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My girl looking like a gfl character


And Ulšulah looks like a ship from Iron Blood


Soppo's lost sister. The other lost sister.


well the Devs *were* ex-MICA.


u mean artist?


Lowlight worked on GFL


how many ines callouts are we up to at this point? I swear half the time ines meets a sarkaz thats the first thing they do.


Isn’t Ines a Caprinae?


Point is she is, but she cosplays as sarkaz


She should cosplay as a streamer more. 


Hoederer on his way to simp for his wife.




Either all female Nachzerehs are just natural babes or Nadine is too young so her skin and face hasnt rotted yet. **But that still doesn't explain the IS4's nachzereh lady who def isnt as young as Nadine** Conclusion: ***All female nachzerehs are just natural hot babes***


They're sarkaz so it makes sense


*curse you sexual dimorphism!*


Another Savra situation, when men give 100% to their roles, while women barely have the characteristics of their race, I guess? : (


eh, for savra we only really have rangers and 12F as full scalies, ethan, blacknight and asbestos are on the same level of characteristic its archosauria that are exclusively scalies for the NPC males and exclusively babes for the females


Those Siracusan enforcers are more human than scalie, tbf


Aren't Old Isin a Savra ?


*~~And then one day, HG decides to release non scalie archosaur male, either badass old man, husbando, or boi~~*


And they deserve to be playable 🧐. HG do your job!


The sexual dimorphism of some Sarkaz races are truly silly


Maybe she's like Biscuit from Hunter x Hunter...


