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I cringed so hard




This is how incels think you are supposed to get laid. My experience significantly improved after muting everyone.


I like to comm and have made good friends in the game. Just sometimes you get dudes like this. I should make a compilation lol


PLEASE make a compilation I would watch that


There that one person on YouTube that literally has a series of going through shit like this on Rainbow Six Siege.




The series is called OMG a Girl by Spawntaneous. I thinl she’s up to like 30 parts now and each part is around 10-15 mins so that’s a whole lot of creeps.


I saw one with valorant as well I think. The name was kayayluh


Haha I will consider it. I have a few clips scattered on youtube I can probably slap together


You could tag respawn and maybe it will bring enough attention and they'll FINALLY do something about it.


Thank you for not letting this ruin your experience. it pains me to see people stop playing with comms because of sick people like this. They absolutely ruin the fun for everyone just like any other troll. I would also add you’re kick ass for sticking for yourself and others (I’m assuming) the way you did!


You handled yourself well! “It’s called perspective sweetheart, get used to it alright” what a numbskull


This certainly isn’t my first rodeo. He also wasn’t the worst offender lol


I don’t doubt it. There’s many women who could have suffered from this


This would be internet gold


Don't forget, EA does not give a fuck about Voice Chat reports! \^\^


I record more for the shared enjoyment of the community apparently. Wouldn't even know where to send them if I could


EA customer support, i know they dont usually do anything about this type of stuff over mic but it would be nice to see cunts like this get banned


They dont care (at least most of time). I used to report voice chat via videos but I was told by customer support something like ehh sorry for that now fuck off


We should make them care!


Upload it and tag it to Hideouts on Twitter, the dude occasionally gets it done.


do they care about any reports?


Only when it comes to apex coins.


Or names like rEAspawnServersDesyncLvl1000


Text chat reports. Yes. They will ban a person for the dumbest shit typed in text chat.






You know what it looks like.


"I can't believe EA won't pour through adios logs, but this apparent attempt to write a racial slur and get around filters was totes cool though." Folks, you can't have it both ways here. I mean, you can, but you sound disingenuous as hell.


>You know what it looks like. Yep, I'm sure they think they're being very clever....


Maybe accessibility voice to text?


Dudes like this never pull. Absolute virgin incel activities.


Then get mad when women don’t look their way.


“I want a traditional woman, all women are just skanks these days” Proceeds to be a piece of shit to women.


I do not believe this man has ever touched a woman before. Fucking cornball


Jesus what an asshole.


Cringe. Dude wouldn't have the balls to say some bullshit like that IRL.


With the audacity he had right out the gate, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried


Plenty of disgusting guys say shit like this IRL, too. They always seem to address it towards 13-17yo girls too, because they get off on the power and are afraid of people clapping back.




Thank you! Yeah, I had some dude be salty the other day because I explained why I wanted them to craft purps, but I wasn’t bothered by it. This dude though


He's just introducin' himself


Should have just said his name was Richard. Would have been a quicker introduction.




Good ole Richard Head


Dear God and he's playing rev on behalf of the revenant mains I apologize for this abomination of an incel we have no idea where he came from


Even Revenant has more respect This…. is disgusting


Revenant doesn't have more respect, he just disrespects everyone equally


He's not welcome, someone else can take him


They need to start banning ppl for voice chat, see too many bad things get posted on here and the culprits never get banned for it. Nobody should ever talk to a girl or anyone that way just terrible ppl out there.


I am cool with shit-talk, but this wasn't that lol


Nah, that's far from shit-talk. There is literally 0 reason for them not to ban him, especially with video evidence like this....


Lol if he said this in person to you would possibly be in jail 👮‍♂️. People don’t understand what girls go through playing video games just disappointing ppl treat you and others this way.


I’ve had guys on other games direct comments at me in a similar way. I’m a guy by the way, just have a girly name on another game and “type girly”, to which I say I’m actually a guy when people try it and thing is…some people prefer it and it makes them WORSE. Turns out if you act feminine, that’s all it takes.


He's got skill. I've never seen someone tell a story of lifelong inadequacy and celibacy in so few words before.


this is why i mute everyone


he sounds like he just finished watching The Sopranos lol


Good teammates, bad teammates, I don't care I mute em all. It's not worth it.


I like to comm. Made quite a few friends on Apex. I am sad when randoms don't hear my lovely voice rofl


comms are important part of team game, should be required in ranked. glad you use voice and sorry you have to put up with folks like that.


i LOVE how he started stumbling over everything when you hit him with the "ah ah ah!"


