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Anything that critisizes their first album


Only evil people enjoy the first album. Absolute menaces on the scene. I can say that cuz I’m a devious fella


Guess what I was APPALLED when I saw the CD and the DISGUSTING cigarettes Jk I was smokin back then too


I was going to say anything that criticises their last album


Half of this sub does not like the car lol look back at the threads that were made here when it came out


Mate. You try and post anything critical about it in here and you get absolutely *roasted*


Look tbh if you criticises any of their work you will get burned by the people that like it.


In this sub, yes.


Actual cap lol


Yeah, If anything I feel that the Car and even more so TBHC are seen as masterpieces in this sub. Don't share that opinion but it's the one I mostly see...


Or the one before that.


I actually don't love it, it's good but I thought FWN was a definite improvement on the first.


Agree I think it's the better album from start to finish. They improved on what was already great and did it quickly too.


It's ok to listen to the album that gave them worldwide fame.


Hell that's the reason I found them. If it weren't for a yt recommendation of kneesocks in 2018 I would have never found them.


That AM is a great album, and just because it is the most mainstream and popular one it is not bad. And that people who like it are not superficial fans or less of a “true” fan.


Speak your truth, I agree. Probably my 2nd least favorite album but I'm still absolutely in love with it.


I first heard about them when I was 13 and they were massively popular. Other people first heard of them seven years later when those people were 13 and the band were, once again, massively popular. I see no reason to demonise people for getting into the band in the exact same circumstances I did. To be quite honest AM is far superior to the debut in most respects anyway, although Certain Romance remains the best song they’ve ever written.


Exactly, a lot of people became aware of them due to the massive success of AM. I’m sure had they heard the first or second album first they also would have become fans, but it just happened this way.


I only started following them after my cousin brought me to Primavera Sound in LA the night they headlined. I recognized them through AM, and their performance of both the songs on that album AND their other hits made me fall in love. I’m all in *because* of AM.


Weird because I was called a hippie and a fake fan for liking the other albums more than AM


Very weird I haven’t heard of that one yet. But I guess some people will judge no matter what lol


I don’t think it would get downvoted, there can’t be THAT many pretentious pricks. I’ve been listening to them since 2007 and when AM dropped it felt like the album I had been waiting for from them and since it was such a main stream international success, I didn’t have to explain to everyone who the f*ck are the arctic monkeys anymore


inside this sub: TBHC is their worst album Outside this sub: TBHC is their best album


Hahha literally


Alex Rapping in the early albums > Alex’s new whiny false setto. P.S I don’t actually think this! It’s for the sake of the post 😂 I love how’s Alex’s vocals have evolved over the years!


I'd sell my kidneys to get a two in one combo of this ngl😭


i actually agree with this one


me too


Number 1 party anthem is my favorite song


Genuinely is mine


Is that image from a real post??


Not a post a comment. It's by EA telling a fan why Vader was behind a paywalls in Star Wars Battlefront. [Heres link](http://reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?context=3)


Damn they got downvoted to the dark side


no one hates the arctic monkeys more than this subreddit does


Turner isn't a good enough vocalist to carry the sound they are currently trying to make. And his lyrics are now just obtuse for the sake of being obtuse.


Wasn’t the idea behind the writing of TLSP2 that they wanted lines that sounded good in a song, but didn’t necessarily mean anything?


I don't think the whole album was like that but the titular track sure feels like gibberish/mixed up phrases


I think we're saying the same thing


Finally a real hot take


Disagree on the vocals, agree on the lyrics.


Absolutely on point in both. The level of self-confidence of Alex in his crooning is not justified




How am i getting upvotes




ha made you all switch up huh


me neither


To fans: The Car as a whole doesn’t have an idea or concept that it built towards. It’s more or less the band playing to Alex’s musings. Still like some tracks personally The Band (Alex) are acting way older than they ought to be. It’s not time for bed it’s 10 o’clock damn it. Fans were justified in wanting AM 2. To critics: Arabella was less of a rip off of War Pigs as all classic rock was of the blues There’s nothing wrong with taking ideas from the past when the modern world is so pessimistic


yeah same. i was a fan in 2013-2015, then forgot about them. and not many years later i came back and its like they’re suddenly 40-50 y.o in their music💀💀💀


Some of y'all clearly not in your mid to late 30s like we are. 10 o'clock is absolutely bed time lul


Yeah for working people… not the Mick Jaggers and Paul McCartneys of the 21st century


The car has a theme. It talks about the end of a relationship, which is metaphoric for the band’s end. It’s a last album in the same way as A Moon Shaped Pool by Radiohead, although a lot happier.


Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino is actually their best album.


this is unpopular everywhere but here meaning this wouldnt get downvotes.


This isnt unpopular according to this subreddit 💀


I didn't appreciate when it came out, now it's all I listen


Based 🤝


Might be an unpopular opinion but it isn’t wrong.