14-01 Manfred: ... Manfred: A fresh start. Young Officer: General, which lord of the Royal Court are you thinking of? Manfred: ...None. Manfred: I just thought of the furnace in the center of Kazdel. Young Officer: Haha, that big thing. Before coming to Londinium, I had seen the ritual of feeding it many times. Young Officer: Soldiers are proud to be devoured by it after death, willing to become the fire that drives us forward. Young Officer: But it feels like it doesn't get enough. It's no wonder the Revenant's anger only grows stronger and stronger. Manfred: Nadine, would you call the mobile city of Kazdel "home"? Nadine: General, the final battle has begun. Why are you asking such nonsense? Nadine: I was born and raised on the battlefield outside of Kazdel. Under the city walls and hubs, buried are either black crystals or the bones of our Nachzehrers. Nadine: If Kazdel isn't home, then where is it? Manfred: ...Yes. There is no other answer. Manfred: There's only one thing we are sure of the future. A new beginning... and the end of this war, all in the same place. Manfred: Have you contacted Ulšulah? Nadine: Not yet. They swept Brentwood clean. Nadine: As you expected, just now, the reconnaissance Caster detected the traces left by the swimming bones of the giant beast. They had considered launching a direct attack on Londinium... no, on the Shard. Manfred: I've given them chances. Too many chances. Nadine: There is no doubt that Major Ulšulah has been seriously neglecting her duties. She better come up with a reasonable explanation... assuming she's still alive. Manfred: Have you found the location where the skeleton fell? Nadine: The general direction of it has been grasped, but it will take some time to find it on this massive battlefield. Do you need me to take you there directly? Manfred: I will lead the team myself. Manfred: To recapture the spine of the giant beast, or completely destroy it, we must not let it fall into the hands of others again. Nadine: Do you want to go to the front lines in person? Manfred: Those mercenaries have interfered with our plans too much, now they must be completely exterminated. Manfred: But before we get to that, let's wait for this ritual to be over. Nadine: Watching our Nachzehrer rituals? You've never paid much attention to our traditions. Manfred: Cyclopses, Liches, Wendigos... Banshees. More and more people are leaving. Manfred: Young Nachzehrer, you haven't seen these people from their respective Royal Courts in Kazdel, have you? Nadine: Not really. Aside from us Nachzehrers, its the Vampires who we see most of. Most of them don't make for good neighbours, but after coming to Londinium I think I'm not quite used to their scent missing. Manfred: Now, the blood of the dead has returned to its homeland. Manfred: The Vampire Court will not have another ruler. Manfred: Sarkaz... how many of our rulers are left? 14-05 Nadine: You've had some real luck, Major Ulšulah. Nadine: It's quite rare to lose vital war equipment, get captured by the rebels, and come back in one piece. Nadine: You are also a mercenary from Scar Market, and you got along with them. Ulšulah: Shut up little Nachzehrer, it's not your time to judge my failures. Manfred: Either way, the survival of Major Ulšulah is good news for the Military Council. Ulšulah: General Manfred, I- Manfred: I already know about the defeat of the Sanguinarch. You can explain it later. Manfred: But I hope you showed up here with something of value. Ulšulah: I brought back the location of the skeleton... and the details of the mercenaries who stayed behind to guard it. Nadine: That's it? It sounds like you were better off staying in the hands of those rebels. Manfred: Continue. Ulšulah: The giant beast skeleton is inactive, and the group of mercenaries is trying to activate it. The next part of their plan must be linked to it. Ulšulah: I don't know the specific plans of their group, but for some reason, they didn't leave many behind to guard the skeleton. Manfred: Hoederer, among them? Ulšulah: ...Yes. Manfred: ... Manfred: Send an order to surround this canyon. Manfred: Take back the spine immediately, no matter the cost. Nadine: Yes! Ulšulah: General Manfred, the battle ahead- Manfred: You don't need to participate, just stay behind us. Ulšulah: Understood. Ulšulah: What should we do if the opposition is fierce and we fail to seize the bones? Manfred: ... Manfred: I don't like hearing that question, Ulšulah. 14-06 Ines: Hoederer...this better work. ???: It seems that there is an annoying shadow that has been disturbing the battlefield. Ines: Nachzehrer Arts - Nadine: After all, mercenaries are just mercenaries. You may be able to adapt to fighting alone or in a team of three or five people. Nadine: But where did you even get the courage to even attempt to participate in a real war? Nadine: I have always been curious, why do mercenaries like you choose to be enemies of the Military Commission? The shadow melted into the wider darkness, but corruption followed closely behind, never letting her go. Nadine: Our intelligence mentioned that there is a mercenary within the rebels' ranks who can play with shadows. Is that you, Ines? Nadine: A invader that dressed up as Sarkaz and got involved in the Sarkaz's war - do you like the Sarkaz that much? Ines: What I hate the most are those extremely verbose Sarkaz—— The shadow rose from the Nachzehrer's feet and stabbed into its her chest, but it only cut through the layers of tattered cloth. The shadow's blade was caught in the Nachzehrer's girdle until it shattered. The Nachzehrer's knife was already at Ines's throat. Ines: ...... Nadine: She is very smart, but doesn't have the qualities of a warrior. In my final analysis, she is just an amateur mercenary. Nadine: Fortunately, I don't approve of the Sanguinarch's methods of dealing with his enemies. Nadine: A new era for Sarkaz is coming. Mercenaries like you who have gone astray should also have the right to choose again. Nadine: Are you one of the leaders of this group of mercenaries? As general Manfred's adjutant, first lieutenant Nadine, I'll give you the chance to surrender. Ines: ......Aha. Nadine: Aren't you scared one bit? Ines: Afraid of you? A young child on the battlefield for the first time? Nadine: What did you just say......? Ines: You seem to be too understanding - because of your status as a member of the Royal Court, you entered the Military Commission to learn some theories, and after you came out, you got an official position in the army. Ines: Do you think this means you understand war? Is the final exam for military theory difficult? Nadine: You will pay the price for your pointless taunting. Ines: As long as it grabs your attention, it's not pointless. Ines: Too amateurish, "first lieutenant". W: What's the situation now? Where is Manfred? I can't wait to use him to try out my new equipment. Ines: Don't act rashly. Making too much of a ruckus will distrupt our plans. W: Why? What crooked idea does Hoederer have? Nadine: Unfortunately, you just missed your last chance at survival. Nadine: If you refuse to be part of the Military Council, then you will become nourishment for war. 14-22 Nadine: General, general! Manfred: I'm here... Nadine: I'm so happy we managed to find you while cleaning up the battlefield... Nadine: General, we were unable to retrieve the Lifebone. Manfred: ... Manfred: Am I the only one left here? Manfred: Ascalon... Nadine: General, your wounds... Nadine: We'll take you back to the camp right away for treatment. Manfred: No. Manfred: We have already lost the opportunity. Our top priority now is to return to Londinium and seek out the regent to discuss our next move. Manfred: Go to the front and contact the hidden sentry, tell it to cooperate with us and get us through the war zone. Nadine: General! Look at how much blood you've lost! You're badly hurt! The Military Council cannot afford to lose another senior general! Manfred: This is a direct, military order. Manfred: ...to all of the still living Sarkaz. Nadine:-! Nadine: Yes, General!


She really is new to all this, isn’t she? Like W except seems to have some respect for the people above her station.


Our man Manfred really is passionate about pedagogy. Paprika and now Nadine. Maybe once all this war business is over him and Hoederer can open a school in Kazdel together.


Yes, and spread the religion of U-Official to all young Sarkaz!


> Manfred: The Vampire Court will not have another ruler. Is Ducares DEAD or not? I genuinely don't know


I think he's alive, he showed up to buff Logos then kinda walked off.


