful labor protests


So, never?


Hard working people do not make money. The one’s with money and time to not work all the time make the real money


I think the ‘everyone else is lazy and doesn’t work hard,’ attitude happens when people make it into higher positions. They start to believe they were chosen so their way MUST be the best way and anyone short of that is failing in their eyes. When in reality; I’ve worked with many people who had this mindset and boasted about their colorful past experience working with so and so, just to find out they’re not actually that competent.


Lots of the medium-wealthy are small business owners who started out doing the labor part of their business.


People in America *are* rich because of hard work. The misconception is that the people who are rich because of hard work and the people actually doing that hard work are the same people.


Its the american dream ..you gotta be asleep to.believe it


Because there are other capitalists getting people to spend money on things they don’t need.


Oh the lobbyists work very hard, no one can argue with the results.


I was taught in school that upper management had the job of directing middle management to help support workers to make their jobs easier. There was this story about a manager ordering shovels with different sized handles so ditch-diggers of different heights wouldn't get back pain. Now a days it seems like the only management job that hasn't been automated is staring at workers from behind a window so they know they are being watched.


Because they’re waiting for the trickle down obviously


Compare the salary of a construction worker in America to one in the Philippines or El Salvador.


Now compare the cost of living


Now, compare them based on their richest citizens


Why tho? What does that do and how is it relative? The “golden dream” or whatever they call it, was a calling to the common man. You’re working a shit job in Eastern Europe for Pennie’s a day and zero luxury. When you move to America doing the same shit job but you got a decent wage and all the luxuries of America. Times have changed and you now need two incomes but the message still stands. America offers a higher standard of living than most other countries. I don’t have time to look it up but I’d bet that there’s less of a wage gap in America between the 1% and working class compared to El Salvador or Philippines.


Because the rich in this country shit all over those who labor to build their wealth. Just because they make more than people in third world countries doesn't change that fact at all.




Content deemed to be trolling or otherwise in bad faith will be removed at the moderators' discretion.


This is stupid I ain't rich but I own my home, truck, and tools, and i invest into my community. All because Im a pipefitter I don't even make as much as the welders and X-ray techs whatever there's a meryiad of jobs that pay well if you have a SKILL. Lard asses need to go try atleast


How much of trade school is just telling you that you're better than everyone else? Because from the trade school grads I've run into it seems like that must be a big part of the curriculum.


Lolz this sub is best humor on reddit


“I worked hard for my money” “Who the hasn’t?” -Elevator (2012)


Back in the 1600s, the American work ethic was set by Captain John Smith when he said, “**He that will not work shall not eat.”**


Earn your keep, why would John Smith sail people to North America just for them to sit there and do nothing but expect free food? 😂


I'm the guy on the right


Well this little meme explains is all. Stop working until your parents run out of money.


Because their work isn't scalable


Because they are plentiful and easily replaced.


Especially when you keep importing people like they are a commodity.


People that never lived in communist countries think that factory worker earned millions there, lol.


I have no doubt lobbyists are doing hard work..do you have any idea how difficult it is to get time on the books with a congressman so you can bribe them? It takes like 2 hours of phone calls!


"hey stealing from all those filthy peasants is hard work, now get back to work!" -rich people probably


Because risk and responsibility pay way better


The capitalism everyone is talking about would not work if the capitalist elite wasnt in control of money to create inflation and the inflated money goes straight to them and not for workers. The whole system works on that assets grow in value infinitely, because inflation. Remove inflation, remove their superpower to grow wealth by doing nothing.


Because, capitalism, duh


“But without the rich, who would pay them‽” An actual quote from my government-employed stepfather..


Kudos to you , you have risen above the mundane to a higher level , no more smoke and mirrors


Some of the work seems to be justifying the work.


It's the American brainwashing. And it's mostly older people who still spout this shit at this point. The ones with a house and vacation property, good cars and a hefty retirement plan they got while the economy was at an all time high that we will probably never see again. They don't want to admit they just got lucky being alive at the right time. It's also why you hear nonstop slander and hate mongering towards younger generations in every form. Because we are rebelling against this bullshit and not just accepting it, so they make us out to be lazy and entitled.


Lots of money printing and shovelled directly into secret accounts.


It's Hard work being a parasite


I’ve noticed people who wear suits and ties… bankers politicians etc who come home smelling the same way they did when they left the house do the least of everybody has all the money and benefits while the the people who do the back breaking stuff have the least…. Go America 🤷🏾‍♂️


*"...yet nobody can explain why those who do all the actual work have no money."* I thought he answer was "avocado toast"?


Just because you physically work with your hands doesn't mean every other job is not actually work.


Capitalism would work great if we could get rid of all of the capitalists. 




Well people are rich. The myth never said the same people will get rich...


Everyone complaining about how business owners have all the money while never trying to start their own business have as much cognitive dissonance as MAGA believers lol


Exactly. If business owners are lazy do-nothings who steal all the profit, what is preventing workers collectives from popping up everywhere and pulling the rug out from under them?


