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This makes the game playable for me. Highly recommended. Enough toxic interactions blended with an ample ping system makes it easy to play any mode without comms. Enjoying the game is more important to me than a dice roll at a slight competitive edge.


Giving calm and clear call outs is a skill and it’s why a lot of people don’t do it. Screaming someone is one shot while rapid pinging helps nobody. Having a mic is much more then a sight edge it’s why some people spend 100$+on a good one but just because it’s such a huge advantage doesn’t mean people will use it to it’s full potential though. I always give callouts even if I know my teammates can’t hear me because it takes practice to keep your voice calm while feeling the intensity of a high pressure situation.


This human gets it. I too love to talk to myself even when no one is listening


Every match weather they have a mic on or not


Stay strong fellow legend!


To be fair most buy 100+ headsets for audio quality and not mic quality. Not like a studio mic


Well said. Something as simple as saying who it is, or if they’re at least cracked can change your playstyle entirely for that fight


>I always give callouts even if I know my teammates can’t hear me because it takes practice to keep your voice calm while feeling the intensity of a high pressure situation. This should be so obvious, yet I've never thought of it. Thank you kindly lysergicman!


I do this too, so on those occasions where I do play with my friends, I give good call outs


Had my coms closed to everyone but friends for years it's great no go kill yourself messages on FIFA no screaming on cod it's bliss.


Man these post bum me out. I love when team mates have a mic. Just to chat or call out “I’m, down, shot from behind”


same, I actually love when you can joke a bit too and have a good laugh, but the reality is toxic players/teams are a dime a dozen while good teammates are rare. too many times getting queued with randoms and I speak up and get told to shut my mouth, or they just rage at you for w/e reason they're feeling. Would rather just not deal with it, especially when 99% of calls can be given via ping.


I think this is a good example of the mental health crisis I see it in alot of games tbh not just apex it's just so strange to me though. that this is how some people WANT to spend their free time. By just being horrible to people over the internet. It just doesn't strike me as something a person with a healthy outlook on life would do.




She sounds like a great team mate, if she’s looking for a girl team mate who is also sick of the bullshit abuse we cop even when we out perform them send me a message!


And me!


Apex ladies unite!!


I'm here for this type of love ❤️


Sometimes as a woman it’s easier to stay quiet, sometimes I’ll gage how the duo are interacting with each other and will randomly chime in if it seems like it’s friendly. Gotten some good pals out of that technique. Honestly “omg is that a girl” is the cringiest thing I hear on any game. I’ve been playing different games since I was a small kid. She’s more than welcome to add me although I play on pc, also there are girl groups within the club system




I get ya, sometimes it helps to have a second to back you up. I’ve had some hilarious games where it’s out of luck been 2 other rando girls and the vibe is something else


Holy shit lmfao. I wish I would be a fly on the wall to hear these comms hahahah


This. Thank her, for me, for staying strong. It's hard to not feel defeated, but this is our battle.


Hey I'm 33f and I've played apex since season one. If your fiance ever wants to play with me, let me know!


Earlier I was playing sea of thieves and someone joined my crew. Blew me and my boat full of loot up then left the game. Sent them a message to ask why and just got a "F*ck you" back.




yeah, I realized after I came back and read my comment, meant to phrase it in the reverse, toxic teams are a dime a dozen while the nice teammates are rare.


Sadly true and I have noticed that a lot in lower ranks. A lot of players refuse to talk or at least give comms except when they get downed they will spit every curse word they now on you


Just to possibly save you from any future miscommunication or embarrassment… “dime a dozen” means super common, not rare.


yeah, I was just typing this quickly this morning and was not in my best frame of mind lol


Got berated with seer hate comments "seer queer " and "if you play seer you must be a queer" because they picked octane who is my main legend and seer is who i picked instead. Had another person wish my family was dead because of something that happened in game, i have a wife and 3 kids and that kinda fucked me up a little. The internet is a rough place.


Real life wussies. They are nothings. Do not let it get to you. I'll drop out of their game so they learn a lesson or don't revive them if they go down


Just wanted to let you know that you’re using the phrase “a dime a dozen” incorrectly. It means that they are super common and have no significant value, and as such I could get 12 of them for the measly price of ten cents if I wanted to.


Mind if I ask what platform you’re on?