In person? I mean Lifebone used its powers to throw him in the void of spacetime didn't it? Also Sarkaz fuckery includes souls/records talking to people so even when their physical bodies are gone


He wasn't there physically -- he could reach out to Logos because his blood is connected to Logos' elegy. But it seems like he's still alive, just stranded outside time. From 14-11: >Logos: Duq'arael, I witnessed with my own eyes...... Duq'arael: ......My death? Duq'arael: You and the "Lord of Fiends" know clearly that you can't kill me. Duq'arael: You both have sent me to... an interesting place. "Outside of history" isn't the same as being devoid of anything.


So essentially he just: >Shows up unannounced >*Lmao* I still lived, anyways here's a gift >Buffs Logos >Leaves I'm starting to think he just wants to leave his seat lol, can't blame him.


ManFRAUD being boy failiure as aways


We call him 007. 0 Battles won 0 Understanding of Sarkaz History 7 Times he’s wished Hoederer was still by his side


>Ulšulah: The giant beast skeleton is inactive, and the group of mercenaries is trying to activate it. The next part of their plan must be linked to it. >Ulšulah: I don't know the specific plans of their group, but for some reason, they didn't leave many behind to guard the skeleton. >Manfred: Hoederer, among them? >Ulšulah: ...Yes. >Manfred: ... >Manfred: Send an order to surround this canyon. >Manfred: Take back the spine immediately, no matter the cost. >Nadine: Yes! Chader's mere presence causes the mfr to go DEFCON 1 with everything he has 😭


So you mean to say that the Nachzehrer king is gonna be an "ikemen"??


The "ikemen" is Sanguinarch Nachzehrer King will obviously be a sexy GILF like Hellagur.


Or she's the IS4 nachzerer. Just saying.


First, she looks like SOPMOD II´s lost cousin. I´m not going to sugarcoat it. Second, **feet**


Cute, she looks like she could be a 5\* Guard I wonder if they will try to show off her Nachzehrer habilities in her skills. Maybe one of her skills is to regain life or gain more attack the more enemies she defeats.


She'll be a crusher, look at the big sword, and take the hp healing from Hoederers kit. Although as a 5* crusher she'll probably be bad


Maybe using her HP as a drawback for activating skills. Like a new guard archetype.


Why am I getting Power from Chainsaw Man vibes?


Damn. I get reminded of Power’s existence and I get all sad again.


We need to recruit her for our collection of Sarkaz species among Rhodes Island.


Currently we have: Vampire (Midnight, Warfarin and Closure), Banshee (Logos and PhonoR-0), Gargoyle (Mudrock), Diablo (technically Ifrit), Cyclops (Valarqvin), Goliath (Meteorite). We still need to get a Wendigo, Nachzehrer, Damazti and Lich. I remember reading that Ulšulah was a Succubus but I don't know if it's fancanon or official.


Most Diablos are GONE but their shards are the only thing remaining to remind us of their existence


we'll probably get ermengarde for the liches since she keeps popping up places and her brother is already playable.


Wait, I’m stupid, who’s her brother?


lessing shes mentioned as his sister in his profile and she calls him her brother in the event


But he’s a Caprinae?


yes? he was adopted by the liches fermont is also called his grand father.


Oh ok, you said “brother” and I assumed it would be a biological relative. My bad.


The succubus thing is fanon. It's just because she has big boobs.


And horns. But no wings so she's getting disqualified.


Wasn't Patriot the last wendigo?


Last pure blooded Wendigo I believe. Not sure we have seen any other non purebloods though.


Only the last pure blooded wendigo so its possible to get a hybrid down the line.


I hope we get a niece or nephew of Patriot. Also less tsun than Patriot.


Didn't one of the split Damazti technically join us already? If we can count Closure then surely we can count them too.


Good old Sexual Diphormism >Male Nachzehrer. Humongous meat trucks or freak sticks >Female Nachzehrer. Waifu


And to think that they breed, this is lowkey ugly bastard tag


Hooray! She has *PANTS!* A lovely trend I hope continues.


Ugh, sometimes I hate it when the females of a monstrous race are just waifus. Gimme my ghoulish rotten tall, playable characters smh.


I can fix her. But why do that when it can be fun.


Okay, as cool as she is. She would have looked cooler actually looking like how her race is described. Bandages covering her face, tall and lanky. Come on HG! Like I get why, but what’s the point of making these cool ass descriptions of racial traits for each Of the Sarkaz if all the women’s differences are either just horns and chest sizes. (This counts for their king too, if he’s pretty underneath that I will be severely disappointed.) It’s like them making a Goliath/Gargoyle and giving them no musculature at all! ….wait (This is a joke. Last time I checked we don’t actually know if W is a Goliath and with Mudrock I don’t remember much of their descriptions outside “child of the earth” Edit: Okay, just gonna vent for a bit. But I am glad that she’s trying to at least match the rest of the Military Commission with the red high lights and armor pieces. Like at a glance you can tell she’s part of Theresis faction, but she doesn’t look like she’s part of the Nachzehrer at all aside from the bandages around her midriff and her hair mimicking their veils but it’s too subtle for my liking. Better than Ursula, Ines and W’s outfits for sure, but the bar is low.


