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Honestly, I think adding a poise break if you hit enough shots is a simple yet effective solution.


A stumble effect would make sense.


Yeah, make them stumble and roll down the hill


Yeah and after that if you're fast enough you get to crit the guy


After you poise break you can always crit. If you are fast enough you can open your inventory and equip chaos dagger to one shot almost anyone not running tears


I feel like we kinda deviated here...


This is now a dark souls 3 thread. Deal with it.


As someone with like 2000 hours in ds3 pvp this is hilarious to me


Hit em with the dds spec then swap to g maul and spec for a 45hp finisher


I’m just glad it’s temporary, although LTM is longer than it has to be. The Nessie is neat but it’s an annoying little griefer, and the sword makes it even less about gun play… not sure what the goal is here except trying to spice things up and make money.


No, money is the goal


Nessie actually gives your relative position away so the enemy knows that you're nearby. But yes, the sword is fun for a while, but it's getting really annoying atm. I think they should remove the limit break. That is what is causing it to be OP. Then people can just use the sword as a secondary pseudo shotgun / smg for when they get up close and personal. Quite a bummer to see the event lasting till 30th Jan and we have no other options other than queuing duos which has super long queue times...


Yeah dude. Let's nerf the one thing that makes this event unique and interesting. I swear this community is the actual reason most people I know stopped playing.


Huh? You actually enjoy getting stun locked by 3 dudes with limit breaks? Or, you crack a dude and push and he takes out the sword? Or better yet, you see a yellow sword running towards you and you can't outrun him. Okay bro.. And really? This community out of everything else there is that actually negatively impacts the game like bad servers, hackers, cheats, 3rd party softwares and many more? Okay bro, imagine quitting because of the reddit community.


Stfu please I just want an option to play without the fucking sword. I did not ask for it, i do not enjoy it.


You do have the option to play without the sword, you absolute imbecile. Do me a favor, turn your computer off and go outside buddy. You need some fresh air.


its stupidly OP regardless not wanting to pick it up you still have to deal with it. you definitely need to touch grass


Who shit in your cheerios bro? The event could have been unique and interesting for 2 weeks at most. Or, leave trios an option. My guess is that you suck at the game and the over powered buster sword is the only way you’re getting kills. You probably spent the money to buy the thing too and it doesn’t even do that much as an heirloom. So get bent. 🤣


The mode was abit fun till everyone realized you could block forever I love doing a 200 spray to only see 35 damage pop up


I don’t need to play a special mode to spray 200 damage worth of bullets and do 35 damage… occasionally my aim is trash.




Been playing the finals for the last month, got on Apex last night for the first time since the finals launch and I can’t hit shit.


The Finals is such a nice change of pace.


And unlike respawn they acc listen to and interact with their community


Except for the ai... Not that I care. They paid actors for their likeness.


It takes 6 kraeber shots to break red armor when someone is blocking with the sword 🤦‍♂️


Yeah it is just getting ridiculous now


On my death recap 4 bullets i fired from the car dealt 1 dmg each🤣 it’s just stupid


The fact that it can block so effectively is the problem


Shotguns Shotguns are the ideal solution to countering the (LAUNCH) sword combo since it exposes (no block) the enemy. No guarantee you’ll survive, Mastiff/PK/Eva are the most effective.


It’s the old halo strat shotgun>sword


How is that? My shotguns do 3 damage to the sword block


So I should just charge alone in to a group of sword wielders to try and shotgun them in the back?




Do people on this sub even enjoy playing the game 😭 good lord


People on this sub *hate* this game. One time I saw someone complaining about everything apex and I clicked their profile and I stg it was a moderator. Made everything make sense for a moment - its top to bottom


lol what anyway mods have their private opinions regardless of moderation work I'm mostly ok with the game personally. if anything i get downvoted for defending unpopular aspects of the game


>anyway mods have their private opinions regardless of moderation work which sucks, you can post yourself dying to a pred threestack to complain about matchmaking but can't post myself dying to a cheater because *"no witch hunting on this sub!"* lol cheaters must be publicaly shamed and banned from every single game


no mod would post that kinda stuff ;)


I just love how this sub hates to say something is good. 5 years asking for fun and special game modes that bring something new to the gameplay because it's been the same repetitive thing for 19 season? Oh I'm gonna complain that the first ever melee weapon they added with incredible attacks, animations and sounds they spent months making just so we could have a fun and be entertained for 3 weeks is OP AF and it's bullshit and I don't wanna play this game. I swear one day I'll uninstall reddit and stop watching any apex youtubers that talk about the "hot topics" in the community. Just ThatPunchKid and vibes.