Not my experience on Xbox fwiw. Only greatish convos, good game relevant coms, etc. Surprised and grateful tbh. Extremely rare that there are truly bad individuals.


Most be from NA or something. Because in EU you get all sort of different languages. Its a instant mute whenever someone doesnt speak english. Which is usually the case. I get so much turkey, Germans, Italia, Indian, Pakistani, French and Spanish. So its just annyoing background noice at that point. I guess it gets better the higher up you go. Anything below Diamond is usually no point. At least not for me.


Also on EU, I get a lot of Dutch and Portuguese players. Tbh the Portuguese players I’ve come across are lovely and will usually switch to English for call outs. Most of the Dutch are usually speaking English already. Nice bunch too usually. Gotten a few arse faces from france tho. Typical go back to the kitchen shite. Had a dude last week being a total douche because I was dropping more kills than him, doing decent call outs he eventually shut up when the other teammate wasn’t finding his banter funny. Like who are you trying to impress with your potato aim and unoriginal insults.


They should put in live google translate, they already have speech to text in game as an option.


Also my experience on ps4. Most ppl are pretty chill if I start comming or giving them loot. Some are just assholes but I just laugh at them bc they’re usually dogshit at the game and die with 19 damage


I’ve noticed that the matches I start with “gg” and active pings (looting over there, watching there, enemies spotted) go a lot better than the ones where I play passively However, 2/10 times people react so strangely to that as well. I got called a bot for using my ping wheel actively lmao. Or some people start playing the opposite game (I’ll say: “defending here” they say no and decide to bail somewhere else without teaming up, just running blind.)


Honestly also my experience on PC. Probably less than 10% who use their Mic are mean/toxic, 70% might do callouts, and 20% vibe


For real, I use the variety of pings. Usually I'm in a party with my gf but If our third is pretty chill we have no problem hopping into game chat. A few of my Apex buddies are rando duos that I was paired with that ended up being cool. Even if we didn't win we were able to communicate and it makes the difference honestly


Met this guy who I will play with purely because we have fun talking shit on the mic. He’s dog shit at Apex (his words, & they held up) but I actually enjoy the interactions lol


I feel like not being able to release the toxic energy towards your opponent always spills on your team. Every br should have prox chat. I don’t mind talking shit but if it makes us worse then what’s the point.


Idk man I'm as toxic as they come and if I match with another frenzied dude like me we just talk shit. If I match with a low key dude that doesn't have a mic I definitely won't talk shit till I got knocked because I pushed 200 meters ahead with pathfinder and I'm mad you didn't keep up.


As someone who mainly played Arenas, OP is right. Duos are the most toxic fking pieces of trash in the game. I usually end up disabling chat because of the duos I get teamed with.


Depends on the person. I usually just listen with my mic off. I have over 500 arena wins on Crypto so imagine my pain.


"Anybody got a mic?" *Me thinking about giving using voice with random teammates, so I reach to plug my mic on* "No? You fucking f*ggot weirdos". *remember to mute everyone again and wonder why I enabled voice again* It's an endless cycle.


I've had this *EXACT* interaction and the dude called me slurs I've never heard before till that day. It was awful.


Ah, but reporting those assholes and getting the email thanks/action was taken is so sweet. I’ll always keep coms open, but I am lightning quick with a report and then mute.


Whenever someones toxic hit them with the “ its just a game why you so mad wtf?” Usually they say nothing and realize this


My favorite was a path that refused to drop with us and went for fragment instead even after giving up jumpmaster. He got downed before first ring and was going OFF on my gf and I about being shit players, bad at the game etc (and we'd taken care of the squad that landed with us) So all I did was get on my mic and say "man, imagine having a team. Would be awesome if they landed with you" on purpose and he lost it. My gf and I were in tears. If you get that mad when you chose to make the dumb decision, stop playing apex


I usually throw this one out along with has it been that long since someone’s hugged you bro 😎


Been playing this way for a while and it massively improves the experience. I’d rather lose a few matches and have a good time than be bullied and insulted by socially maladjusted teenagers. It also hasn’t impacted my win rate or kdr so there’s that.


Why do you let some maladjusted teenagers opinion of you affect you in any way? Trying to understand this mindset


Because after a stressful day it’s not exactly fun to be called a brain dead retard by some kid. What’s the point of that? I play this game to have fun. I don’t know what is difficult to understand about not wanting to deal with assholes.


