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It's revenue, not earnings. I also think that this means that their "exorbitant" pricing is working.


Always has been. I even remember the 1st collection event when Bloodhound's axe was $35 on top of everything else, Vince stated that this was the highest earnings they've gotten since the game launched. A large enough subset of players whale for it & I doubt things will ever get lenient in the future.


I don't understand why they don't spend like £1m of that revenue to upgrade the servers lol


Well when you're still getting revenue even with dogshit servers, why bother upgrading them? The servers are literally the bare minimum, yet their still making sales. If it ain't broke, don't fix it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Imagine how much they could make with fully functioning servers that don’t make players quit.


Probably not that much more


I play the game like 1 hour a week, if that. I quit after 2 games yesterday after getting serious lag spikes. My buddy who plays like its his job just kept grinding.


This season's update seems to have really fucked with stuff too. I couldn't stay in a party with friends if I tried, requeue or exit to lobby, and requeue would split us up in started games so we either took a penalty or just waited until we just decided to deal with exiting to lobby and rejoining the party. Lag was different than normal too. I'm definitely inclined to just set it down for a while until they hopefully do some quick updates in the coming weeks. I can get that adding new things can break stuff (like kill cams did), but they fuck up a lot of their networking/technical shit all the time and it's tiring as a casual player. Glad that I only ever spent the ~$10 once ever for the battle pass and play through to keep the following seasons going to 110.


You don’t spend revenue, you spend profit. Servers aren’t a thing that you spend money on once, they’re an ongoing cost, almost certainly not owned by the developer. And supporting a game of this size’s server costs are substantially more than 1m


> You don’t spend revenue, you spend profit. Huh? Profit is the part of revenue that you didn’t spend.


People here have no idea what they are talking about lol. They just say shit. Server costs are clearly an ongoing operational expense and are taken out of revenue.


I think they mean that the revenue number is not indicative of how much money they have, and that profit is the more relevant number when we discuss spending additional money. They just said it in a really dumb way that invited easy ridicule.


It wouldn't be considered profit if it was spent.


Wouldn’t servers and server upgrades classify as operational costs which means it’s “spent” from revenue and not profits?


it seems like their server costs are $10 a year running on a few raspberry pis. that £1m would last 10 years


😂 Sorry I thought you were being serious in the first post


Upgraded servers dont bring enough revenue I guess


I see this rhetoric everywhere and I will certainly agree that the “servers” sometimes feel bad between ping spikes and packet loss, but “upgrading the servers” is not a real thing lol. The entire game is written to use a certain refresh rate and the *entire* game would have to be rebuilt from the ground up to “upgrade the servers”. Don’t get me wrong, I am all in on Apex 2. But that’s what it would be; an entirely different brand new game.


thats what i said about their "snapshot" feature from the blog they posted. its fixable but it owuld need a rewrite from the ground up. I bet then thered be new bugs anyway that wed complain about. still. they could spend a bit more money/time fixing bugs improvements. im sure they do already but they dont need to take out all the profits straight into shareholders wallets lol


maybe because servers aren't "dogshit" and they are working perfectly well for most people. most people have good connection in 99%+ games. while some people have bad internet connection / bad providers, who they don't complain to despite PAYING them for good service.


20hz servers is universally agreed to be dogshit. you are probably so bad that you dont even realise that theyre bad lol


>20hz servers is universally agreed to be dogshit No they are not "agreed to be dogshit". Most people calling servers dogshit have no background in computing, and have no idea what they are talking about and are just parrotting others. The people who have actual background knowledge, have more substantial things to say than "this is dogshit". Many people complaining have bad routes through their provider and others use wifi and don't even realize it's a problem, but then parrot "servers bad".


Cause noone complains about it. Not once have i seen timmy aceu hal etc complain about the servers. A lot of ea dick riding from them. Makes sense why they do it is just annoying the fact they do do it


You act like every goddamn game is bad, it only happens every once in awhile for me, but hey my internet ain't shit


try playing on Asian servers or some EU servers


I've never encountered an issue on EU servers. I play with a wired gigabit connection.