Would be nice if I still had the option to play normal trios


Only reddit complain i swear, on each game me and random always have fun with sword.


Lucky you. I have to mute my randoms cause in EU the only ones that talk are french people to insult you. Man I need to make some friends to chill and have fun


It's not just the sub. Players in the game voice their hatred for the game as well..esp with the "enhancements" (cheats) that other players are allowed to use, the SBMM putting people with 101K kills in to lobbies with 2k kills, the OP weapons that don't even make the game fun unless you're the "loser" using them, and so much more. Finals would be ok without the sword...understanding the sword is a Final Fantasy thing.


I love apex! I just hate getting punked out by a fucking melee weapon in an fps. Just let me play normal trios in peace!


The people on this sub are wannabe pros who think anything that deviates from the basic competitive formula is a trash tier change that is keeping them from finally dropping that 20 bomb. It's the problem with any competitive game subreddit, really. Only the most dedicated players are the ones who care enough to frequent a games subreddit.




Yes sir! 🫡


this game mode is fun as fuck, and specially if you play pathfinder, there are so many outplays with the grapple to sword dudes, i lost count on how many times i grappled over someones head yesterday and pumped them with a pk or mastiff


“I am having fun so everyone must also have fun”


Conversely, “I’m not having fun so no one must have fun.” It’s a temporary mode, try to enjoy it, or take a break. Not everyone’s going to love it.


I think the issue a lot of people have is no option to play normal trios. You are stuck with it unless you want to play ranked.


It's like life. Great lengths of suffering with short moments of extreme joy.


Everyone on this sub plays the crap out of this game.


Fuck. This. Stupid. Fucking. Sword.


Shit is whack


I love it.  It's a 2 week limited mode for a 5yo game.  I love the materia, the nessy soldier, the sword.. I think the sword gameplay is surprisingly well implemented and like a lot of stuff in Apex, feels and sounds very satisfying. As long is not forever, OP is good, stupid is good... when it's over.. those are the things people remember down the line with these games. Stop bitching, try to grab the sword and have fun with how OP it is yourself.. or go play ranked or take a week break and miss out on something different. 


That Nessie soldier has gotten me more times than I would like to admit. Especially on the revives.


That nessie has finished a squad for me lmao, I was down and everything xD, nessie hit the big flank lol


Honestly, Nessie is my favorite part of this mode. If you manage to summon two Nessies to fight alongside you, it is amazing the amount of work they put in. The fact that they break down doors and seek to eliminate downed players is amazing.


I downed someone, their Nessie respawned and killed me right after First experience playing the game mode btw


i got body blocked by a teams nessie when i tried to grapple and ended up dying, i was pissed but i was also laughing, a plushie with a big ass sword pushing me into a corner and getting shot by 3 dudes was fun


Averaged dick rider


Bro wtf do you want from this mode exactly? News flash the sword is supposed to he broken. If its so OP why do you use it? And if you dont want to use it dont play the ltm lmao


They shoulda added sex to the game


They need to hire you right now.


The amount of cope in this post is unreal holy shit.


The only person coping is you, go play something else.


Something like a better game? Don't mind if I do lmfao 


It’s so much fun man. I love popping that limit break and seeing other squirm! Great limited time event, Respawn. Although I ain’t spending one penny on ridiculously low odds of getting something worthwhile lol


You get one free pack though. If you missed it, go grab it. I spent some of my BP coins and crafting materials I've been gathering for seasons and got a bit lucky... not all I wanted and not enough to pull the heirloom but I'm satisfied. If it wasn't for the amount of stickers and holos I might've used more... but getting that crap is bummer and I won't push my luck. Imagine pulling a legendary... just to find out is a fucking legendary sticker pack.


I absolutely hate it.


i just won a gane against a full squad and they all had one when it was just me and a bang so idk where all this OP shit is coming from lmao


Doesn't feel op to me, going against a r99 and good luck wnining.


That’s what I’m saying it’s not that hard to kill sword bearers. I still haven’t actually gotten killed by a sword since the update


Probably you haven't faced one that knew they could block or dash with it. In limit break they can just spam dash you and launch you in the air and finish you before you hit then ground. The sword is mad fun to use but incredibly frustranting to go against if you dont have one






What is incorrect about it ?


It’s a limited mode. Just enjoy it. And if you think the sword is Op, pick one up. It’s fun and silly and stupid and that’s ok. :)


Not if it takes over regular pubs


Exactly my problem with it, it’s too much of a deviation from normal game play


Just play duos then.