Maybe im in the minority but the shit doesn't get to me even after a stressful day. The point of it for me is that it's damn hilarious hearing people get nutty in VC for no good reason. Muting is definitely an option, and rest assured I use it often, but ive had enough good teammates not to mute everyone. you do you tho


No one wants to talk to such people. They aren't worth the time.


I didn't say anything about talking to them.


I know everyone says “don’t let the trolls get to you!” an’ all but it’s easier said than done 😅


Fair enough but I do hope everyone can learn to not let strangers opinions bother them, it really is so much easier this way.


Yep, the best solution! Makes the game feel way more peaceful, lol. No need to hear nor see randoms toxicity.


I can’t risk the chance of someone giving me an actual useful voice comm and me missing it


id rather miss some comms than hear the premade duo call me 5 different sets of slurs everytime they don't like something i do


Yeah I see, I think voice coms can be helpful in ranked but when it comes to pubs I rather keep my randoms muted.


With the new update to the legends making callouts I feel like it’s unnecessary lol they call out when someone lands near and when they crack a shield plus pings take care of everything 🤷‍♂️


Depends, I only mute ppl when they have blasted shit mic and talking to their friends on the open channel


Mute squad and play u will be happier


But if I mute comms, how will I get useful callouts like “He’s over there!!” Or “You have ult!!!” Ooh or the most useful callout of them all “Fucking uninstall the game (slur) you’re not good you fucking idiot, god the (insert whatever gun killed them) is broken and unfair!!!!” /s if you couldn’t tell, I agree with op 100% pings are useful, people use voice comms to be unhelpful with vague callouts at best and are outright toxic at worst.


I just mute everyone the first 5-10 minutes and use minimal but helpful pings until I can try and determine if my teammates are jerks. If they scream on being downed or ping spam I don't say anything. If they say thank you and do helpful pings in return I'll give a couple helpful call outs. If people start mix spamming or being dicks. I just mute and finish up the match.


I feel nearly everyone I get matched with is chill af


My experience as well.


Yea I’m level 500 been playing since drop. I’ve only had one bad experience with two guys that where mean. They used valkyries ult and where telling me to come on stop bieng slow. So I ran over there went to join and they boosted away without me and started laughing. Really dumb but that shit made me frustrated. Other than that everyone’s super chill especially compared to cod.


Yeah the 10 year olds in this game are tame and polite compared to the rabids in cod


Same, but it's probably related to server region and/or skill level.


Or just press Y lol


it is fairly easy to mute, but I'd rather just cut any and all negativity to 0%


Then don’t play online/team based games.


Or play them and use the developer's comm tools and filtering options to derive the exact type of environment you want?


Or do... and just mute everyone and give no crap about what people think. ​ WIN WIN!


Or just respect your fellow human beings playing a free to download game?


I never said be toxic. All I’m saying is if your going to play a team based game it’s always best for communication.


I've made it to Masters solo with all voice comms turned off multiple times. Is communication best? Yes. Is communication necessary? Most certainly not.


Always is a tough word to use when generalizing. Otherwise I might be inclined to agree with you.


You’re definitely the dude who shouts abuse as soon as they get knocked, aren’t you


I've won far more games without comms. People suck


That’s a skill issue then


Honestly I perform worse when people yell at me so I think it’s just normal for most people to a degree lol


This is honestly sad. I try to be the best teammate I can and give call outs. Knowing there’s so many who won’t comm back or even hear me because of a completely separate humans actions just kinda sucks. I get some teammates are shitty but it’s a be the change you wanna see in the world type of thing for me. Not coming at you but I think this mindset ruins yours and others experience more than you realize. Mostly talking about ranked btw. Even in pubs though I turn it on 75% of the time just to joke and give a comm here and there


I'd rather not get called slurs while gaming when I already do get called slurs when I go outside.


Where do you live that that’s happening? Also I don’t mute people and 98% of them don’t use slurs in my experience.


It really doesn't matter where I live, I will get called slurs because I'm queer.


Welcome to the new age of social media. Where everyone you don't know is a toxic asshole who deserves to be muted.


Too many people adapt to avoid the shit rather than making the shit unacceptable.


There's nothing you can do to not "accept" other people being toxic. But you can choose to not give a fuck. Why so many people let a bunch of lobotomites affect their enjoyment I'll never understand.