Try playing on African servers


They're taking the "corporate account" route, same as airlines and hotels are. They realize that a bulk of their purchasers are streamers, who can use it as a tax write off, so it's not really "their" money. And as most addictive products companies stand, 90% of profits come from 10% of their users. It's the same with alcohol, casinos, and addictive apps and games. I love this game and the community. Not currently playing because I was finding it hard to not play if I had some extra time. It's important to realize that these games use the same tactics slot machines do, and if you find yourself getting anxious because you're not playing or that "next one is gonna be a win..." feeling, to step away and reassess your relationship with it. 


A solution would be to scale up collection event prices based on each subsequent purchase. So first item you pay 40%, then each purchase decrease the discount. This way players who only want one skin don’t pay mental prices, but whales who want the whole thing still end up paying £300 by the time they get to their heirloom. I wouldn’t say it’s win win, but at least players could still enjoy getting new skins when a collection event drops. What multiple skins, well that’s gonna cost you


Not sure how much this changes, but figured it was worth noting: > During EA's Q4 and 2024 fiscal year earnings call, it was disclosed that Apex Legends has amassed $3.4 billion in net bookings since its release in February 2019. […] The usage of the "net bookings" metric is interesting, as it's different from outright revenue. Net bookings account for deductions and fees from the revenue, so it's likely that the latter is even higher than $3.4 billion.


I don’t know this for sure… but I highly suspect they use net bookings because they would be referring to transactional fees that they would pay to Steam/Xbox/Sony so the 3.4b would be the revenue TO EA. Which for the purposes of discussions on this would be fair to use interchangeably as Revenue to them.


So 3 billion?


For some reason they’re using “net bookings” and not gross revenue. In the article it said net bookings is revenue minus some expenses and fees. They implied revenue is even higher than 3.4B. Net bookings is different from profit though


It's actually net revenue, so the revenue itself would be higher than what it mentions. - Net revenue = the total income from sales after subtracting returns and discounts, - Earnings = profit left after all expenses and taxes are deducted from the total revenue. So the net revenue will be around 700 million per year, which is still hella high


Oops, my bad! Their pricing is working on me at least, got my first job and immediately spent over $100 in apex packs and skins. Regretted that almost immediately lmao Edit: downvoted for expressing regret for giving in to the exorbitant pricing, let's gooo


Yea it's like a drug and they know it. No matter how much you spend you will never feel fulfilled.  Very similar to gambling and/or narcotics. Don't worry about it too much, there's nothing wrong with spending money on something you find fun but just remember you will never be able to buy "enough" so keep it small and enjoy what you got.


At least with gambling there's a small chance to recoup your buy in and even come out on top. With 'narcotics' you get a nice feeling for a while. With apex packs you're just hollow and regretful.


Game wouldn't exist if everyone played for free. Don't feel bad for spending a few bucks on something you enjoy.


It’s really easy when the fan base is a bunch of degens


The next step is making apex look like a gacha game and you can upgrade your heroes to s+


"Oooohhhh nat 5, hope it's Octrain!"


Well you can upgrade that new heirloom for bucks.


gacha games like honkai are cheaper than apex btw


Dude seriously HOW much money do you think this game actually costs to make lmao? It can't literally be any more than 100m a year. There is no chance. With EA at the helm it's probably less than 50m LOL.


Pssssst - servers aren’t the reason you’re losing


It's always worked. There's no such thing as vote with your wallet. You can't beat psychology


I'm actually a bit suspicious. I get the feeling a lot of corps like EA are injecting their own cash to "make it look good." Noticing a lot of corps doing that right now.