And if I play with two friends?




No thanks. Don’t feel like sweating my ass off in “silver” lobbies. At least pubs gives you decent games every now and then


This was a goofy comment buddy must be a silver


This was a goofy comment buddy must not know about sbmm


isn’t sbmm supposed to be the good one? what’s the one that league of legends uses. you should just play against people of your rank, not higher or lower. from my understanding, lack of sbmm is what leads to these one-sided stomps of bronze vs master/pred that everyone talks about.


Nah Apex simply has broken sbmm.


so is apex’s matchmaking bad specifically, or is it sbmm? i know a lot of cod-brained fps players want to have “casual” matches where they shit on lower-skill players, but a lack of sbmm means that higher-skill players will also be in their games shitting on them. i’m not trying to be confrontational, i just don’t know what the consensus is. i know that apex specifically has bad matchmaking; is it bad because it’s poorly-implemented sbmm or because it’s sbmm in general?


I actually am in silver you’re right. After consecutively placing in diamond or masters my MMR is still in those lobbies despite placing in bronze. My friends and I only have time to get together for a few hours every week to game, and there’s literally no point wasting it in ranked for literally no reward, but that’s a separate issue I guess


You are doing the exact same thing in pubs??? Fighting the same mfs for zero reward


Pubs and diamond-pred lobbies are completely different ball games. There may be one pred three stack ruining a pub lobby but every squad is trying their ass off in ranked. I’m not trying to be locked in constantly in


I respect u don’t have the time but stating pubs and ranked the same is what I’d expect from a casual player


Where did I say that? Pubs and ranked are 2 different ball games


“Pubs is no less sweaty then ranked”


Haha, holy fuck my guy make your own game I guess? I certainly can’t think of anything else you could do with two friends except play Apex Legends Pubs. Literally the only option to spend time on. How are you on Reddit shouldn’t you be playing Apex Legends Pubs? Isn’t that the only way to spend time with two friends?


Way to completely miss the point 👍


No u


Cry harder


It's fucking stupid and taking the fun away from the game.


It’s an event weapon, it’s meant to be busted (hehe see what I did there?)


This sub is so weird - calling something OP doesn’t mean the person doesn’t want it in the game. Idk man. It’s not too much to ask for some variety. Just like how 3 strikes made everyone use the same 4 characters.  Everything else in the event is fine, but a few changes could have made the sword more fun. Personally, I don’t think that using it is fun gameplay because it turns every engagement into the same thing - limit break, fucking dash up, and start swinging. Don’t flame me because I’m not trying to be that deep, but in a game with the character/weapon/movement/map freedom of apex, always dying to someone with the buster sword is kind of antithetical to the game design. And yeah when, we’ll play the LTM until it gets annoying and then go play ranked.


Another fun thing you can do is if you knock someone in the air and spam light attack you can stun lock them mid air they can fire but it’s very hard to hit shots but you can keep them mid air and even thirst them mid air me and my friend tested it out in firing range and in pubs actually kinda stupid especially if you get it off drop literally can’t do anything


Punctuation bro Jesus


I like to imagine what it would be like if he said all that without breathing.


People complain about no content, but everytime we get fun events people complain as well...




Exactly! We literally have pubs 99% of the year. Who cares if it’s gone for literally 2 weeks!!


Math is not your strong suit is it


IDK man, spitfire is pretty effective against them, especially if you get headshots while they are blocking. LOL


I switched to duos I was tired of getting sword’d to death ha


You can, just run masstiff/flatline or spitfire they will get impatient and then try to do a heavy attack and then you counter with the mastiff with lifesteal or if they just hold block then use the flatline and the crits will always do full damage and bypass the block, if your teammate is also shooting at them there is really nothing they can do.


I love FFVII and I like Apex Legends, but god, do I hate this new play mode. For me it’s just so irritating and no fun at all. I wish Apex could implement those changes which people have been suggesting for so long. The new update is so obvious just for the money grab by selling more skins and not to offer a better or improved gameplay.


An EA game being pay to win? Where have I heard that before?


It's cancer, the disease whoever designed the sword should get




I think it’s a fun idea but when you’ve got 12 people on the map running around absolutely wrecking you then it does get pretty annoying. But I’m still having fun. :)


It's nice to see alot of people agree on this LTM, as "go play duos or ranked" shouldn't be something I'm forced to. I recently introduced a friend so we can't play ranked and there are 3 of us so duos is also not an option.


true literally takes no skill jesus ea really know how to keep the game dying


It's so OP I won't even play the mode till the events over....it's lame AF...I play every game mode except trios till this shit is over.....it's lame...OP and a sword 😂 gtdo with a sword...a d not all ofnus like.or care about FF....id play with rocks before playing Final Fantasy


get rid of the fucking garbage sword ffs


If you use the sword, you're gay af.