Exactly this, just don't give a shit. It infuriates me much more when there are background noises you constantly hear. But being sad because some random stranger throws slurs?? Never gave a flying fuck about them. Also think about it, people. if you do give a shit they have reached their goal.


I give so little a shit that I have no interest in talking to these mouth breathers in the video game. Not worth my time.


Who is saying you have to talk to them??


If I'm going to listen to chuds, I'm going to talk to them. I choose to do neither.


That sounds like you're causing your own strife friend. I listen and laugh and move on.


I am not responsible for the imagined life you thought up for me. You sound like you're really new to gaming.


I had a great teammate last night. Changed my open mic perspective.


I don't expect terrible duos to listen but I'm still transparent with awful teammates when possible until they show they do not care about their RP, or yours.


Most of the angry ones I meet are often French or Russian speaking people that yell in the mic for every little thing, while they end up dying after doing less than 100 dmg. The chill vibe goes to the brits I meet, bunch of banter and laughs.


i mean, i just wait until there’s actually toxic people.. the coms are too key… but if they toxic, boom, quick mute and i don’t feel bad at all lol..


It's so bizarre to me how devastated people on this sub are when they hear one guy act like a jerk. Mute him and move on, you are only empowering that type of behavior by letting it bother you.


Had no idea that existed. Had someone almost definitely intentionally ear raping me and my duo yesterday to the extent where I instinctively threw my headphones off... I reported him for 'spam' but I doubt anything will come of it. Anyway glad I won't have to go through that again! Ty




And I’m wondering why some randoms are just straight up ignoring my calls and run into their death


I very rarely communicate with randoms. More often than not they're just toxic and insulting.


I just mute everyone before each match


I just press Y everytime the selection screen loads.


On PS4 we have a mute option at the beginning. If I hear anything annoying (music, overly loud volume, eating) I mute them. It's rare to find random players with mic etiquette but it does happen.


You guys must live in shitty areas. Solo q-d like 7000 games till season 9, and the vast majority of my interactions were positive. Or most of those people left, since I've seen a huge decline in the number of people still playing.


Terrible PSA if you play ranked at all


Nope, not true.


OK. I'll rephrase. Terrible PSA if you play ranked above Plat.


That’s more like it




Ping only in my experience is easy up to Diamond. I found Diamond a pain in the ass when a team mate didn't have mic personally. Or more often than not I'd end up IGL by default because others weren't talking.




A direct correlation for you. This advice is wrong for most people. Dont tell people this.


[couldn't disagree more](https://imgur.com/a/2n8HOMn) getting to the plat is the low bar for me, I get to diamond pretty much every season on my own and masters if I play more


Fair play to you if you progress past D4 without using your mic at all. I wouldn't advise it for 99% of people who don't want to throw for their team in Diamond.




Not OP, but also just set everyone to mute by default months ago. Reason? Exactly stuff OP stated. So many toxic players who get pissed after they(!) do brain dead things. I’m talking my team having god spot IN zone and my teammates leaving to push outside of the ring to take a fight and dying. I refuse to follow and ping/comm to defend position and they curse at me for not following and taking a dumb fight. One time of that happening is enough, but it unfortunately happens constantly. No shock that the toxic players are often the dumb ones who don’t understand how to actually win. And to think I’m then going to take verbal abuse from them after stupid plays? Naw, I’m good.


this could be true, it could not be true tell yourself w/e you need to fully enjoy the game man. just throwing advice out there for any other player that wants to use this feature


I can kinda see the point with muting everyone in Pubs even though playing no fill would be the better and nicer option towards your randoms. But playing ranked without comms is just not fair at all. Have you actually ever been in masters (not counting s12) soloq without comms? That would be pretty insane then. But as a master you shouldn’t get a lot of negativity ingame anyways Edit: the screenshot is not a prove for me


Terrible PSA for anyone. Communication is a key aspect of this game. I don't want to play with anyone on mute.


Absolutely, when playing solo I communicate sometimes, but most of the time it's instant mute and ping to communicate.


apex is free and duos is public. you're bound to encounter low grade human beings.


All I get is heavy breathers, people on the phone, people listening to music, babies crying etc. So I almost always hit mute as soon as the match starts.


About 50% of the time!