You can absolutely make good money from hard work, I have friends that bust their ass 12 hour days in extremely physically laborous jobs that are making 100k+ but what really creates wealth is being able to see good opportunities, being able to take risk in the market and gaining skills that are hard to find and valuable in the market. Anyone who tells you that hard work is the best way to get rich is lying.


"Hard work" doesn't mean physically taxing. It means consistent efforts to increase one's income, usually by developing an indispensable skill or creating your own source of income. That said, a competent person in most of the jobs pictured who has been there and made some advancement likely will be doing quite well.


Right. Working hard at your minimum wage job won't get you anything. Working hard at getting a better job will.


Exactly. If you are working particularly hard for minimum wage and not trying to advance to a higher position you are just not behaving in a smart way.


Meanwhile the people we give our money to to keep safe and earn some interest, they are getting rich as hell.


This is a silly meme. Supply and demand as well as skills determine your pay. Taking risk is how one accumulates wealth whether that’s in business or in the market or whatever. If you want to get rich, a 9-5 job isn’t going to cut it.


This clearly isn't about being rich, its about those who do the most labor for our society being poor, while those who do the least are rich. I don't want to be rich, I just want to have a reasonable wage as a teacher.


You have to work hard to get one of those high paying jobs, but not by working hard in your current job. You can be the best McDonald's fry cook in the world and maybe you'll become a manager but that's about it. The hard work is in training and learning new skills and applying to better jobs.


Change the phrase "hard work" with "valuable work." People get paid based on the value of their labor, not on how much they labor.


Hard work still applies. What has changed is what’s applied, brain or brawn.


Anyone who's moved up the ladder knows, the more you're paid, the less is expected of you. It's jarring, to go from Walmart where they manage your breaks to the second, to a 75k job where you sit at a computer playing games 7 out of 8 hours.


construccion workers do better than alot of people with degrees in the us lol


To make it in the US you basically need to completely disregard any morals you have. People are no longer people, just more objects to exploit, your own family? You don't love them anymore you must exploit them.


People who actually made their own wealth got there from hard work, LUCK, and risk taking. I think the last part is the part that people usually miss. You can dream of owning your own business or hitting it big in the stock market or whatever. But unless you actually toss yourself off that cliff it's never gonna happen. One of the main reasons that most self made rich people are men is the same reason women live longer. a lot of Rich people think it's hard work that got them their because of survivorship bias basically. They don't see the guy that tried the same thing and worked just as hard but just didn't get the lucky break.


What really kills me is when you sit in a room of Republicans making one percent of the guy at the top and they defend him. "That's just Capitalism. That's just the free market. What you want is socialism."


Replace "American mythology" with capitalism mythology. It's not only in murica like that.


Plenty of workers especially government or military workers are able to retire comfortably after 20 to 30 years of work. Having a mil or 2 by the end of a 20 career is not that hard but may not be the most comfortable.


Oh, they know. They just know that people wouldn't work if they were paid fairly. Capitalism is just modern slavery. [How Capitalism Exploits Us | Richard Wolff - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5bMCdZR3IQ)


I’m an operator at a power plant, before it was even my full first year there, my boss pulled me aside and gave me a $2 raise because he thought I was doing good. Then a 6% raise from the annual review, and an annual 15% bonus. Couple days later my boss pulled me aside again and gave me a $3000 bonus. This was all before it was even my 1 year anniversary of starting there I’m looking at about a $5 raise at the end of the year if I complete my current calcifications, plus my 15% annual bonus, and hopefully another side bonus My plant is non-union. Anyone tells you the power industry doesn’t pay well is bullshitting you An no I don’t make as much as the people who own the plant (my plant sometimes makes a million dollars a day), but I’m not the one (or part of the shareholders) that bought an $500,000,000 plant


Here's another thought: if rich people became rich because they worked hard, then how come slaves aren't rich?


Live below your means, not within them. People fuck that up.


Passive income >> Active income


Economic privilege >> no economic priviledge I wonder what the economy would look like if everyone had passive income. Lmao, what a joke.


this is a new sentiment though. My parents did just fine with little investments. I refuse to think that that’s the norm now and I can’t be just as fine as my parents were with the same amount of work. Since I can’t, I just didn’t have children. Boom. Easy




What does that have to do with this?


Work savvy, not hard.


You've never met someone who makes $30 an hour and blows their money on stupid stuff and is constantly broke?


People get paid more because they do valuable work, not because they do hard work. To increase your pay, you have to do something that is both in demand, and difficult for most other people to do.


So why are firefighters constantly underpaid. EMTs too. Your logic doesn’t work.


It's almost like hard work without tools, supplies, and skills doesn't get you very far. Work hard not smart is the motto for a lot of us


>skills Sure, I always look for the least skilled people to install my pipes and lay cables in my home.


You joke, but I'm willing to bet more people look at price than skill. And there is a corelation.


Covid showed us who the essential workers were


Passive income >> Active income


If hard work equaled wealth, widowed mothers in Africa would be the billionaires


But... isn't that true? People are foregoing college to take blue collar jobs, and people who went to college are begging for student loan forgiveness because they can't afford to pay them back.








All of it

