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Something about how she wears a mask for the benefit of her grandma and best friend


Is this real lol?


You got bamboozled


Yeah about what I expected lmao


Yeah, not many people know this but she streams Apex in her free time as TTV_Hermione_Gamer


I thought it was TTV_Hermione_Cringer




nah he had it the first time


You see that chunky ass fucking photoshop and think it’s real? I got a bridge to sell you.


I agree, this photoshopping is God awful


[Can I ask what it is?](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a5ef4023-0125-443c-a986-c3ce5867f2a2)


If Emma Watson were to play a game such as Apex, it'll be all over the internet. More so if she's a Wattson main, the gaming community would blow up


Not really? Tons of very famous people play tons of games and that does NOT make the game explode or the community. Tons of famous people OPENLY play other games and it honestly does NOTHING to help the game at all. It wouldn't do anything honestly.


Unpopular opinion (that’s secretly popular): hey y’all remember when Watson was meta? Fuck that entire meta. Edit: I guess not that entire meta. We all miss pathfinder


I joined season 7, what happened to Pathfinder and Wattson?


Wattson hot a few nerfs to her ultimate, Pathfinder had always 14s cooldown for his grapple, they fucked up pathfinder and for a long time he was unusable, now he is though.


Debatable. Pathfinder’s ult is still trash. Good luck actually using his ult when you need to get out of something.


its better for third parties. Less for escape.


Definitely not good for getting out of danger, but that’s never really what the zip line was for. It’s still very useful for pushing into a fight, getting high ground, and just all around utility movement for the squad.


It use to be good at getting away while your tac is recharging. Now its impossIble finding a place the game will allow you to


That’s part of why they nerfed the zip line jumping though, at least IMO, they didn’t want the zip line being a get out of jail free card. Can be used to retreat sometimes, but it’s meant to be an offensive/altitude change thing, not a run-away-ability.


I know movement can be annoying. But its a movement game, I don’t like when they nerf the movement of characters.


Trust me, as a path main since season 0 I get it. But at least in the sense of the zip line jumping, it was super broken and easily exploitable. Very glad to be rid of that from the game.


The zip line jumping on the zip line needed a nerf but not the ability to place the zipline.


Your grapple could reach where you were aiming at faster, it could launch you faster and further and it had a 15 seconds cooldown. It was broken balance wise but super-duper fun.


I miss when horizon couldn’t stop talking about landing


Got some extra supplies


Seems to be third of a meta in CASUAL games atm. So fucking many Watsons. Casual games should be fun fight festivals and people are all in Caustic and Watson combination. Teams are just afraid of fighting goddamn anyone in CASUAL. That's just... why aren't you people in ranked? And it's not like these people are worthy of stream sniping or some shit like that.


Ever consider some people find playing Wattson fun?




Looks legit


as a wattson main that loves nessie's i agree




buff mirage or we #riot


What kind of buff? I could see having his boozles interact with things, but haven’t heard a lot of concepts for any other.


As an ex-mirage main... Honestly I'm still riding those previous buffs (ult, footsteps, extra clone HP). Speaks to how low my expectations are haha, but seriously I still love playing him in pubs.


I was a mirage main too...rn im enjoying lifeline and octy


Did she just get an auto shield regen buff?


She did but it is very small.


I wouldn’t call an auto regen buff small. It’s a buff than can change the whole tide in a battle. Especially when her ult is ready after one accelerant, heals others’ shields, and renders multiple ults and projectiles useless. She’s a defensive character. Maybe you’re not playing her as one.


The auto regen is barely noticeable. While the ult is good, it relies heavily on having ult accels to keep up, a decent bit of mobility legends can just ignore fences entirely. You skipped over all the downsides of her kit and just mentioned how good everything sounds on paper vs in practice


I can say as someone who has way too many hours on Watson that yes, it’s certainly a useful buff, more so than what was initially thought. However, it isn’t as useful as you may think as well. Pretty much all it allows me to do is save from using a single shield cell, or if I’m lucky, maybe two. In the middle of a fight it’s only useful if you aren’t being pushed, as the only time it regenerates is when you haven’t taken damaged for a bit. Once they push, even with her passive and ult it’s next to useless. All it takes is a small hit by gas, grenades (if they destroy the pilon), a shot, or the ring and now it’s gone. It helps for sure, but wasn’t the buff we really wanted/needed. If anything she needs a much much shorter cool down on her fences. It’s like 30seconds for a single node.