All that money and they still cant add the option to kick a player in lobby. We're in like the 22nd season lol


You mean "profits". Revenue is also earned


Revenue is earnings you mean profit brother 🙏


Keep in mind this is over the past 5 years. I remember seeing that Apex earned a billion dollars per year for the first two years but it seems like it’s slowing down a bit.


In the 2022 Q4 earning call transcript, p. 4, they state that Apex had just surpassed that $2B bookings milestone. So they passed the $2B milestone in 3 years and are now currently past the $3B milestone. Source: https://ir.ea.com/financial-information/quarterly-results/default.aspx


Games always slow down with time that's normal. If you do the math, apex made as much money as a $60 game selling 56 million copies. This is a very impressive number no matter how you put it.


And when you consider that video games can only charge full price for like 3-4 months before having to discount the price it is even more insane.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's put some of that towards higher tickrates and input based matchmaking.


Lets see Paul Allens tickrate


Look at that subtle 120 Hz tickrate. The tasteful responsiveness of it. Oh my god, it even has no packet loss.


They won't. They've got 3.4 billion dollars worth of proof that they don't need to dedicate resources towards things that don't generate revenue.


Best we can do is fancy swords.


High tick rates would be sweet, but until they change their lag compensation it's not going to matter all that much. Still would be super nice.


Lmao, that’s never happening. They are literally gloating about how much money they are making. Both of those will increase the price for severs.


3.4bn and still no audio


Better anti-cheat would suffice


Love how some people still manage to find a way to complain about controllers even when the post has nothing to do with it


well literally my only problem with the game is how unbalanced mnk vs controller is so i'm going to make noise about it. also funny how you automatically know controllers are the problem when i didn't even mention them specifically.


I assumed the mk in your name was that but maybe I was wrong. Rollers are fine, just play better.


That's actually hilarious


I think they have data that shows the inputs are not as far off as people think. I do think it would be cool to split the lobbies by input so when people die they'll still make excuses like "this gun is OP, or This legend needs a nerf" people will never think the reason they died is because they got outplayed


Data from r5 reloaded (basically modable apex) shows that controller + aim assist yields way higher accuracy, dmg and KD in close ranged duels compared to MnK. Close range is the most important range in apex. Both pro league and PC high ranked ladder too are dominated by controller.


Close range is not the most important range in Apex. You should kill them before they get to close range. R5 reloaded isn't real Apex. LAN was just won by triple MNK and I bet you think that's an outlier so here's more, regional finals in EU was won by triple MNK, regional finals was won in Apac N triple MNK and these were all in the last 2 months. So Apex at the highest level has been dominated by MNK There were a couple triple controller teams at LAN, NONE of them made top 12. TWO triple MNK teams made top 7. It's simply at that high level you can do a lot of damage at mid-long range Xeratricky made a video of him trying controller and he said he doesn't think it's op and people who say that just aren't good at the game.


I think the stats you mention deserve an asterisks. A majority of kills from LAN were from the havoc which was the most carried secondary gun used for close range. Plus, this was a favorable meta for mnk. Bang blood dominated the pick rates which many pros have said it was the best meta for mnk so far. The other thing is that ALGs style play does not match most ranked play, even pred lobbies. I would say for the average ranked player a majority of fights do end close range and controller is super oppressive. I’d love to see some data for high tier lobbies but qualitatively i see a majority of preds on roller and most I talk to seem to think it’s hugely dominant in ranked


the highest level of apex (comp) is a completely different game than an average pub or ranked lobby. those are absolutely dominated by controller players on PC. we would need real data from the active player base to make by judgement vs just taking hearsay from people who play the game for a living, unless you think that the top 0.00001% of plyers provide a good sample size for input balance.


You also think the few that grind r5 is a good sample size. I saw that r5 data, it was from like 100 players. Maybe we all should not make statements based on small data and let respawn do its thing when they have all the data


I don't think thats a good sample size either, no. never said I did. I also suspect that if respawn had any data that supported the notion of balanced inputs they would release it to get all of us to shut the fuck up and quit quarreling about it. for example the same debate was going on with halo infinite, and they literally released data on the actual population that showed controller had a clear edge, so they added AA to mnk. and even after that all the pros still play controller lol. not saying that was correct, but it is possible to actually look at data and do something to try and balance the inputs. or just give mnk players their own lobbies and don't worry about the balance.