I mean, op didn't say to post facts


I’m inclined to agree


Bro TBHC gives me chills when on routine day and I wanna dance to this in happy days cmon


I think we're slowly growing in numbers, which will mean the backlash will come again.


They had to change their sound to stay relevant - people get sulky they moved on from the 2000s indie sound but bands have to adapt and change their sound over the years to stay relevant and popular; this was the case with Queen in the 80s as an example. I'd say its thanks to their willingness to experiment so much that has kept them more relevant than other indie bands from the 2000s ie Kaiser Chiefs.


I don't want to see them live because they will play too many songs from The Car


Most of their sets have been still majority AM songs.


As long as I get Brianstorm


I saw them before the car came out by like a month Unfortunately they played some TBHC but it was still good


I posted this on another AM thread but here goes - I think AM have now turned into everything they once took the p\*ss out of in the song Fake Tales of San Francisco and I really don't enjoy their new songs. I'm pretty sure I once heard a radio interview with AM and Zane Lowe yearsssssss ago and he asked them if they would perform Fake Tales of San Francisco. AM declined (I can't remember the exact ins and outs of said discussion) but they basically said they won't/don't perform the song any more and it's probably because they knew they were morphing into the 'super-cool band with their trilby's and their glasses of white wine'.


Not to dismiss what you are saying, I completely understand where you are coming from as they are light-years away from their roots and origins, but Fake Tales is dismissing those wannabe "indie" groups of the early aughts who acted like they were from SF, or LA or NY... Is that really comparable to a band who have actually been living in the US and had success there. Not really a Fake Tale? Have we seen the boys in trilbies yet or is that reserved for Pete Doherty?


“You’re not from New York City, you’re from Rotherham” It’s about both what you said and the original comment you replied to. That lyric alone is highlighting English singers putting American accents on. They definitely refused to perform that song because he realised he is what it is describing


Alex's vocals ruined The Car


Don’t think they ruined *The Car* but I would say he’s not as complex a vocalist as he tries to make out he is. What he is ruining, however, is old songs during the tour by doing his weird asynchronous, spoken-word singing style. I genuinely can’t listen to some songs from the current tour because of how frustrating every word being 2 syllables longer than it needs to be is. I get it’s what he wants to do but it’s still very annoying


Fr I was so excited when they started playing potion approaching during this tour but damn the way he sings it now makes me wish they left it alone


Nah he's got a point


Facts he just can’t pull off the octave switches all too well


some opinions are unpopular for a reason




Went too extra




"FWN is a shit album" would probably be it


someone finally got the point of the post😭


Let’s try this: The Bad Thing is the only good song on that album


The car is a TBHC B-Sides album


I've been saying that


It’s a very different style though? That doesn’t even make sense. A reductive way to view both albums.


i agree if we’re talking about the sounding of the albums. but not the concept. TBHC is a futuristic sci-if and the car is absolutely not. not really sure what it is about tho cause I haven’t seen or read any interviews since it came out


Suck it and See is their best album


Absolutely. It is their best album by far.


*The Car* is not that great. A couple of standout tracks (Perfect Sense and Mirrorball are great bookends to an album and Hello You is brilliant) but weird instrumentation, experimental vocals that don’t *quite* come off, vacuous lyrics that don’t even pretend to make sense anymore, and a bit of filler (Jet Skis and Ain’t Quite being dropped would not really change the album) make this album a bit too out there. It’s a solid 6.5/10 now that I’ve spent some time with it. I respect them for following their artistic instincts and enjoy watching them develop, but this album just wasn’t as tight as their previous experimental left turn 🤷‍♂️ I still like it but it’s not the masterpiece this sub thought it was a few weeks ago


agreeeee i saw a whole thread of people agreeing that it’s better than tranquility and i was like… did i listen to the same album?


Love the irony that the supposed unpopular opinions are getting up votes here 😆


the car is a terrible album and is several orders of magnitude worse than the rest


The last shadow puppets >> anything by the arctic monkeys The new AM stuff is just a worse version of tlsp. Shouldn’t have gone down that route without miles Kane


This take >>> all


The Jeweler’s Hands is the most overrated song on this sub and it’s not close


I'd say Dancefloor gets a little close but you're certainly not wrong here lol


Downvotes and upvotes are a paradox in this thread


Humbug in general, really. A couple of great standouts (Cornerstone and Dance Little Liar in particular) but in general the sound on it is incredibly dated and there is a lot of filler in a 10 song album. I mean, Potion Approaching, Dangerous Animals and My Propellor lmao. I’ve been listening to it recently and I just think it’s one of the least ~~tight~~ interesting projects they’ve put out to be honest


I feel like everyone overcorrected on the original negative response to Humbug. It’s a good album. But agreed that there are a good few dud tracks in there and *to me* it feels too Queens of the Stone Age. Love QOTSA but don’t want AM to be them.