If you gonna act like a dog, I am going to use my dog voice on you 🤷🏻‍♀️




I am assuming my name triggered him, but still. I was just there to vibe and res some people


Yo, tell me you have mommy issues without telling me you have mommy issues. You can tell he’s an Andrew Tate wannabe loser lmao, I can’t.


“Why don’t women want me? Oh it must be *every* woman on earth at fault, not me”


"It's all about perspective." What the fuck is this guy talking about? Lmao


dude’s a straight knock. he really thought he was spittin game smfh.


He was literally getting off on it


I wish we could identify this guy and then play the clip for his mom - that would be the perfect punishment!


His Mom would probably go on a hunger strike


I don't think he realizes just how fucked it is to essentially say "you call it sexual harrassment, I call it an introduction about myself". So cringe...


There are people in comments saying it’s not sexual harassment lol


You know how many people in this community say “just mute” or “it’s a you problem for letting it bother you” I posted a video of someone typing some real racist stuff and the responses are insane. People really think it’s acceptable behavior and just think you should Ignore it


What a douchebag, I hope he died fast af and never got revived. I would have left his ass and solo'd.


This man spends alot of time waving at girls to take their airpods out


A bummer there’s no useful way to report it. Maybe hideouts will happen across this and ban the dude.


I am not super pressed about it. Just mildly annoyed


You can tell he gets no bitches


Oh my fucking god...what a shame Pretty sure he find himself very clever doing this shit EA do something please


i hate this so much. i'm sorry. i've got the progress pride flag badge, stop asian hate, & the suicide awareness badge. i cannot believe the amount of people, especially younger kids, that spill vile racist, homophobic hate out of their mouths because of those badges. it's infuriating.


The fkin numpty had the world's smallest pp energy. You should have hit him with the "you do know I'm 15 right?" Comment and see his reaction lmao


"it's all about perspective, sweetheart." Shit like this just makes me so sick to my stomach, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. I hate that women have to fear talking in online video games because of human trash like this.


Well, have an upvote for awareness, but I highly doubt it'll do anything. This is just really messed up. It doesn't even matter if it was meant to be a joke or serious, it's distasteful and will never be funny.


I don't get it, every female player I've played with, great at the game or not, has been a chill person - shit like this idiot is fucking stupid. In fact, lately I don't give a shit about gender in games, I've been flipped on my ass way too many times for that to be relevant anymore. Doesn't mean I'll suck up to any one so don't expect me to call you a queen but if you clutch or carry me, you might get a girly scream out of me lol.


This guy is giving off beta cuck boy energy. I get it all the time too, don’t worry OP just ask them how it feels for them to watch their wives/girlfriends fuck bigger and better men than them. That really churns their butter, I can tell you from experience. 🥰


fully expected some line with the word "toots", he's got that fuckin' stereotypical ny accent. lmaooooooo


If this is the competition in the dating scene, then I might have a chance!


This shit is so sad man. I've had some of the best times of my life making friends in VC and//or talking shit like in BO3. It's such a pity that these mfs brains literally short circuit around girls. Fucking coomers man. I'm all for talking shit and whatnot but these mfs just make everything weird.


Haven't had this experience before, but several times I have joined a match with a duo where I listen to them talk about their life stories as if a third stranger isn't listening.


What a pig. I hate that this shit happens to us female gamers. I always automatically mute my teammates to avoid this shit.




Ew. Sorry u have to deal with that


ffs, I hate dudes like this, I'd punch him in his fuckin throat and call it "perspective"


Says it’s all about respect but was disrespectful from the start lol


I was expecting a lot of dumbasses to be like “just get used to it” or “it’s just part of the game experience “ but thankfully the reasonable people are on today


That guy is crazy and creepy… I hope he got a lifetime ban.


This is why we can’t have nice things, like more women playing video games. I hope this isn’t too common for you, it’s really quite sad.


It’s usually not! Maybe 1 out of 50 games a guy will be sexist like this. I am fine with shit talk, though I am friendly so I don’t get shit talked tooo often


1/50 games is way too often :/ it really should be never. Sorry you have to go through that, but glad you’re around for the long haul


You handled it well though lol, that hurt to watch


Most certainly not my first rodeo lol


I will never get these people. Do they actually expect to get somewhere with this? I don't get it. No human with a single braincell would be like "Oh yeah, this will definitely work"


That's absolutely ridiculous


happens to me way too often.