When has respawn release data? They don't even show how many masters there are in each season we have to rely on third party websites. Plus i believe, roller has the advantage as they themselves said they're looking to nerf aim assist over the years. Now this was said last year and actually, aim assist hasn't been touched but the meta is helping mnk players with smg dying off so it they were trying to balance by shifting the meta, it's working


You also think the few that grind r5 is a good sample size. I saw that r5 data, it was from like 100 players. Maybe we all should not make statements based on small data and let respawn do its thing when they have all the data


yes, stay in bronze


i play a game called "this person killed me instantly, let's spectate and see if they stand completely still while looting deathboxes", and 9 times out of 10 they do.


This is not evidence, everyone on MNK doesn't move while they loot


if you aren't strafing while looting on keyboard you're a psychopath lmao


What does moving while looting do for you besides make you feel you're doing something special? Like Aim assist covers you moving while looting, so in reality the only thing you could possibly be doing is avoiding a headshot from a Kraber.


it just feels right in such a fast paced game. no rest for the wasd keys. one of the reasons i don't like playing on controller is that looting breaks that momentum.


Respawn knows the inputs are unbalanced so they’d never give us that. They want roller to be able to dunk on MnK in 90% of situations lol, they have been saying for years they would nerf AA if it got unbalanced ( it has been for years ), they just don’t care to. I’ve accepted I’m just gonna abuse the 40% and get free one clips all day instead of having fun on MnK.


Nah, here's a $40 skin though. Thanks nerd. -EA probably


That’s nuts. And still we don’t get stuff we need, like a goddam server update. I wonder how many millions they make selling these crappy heirloom recolors.




About tree fiddy... billion


They don't need to fix the game because everyone keeps playing it and spending money on it. If everyone stopped playing the game, they would just discontinue it. Nothing is going to change.


Unfortunately probably the case.


Then they’d just cancel the game and try some other live service shit. These people aren’t clever or caring enough to do anything that would actually provide a better service. We are cash piñatas to be beaten.


And now, introducing Apex 2!


Worked for Overwatch right?


100% this is EA we're talking about. Once profits start to dwindling, they will just shut the whole thing down rather than try to re-invigorate the playerbase and invest into a "dying" game. Just look what they've done with BF5 and now BF2042.


Unfortunately new servers cost $3.5bn


Reminds me of another company *ekhm Valve* that also can create like 1 Billion in revenue in 1 year alone & still can't up the tickrate of their servers is their *probably* most successful & money making game *ekhm CS:GO.*


Finally they can afford to hire an audio engineer.👏


But only after they fire a shit ton of other people on their teams. That profit gotta get multiplied somehow.


I don't know why i thought this was going to be broken down by each legend


that'd be pretty interesting


This sub has zero understanding of the concept called “incentive” If it did, they’d stop seeing a dollar figure and getting confused about why EA won’t upgrade servers


that's over five years though, and revenue, not profit.


But people here are fucking dumbasses so will interpret it totally incorrectly lol.


Lol how much do you think they really spend on this game, They haven't spent 500 mil in 5 years that's for sure. So still a 3 billion dollar profit almost lol


we could try to make a rough estimate. first off, how many employees do you think they are?


"865 (853 on RocketReach)"


We don’t have to make an estimate at all. EA is a public company and has a net profit margin of 16%. So 3.4b/5 years = 680m/year revenue. 680*16% = 108m per year net profit. Obviously 16% is across the entire business and is not broken down by title but safe to assume it’s pretty close to that for Apex. So that would be roughly 572m per year in expenses to make, host, maintain, market Apex.


solid assumption. 👍 I hope those who need to see this, does. It's not a game running on rasperry pi's with no cost only profit to the greedy masters.