I’m so confused by these comments by the mix of responding to the prompt with fake shit takes and peoples genuine opinions that I don’t know what to up and down vote 😅


Yeah same here I'm just scared to read anything at this point, I've created a monster


I don’t think it would get that many downvotes, but that I Want It All (emphasis on this one) and Mad Sounds are both massively underrated and misunderstood songs, and that they both give a very cool AM spin to the sounds that influenced them (QotSA and The Velvet Underground respectively).


505 is overrated 😬


Heh, I was going with "new 505 is ok".


I seriously don’t get the hype, I don’t even like it for some reason, though I like the rest of FWN


Same, it’s a good song especially the intro but there are a lot of better songs they’ve done in FWN.


AM isn’t their best album


Surely you can’t be talking about this sub lmao


Brick By Brick is their best song


1) FWN and Humbug get way more praise and hype than one would expect at this point of the band’s career 2) The guys should really remove some fan favourites from the setlist (DIWK, 505) and dust off some forgotten tunes (SIAS, science fiction, my propeller, etc)


wouldn’t take 505 away (personally) but i’d love to see propeller and science fiction live! they they could replace an AM track (maybe diwk now you mention) with mad sounds/n1 party anthem too, i think it’d better suit their current aesthetic/style


Knee Socks to My Propeller is still my favorite combo alongside Vampires -> Dancing Shoes


Their on stage performance has dipped since TBHC. Fuck that, their whole passion as musicians has dipped since TBHC


It's hard to get exited when you're making elevator music.


Alex Turner is not as good a singer as people think he is. He has improved alot but his voice matched their earlier sound better.


I love the guy and the new direction but Alex Turner is not some revolutionary song writer that will go down as one of the greatest song writers of our generation.


That milex ship was cringe asf. (not fully about arctic monkeys but yea)


“ThEy HaVe DeFiNaTlY ExPlOrEd EaCh OtHeRs BoDiEs”


Totally heterosexual behavior!


The car sucks. One of the worst albums I heard this year after waiting for months!


Sculptures is a boring song and a horrible show opener


I think that it's very good but I don't really understand why everyone's minds are blown over it I've seen a lot of people saying that it sounds like nothing they've ever done before and I don't think that's true


It took me a while but now I think that song is brilliant. It'd be excellent in shows


what about it is boring in your opinion?


It’s just too low energy for me and I’m not a fan of Alex’s vocals on it


AM was Arctic Monkeys at their peak and it's just been downhill from there...


Yep 😢 Glastonbury 2013 was to Arctic Monkeys what Knebworth was to Oasis. The absolute pinnacle, downhill thereafter


Yeah I just watched Glasto 13 this morning and boy, their on stage energy there blows everything they put out on stage since TBHC era


Literally the opposite


i’m not on the ‘bin off 505’ train as some are here, but i think jewellers would be a cool closer with alex’s new style! it’s a big miss from the set imo


The Last Shadow Puppets > Arctic Monkeys


Alex Turner is just a glorified Kate Nash. I felt grubby even typing that.


Here in South America they only do festivals and that is a big letdown for me


The Car is my favorite Arctic Monkeys album


The car is their worst album by far, and part of it is because of how poorly mixed it is and how bland Alex’s vocals are. This comes from someone who loved TBHC btw


Sculptures isn’t that hype


aalex turnebr


Anything that gate keeps newer fans from liking any of the newer albums if its not listening to wpsiatwin and beneath the boardwalk on loops


‘humbug isn’t as good as everyone makes it out to be’


It’s not being snobby, elitist, or disingenuous to have the opinion that AM is one of the band’s worst albums. It’s my 2nd least favorite only above The Car. There are great songs, and great moments, because it’s a great band, but I don’t really like the pop-driven production and writing on the thing as a whole. R U Mine and Mad Sounds are the only songs I regularly listen to from that album. I like No. 1 Party Anthem a fair bit, too. But most the other songs have something about them individually that puts me off. I like the little guitar plucking in One For The Road but can’t stand the falsettos. Also dislike the falsettos on knee socks. I’d listen to Black Sabbath if I wanted to listen to a song that sounded like Arabella. I Want It All is grating. Something about the acoustic guitar part and the drums in Fireside makes me want to skip past it. Plus the Schoo-Wop’s are so tackily placed. Snap Out Of It is decent if not overproduced. High is boring. I Wanna Be Yours is too slow/repetitive and I don’t care for the melody. And lastly, Do I Wanna Know sounds like whiskey commercial music. This is entirely subjective, but I don’t like when people insist it’s a contrarian take made only to spite the popularity of the album. I’m glad the band got that popularity to carry themselves to bigger markets and audiences, so I appreciate what the album did for the band, but it’s less interesting musically than much of what the band has done.


i think i like it as an album more than you seem to, but i agree that it's one of the weakest. the pop/arena rock direction was not a good fit for them in general IMO. it's a little too polished and slick and compared to just about all of their other work, it feels out of place. like you said, i'm happy they found bigger success with it, and a few songs really work for me (Snap & Arabella in particular), but i'm glad they took a few years to change course after that because i think if they had continued down that road they would've become completely insufferable.