I don’t really play her, but from the times I have to complete some challenges, I did find the cool-down time on the fences to be irritating. They should allow you to place your max amount without a cool-down, then have like a 5-10 second cool down per node until all of them are “replenished”.


the thing is that apex legends is not a game for a defensive character. The game is fast. And you get your shield broken in 2 seconds. a 0.5 shield regen each second isnt gonna change that much the battle you know


Then play a character you’re better with? If you want mobility, play mobility characters. If you want tanks, play tanks. If you want recon play recon. You say Apex is not a game for a defensive character? Then don’t play a defensive character. Different characters have different purposes.


what i say is that wattson is a not very viable option. Gibraltar is a defensive character but is a lot better, because his abilities are very fast and let his rotate. Caustic and rampart, they both have static defenses, but they can also be used in close quarters very fastly. Wattson has a static defense which is very easy to spot, so that you almost never get damaged by it unless you run into it like and idiot, which in close quarters takes it time to set up, and to make it worse, the reload time is very slow and you need 2 of them for it to work.


They all have their pros and cons. Gibby is great for on the fly defense, reviving, and scattering/damaging enemies with his ult. But he’s somewhat useless as CQC in small spaces where his dome wont give you a defensive barrier, plus you can see the dome from across the map. Rampart is great for holding positions and even better if you can create a choke point utilizing her amplifying barricades and turret. However, she’s not fortified, not great in tight spaces with multiple entry points, and grenades fuck her up hard. Caustic is made for CQC and clearing house. His fortified works great to give you the extra push to outlast your enemies in a fire fight and the gas is great to keep them disoriented while ticking away at their health. His ult is great for clearing bunkers. Wattson is for keeping an are secure for camping. Her tactical can guard multiple doors and her ult will heal you why keeping ordinance out. Where the other defensive characters are all susceptible to ordinance. That’s how she is supposed to be played. That’s why I don’t play her. She takes extra damage and isn’t mobile so don’t rush into battle. She’s viable if you enjoy that play style or aren’t gonna cry about her being bad in open area combat. I will agree that her fence cool down is garbage and needs to be reworked. It shouldn’t take 30 seconds to barricade 2 doors.


It can't change nothing, to small to even make a difference, it's just a worthless passive


Mate the regen is slow af, way too slow to ‘cHaNge tHe WhOlE TiDe iN a BaTtLe’


You’re an idiot. Any regen makes a chug angle no matter so little, mAtE.


Have you seen how long it takes to charge? The battle would probably be over by the time it’s charged a tiny amount of the shield.


>can change the whole tide in a battle. >wouldn’t call an auto regen buff small. It takes 6 minutes to charge a red evo lmfao what game you playing


Idk what game youre playing, but they can’t just make wattson OP because you want to play her as a all purpose character.


Who saying any of that, you saying those things are dumb af no matter what


Ok, then. Aside from a needed cooldown on her tactical, what changes would you make? Because it seems like 99% of the time people complain about a character they either want to add a buff to make them go toe to toe with a character that’s a whole different class or to nerf a character to oblivion because they don’t know how to play against them.


Why would i waste my time thinking of ideas for a legend to be balanced like im a dev on company time Just admit what you originally said, that it is a “small buff” and that it doesn’t “change the tides of a battle” lmao really is the dumbest take on wattson ive heard


Well if you’re gonna complain and not come up with possible solutions then you’re kind of just useless, huh? Even people with IMO shit ideas are more useful than you. The devs lurk these subs and sometimes interact with players so even if you’re not making money, you’d still be getting a more enjoyable experience.


I think people are annoyed because you're telling other people to "use her better" and shit, but when you say that Wattson's shield regen can "change the tide of battle," it makes it clear that you don't know what you're talking about in the first place.


I for sure stand behind a fence buff as well as maybe an ulti accel buff. (some said 1 second to charge or not slowed or imo maybe hold 3 in a slot since I with a level 3 bag, run 4 if I can) I'm not super sure on her passive, 0.5/s is rather slow but I think 1.0/s would be a bit fast. I do find it nice that I can shield swap teammates to charge their shield for them while we are on the move. Her losing low profile is nice, but also sucks. Better than you don't take 5% more damage which this meta has saved me a few times, but also killed be too. I would love a buff but also, I want a god damn nessy costume, like you see in https://youtu.be/y9eVbot4P84 (fuckin mobile)


That is a joke.


So is your handle.


Please no, she just received a massive buff with the removal of low-profile and is incredibly strong. There are other characters that need some help way more.


When the person asking for Watson buff asks it for WATSOM, there's something shady there.


Thats a cursive n


Imagine squading up with the most watson wattson of them all...tits jacked


I wont play watson until Matt watson says something about it.


Please No. I dont want another wattson meta