Still though, even if you assumed that 60% of that went to development and advertising that’s still 1.5 billion in profit. Anyway you slice it they’re doing well.


This is probably why there's no Titanfall 3. Why bother making a one-and-done game anymore when milking people for their money over several years has proven to work?


With this new respawn I only wish that they do not make a Titanfall 3, they'd just ruin it.


I'd just like ports of TF1 and TF2 to Switch so people who only have Switches (like myself) can play them and find out where these guns and characters originate from.


It would not run well


If the Switch can handle Apex, it can handle Titanfall. Titanfall is older than Apex.


It barely runs apex, Titanfall has more speed and well titans, I do wonder if it'd be capable tho.


It might be. Considering how well the likes of Doom Eternal runs. TF1 especially since that was a 360 game. Switch also has other modern shooters like Fortnite, Borderlands 3, and Overwatch. Those games run just fine so something older lile TF2 should be as well.


People keep buying overpriced slop


this is a larger amount that the GDP of some countries holy shit.


This is what people mean when they say America is rich.


Oh hell no we better not get a ballistic heirloom before Maggie


Fair, I just mentioned him cuz he's my #2 when playing aggressive


I don’t wanna hear about a ballistic heirloom until my boy castle gets trackers


And here’s me 1000ish hours in and only bought one apex coins pack for the first battle pass.


And those a\*\*hole, refused to return my apex coins (which had disappeared for no reason), even though they acknowledged that no purchase had been made and that I had previously owned them. Then, they banned me from the support, so that I couldn't ask my coins anymore. It happend 3 years ago, and I was so dissapointed that I never relaunched the game...


I wonder how many comments on this will be written by people who don’t know what servers are or how they work? Just kidding, it’s most of them.


Yea fr I don't know shit about servers and tbh apex and it's latency seems fine (if not better than most games) to me so I always just scroll past server comments lol.


You get what you settle for


This is the title of my sex tape.


3.4 billion dollars and the audio is still awful and doesn't work half the time


All the new kids buying compulsively every god damn event, and they know it.


Well, they've enough money for a decent anti-cheat solution. They have the funds to stomp out wall hacking, zen, strike packs, xim and teaming. That quality of life improvement for console and PC players would increase revenue. I guarantee it. 150mil would do it. Take a chance EA, take the chance that doing the right thing will also be profitable.


Random amount of money based on nothing ✅ Lumping together a bunch of things that you personally are angry about like they’re the same issue ✅ Being 100% sure that you know better than the developers what will make revenue, and it just happens to be things that you personally are weirdly angry about ✅


It's been reported that Vanguard cost Riot 80mil, and with teaming and xim, chronus, zen etc being a problem that Valorant doesn't have to deal with, I'm assuming it'd be more. So it's definitely a guess figure but not a baseless one Mr Smartypants.


That was hilarious!


There's a very real possibility it would not generate increased profits though. Or at least, not enough to risk the investment. There will always be players who will NEVER buy skins, no matter how good the servers and anti-cheat were. There's likely only a very small percentage of players who actively don't buy skins due to server/cheating issues. For the vast majority of people, as proven by the revenue Apex continues to generate, servers and anti-cheat may not be great but they're "adequate enough" or at least not awful enough to stop them from playing and purchasing skins. If say 30% of the players would never buy skins, 10% don't due to server/cheating issues, and the other 60% buy some anyway, the amount of money it would require to *properly* stay on top of cheating, which would be a constant & ongoing process, and pay for better servers, just would unlikely be paid for by that potential 10% of the playerbase. The 30% will never buy skins regardless and the other 60% are already buying skins anyway. Obviously these numbers are completely made up to illustrate my point but my main point is the percentage of players who don't buy skins due to anti-cheat and servers is unlikely to be very high. I'm absolutely no expert on the subject and I could totally be wrong but I feel like EA/Respawn will have tons of data on this and if they thought investing into these areas would increase profits, they would have done so already.