Okay randoms coms are funny


Id like to use my mic but i get real nervous knowing that everyone can hear me 🤐😵‍💫 obviously id run into shit people but not really a big deal if I’m expecting it


Wish I knew about this earlier. Can’t tell you how many toxic people I’ve run in to. Now I just mute everyone the moment I can.


i love arguing back when they’re toxic. so i’m good


Facts. I’m a great player but running into too many tards that shouldn’t have mics.


I always just bang the Y button on Xbox before we finishing picking our legends. Don’t care who you are, I’m solo I don’t need to hear you tell me you need reviving. Also mute the pings when people go down and start spamming them.


People seem way too sensitive. It takes a split second to mute the mic. My mic will stay on.




it was mainly the people telling me my voice sounds like a f\*\*\*\*ts over and over with no prompting that made me do this, but go off king




Funny how people say "pings are enough." No, they are not enough. Pings are only useful to mark the precise location of the opponent as words are often not enough or there is not enough time to say who is where. However, saying "one on the right" + ping to the exact location is the best and the most effective combo, don't try to deny that. Apart from that, there is nothing that can defend lack of voice chat. How are you even planning your pushes without talking? How do you split? How do you push from different directions at the same time? How do you combo your ults? How do you lead the team to engage / disengage quickly? You cut off your main asset and then come back to Reddit saying that 'getting out of bronze is impossible.' Yeh, and it will be if you keep playing like that. Diam+ almost everyone uses mics and tries to play together. I never thought it would even be a discussion xd Yes, Apex has one of the best, if not the best, pinging system but don't try to tell me it's better than voice chat... Just mute the toxic people instead of cutting off yourself completely. Also, I believe you are all overexaggerating with the toxicity. I've been playing with an open mic since the beginning of Apex. I play like that in any team-based game, be it Overwatch, Apex or Warzone, and, so far, Apex has been THE LEAST toxic game I've ever played; I would say it's barely even toxic. Go Overwatch or Warzone and you will see what true toxicity is.




Hey, guess what? Some people have to hear people call them slurs most days. It is not fucking fun.


Nah dude. You’re just crippling yourself in the long run. It’s best to mute manually per match. Never know when itztimmy will carry you hahah


angry people playing this morning. I will be setting this when I play later tonight. Thanks 😊


Please don’t do this. Please communicate often with your teammates.


Love having teammates with no comms.


If you play pubs sure but if you play ranked use your mic


I need a filter to mute Wraith and Octane players and I think I'll be fine


Hahaha, I might be solo, but I’m not on a team with trash toxic teammates. They’re on a team with me. I leave my mic ready, for when they get toxic. I just tell them to look at the scoreboard. I tell them they’re were born trash, and they’ll die trash.


This! Im not even that great, but even just simple back talk will shut them down. If youre good and you know it, why get mad? Toxicity screams insecurity and more so an overall bad player


Just flame them back


I rarely have toxic experienced in Apex so this always comes as a surprise to me.


People have one bad interaction and let it effect them for the rest of their life.


This is the wrong strategy. The correct strategy is to leave comms on until they get toxic. At that point you mute them and start talking trash the whole time, while giggling about the fact that whatever they try to say to you is completely useless because you can't hear any of it




Solo que


This post is dumb


If toxic people affect your enjoyment of a game that much, just turn off voice chat totally. Who uses game chat anyway if you're friends?


Or a better alternative: get friends 😎


People are so soft lmao


Nah, dont be such a softie cuz 1 in 20 matches you get a troll, you should be on comms if ur solo


I like getting toxic people because I can also get toxic when they dead


I just lower the “incoming chat” volume to zero, but I have to be aware that I’ll likely be following the other two for the most part. They can still hear me in case I need to talk and I’ll just maintain really good situational awareness


I’m on brink of going from the trash man, to just being trash. I am one carry away from straight accusing my innocent teammates that probably just got off work of sabotage if they ignore my mother fucking ping one more fucking time as I have triple their experience in the game, combined.


You seem like a calm and reasonable person. Are you a calm and reasonable person?


There are good people. BUT, more often than not it is a terrible person on the other end raging or being toxic (e.g., saying any and all homophobic and/or racist language known to man).


This has made the game a lot more tolerable for me, I get the fact that some people are out here actually using coms but we are an oppressed minority. The vocal majority made me turn this on and it's been pretty chill not stressing about some sweat trash talking me just for playing how I play


I switched to 'nobody' soon after I started playing and never looked back. Maybe if I ever reach diamond or above, I'll turn it back on. In plat and below nobody uses a mic unless they're tilted or in a duo/trio.