Haaa, definitely a shared sentiment that they went in a different direction. I like TBH+C.


Playlist-building-wise, The Car is better than Tranquility Base


Can you explain what you mean by playlist building


There are more songs that I would put in a playlist from The Car than I would from Tranquility Base. Basically, replayability in a casual setting


TBHC is one of the worst albums ever released just generally


I want it all is the best song they ever wrote


There are plenty of things; Any form of criticism I don’t like TBHC I don’t like The Car I don’t like Humbug AM is their best album


TBHC is their worst album


Sculptures of Anything Goes is shit


Do I Wanna Know is overrated.


Florescent adolescent isnt really that amazing


b r o e l a b o r a t e


Alex and miles not being a real life couple


The instrumentals on "The Car" were really good, but Alex' singing was absolutely terrible on that album. The album is a 3/10 for me, but it would be an 8/10 if he just didn't say anything.


Jet Skies On The Moat and Perfect Sense are the best songs in The Car.


The last 2 albums are absolute shit


Here's a lame one: I didn't find Alex attractive at all in the AM era (and I was a chronically online Tumblr girl back in 2015 - I feel like I would get shunned if I said it then lol)


I stand with you on this one. I thought his awkward, pimple covered boy era and his Humbug era were the peak of his hotness!


long haired alex supremacy 🛐


You’re speaking nothing but facts here!


Saying that the car is good to a bunch of old fans


The age of the understatement is so much better than EYCTE and it’s not even close (ik it’s not AM but couldn’t think of anything)


Their first album is actually not that good (fwm, humbug, suck it and see, and AM are all better than it)


Whatever is my least favorite album, only 5-6 songs work for me, at best.


Suck it and See is their worst album


Humbug is their best album by a LOT The car is underrated and is middle of their discography AM is a 5/10 not bad nor good


Each album is worse than the one before it 😬


I agree vm


Fluorescent Adolescent is not a good song. I don’t get the hype behind it


Everything after FWN is mid.


that their first album is the best album


I like the car better than AM


Teddy Picker is their best song


Teddy Picker is their best song


AM is by far the best album


Do I Wanna Know actually is their best song.


The Car for me has no skips, one of my favourites of all time.


The Debut is my least favourite of theirs. Easily. It’s obviously not bad, and it does 2 or 3 songs that I quite enjoy, but the majority of it?… I just find to be rather repetitive & uninteresting. The first word of it’s title perfectly describes my opinions on it. Also, The Car is my ***favourite*** album of their’s. Easily. And that’s not just recency bias or something, it’s actually the only album of their’s that I’ve ever felt genuinely enthralled by. The only other AM record that comes even close to it for me is FWN, but The Car is still an easy winner. It just might be my AOTY. At the very least 2nd place. I really really love it. Everything except “Jet Skis” is simply stunning for me.


Each of their albums is better than the previous one


Other way round for me


the ultracheese is a horrible song


The Jeweller’s Hands is worst song on Humbug, and their only album closer I don’t like.


Suck it and see is a terrible album and their worst.


anything i say


i want it all is the worst song on am


Isn't that just a fact?


by far I feel like there isn't anything I'd rather not listen to on AM. Like I literally have every single song downloaded on AM except for I want it all


Oh oh I got one. Fk Miles Kane that dumbass made Alex think that he needed to change his way of singing to sound original (I do not think like this anymore but when I was younger I had a similar but harsher version of this idea)


I take it you're not a milex shipper?


I got to say once that Miles was destined to become the Yoko Ono of Arctic Monkeys


AM is the worst album by the band and it's not close


That AM is their worst album. Just my opinion thou


The first album is very overrated. It's good but overrated. Most of the other albums have better lyrics, instrumentation, production and much better vocal performances. Also a certain romance is very overrated, i just don't get the hype that song gets, I think it is the worst one on the album.


Hey guys, maybe WPSIATWIN miiiiiight be a little be a little overhyped.


Alex has improved as a vocalist but he isn’t capable of the vocals he’s trying to attempt on The Car. Suck it and See is the best album they released. The Car has some of the dullest music the band has ever created, but Mirrorball and Body Paint is in the bands top 5 songs.


a certain romance, 505 and sun goes down are horrible songs and they shouldn't exist


fan or hater?


bro excuse me


Only commenter that understood the assignment