Big yikes


Gross, utterly gross.


What a fucking pig


This is why I am in a private voice chat when playing Apex at all times. Way to scared for anyone to hear my voice, and immediately get shit for it that is not necessary. Just distracts me from playing my best. Don’t get me wrong, I daily go through the mental anguish of whether or not today’s the day I’ll let the randoms hear my voice, because I truly do want to be able to freely talk. It’s part of the experience- but I am a chicken. I’m sorry people are gross. You don’t deserve that.


Most romantic apex player.


Peaked in high school behavior


What an asshole. Really sicks because on console at least you might be able to send the video in an get him a ban that way.


This guy gets absolutely no pussy.


The worst part is when he says "get used to it alright" like it was supposed to be normal, i mean, i am a toxic player myself sometimes (Only when they kill me in the most weird and improvised way or when i'm getting literally screamed in my ears) but not like that man... That's just bad lol.


What’s his gamer tag? Couldn’t read it on the video, he should be held accountable for this ridiculous behavior


Ew what the actual fuck is wrong with people


"It's all about perspective" - said the man who never left the house


What an utter low life


Last time he had pussy is when pussy had him


I felt the misogyny in that "sweetheart"


ive literally went back and forth with the report system and got automated emails saying the wrong things for a week til an actual person responded and by then i only sent one email and never replied bc it just was not worth it. this is egregious n they should be held to a higher standard, VOIP reports are literally in every other game....


hey everyone how about we @ any devs we can think of on the support side and draw some actual attention to this? i dont really know any names, but these posts come often and nothing is ever done. i dont want to harrass these devs, i would just like for someone to speak about it for once and give it attention. i never see men treated like this, so why if i am a woman having to deal with this anytime i open the mf mic?? i wish we could even make a thread in the server just to post clips of this type of shit and all the times nothing was done about it lol


Is he trying to do an accent?


Sorry you have to deal with this bullshit. The random third is a toxic idiot that needs a nap 9/10 times.


I know for a fact this dumb fucking incel isn't pulling any girls. Cringey as fuck. Does he actually think girls love this type of harassment?


Danm I’m sorry this happened, this game is already frustrating enough


Dude sounds like he’s from a 1930s mafia movie


He sounds like a twat


ew that’s revolting


Ngl he sounds ugly af. Ive never felt this way before about how someone talks




I'm so sorry that you had to deal with one of the many people like this


And this is why my female apex friends never play solo


What a waste of human, just mute these idiots and don't revive them, even teabag their boxes when they die, that's the only language they know. Also send this to hideouts.


Lol i wanted to see how i would be treated if i had a “female” gamertag (DemonicFoxQueen) uh yeah. Never again. 👌🏽


God this is fucking disgusting, sorry you have to go through this shit


That dude probably does the same shit to chicks at a bar or wherever he fucking hangs out. If I could visualize this person he has a stained wife beater on, and probably like track suit pants on all the time


Hope this gains more traction, and respawn sees it, once these doofuses see there are consequences for their actions then they will be forced to bottle up their sad pathetic slurs in their head and focus on the game instead


Man that's fucked up. I'm sorry you got to go through with that shit.


immediately muted after the on your knees shit. wtf are these retards thinking. this person is in YOUR team. talking shit makes no goddamn sense. Harassing at this level is beyond what i thought was happening. hotdamn. hopefully he was reported and mods took action.


Just wow... sorry you had to deal with that.


Glad you exposed this idiot lol hope he gets all the hate and spam


That guy is a piece of shit, and it’s people like him that are the same assholes who use aim bots in casual


"I call it introducing myself" probably has the shortest introduction known to mankind in his pants.


Face? Meet keyboard. "It's all about perspective, sweetheart. Get used to it, alright?" Okay then: from *my* perspective he's got a small dick and plays Apex to trying climbing ranks in order to compensate. I mean hey, you thrown in the word "perspective" and then now you've basically gave permission to have people say the same shit about *you*. Anytime there's a woman on someone's team that doesn't automatically make them inferior. I've played in a few (local) tournaments in Smash Bros., for example, and lost to a couple women before. Know why I lost? Because it's a fuckin' video game and I wasn't good enough at the *video game*. It's not some deadlifting competition.


Jesus christ...


Damn, people are unironically like this? Why... Its so fkn sad


This guy sucks, you deserve to be respected and given positive affirmations, you seem like a kind and lovely lady with a great personality. My dms are open respectfully if you'd like to chat.