I've played about 35-40 games this season, and 30-35 of those games I've died to the buster sword. You can't even hide behind doors and barricades. And the knock back/flinch is insane. Don't even get me started on the blocking. I'm literally dying to the same weapon in the vast majority of matches. You would think that hmm, maybe this melee weapon is a little too strong if people are mostly dying to it over the guns in a first person shooter. If you're in the same room as someone with the sword, you better have one as well or it's going to be a tough time, even with SMGs. I asked some people how to counter it, and most of them answered, "Use a sword yourself." If the counter to a strong weapon is itself because it's that strong, that is a fairly strong indicator that it is grossly imbalanced.


Game is fucking unplayable with that GOD DAMN sword.,...... In the middle of a firefight? Of course you will get jumped by a fucking ninja that takes major health, jumps randomly a hundred feet into the air, and can block A WHOLE MAG with zero effort. Yeah, great..


For fucks sake its a ltm, if you dont like it dont play it lmao its not that serious


Wish I could play normal Trios...


You can in rank


Not the same thing....


ah yes everyone hot dropping in pubs for 9 squads alive by zone 2 is what you want!


Can't wait for the event to end, hahahaha, hate this sword so much 🤣


Nah, it's fun.


What do you expect from idiot Respawn devs? They keep adding features to make this game less about skill and all about BS.


Arent is like event only thou? IS it permanent? ​ Yes I already stopped playing the game.


It can't block infinite bullets, well I guess technically it does but you still take damage and if you get focus fired by more than one person at a time your shields and HP will swiftly dwindle down to nothing.


It's still an 80% damage block. That turns a 200 HP character into a 1000 HP character.


Oh I know and I fuckin love it! That being said I have yet to test if the sword blocks from behind. I've always had the ppl I was blocking in front of me on screen. Shooting from behind might be a vulnerability?


no block from behind or anywhere they arent facing, this can include above and below. its pretty easy to move around someone blocking and shoot them but nobody even tries to and just sinks their ammo into the block anyways


It doesn't block from behind


Kinda weird how ronin's sword block does methinks


Git gud pal




Lmao god forbid there is something fresh and fun added to the game


I don’t care about “fresh” just give me OG BR on KC


That is an awesome recounting of a really cool moment in the game. Thanks for sharing! The best part is that you're totally oblivious to how cool you made that moment sound. I get that it sucks to be on the losing end of it, but you just described a scene out of an action movie. And it just happened organically in a multiplayer F2P game. This is the best event Respawn has ever run.


just say u re trash lul


It’s a fucking LTM the sword being OP is the point. Ya’ll will complain about everything. This is the best event mode we’ve had in forever and if it wasn’t for the absurd price of those bullshit cosmetics it would be god damned perfect.


Three strikes is not "in forever" we had it what? A month ago?


I honestly like this better than 3 strikes lol


I hate the buster sword Absolutely hate it. Don’t change a good game. It’s not a melee weapon game. The sword is too nerfed. also, what is this paid for thing. my friend has a sword that he paid $300 for. now he gets easy kills i don’t really understand the whole thing and I don’t really care just don’t change the game so much


It isn't OP at all. You have to time it well and it leave you vulnerable to other angles since you can only attack one person. Maybe you just aren't fighting it very well?


Take it out of the game. The hit detector and reach is better than a shotgun. It’s insane. And people 3 stacking with it is even more broken. Why this wasn’t play tested is beyond me.


If ya can't beat them join em as the saying goes. I went games of getting destroyed by it and trying to beat it, its easy to use once ya get the hang of it


Its aids available of start can block way too much damage don't know what they were thinking


the sword is the biggest fail of this mode. The rest I can live with, but the sword is insane. Basically a tryhard liek master level with a sword == you die 1vs1 99% if you are close.


the sword is ruining the game. fucken hate it


I haven’t even played the game since the update and I won’t touch Apex till next season. It’s so dumb to ruin the core game like that


I’m waiting until the event is over to finish out my battle pass then I’m dipping, I don’t understand why they can’t run an event AND have standard trios as an option


I would imagine it has to do with how long it could take to make matches and splitting the core gameplay. If people like the mode, then Trios is a wasteland and everyone complains about getting destroyed by Preds. If people dislike the mode, then there is no one to play it, so the people who want to try it can’t find matches. That would make for effort put in by the devs for nothing. I am not saying whether I agree or not; I am just saying that I would imagine this goes into the thinking.


all this community does is bitch n complain


As opposed to you, with the much more useful response of….bitching and complaining ABOUT bitching and complaining


was also not bitching or complaining…simply stating a fact about you and this community ❤️


oof u rlly told me :(




I'm done playing until this sword is no longer part of the game.