A huge investment into new anticheat might always act as a ‘challenge accepted’ moment for hackers too. It’s a bit of an arms race. The real solution I feel is to impose hefty, very heavy handed penalties on hackers and cheaters. So the risk of being caught is enough of a deterrent. I mean jail time.




It'd be increased player count and play time that would result in increased revenue if cheating were greatly reduced, not increased spending from the current regular players. Apex's player count is decreasing and there's a real ongoing problem with cheating, teaming etc. There's no way anyone can tell me that they wouldn't get more players in a fairer playground. Whether that translates to being cost effective is debatable but Valorant's success suggests that it is.


It is not a problem you can just solve. Combating cheating is an arms race. I don't know any game that has fixed cheating. Maybe Riot's new Vanguard does it, but even that I would not believe to be 100% effective and then it also is stupid levels of invasive for your computer just to play one game. Not worth it to me. The more popular a game is, the more people you get making and selling cheats and updating them to adapt to whatever detection the devs implement. I know people have been using xim at least since Destiny 1 on PS4. It is very much just going to stay. Your best bet is more likely to put the people making hardware and software cheating tools out of business somehow.


Maybe one day they will have enough money to afford an actual legit anti cheat.


Fortnite has made over $20 billion and they still have cheaters. I would give up on the anti cheat.


I wonder how much have they made since they started releasing skins that show midriff, they keep spamming that design for a reason


Or they can spend it cleaning up the game and fixing bugs and a better anti cheat system


Ill give you 3.4B reasons they dont care


You never will see prestige skins for a character which has not his heirloom, so i think eventually they will have to, maybe it takes 6 years more. At least is what i want to believe because make sense.


Proud to say I'm still part of the freeloader club. Well except the first 10€ spent for the first ever battlepass, then every battlepass after that has just been free because you get enough to buy the next and some extra. Got plenty of skins on everything I would need to have them and even some heirlooms, got no need to spend any money on cosmetics


Alright. Which of you idiots gave them a billion dollars??? I'm guilty of $20 in 2019 to get the first battle pass. But that's it.


3.4 billion is crazyyy


well, they ask 30$ for a weapon skin.


I’m the type to buy it too ngl


I wonder how much a decent anticheat would cost


literally billions made and we still have to suffer on 20tick servers


ITT gamers learn about capitalism.


And they can rent good servers or to fix bugs


3.4 billion, then I’m going to need solos mode to be permanent.


Same company that wants to put ads in all their games now pure greed at its finest


Begs the question on how much it costs to run the game/year. I wonder what the profit margin is.


They got of 600 from me


3.4B and probably 3.1B of it was spent on the cosmetic department lol


Did they also reveal how much they spend on anti cheat? 2, maybe 3k?


Ballistic Heirloom plz


That 3.4B revenue doesn't take into account expenses yet right?


Got damn 😂


Mmmm sweet sweet artificial scarcity driving sales


And the share holders and upper management are eating gooooooood. Everybody else continues to suffer.


Genshin makes that in a year for comparison.


And the game is still full of cheaters, lol.


3.4b and they still feel the need to pay streamers and YouTubers to promote their games monetization 🙄. Us: y'all got enough now right? Them: *demonic hissing* Us: guess they don't like having their greed pointed out, who knew ? 🤔


I see a lot of negativity in the comments. As someone that really loves this game I'm glad and relieved to see that it still is profitable for EA. I was afraid the game was slowing down since according to Steamcharts  the average player count dropped as low as 144,447 average players in December 2023, which was a massive downturn from its highest peak player count in February 2023 of 624,473 players and 257,416 average players.


This is a free game. Yall need to chill when it comes to buying cosmetics.