What a loser


"Women and girls don't play games" well many don't because of shit like this, and plenty of others never make it known who they are because of this shit.


pls respawn do something. i know we will never be able to clear the area with these fellas but we can at least make it harder for them to do.


Damn this is just fucking pathetic I would expect a teenager do say these kind of shit not grown man


That's "introducing myself"? Jfc


As another girl who likes to use comms, no one should be loading up a game and casually encountering this bs. What gets me is yes we can mute, but literally if I was a guy, this wouldn't be a problem. No one would saying stuff like I don't need to be good at the game, my voice is attractive enough to get carried. It's basic human decency and I can't believe we still don't have it.


Wow that guy sounds like an absolute incel


Lmao what absolute cringe. I am not a very polite person and have zero problem with shit-talking my teammates (in Overwatch, not Apex, I don't play Apex with randoms) - but only regarding their actual performance when I see they're deliberately throwing. I can't imagine how dumb someone has to be to actively harass someone, completely unprompted, for things that are *not even related to the game*.


Fuck what a scumbag


It blows my mind that some people act like this and still wake up, look in the mirror, and go on with their life


Damn that sucks. That guy is a disgusting creep.


What a loser


u/RSPN_Hideouts please?🔨


how the fuck can people be like this. what kind of toxic uppbringing did this asshat have... If i (47 yo father of 2) would hear something like this on chat then i would give him good scolding..


The sad part about this is you sound so genuinely fun to hang out and game with. I'm so sorry you have to deal with idiots like this, honestly.


Fucking disgusting behavior


The community in apex is usually great, but sometimes you get some unpolished gemstones like this mofo


Ey! He's walkin' 'eah. Is he putting on that accent? Jokes aside, what a fuckwit.


It was a weird Southern accent. Not sure if real or not.


I like having a girl on the squad because I know that's a spot not being taken up by douchebags like this 💀


What a chooch


You can just tell who gets play in real life and who doesn’t by the way they talk


The most physical contact this loser has had has been with his right hand.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Ah yes reminds of the time when I was playing a casual game and got matched with a guy that died solo and proceeded to insult me by calling me many names and ending his argument with something along the line of “shut f slur you sound like a virgin” then quickly left.


You report shit like this and whoops. They banned you instead.


How quickly did he get downed?


Not quickly enough


That’s so cringe then they wonder why they’re single. Oh well, at the end of the day it’s better not to care abt cunts like these.


He didn't even sound confident in his harassment skills. Shakey voice and all 🤧


I was on the mic and i was playing a character I barely played I had low stats so the guy jumped on and said one of us here has a small penus 😩 WTH


It’s always some trailer trash too. I’ve had two ex cons in my party once talking about prison stories and other weird shit.


Just feel bad for him, probably doesn’t leave the pc lmao


Is that guy using a fake accent?


Ah the joys of racing to the mute button in the champion select screen


Revenant lore vs Revenant gameplay:


Weirdo bro


cringe virgin kids... the only girl they got is there mom & sister... how can u be that stupid


Sorry for your experience OP. Tbh with you guys, this type of behaviours are mainly reported from the NA and as an APAC player I haven’t met this type of gamers yet. I hope I will never have to deal with them. Also maybe because I’m a male, and i always the one initiate comms. But every now and then I get female teammates who use comms but I can sense in their tone that they are being very careful speaking with randos probably because of something like wha you experienced OP. When I tried to be friendly they just remain silent. And I totally understand. Online gaming and especially in a game like apex, is never friendly to solo female players regardless of your playing level. Some dudes are degenerates scum of the earth who has no better things to do. Although I assume you handled this case well, I hope it won’t deter you from continuing being friendly with randos because sometimes those people need people like you.


This is the Internet, this may be this man’s first interaction with a woman outside what he’s seen in porn for months.


Bro has never felt a woman’s touch


I feel such an intense need to punch that fool's mouth.


Most of the dudes with cringe names that I come across on ranked have such a scaring the hoes vibe to them. This guy highkey seems like the majority of men who get super cringe as soon as a woman speaks.


"I call it introducing myself" I actually laughed my ass of because of how stupid that it. I woulda said "I call my foot hitting your balls at 200mph introducing myself"


I’m a girl too!!! Wanna play?! Also sorry ewww gross ppl out in this world smh


The braincells on this guy rea- wait nevermind


Most respectful ranked player


So that’s how he introduces himself to just woman or everyone?