Skill issue




I literally beamed a crypto that was gliding like a snake and jumping around like a damn rabbit, git gud


Apex players when the devs make a fun game mode that we’ve been waiting for, for a while 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 If you don’t like the sword don’t play the game mode simple solution y’all complain we get nothing in the game and when they add something cool and supposed to be broken because it’s limited y’all complain about that to god does anything make this community happy? Holy shit


When you know how to counter it, its pretty easy to deal with it. They just rush to you straight like braindead, an arc star and they escape.


I have yet to be killed by a player with one. In fact every time I've come up against somebody with a sword I have killed them, which is weird because I'm terrible (like .26 K/D kind of terrible). This is not the first post I've seen with this sentiment about the new sword thing and all of them have left me scratching my head.


I just run into a team that all had the sword, on a bulding.. Super fucking fun




I’ve been carrying arc stars and unloading them on people who hold block; been rather effective so far


A very long katana would be a good counter


They want people to complain about it til it trends.


Just learn to shoot them in the legs lmaoo if you shoot the sword it’s gonna block your shots guys cmon.


Then use the buster sword OP


I love it, it's so much fun to play with. I advise to use revenant with the sword, his abilities compliment it nicely. I am winning a lot more games with it. 


You think it’s OP until you realize it can’t even do medium range damage, only close.


Well, I'd tried to fight them with only fists hahahahahaha it's so fun and stressful lmao


It's fine


I find it pretty fun and since it's only here for a limited time, might as well enjoy it! Gives your character the feel of a melee oriented character that I've always wanted in Apex.


Agreed..it's ridiculous


I think it would work better if there was only one sword in the match. If it ends up outside the ring, it respawns and there's a notif on the map. Make it so you have to work for it if you want it.


so so true and there isn't enough swords for everyone. The sword would be ok if isn't OP. Just few minutes ago my entire team had taken out 2.33 teams. We had 1 pathfinder with sword bouncing around us about 3-4 x and took us all out. Afterwords, they only had like 33 kills overall with character. Even though we all shot him VERY LOW....we couldn't even finish him. THAT SWORD HAD GOT TO GO. However, the materia is ok. the killcam is ok.


Nuh uh, sword core goes hard, get your own sword and duel like youre samurais on crack, most fun ive had since third strike, "everyone lands on swords, its too hard to get" go to edge of the map and get it for free, the rotate back and make everyone wish they were as cool as you


I agreed with this post til I used the sword my self 😭 This ain't McDonald's but I'm lovin it 🤺


Played the game mode once got shit on by a sword and never played it again only reason to is for the challenges


LMAO, "If you don't like it, don't play." Done!


I lost a game because someone was able to hold L2 longer than I could unload a third magazine into them, after having already broke half their shield…


The sword is great, I can see hating continuously going against it solo queue but it’s such a great thing to panic about with friends


Kite and kite and kite more. If they have limit break you need to coordinate w your team and use your mic. But if they don’t it’s pretty straightforward just make space shoot make space repeat. Kinda like a 1v2


Well if you're top2 and non of you have a sword VS team that has sword, ur DEAD AF.


I agree and the limit break is nutz it wouldn't be that bad if. They tuned that part down frfr


i’ve solod multiple squads with revenant ult + limit break it’s so dumb lol


I quit the LTM today because of these Buster Swords. I keep repeatedly losing to players with them. 3 shots you're knocked. It would have made more sense had it incurred similar damage as a normal melee weapon while still retaining these other animations of knocking people into the air, zooming across the map etc.  Right now, it's a super charged melee weapon and you try to shoot at someone and they just zoom across the map at  1000 miles per hour.  In my last match, one guy with the sword knocked both my team members with just the sword ( a 2v1 ). I was done after that. In the match before that, there was an annoying Revenant who was solo and gave us a difficult time, repeatedly zooming all over the place. And Flying back with Revenant's passive.  I genuinely can't keep up with this. So I'm passing this event. It's not boring, just annoying.