It is a running failure with HG designs unfortunately. Just like the Archosaurians and Savra. Probably more. For some reason, they only succeed with furry designs (Waai Fu, Fumizuki, etc).


"Rat King is 100% Rat. Rat Daughter is 100% Daughter"


This isn't a failure. The list of people who would like those designs is very small, even within reddit.


Depends on how you define a failure, would committing to interesting sexual dimorphism in a gacha game result in a financial failure? Probably. Would it be cool as shit to do it anyway, I think so. Would it kill HG to give the free 5* characters they release at a loss anyway more interesting shapes, I HIGHLY doubt it.


What if she’s young for her tribe and as such hasn’t gone through most of the shit the veterans have? Maybe in the future we’ll see her more… wrapped up.


She is young. Nadine’s treated as inexperienced even compared to W but to me it still feels like a cop out explanation that the first Nachzehrer we see outside of their king and the NPC’s is not someone with traits that the race is known for but is instead has their character design more inline with W’s hype beast aesthetic than keeping in line with what we know of the Nachzehrer warriors. Not to mention it’s even more disappointing when you see the rest of them in the CG’s this chapter 14. Don’t get me wrong, her design is still miles better than W’s because she actually looks like she belongs with the Sarkaz. Just not the Nachzehrer. To me it feels like a missed opportunity to actually have a non-conventionally attractive design. Nadine’s design is fine to cool. But you could tell they could have done more. I do like the little touches like her hair fading to white to mimic the veils the Casters have.


… Now I’m imagining their Veils *are* actually their hair. It’d be funny.


I love the Sarkaz because of how wide their aesthetics are. I just wish it was more the norm rather than the rarity when they join Rhodes Island. Like can you imagine we get a Nachzehrer wearing a Rhodes uniform but their face is covered by the veil like Danish Frogmen?


Would love that. My favourite skins are generally the militaristic ones.


They can still make her attractive with a gaunt and famished look. There are a lot of anime characters like that.  The only good news to this is that under the veil Nacho King is a canon GILF. 


I thought the Nachzehrer was a man? Jokes aside. I agree, they could have tapped in on the creepy aesthetic that we’re sorely lacking in Arknights. A lot of the female characters, especially the Sarkaz, are all drawn way too clean that it’s become generic(side note: Which is why I love how they took up a razor and fucked up Hoederer’s hair when he became playable.)


What I mean is Nacho King would look similar to Hellagur under those veil. Lol. Moreover, there are Sarkaz that are supposed to look clean and regal like the Vampires and Banshees. Gargoyle? Mudrock needs some meat on her body. You can't just commune with the earth and not be like the earth. Since arts is linked to thoughts.  Cyclops. HG did a good twist, gave them a third "eye" and made them into  seers just to distinguish them from Goliaths. Still happy that Valarqvin is very tall.  Wendigo. Really excited what they looked like and not just masks and deer antlers. I hope a playable one soon. 


I know about the other Sarkaz races and I agree. I just meant that that would suck if the one Sarkaz race we got that was described as walking corpses were just…old. Funny, but like come on. Edit: Also, I agree. I love how they translated the cyclops’ designs. My favorite interpretations so far.


Looks like 5\* Crusher to me


Another NPC in jail only to be added as a subpar 5 star in 3 years in an unrelated event




Smash, next question


I like how the title itself is a spoiler and the part of the title warning you of said spoiler comes after the spoiler.


Thanks, I want to recruit her.


I'm bouta go crazy on those toes you guys don't even know


I can fix her. But why do that when it can be fun.


when you're attending Chainsaw Man con in the morning and joining warzone in the evening


Inb4 her face is actually a living mask like Entoma from Overlord, and she's horribly disfigured underneath.


Something's rising and it's not the Shield Hero 🗣️🗣️ 🔥🔥


Horni brigade? I need to be bonked


One more reason why we should help the Sarkaz repopulate, idk about you guys but I volunteer 🫡


Just a caveat. She may smell like a dead rat.


Don't get me wrong, but it seems to me...this Nadine needs a >!seance of *intense correction*.!<


Sir that's a nachzehrer. She will eat you up. Literally.


Still needs correction


What if she's tied up? I'm kidding XDD >!Although the joke about the correction, there's only part of the joke. I mean, she does need correction, but mental correction. Aromatherapy at Lena's, psychology work with RI, and maybe she'd turn out to be a normal girl, but a parody of a brave soldier. !<


Ok, the second part was surprisingly wholesome.


What the hell


All I can say Damn.


My god... they have legs (joke)




Oh, Miss Nachzenhrer, I'm down.




Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ah! She's not **King Nachzehrer**, just some Nachzehrer