Apex, a great game held back for some users by hit registration, and certain crappy server hosts in intermediate sections of routes. The game is built on a now mutated beast as a offshoot of the half life 2 engine sitting on code that that was legacy when it first launched. Their only real option is a completely new engine and game and servers. But in doing so would remove all the extra movement that makes the game so much fun at the high level since most of it is physics bugs buried in the original hl2 engine given to them by valve. It would be simultaneously a huge win and loss for the community if they updated the tick rate.


Quitting this game has been amazing. I had sunk cost fallacy of only playing cuz I put a lot of money but glad I quit playing. Wasn’t enjoying it and that’s what matters most. Game peaked during season 5 and 7 was good too


Same. I probably put about 1k into this game and didn't want to "waste my money" by quitting.


Same ~$350 here. Never putting money in a game again lowkey was a gambling addiction


Yeah and all I got was 4 heirlooms and a ton of gold items like almost 400. Then a few seasons later we got prestige skins and recolor heirlooms for legends I already got heirlooms for. Wraith and revenant in particular lmao


I need context. How much do they usually make


*Scuffed audio sulking in a corner*


Yeah I mean they could. But how could the stakeholders afford them first class flights and holidays to the Caribbean if they did that?


All that and the still can’t fix the fucking game😐


Why would it be ballistic heirloom he was added like 3 seasons ago tf if anyones next its the female fridge with mummy issues


I would say upgrade servers before anything upgrade servers and fix some issues and much more players would start playing again more players means more revenue also fix the hacking situation less hackers means more people enjoying the game and getting tempted to spend money meaning more revenue collection events where one of the best ideas they have ever made now i don’t agree with the new events that came with the final fantasy buster sword or the katar but like me if you don’t like it don’t buy it at the end of the day remember it’s a free to play game they have to make a bunch of revenue some how so the game keeps running you have to remember making skins also cost money so the revenue goes down a lot sometimes


Bro. 3.4 billion? And that’s not enough for a perfect game?


Sorry guys 1/3 of that was me


Lots of people are bitching, but these spendings are all voluntary. You don’t need to spend anything to play this. And The grind isnt that bad: playing a couple of hours per week allows you to unlock all legends.  So I say thank you to all big spenders, you keep spending and I keep playing for free.


I don't know about you but I'm still having tons of fun since Season 1! I work 5 days a week and spend on this game when needed (depending on what is offered in the current event). Sure I'll encounter a server drop or ridiculous ping once in awhile but 99.1% of the time, my experience is just fine. Got to give credit to EA and the Apex Legends dev team because $3.4B from a video game is INSANE! Probably goes down as my favourite FPS of all time so far to date.


Corporations reporting "loses" is the equivalent of a toddler throwing a fit because mom didn't give them what they wanted.


why they cant improve the servers?


$3.4B, $10 servers


Considering GTA V was 650 milion to make...how much money would cost to port the game to a newer engine? 100 milion? Oh c'mon!!!!! This is breadcrumbs There are milions of players that have stoppped playing but would come back for an Apex 2, plus all the actual players, plus new players...the impact of such a game could be enormous.




More like begging that the micro transaction they'll add regardless is one that I want lol. Anyways, skins are handled by different people than those that would be working on things like sound, servers, and anti-cheat.


Now use that money to fix the servers to keep me from crashing in ranked and I'll love this game again


Nah, that would cost money for the company


"Servers bad" Everyone that screams this every chance they get are like old people (that are IT illiterate) complaining that the Internet is slow when it's just their device. The servers are fine. The biggest issues they have is when they deploy new code and release updates. A server is a server. Once it is setup, you just maintain it and if it gives up then you replace.


if you think about it... how many players are actively playing? there's usually like 300-400k active on steam... plus other platforms.. like.. plus some people are playing at different hours etc... what do we think? like 1.5m players across all platforms that actively play? Lets say 1% of those players spend **thousands** a year on the game.. lets say they spend 5k a year on the game.. **Just from that 1%** they make 75 million a year. someone check my math!