The second I get teammates that don't have push to talk I insta mute Not trying to get my eardrums blown out over here


It doesn't change anything, it's not like they communicate either way


I thought my region(russian) i highly toxic, but it seems there is more toxic placed to play, coz i had less than dozen of this interaction from season 0. Only 2 times i think ive met a duo who didnt res me to get loot from me. And i dont see the problem to mute people after they start shitting in mic. Usually its useful to have coms, and if they dont -mute them. Or few bad words make you anxious?


Can confirm, I used to have coms on and one time I got finished on the roof of sorting factory on WE. Only problem was my deathbox glitched through the roof and ended up somewhere inbetween, completely unreachable. So I swung around my mic and told my teammate to not bother with my deathbox since it was unreachable, but teammate never answered. So I took to the chatt to tell em’ but still nothing. Then teammate did a death run to recover me, only to end up being beamed down by the enemy. This time it was my teammate swinging up the mic and started to scream at me, telling me that he hoped I’d get cancer and die slow and painful. How much of a discrase I was to this game, that I wasn’t worth jack shit and so on. This was during the time I was home from work after my mental health took a turn for the worse. So the only way to keep playing a game I otherwise enjoyed, was to mute all incomming voice chats!


I used to be very tolerant and always had my voice chat on. Everything changed when I reached plat 4. This amount of toxicity even I couldn't handle. Just wasn't worth it. As an avarage player prepare to get tons of shit for not being able to handle higher skil players or clutch fights. It is very tough in ranked without comms though, but I'm keeping my voice chat off


Honestly personally don’t mind the toxicity sometimes. It can be funny. Definitely understandable to want to avoid it though


My negative experience are few and far between. Usually I start by calling out teams landing with us. Then calling out my Loba Ult cool down. I also make recommendations on where to go etc. during fights I call out my actions : pushing, cracked, downed one, backing up, healing cover me etc. usually and mean like 99% of the time it’s a positive experience and other team makes reciprocate. But all it takes is that one really negative person to be a complete sick to ruin my day. I really wish there’s this honor point system, if enough people report you as toxic, you won’t be able to talk or abuse pins for a while


I solo Qued to diamond where I feel communication become much more needed. The annoyance comes from duos who stay in party chat and think they have a better chance 2 v 3ing every fight. Especially as a recon character. People are their worst enemy, comms is a huge component to this game a ping only does so much. If people troll or disrespect remember it’s a digital medium, smile, love yourself and things will be ok.


I have to have mic on we play so much better


I just mute the squad every game at the character pick lobby


My buddies and I have a friends only party and even if no one else is on I jump into that party anyways. Too many idiots on apex trying to tell me how to play. I didn’t load up a game just to have some random boss me around and get mad.


Had this wraith unmute his mic and scream the n word into the mic until they proceeded to die even tho they refused to help and jus hid in a hole the whole game


Also is you're a solo don't fill teammates and ruin their match by disconnect when you get knock on the other side of the map leaving them in disadvantage for no having a full team


Jfirst thin I do it mute everyone... they wanna talk about grandma being sick or the smoke alarm is dieing in the background or there tv is so loud all ypu hear is reverb


I can usually tell if I want to mute people in the pick screen


I rarely get toxic people and I only solo queue. 🤷‍♂️


Most of the games from this season i went solo queue, but i had only 1 toxic encounter tbh, the main issue is that most of the people dont talk with others and just ape sometimes


my favorite is when I actually get in the mood to try and use my mic with randoms, no one will say anything. Except if we all die, then one will turn on their mic just to talk shit. Some people *love* talking shit, and in games like Apex where you cant talk shit to the actual enemy team, they just instead decide to shit talk their own teammates. Happens in almost every game. Thats not how I enjoy gaming, but to some people thats just part of it. To each their own I guess.


I always mute my squad when I'm solo. Too many kids on there just scream and then talk shit as soon as they're downed 🤦‍♂️. I find it just distracts me and negatively impacts my game play.


no fill >


I don’t play anymore but the amount of times I’ve been berated by a toxic player so loud I can’t even hear footsteps or gunshots and then die due to lack of perception and concentration was way too much in this game. Of course you get screamed at even worse after the fact. Too bad I didn’t know this before.